<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?> <VisualStudioUserFile ProjectType="Visual C++" Version="9.00" ShowAllFiles="false" > <Configurations> <Configuration Name="Debug|Win32" > <DebugSettings Command="" WorkingDirectory="" CommandArguments="" Attach="false" DebuggerType="3" Remote="1" RemoteMachine="SKNOP-WIN7" RemoteCommand="" HttpUrl="" PDBPath="" SQLDebugging="" Environment="" EnvironmentMerge="true" DebuggerFlavor="" MPIRunCommand="" MPIRunArguments="" MPIRunWorkingDirectory="" ApplicationCommand="" ApplicationArguments="" ShimCommand="" MPIAcceptMode="" MPIAcceptFilter="" /> </Configuration> <Configuration Name="Release|Win32" > <DebugSettings Command="" WorkingDirectory="" CommandArguments="" Attach="false" DebuggerType="3" Remote="1" RemoteMachine="SKNOP-WIN7" RemoteCommand="" HttpUrl="" PDBPath="" SQLDebugging="" Environment="" EnvironmentMerge="true" DebuggerFlavor="" MPIRunCommand="" MPIRunArguments="" MPIRunWorkingDirectory="" ApplicationCommand="" ApplicationArguments="" ShimCommand="" MPIAcceptMode="" MPIAcceptFilter="" /> </Configuration> </Configurations> </VisualStudioUserFile>
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 7817 | Sven Erik Knop |
Updated NppPerforcePlugin: prevent crash for some people using newer versions of Notepad++. It seems that the existing sample code are wrong: adding a separator to the menu list does require a new entry in the function list. I also re-added my Visual Studio solution and project and added a compiled release version of the DLL. Let me know if there are any problems. |