import subprocess import sys import os import platform import time import re from xml.etree import ElementTree exitCode = 0 tests = [ "Android/", "DependencyOrder/", "Scope/", ] if platform.system() == "Darwin": tests.append( "OSX/HelloLibraries/", ) csbuildPath = os.path.abspath("../") os.putenv("PYTHONPATH", csbuildPath) results = {} ansi_escape = re.compile(r'\x1b[^m]*m') for test in tests: print("================================================================================") print(">>> Running test {}".format(test)) print("================================================================================") start = time.time() fd = subprocess.Popen( [ sys.executable, os.path.basename(test), "--rebuild" ] + sys.argv[1:], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd = os.path.dirname(test) ) (output, errors) = fd.communicate() if sys.version_info >= (3,0,0): output = output.decode("UTF-8") errors = errors.decode("UTF-8") results[test] = (re.sub(ansi_escape, "", output), re.sub(ansi_escape, "", errors), fd.returncode, time.time() - start) sys.stdout.write(output) sys.stderr.write(errors) testSuiteName = "csbuild-python2" if "ython2" in sys.executable else "csbuild-python3" root = ElementTree.Element("testsuite", name=testSuiteName, tests=str(len(tests)), errors=str(exitCode), failures=str(exitCode), skip="0") for test, (output, errors, returnCode, runtime) in results.items(): child = ElementTree.SubElement(root, "testcase", classname=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(test))[0], name="UnitTest", time=str(runtime)) if returnCode != 0: ElementTree.SubElement(child, "failure", type="Exit code", message="Process {} exited with non-zero exit code {}".format(test, returnCode)) ElementTree.SubElement(child, "system-out").text=output ElementTree.SubElement(child, "system-err").text=errors with open("result-{}.xml".format(testSuiteName), "wb") as f: ElementTree.ElementTree(root).write(f, encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True) sys.exit(exitCode)
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#4 | 14212 | ShadauxCat | Fix bad xml output on linux. | ||
#3 | 14209 | ShadauxCat | Corrected syntax error. | ||
#2 | 14208 | ShadauxCat | Set to output different xml files for python2 vs python3 | ||
#1 | 14200 | ShadauxCat |
-Added --msvc-version command line argument -Added a to run all unit tests -Also testing teamcity automated tests #review-14201 |