#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2012 Sven Erik Knop, Perforce Software Ltd # # Idea: # Sync files from the default location (or, with -p, -u, -c, -H, -P options) # Show progress using the Tkinter.tkk ProgressBar, P4.OutputHandler and P4.Progress # from __future__ import print_function from argparse import ArgumentParser import P4 try: import Tkinter as tk import ttk import Queue as queue except ImportError: import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk import queue import threading class P4Command: def __init__(self): self.parser = ArgumentParser( description=self.description(), epilog="Copyright (C) 2012 Sven Erik Knop, Perforce Software Ltd" ) self.parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', help="P4PORT") self.parser.add_argument('-c', '--client', help="P4CLIENT") self.parser.add_argument('-u', '--user', help="P4USER") self.parser.add_argument('-H', '--host', help="P4HOST") self.parser.add_argument('-P', '--password', help="P4PASSWD") self.parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory', help="CWD") self.addArguments() self.myOptions = self.parser.parse_args() self.p4 = P4.P4() if self.myOptions.port: self.p4.port = self.myOptions.port if self.myOptions.client: self.p4.client = self.myOptions.client if self.myOptions.user: self.p4.user = self.myOptions.user if self.myOptions.host: self.p4.host = self.myOptions.host if self.myOptions.password: self.p4.password = self.myOptions.password if self.myOptions.directory: self.p4.cwd = self.myOptions.directory def description(self): return "P4Command" def addArguments(self): pass class GuiPart(tk.Tk): def __init__(self, p4sync, queue): tk.Tk.__init__(self) self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.title("P4 Sync") mainframe = ttk.Frame(self, padding="3 3 12 12 ") mainframe.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky="NWSE") mainframe.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) # resize progress bar horizontally mainframe.rowconfigure(0, weight=0) # don't move the progress bar up or down mainframe.columnconfigure(1, weight=0) # and leave the label and button where they are mainframe.rowconfigure(1, weight=1) # resize the output listbox self.queue = queue self.p4sync = p4sync self.progress = ttk.Progressbar(mainframe, orient="horizontal", length=300, mode="determinate") self.progress.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky="EW") self.progress["value"] = 0 self.progress["maximum"] = 100 self.percent = tk.StringVar() self.percent.set("0.0 %") ttk.Label(mainframe, textvariable=self.percent).grid(column=1, row=0) frame = ttk.Frame(mainframe) frame.grid(column=0, row=1,sticky="NSEW") frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) frame.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.yscrollbar= ttk.Scrollbar(frame, orient=tk.VERTICAL) self.yscrollbar.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky="NS") self.xscrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar(frame, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL) self.xscrollbar.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky="EW") self.listbox = tk.Listbox(frame, height=10,width=40, yscrollcommand=self.yscrollbar.set, xscrollcommand=self.xscrollbar.set) self.listbox.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky="NSEW" ) self.yscrollbar["command"] = self.listbox.yview self.xscrollbar["command"] = self.listbox.xview self.button = ttk.Button(mainframe, text="Sync", command=p4sync.start) self.button.grid(column=1,row=1,sticky=tk.S) for child in mainframe.winfo_children(): child.grid_configure(padx=5, pady=5) def periodicCall(self): self.processIncoming() self.after(100, self.periodicCall) class StartRefresh: def __init__(self): pass def apply(self, gui): gui.button.configure(text="Cancel") gui.button.configure(command=gui.p4sync.cancel) class FinishedRefresh: def __init__(self): pass def apply(self, gui): gui.button.configure(text="Quit") gui.button.configure(command=gui.p4sync.quit) class DescriptionRefresh: def __init__(self, description): self.description = description def apply(self, gui): gui.title(self.description) gui.progress["value"] = 0 class UpdateRefresh: def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def apply(self, gui): gui.progress["value"] = self.value gui.percent.set("%.1f %%" % self.value) class DepotFileRefresh: def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename def apply(self, gui): gui.listbox.insert(tk.END, self.filename + "\n") gui.listbox.yview(tk.END) def processIncoming(self): """Read from queue, process results""" while self.queue.qsize(): try: refresh = self.queue.get(0) refresh.apply(self) except queue.Empty: pass class P4Sync(P4Command): def __init__(self): P4Command.__init__(self) self.queue = queue.Queue() self.gui = GuiPart(self, self.queue) def addArguments(self): self.parser.add_argument('-n', '--preview', dest='syncOptions', action='append_const', const='-n', help="Preview only, no syncing") self.parser.add_argument('--force', dest='syncOptions', action='append_const', const='-f', help="Force the update regardless of previous syncs") self.parser.add_argument('--print', dest='syncOptions', action='append_const', const='-p', help="Update local workspace without updating the database") self.parser.add_argument('--keep', dest='syncOptions', action='append_const', const='-k', help="Update database without updating the local workspace") self.parser.add_argument('filepaths', type=str, nargs='*', help="[file[revRange] ...]") def description(self): return "P4Sync" class Callback(P4.Progress, P4.OutputHandler): def __init__(self, queue): self.queue = queue self.totalFileCount = 0 self.totalFileSize = 0 self.response=P4.OutputHandler.HANDLED def outputStat(self, stat): if 'totalFileCount' in stat: self.totalFileCount = int(stat['totalFileCount']) if 'totalFileSize' in stat: self.totalFileSize = int(stat['totalFileSize']) if 'depotFile' in stat: refresh = GuiPart.DepotFileRefresh(stat['depotFile'] + "#" + stat['rev']) self.queue.put(refresh) return self.response def outputMessage(self, message): print("Error: ", message) return P4.OutputHandler.CANCEL def init(self, type): self.type = type def setDescription(self, description, unit): refresh = GuiPart.DescriptionRefresh(description) self.queue.put(refresh) # print("TotalFileCount: ", self.totalFileCount) # print("TotalFileSize: ", self.totalFileSize) def setTotal(self, total): pass # print("Total: %s" % total) def update(self, position): self.position = position # print("Position: %s" % position) refresh = GuiPart.UpdateRefresh(100 * int(position) / self.totalFileCount) self.queue.put( refresh ) def done(self, fail): self.fail = fail # print("Done") def start(self): self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.runInThread) self.thread.start() self.queue.put(GuiPart.StartRefresh()) self.gui.periodicCall() def cancel(self): self.callback.response=P4.OutputHandler.CANCEL def quit(self): import sys sys.exit(0) def runInThread(self): with self.p4.connect(): args = ['-q'] if self.myOptions.syncOptions: # is None if no options specified args += self.myOptions.syncOptions args += self.myOptions.filepaths self.callback = P4Sync.Callback(self.queue) result = self.p4.run_sync(args, progress=self.callback, handler=self.callback, exception_level=0) self.queue.put(GuiPart.FinishedRefresh()) if __name__ == '__main__': p4sync = P4Sync() p4sync.gui.mainloop()
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#14 | 8207 | Sven Erik Knop |
Refactoring, GuiPart is now the only user of Tk, P4Sync is completely independent of the GUI. This means I can now easily plug in other graphics frameworks or do something else with P4Sync. It also means I can hopefully reuse the GuiPart for P4Submit. |
#13 | 8206 | Sven Erik Knop | Don't need finish, just putting the event in the queue is enough. | ||
#12 | 8199 | Sven Erik Knop |
Ensure P4Sync.py actually works with Python 3. Tested with Python 3.3 Oh, and changed the type to xtext. Thanks Tom. |
#11 | 8198 | Sven Erik Knop | Cleanup of comments and removed extra superclasses not needed anymore. | ||
#10 | 8196 | Sven Erik Knop |
... and removed superfluous print ... |
#9 | 8195 | Sven Erik Knop | Added the revision number to the output for completeness. | ||
#8 | 8194 | Sven Erik Knop |
Now resizing works as well. I declare this version 1.0 :-) |
#7 | 8193 | Sven Erik Knop |
Works well enough, the yscrollbar does its job. Stopped worrying about the xscrollbar for now. Cancel and Quit work. |
#6 | 8192 | Sven Erik Knop | Works halfway, but the scrollbar is not pretty. | ||
#5 | 8191 | Sven Erik Knop | Now with output of files in a listbox. | ||
#4 | 8190 | Sven Erik Knop | Replaced crude refresh with Visitor pattern for easier extension. | ||
#3 | 8189 | Sven Erik Knop |
Now with a percentage string that tells me how far in the sync I have got. Laid out in a simple 2x2 grid. |
#2 | 8186 | Sven Erik Knop |
First working version of P4Sync Requires Python2.7, P4Python 2012.2+ and Tkinter (+Tkk) to work. Syntax (from --help): usage: P4Sync.py [-h] [-p PORT] [-c CLIENT] [-u USER] [-H HOST] [-P PASSWORD] [-d DIRECTORY] [-n] [--force] [--print] [--keep] [filepaths [filepaths ...]] P4Sync positional arguments: filepaths [file[revRange] ...] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -p PORT, --port PORT P4PORT -c CLIENT, --client CLIENT P4CLIENT -u USER, --user USER P4USER -H HOST, --host HOST P4HOST -P PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD P4PASSWD -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY CWD -n, --preview Preview only, no syncing --force Force the update regardless of previous syncs --print Update local workspace without updating the database --keep Update database without updating the local workspace Copyright (C) 2012 Sven Erik Knop, Perforce Software Ltd Point it to a Perforce Server with the parameters or start in an environment that has P4CONFIG or P4PORT/P4USER/P4CLIENT set, provide a file path if you do not want to sync everything in that workspace. Wait for the GUI to start up and press "Sync". There is debug output on the console for now. |
#1 | 8185 | Sven Erik Knop | None working example for a P4Sync progress bar |