#!/bin/bash #============================================================================== # Copyright and license info is available in the LICENSE file included with # the Component Based Development (CBD) project, and also available online: # https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-cbd/view/main/LICENSE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ set -u #============================================================================== # Declarations and Environment # Allow override of P4U_HOME, which is set only when testing P4U scripts. export P4U_HOME=${P4U_HOME:-/p4/common/bin} export P4U_LIB=${P4U_LIB:-/p4/common/lib} export P4U_ENV=$P4U_LIB/p4u_env.sh export P4U_LOG="/tmp/test_cbd.$(date +'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S').log" export CBD_HOME=${CBD_HOME:-/p4/common/bin/cbd} # Environment isolation. For stability and security reasons, prepend # PATH to include dirs where known-good scripts exist. # known/tested PATH and, by implication, executables on the PATH. export PATH=$P4U_HOME:$PATH:~/bin:. export P4CONFIG=BogusValueNonExistentFile [[ -r "$P4U_ENV" ]] || { echo -e "\nError: Cannot load environment from: $P4U_ENV.\n\n" exit 1 } declare BASH_LIBS=$P4U_ENV BASH_LIBS+=" $P4U_LIB/libcore.sh" BASH_LIBS+=" $P4U_LIB/libp4u.sh" for bash_lib in $BASH_LIBS; do source $bash_lib ||\ { echo -e "FATAL: Failed to load bash lib [$bash_lib]."; exit 1; } done declare Version=1.8.5 declare -i SilentMode=0 declare -i OverallReturnStatus=0 declare PasswordForEarl=Abcdefg123 export VERBOSITY=3 #============================================================================== # Local Functions #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Override of the default bail() function. This sets the global # OverallReturnStatus. function bail () { echo -e "\nFATAL: ${1:-Unknown Error}\n" OverallReturnStatus=${2:-1} exit ${2:-1}; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: terminate function terminate { # Disable signal trapping. trap - EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM # Don't litter. cleanTrash vvmsg "$THISSCRIPT: EXITCODE: $OverallReturnStatus" # Stop logging. [[ "${P4U_LOG}" == off ]] || stoplog # With the trap removed, exit. exit $OverallReturnStatus } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: get_pids() # # Safely get just the appropraite processes. Requires fully qualified path # to a copy of p4d/p4broker used for this instance. # # Examples: # p4dPids=get_pids($p4dExe) # p4brokerPids=get_pids($p4brokerExe) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function get_pids() { [[ -z "$1" ]] && bail "get_pids(): No executable specified." exe=$1 if [[ $ThisOS == Darwin ]]; then pids=$(/bin/ps -ef | grep "$exe" | grep "$(id -u)" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}') else pids=$(/bin/ps -f -C $(basename $exe) | grep $exe|awk '{print $2}') fi echo $pids } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: shutdown_servers() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function shutdown_servers() { vvmsg "CALL shutdown_servers($*)" # If we are using the SDP, the sdp reset script, called elsewhere, will # take care of shutting down p4d and p4broker processes started SDP-style. [[ $UseSDP -eq 1 ]] && return 0 p4dPids=$(get_pids "$SampleDepotHome/p4d") p4brokerPids=$(get_pids "$SampleDepotHome/p4broker") if [[ -n "$p4dPids" ]]; then runCmd "kill -9 $p4dPids" "Killing P4D pids [$p4dPids]." else msg "Verified: No P4D processes for the Sample Depot are running." fi if [[ -n "$p4brokerPids" ]]; then runCmd "kill -9 $p4brokerPids" "Killing P4Broker pids [$p4brokerPids]." else msg "Verified: No P4Broker processes for the Sample Depot are running." fi msg "Waiting a second to ensure pids stop." sleep 1 return 0 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: get_sample_depot() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function get_sample_depot() { vvmsg "CALL get_sample_depot($*)" msg "Getting Sample Depot." declare -i gotFile=0 if [[ -d $SampleDepotHome ]]; then runCmd "/bin/rm -rf $SampleDepotHome" "Blasting existing Sample Depot home dir [$SampleDepotHome]." ||\ bail "Failed to blast existing Sample Depot home dir [$SampleDepotHome]." fi runCmd "/bin/mkdir -p $SampleDepotHome" "Creating empty new Sample Depot home dir [$SampleDepotHome]" ||\ bail "Failed to create new Sample Depot root [$SampleDepotHome]." cd $SampleDepotHome || bail "Failed to cd to Sample Depot home dir [$SampleDepotHome]." msg "Operating in [$PWD]." if [[ $UseSDP -eq 1 && -f /depotdata/$SampleFileGZFile ]]; then runCmd "ln -s /depotdata/$SampleFileGZFile" \ "Symlinking existing Sample Depot tarfile using one downloaded by SDP Helix Installer." ||\ "Failed to create symlink in $PWD to /depotdata/$SampleFileGZFile." gotFile=1 fi if [[ $gotFile -eq 0 ]]; then runCmd "wget -q $SampleDepotURL" \ "Pulling Sample Depot from [$SampleDepotURL]." ||\ bail "Failed to pull Sample Depot." fi msg "Sample Depot pulled successfully." msg "Now, pulling Perforce executables for $p4Version on $Platform." for exeUrl in $p4URL $p4dURL $p4brokerURL; do exe=${exeUrl##*/} if [[ $UseSDP -eq 0 ]]; then runCmd "wget -q $exeUrl" \ "Pulling exe from [$exeUrl]." ||\ bail "Failed to pull exe from [$exeUrl]." runCmd "chmod +x $exe" "Adjusting exe perms (chmod +x)." runCmd "./$exe -V" "Obtained [$exe] version:" 0 1 fi done msg "Perforce executables pulled." } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: init_sample_depot() # # This picks up where get_sample_depot leaves off. # The $SampleDepotHome folder will exist and contain the sample_depot.tar.gz # file, as downloaded from the Perforce FTP site. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function init_sample_depot() { vvmsg "CALL init_sample_depot($*)" if [[ $UseSDP -eq 1 ]]; then resetScriptURL=https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/downloads/guest/perforce_software/helix-installer/main/src/reset_sdp.sh resetScript=/depotdata/reset/reset_sdp.sh # Get a fresh/clean SDP, with no SSL, from the 'dev' branch, and # preserving the existing bin/cbd directory. resetScriptArgs="-B -no_ssl -p bin/cbd -b dev" resetLog=/tmp/reset_sdp.$$.log if [[ ! -x $resetScript ]]; then msg "SDP Reset script [$resetScript] does not exist. Attempting to acquire it." if [[ ! -d /depotdata/reset ]]; then runCmd "mkdir -p /depotdata/reset" \ "Creating dir: /depotdata/reset" ||\ bail "Failed to create dir: /depotdata/reset" fi cd $(dirname $resetScript) || bail "Could not cd to $(dirname $resetScript)." runCmd "wget -q $resetScriptURL" \ "Getting Helix Installer SDP Reset script from this URL: $resetScriptURL" ||\ bail "Unable to acquire Helix Installer SDP Reset script." runCmd "chmod +x $resetScript" "chmod +x" ||\ bail "Failed to set perms on Helix Installer SDP reset script." fi cd $(dirname $resetScript) || bail "Could not cd to $(dirname $resetScript)." echo -e "Calling Helix Installer SDP Reset script $resetScript, with args $resetScriptArgs.\nLogging to: $resetLog" sudo $resetScript $resetScriptArgs > $resetLog 2>&1 ||\ bail "SDP Reset failed! Check the log: $resetLog" echo -e "# Added by CBD test automation.\nexport CBD_HOME=$CBD_HOME\n" >> /p4/common/bin/p4_vars else if [[ ! -d "$SampleDepotHome" ]]; then msg "Info: Sample Depot Home dir [$SampleDepotHome] does not exist. Operating as if '-G' was specified." shutdown_servers get_sample_depot fi cd $SampleDepotHome || bail "Failed to cd to Sample Depot Home dir [$SampleDepotHome]." msg "Operating in [$PWD]." [[ -r "$SampleFileGZFile" ]] || bail "Cannot access Sample Depot GZip file [$SampleFileGZFile]." runCmd "tar -xzpf $SampleFileGZFile" || bail "Failed to expand tar file [$tmpTarFile]." cd PerforceSample ||\ bail "Expanded tarfile is missing expected 'PerforceSample' dir." [[ $PWD != $SampleDepotP4ROOT ]] && bail "Unexpected Error: Bad value for \$PWD." fi cd $SampleDepotHome msg "Operating in $PWD." echo "P4PORT=$SampleDepotBrokerPort P4USER=bruno P4CLIENT=NoWorkspaceDefined P4TICKETS=$P4TICKETS P4IGNORE=.p4ignore" > .p4config export P4CONFIG=$PWD/.p4config msg "Generated this .p4config file in $PWD:\n$(cat .p4config)\n" if [[ $UseSDP -eq 1 ]]; then msg "Restarting SDP Instance 1 with sample depot $P4PORT." /p4/1/bin/p4d_1_init restart /p4/1/bin/p4broker_1_init restart sleep 1 else cd $P4ROOT || bail "Failed to cd to $P4ROOT." msg "Operating in [$PWD]." runCmd "/bin/rm -rf server.locks" runCmd "/bin/rm -f db.* rdb.* state log journal audit" runCmd "$p4dExe -r $P4ROOT -jr $SampleDepotHome/PerforceSample/checkpoint" \ "Loading Sample Depot checkpoint." ||\ bail "Failed to load Sample Depot checkpoint." runCmd "$p4dExe -r $P4ROOT -xu" \ "Upgrading Sample Depot databases." ||\ bail "Failed to upgrade Sample Depot checkpoint." runCmd "$p4dExe -r $P4ROOT -p $P4PORT -d -J $P4JOURNAL -L $P4LOG -v $P4DEBUG < /dev/null" \ "Starting Sample Depot P4D on port $P4PORT." fi msg "Writing p4broker config file [$BrokerCfg]." echo "target = $SampleDepotP4PORT; listen = $SampleDepotBrokerPort; directory = $SampleDepotP4ROOT; logfile = $SampleDepotP4ROOT/p4broker.log; debug-level = server=1; admin-name = \"John Doe\"; admin-phone = 555-555-1212; admin-email = \"jdoe@p4demo.com\"; compress = false; redirection = selective; command: ^(sync|update|flush)\$ { action = filter; execute = \"$CBD_HOME/scripts/wssync.sh\"; } command: ^(sbi)\$ { action = filter; execute = \"$CBD_HOME/scripts/sbi.pl\"; } " > $BrokerCfg if [[ $UseSDP -eq 1 ]]; then msg "Using SDP broker." else runCmd "$p4brokerExe -d -c $BrokerCfg < /dev/null" \ "Starting Sample Depot P4Broker $SampleDepotBrokerPort." p4brokerPids=$(get_pids "$p4brokerExe") if [[ -n "$p4brokerPids" ]]; then p4brokerPidFile=$PWD/.p4broker.pid echo $p4brokerPids > $p4brokerPidFile msg "P4Broker process pids: $(cat $p4brokerPidFile)." else bail "Could not determine pid for p4broker." fi fi } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: init_cbd # # Intialize the CBD stuff. This needs to be restartable/idempotent. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function init_cbd() { vvmsg "CALL init_cbd($*)" declare ws=$1 declare wsRoot=$2 declare tmpFile=/tmp/tmp.test_cbd.init_cbd.$$.$RANDOM if [[ ! -f "$BrokerCfg" ]]; then msg "Info: Broker Config file [$BrokerCfg] does not exist. Operating as if '-I' was specified." shutdown_servers init_sample_depot fi if [[ ! -d $CBD_HOME ]]; then bail "Expected dir CBD_HOME does not exist." fi if [[ -d "$CBD_HOME/logs" ]]; then runCmd "/bin/rm -rf $CBD_HOME/logs" "Cleaning up logs from earlier runs." fi if [[ ! -d "$CBD_HOME/logs" ]]; then runCmd "/bin/mkdir -p $CBD_HOME/logs" "Creating empty log dir." ||\ bail "Failed to create CBD Logs dir [$CBD_HOME/logs]." fi msg "Loading CBD Stream and Workspace Template Update triggers." echo -e "Triggers:\n\tSSTemplateUpdate change-content //...cbdsst \"$CBD_HOME/triggers/SSTemplateUpdate.py -v DEBUG -L $SSTULog %changelist%\"\n\tSSTemplateUpdateC change-commit //...cbdsst \"$CBD_HOME/triggers/SSTemplateUpdate.py -v DEBUG -L $SSTULog %changelist%\"" > $tmpFile $p4 -s triggers -i < $tmpFile || cat $tmpFile msg "Triggers table is now:" $p4 triggers -o | egrep -v '^#' msg "Generating workspace for bruno." sstFile=$wsRoot/jam.cbdsst runCmd "$p4 client -d $ws" msg "Making bruno a super user." if [[ "$NO_OP" != 1 ]]; then msg "Running: $p4 protect -o \| $p4 -s protect -i" $p4 protect -o | $p4 -s protect -i else msg "NO_OP: Would run: $p4 protect -o \| $p4 -s protect -i" fi echo -e "Client:\t$ws\n Owner:\tbruno\n Description:\n\tJam stream workspace.\n Root:\t$wsRoot\n Options:\tallwrite clobber nocompress unlocked modtime rmdir\n SubmitOptions:\tleaveunchanged\n LineEnd:\tlocal\n Stream: //jam/rel2.1\n" > $tmpFile $p4 -s client -f -i < $tmpFile || cat $tmpFile if [[ -d "$wsRoot" ]]; then runCmd "/bin/rm -rf $wsRoot" ||\ bail "Failed to cleanup test workspace root dir [$wsRoot]." fi runCmd "/bin/mkdir -p $wsRoot" msg "Cleanup from earlier runs." runCmd "/bin/rm -f $sstFile" echo "P4PORT=$SampleDepotBrokerPort P4USER=bruno P4CLIENT=$ws P4TICKETS=$P4TICKETS P4IGNORE=.p4ignore" > $wsRoot/.p4config msg "Generated P4CONFIG file $wsRoot/.p4config file:\n$(cat $wsRoot/.p4config)\n" echo -e "Client: bruno.laptop.Jam\n Owner: bruno\n Description:\n\tCreated by bruno.\n Root: C:\\p4\\Jam Options: allwrite clobber nocompress unlocked modtime rmdir\n SubmitOptions: leaveunchanged\n LineEnd: local\n Stream: //jam/rel2.1\n\n" > $tmpFile $p4 -s client -f -i < $tmpFile || cat $tmpFile msg "Adjusting flow of change, 2.1 -> 2.2 -> 2.3 -> main -> dev*" echo -e "Stream: //jam/rel2.1\n Owner: bruno\n Name: rel2.1\n Parent: //jam/rel2.2\n Type: release\n Description:\n\tJam 2.1 release\n Options: allsubmit unlocked toparent nofromparent\n Paths:\n\tshare ...\n" > $tmpFile $p4 -s stream -f -i < $tmpFile || cat $tmpFile echo -e "Stream: //jam/rel2.2\n Owner: bruno\n Name: rel2.2\n Parent: //jam/rel2.3\n Type: release\n Description:\n\tJam 2.2 release\n Options: allsubmit unlocked toparent nofromparent\n Paths:\n\tshare ...\n" > $tmpFile $p4 -s stream -f -i < $tmpFile || cat $tmpFile echo -e "Stream: //jam/rel2.3\n Owner: bruno\n Name: rel2.3\n Parent: //jam/main\n Type: release\n Description:\n\tJam 2.3 release stream\n Options: allsubmit unlocked toparent nofromparent\n Paths:\n\tshare ...\n" > $tmpFile $p4 -s stream -f -i < $tmpFile || cat $tmpFile echo -e "Stream: //jam/dev2.3\n Owner: bruno\n Name: dev2.3\n Parent: //jam/main\n Type: development\n Description:\n\tJam 2.3 development stream\n Options: allsubmit unlocked toparent fromparent\n Paths:\n\tshare ...\n" > $tmpFile $p4 -s stream -f -i < $tmpFile || cat $tmpFile echo -e "Stream: //jam/task-4491\n Owner: bruno\n Name: task-4491\n Parent: //jam/dev2.3\n Type: task\n Description:\n\tTask stream for task 4491.\n Options: allsubmit unlocked toparent fromparent\n Paths:\n\tshare ...\n" > $tmpFile $p4 -s stream -f -i < $tmpFile || cat $tmpFile echo -e "Client: jsmith.TomsLaptop.depot\n Owner: jsmith\n Description:\n\tCreated by jsmith.\n Root: C:\\p4\\CBD\n Options: allwrite clobber nocompress unlocked modtime rmdir\n SubmitOptions: leaveunchanged\n LineEnd: local\n Stream: //jam/task-4491\n\n" > $tmpFile $p4 -s client -f -i < $tmpFile || cat $tmpFile msg "Generating sample Stream Spec Template file." echo -e "Stream: __EDITME_STREAM__\n\nDescription:\n\tStream spec for __EDITME_STREAM__.\n\nPaths:\n\tshare ...\n\timport pb/... //pb/1.5.1-p/...@8883\n\timport gwt/... //gwt-streams/release1.5/...@12047\n\n" > $sstFile runCmd "/bin/rm -f $SSTULog" runCmd "$p4 -c $ws add $sstFile" "Adding Stream Spec Template file." runCmd "$p4 -c $ws submit -r -d Added. $sstFile" "Submitting $sstFile." ||\ bail "Failed to submit $sstFile." runCmd "$p4 -c $ws tag -l Jam- //jam/rel2.1/..." "Applying Jam- label to //jam/rel2.1/...." 1 0 0 sleep 1 runCmd "cat $SSTULog" "== Stream Spec Trigger Log ==" runCmd "/bin/rm -f $SSTULog" echo -e "Stream: __EDITME_STREAM__\n\nDescription:\n\tStream spec for __EDITME_STREAM__.\n\nPaths:\n\tshare ...\n\timport pb/... //pb/1.5.1-p/...@8906\n\timport gwt/... //gwt-streams/release1.5/...@12048\n\n" > $sstFile runCmd "$p4 -c $ws submit -r -d Updated. $sstFile" " Submitting $sstFile" ||\ bail "Failed to submit $sstFile." runCmd "$p4 -c $ws tag -l Jam- //jam/rel2.1/..." "Applying Jam- label to //jam/rel2.1/...." 1 0 0 sleep 1 runCmd "cat $SSTULog" "== Stream Spec Trigger Log ==" runCmd "/bin/rm -f $SSTULog" echo -e "Stream: __EDITME_STREAM__\n\nDescription:\n\tStream spec for __EDITME_STREAM__.\n\nPaths:\n\tshare ...\n\timport pb/... //pb/1.5.1-p/...@8906\n\timport gwt/... //gwt-streams/release1.5/...@12050\n\n" > $sstFile runCmd "$p4 -c $ws submit -d Re-Updated. $sstFile" "Submitting $sstFile." ||\ bail "Failed to submit $sstFile." runCmd "$p4 -c $ws tag -l Jam- //jam/rel2.1/..." "Applying Jam- label to //jam/rel2.1/...." 1 0 0 sleep 1 runCmd "cat $SSTULog" "== Stream Spec Trigger Log ==" runCmd "/bin/rm -f $SSTULog" runCmd "$p4 -c $ws populate //jam/rel2.1/jam.cbdsst //jam/rel2.2/jam.cbdsst" \ "Populating CBD stream spec template file in jam-rel2.2." runCmd "cat $SSTULog" "== Stream Spec Trigger Log ==" runCmd "/bin/rm -f $SSTULog" runCmd "$p4 -c $ws populate //jam/rel2.2/jam.cbdsst //jam/rel2.3/jam.cbdsst" \ "Populating CBD stream spec template file in jam-rel2.3." runCmd "cat $SSTULog" "== Stream Spec Trigger Log ==" runCmd "/bin/rm -f $SSTULog" runCmd "$p4 -c $ws populate //jam/rel2.3/jam.cbdsst //jam/main/jam.cbdsst" \ "Populating CBD stream spec template file in main." runCmd "cat $SSTULog" "== Stream Spec Trigger Log ==" runCmd "/bin/rm -f $SSTULog" runCmd "$p4 -c $ws populate //jam/main/jam.cbdsst //jam/dev2.3/jam.cbdsst" \ "Populating CBD stream spec template file in dev2.3." runCmd "cat $SSTULog" "== Stream Spec Trigger Log ==" runCmd "/bin/rm -f $SSTULog" runCmd "$p4 -c $ws populate //jam/dev2.3/... //jam/task-4491/..." \ "Populating task stream jam-task4491." runCmd "cat $SSTULog" "== Stream Spec Trigger Log ==" msg "Setting a password for user earl to $PasswordForEarl." echo -e "$PasswordForEarl\n$PasswordForEarl\n" > $tmpFile $p4 -u perforce passwd earl < $tmpFile runCmd "$p4 -u perforce -p $P4BROKERPORT login -a earl" \ "Logging in user earl." msg "Creating locked earl_jams workspace." echo -e "Client: earl_jams\n\nOwner:\tearl\n\nDescription:\n\tCreated by earl.\n\nRoot: C:\\p4\\CT\n\nOptions: allwrite clobber nocompress locked modtime rmdir\n\nSubmitOptions: leaveunchanged\n\nLineEnd: local\n\nStream: //jam/rel2.1\n\n" > $tmpFile $p4 -s client -f -i < $tmpFile || cat $tmpFile runCmd "/bin/rm -f $tmpFile" "Removing temp file [$tmpFile]." 0 0 0 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: usage (required function) # # Input: # $1 - style, either -h (for short form) or -man (for man-page like format). #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function usage { declare style=${1:--h} echo "USAGE for $THISSCRIPT v$Version: $THISSCRIPT [-G|-I|-C] [-S] [-d <cfg_dir>] [-a] [-f] [-L <log>] [-si] [-v<n>] [-D] or $THISSCRIPT [-h|-man|-V] " if [[ $style == -man ]]; then echo -e " DESCRIPTION: This script runs test for the Component Based Develoment (CBD) system, supplemental automation that enhances the CBD capabilities of a Perforce Helix server. OPTIONS: -G Starts test preparation from scratch, by: * Getting a pristine copy of the Sample Depot tarfile from the Perforce FTP server, * Downloading Helix executables p4/p4d/p4broker Using -G implies -I and -C. The existing Sample Depot and related Perforce server instance are blasted with -G. The '-G' is implied if the configured Sample Depot Home dir does not exist. It can be specified to force a clean start with the latest exeutables. -I Continues test preparation almost from scratch, using an existing copy of the downloaded Sample Depot. This picks up where '-G' leaves off. With -G or -I, Any exisitng p4d or p4broker processes from earlier test runs are killed. Next, it: * Configures the broker for CBD operation. * Blasts and resets the P4ROOT for the Sample Depot checkpoint. * Starts 'p4d' and 'p4broker' services. Using -I implies -C. -C Initialize CBD on the Sample depot. This picks up where '-I' leaves off. It: * Installs the CBD triggers. * Creates several streams for testing. * Creates and submits *.cbdsst files, causing the CBD trigger to fire and generate 'keys' data. -S Specify the '-S' flag to test the SDP executables and Sample Depot tar downloaded by the Helix Installer. Using '-S' causes the 'reset_sdp.sh' script from the Helix Installer project to be used to bootstrap the SDP and install the Sample Depot. If '-S' is not used, the script uses its own internal logic for acquring the sample Depot and laoding it into a Helix Server. -a Use '-a' to indicate automated continuous integration testing. In this mode, the p4d and p4broker services started for testing are shutown upcon completion. (For manual testing, it is more convenient to leave them running). -d <cfg_dir> Specify the configuration directory where configuration and test data are expected to exist. By default, scripts are expected to live in a directory named '/shared' if that directory exists, or else in a 'shared' directory under the current directory at the time this script was called, or else in a 'shared' directory under the directory where this exists (if called with a fully qualified path). It looks real hard to try to find the config dir. The use of the /shared folder is consistent with the 'helix-01' test virtual machine setup for automated testing. -f Use '-f' to bypass any invalid test entries in the command line test data. -v<n> Set verbosity 1-5 (-v1 = quiet, -v5 = highest). -L <log> Specify the path to a log file, or the special value 'off' to disable logging. By default, all output (stdout and stderr) goes to: $(dirname ${P4U_LOG}). NOTE: This script is self-logging. That is, output displayed on the screen is simultaneously captured in the log file. Do not run this script with redirection operators like '> log' or '2>&1', and do not use 'tee.' -si Operate silently. All output (stdout and stderr) is redirected to the log only; no output appears on the terminal. This cannot be used with '-L off'. -D Set extreme debugging verbosity. HELP OPTIONS: -h Display short help message -man Display man-style help message -V Dispay version info for this script and its libraries. FILES: The test.<hostname>.cfg files are CBD Test Configuration Files. They define a set of host-specific values that define how CBD is tested, where test assets are aquired from, which versions of p4/p4d are used, etc. The cli_tests.cfg file defines the command line tests to be executed, including expected exit codes and output for each. Each bit.*.txt (broker input test) file define one test simulated with a handcrafted broker input file. The bit.cfg file defines the list of bit.*.txt files to be executed. The auto_test_cbd.sh wrapper script call this script with options optimzed for use in continuous integration build tests. For example, the normally helpful self-logging features of this script are disasbled for CI builds, since the build system does it's own snazzy and webby log capture. ti.sh is a manual test support script that parses and verifies the syntax of the the cli_tests.cfg test input data file. EXAMPLES: For typical usage, no arguments are needed: cd /p4/common/bin/cbd/test ./test_cbd.sh " fi exit 1 } #============================================================================== # Command Line Processing declare -i CIAutomation=0 declare -i UseSDP=0 declare -i RequireValidTests=1 declare -i GetSampleDepot=0 declare -i InitSampleDepot=0 declare -i InitCBD=0 declare -i shiftArgs=0 declare ThisOS=$(uname -s) declare ThisHost=$(hostname -s) declare CfgDir=Undefined declare CfgFile= set +u while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in (-d) CfgDir=$2; shiftArgs=1;; (-S) UseSDP=1;; (-a) CIAutomation=1;; (-f) RequireValidTests=0;; (-G) GetSampleDepot=1; InitSampleDepot=1; InitCBD=1;; (-I) InitSampleDepot=1; InitCBD=1;; (-C) InitCBD=1;; (-h) usage -h;; (-man) usage -man;; (-V) show_versions; exit 1;; (-v1) export VERBOSITY=1;; (-v2) export VERBOSITY=2;; (-v3) export VERBOSITY=3;; (-v4) export VERBOSITY=4;; (-v5) export VERBOSITY=5;; (-L) export P4U_LOG=$2; shiftArgs=1;; (-si) SilentMode=1;; (-n) export NO_OP=1;; (-D) set -x;; # Debug; use 'set -x' mode. (*) usageError "Unknown arg ($1).";; esac # Shift (modify $#) the appropriate number of times. shift; while [[ $shiftArgs -gt 0 ]]; do [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && usageError "Bad usage." shiftArgs=$shiftArgs-1 shift done done set -u #============================================================================== # Command Line Verification [[ $SilentMode -eq 1 && $P4U_LOG == off ]] && \ usageError "Cannot use '-si' with '-L off'." #============================================================================== # Main Program trap terminate EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM if [[ "${P4U_LOG}" != off ]]; then LogDir="$(dirname $P4U_LOG)" if [[ ! -d $LogDir ]]; then /bin/mkdir -p "$LogDir" || bail "Couldn't create log dir [$LogDir]." fi touch "${P4U_LOG}" || bail "Couldn't touch log file [${P4U_LOG}]." # Redirect stdout and stderr to a log file. if [[ $SilentMode -eq 0 ]]; then exec > >(tee ${P4U_LOG}) exec 2>&1 else exec >${P4U_LOG} exec 2>&1 fi echo -e "${H}\n$THISSCRIPT v$Version started at $(date) as pid $$:\nInitial Command Line:\n$CMDLINE\nLog file is: ${P4U_LOG}\n\n" fi if [[ $CfgDir == Undefined ]]; then if [[ -d /shared ]]; then CfgDir=/shared elif [[ "$CMDLINE" == /* ]]; then CfgDir=$(dirname $0)/shared else CfgDir=$PWD/shared fi fi CfgFile=$CfgDir/test_cbd.$ThisHost.cfg if [[ -r "$CfgFile" ]]; then source "$CfgFile" || bail "Failed to load config file [$CfgFile]." else bail "Missing config file [$CfgFile]." fi # Sanity check on values loaded from the config file. [[ -z "$SampleDepotHome" ]] && bail "Environment loaded from is missing variable definitions." [[ -z "$CBD_HOME" ]] && bail "Environment loaded from is missing variable definitions." if [[ $UseSDP -eq 1 ]]; then declare p4Exe=/p4/1/bin/p4_1 declare p4dExe=/p4/1/bin/p4d_1 declare p4brokerExe=/p4/1/bin/p4broker_1 declare BrokerCfg=/p4/common/config/p4_1.broker.cfg else declare p4Exe=$SampleDepotHome/p4 declare p4dExe=$SampleDepotHome/p4d declare p4brokerExe=$SampleDepotHome/p4broker declare BrokerCfg=$SampleDepotHome/PerforceSample/p4broker.cbd.cfg fi declare p4="$p4Exe -p $SampleDepotBrokerPort -u bruno" declare p4c="$p4 -c $TestWS" if [[ $UseSDP -eq 1 ]]; then CBDLog=/p4/1/logs/cbd.log SSTULog=/p4/1/logs/SSTemplateUpdate.log SSUTLog=/p4/1/logs/SSUpdateTemplate.log else CBDLog="$CBD_HOME/logs/cbd.log" SSTULog="$CBD_HOME/logs/SSTemplateUpdate.log" SSUTLog="$CBD_HOME/logs/SSUpdateTemplate.log" fi export P4ROOT=$SampleDepotP4ROOT export P4USER=bruno export P4PORT=$SampleDepotP4PORT export P4JOURNAL=$SampleDepotP4ROOT/journal export P4LOG=$SampleDepotP4ROOT/log export P4DEBUG=server=4 export P4TICKETS=$PWD/.p4tickets export P4ENVIRO=$PWD/.p4enviro export P4TRUST=$PWD/.p4trust unset P4NAME unset P4AUDIT if [[ $ThisHost != $RunHost ]]; then bail "Not configured to run on host $ThisHost. Run only on $RunHost, configured in $CfgFile." exit 1 else echo "Verified: Running on $RunHost." fi declare P4TestCmd= declare BITFile= declare BITFile2=/tmp/tmp.test_cbd.bit.$$.RANDOM declare ExpectedExit= declare -i ExpectedExitCode declare -i ActualExitCode declare ExpectedString= declare -i ExpectedStringInOutput declare Comments= declare CLITestDataOK=1 declare CLITestDataFile=$CfgDir/cli_tests.cfg declare BITestCfgFile=$CfgDir/bit.cfg declare ScriptedTestCfgFile=$CfgDir/scripted_tests.cfg declare OutputFile=/tmp/cbd.test_output.$$.$RANDOM declare -i AllTestsPassed declare -i TestPassed declare -i Line=0 declare -i TestCount=0 declare -i TestPassedCount=0 declare -i TestFailedCount=0 GARBAGE+=" $OutputFile" msg "Loading and verifying command line test data from $CLITestDataFile." [[ -r "$CLITestDataFile" ]] || bail "Missing command line test data file [$CLITestDataFile]." # See the $CLITestDataFile file for details on the expected file format. # Short version: We're expecting one-line entries like this: # <P4Cmd>|<ExitCode>|<Output>|<Comments> # The '<P4Cmd>' command *must* start with 'p4 ' while read entry; do Line=$((Line+1)) [[ -z "$(echo $entry)" ]] && continue [[ $entry == "#"* ]] && continue P4TestCmd=${entry%%|*} ExpectedExit=${entry#*|} ExpectedExit=${ExpectedExit%%|*} ExpectedString=${entry%|*} ExpectedString=${ExpectedString##*|} Comments=${entry##*|} if [[ $P4TestCmd == "p4 "* ]]; then P4TestCmd=${P4TestCmd/p4 /$p4c } elif [[ $P4TestCmd == "p4:"* ]]; then # Parse entries like: "p4:user:client command args ..." User=${P4TestCmd#p4:} User=${User%%:*} Workspace=${P4TestCmd#p4:} Workspace=${Workspace#*:} Workspace=${Workspace%% *} P4TestCmd=${P4TestCmd/p4:$User:$Workspace /$p4 -u $User -c $Workspace } else echo -e "Warning: Entry on line $Line of $CLITestDataFile has a bogus 'p4' command. Must start with 'p4 '. Skipping this test." CLITestDataOK=0 continue fi if [[ $ExpectedExit == U ]]; then ExpectedExit=Undefined else if [[ $ExpectedExit =~ [0-9]+ ]]; then ExpectedExitCode=$ExpectedExit else echo -e "Warning: Entry on line $Line of $CLITestDataFile has a bogus exit code. Must be numeric or 'U', value is $ExpectedExit. Skipping this test." DataOK=0 continue fi fi echo "C:[$P4TestCmd] E:[$ExpectedExit] S:[$ExpectedString] Comments: $Comments" done < $CLITestDataFile if [[ $CLITestDataOK -eq 1 ]]; then echo "Verified: All test entries are OK." else if [[ $RequireValidTests -eq 1 ]]; then bail "The command line test data file [$CLITestDataFile] contained invalid entries. Use '-f' to bypassing bad tests and continue." else echo -e "\nWarning: Some tests were skipped due to invalid entries in $CLITestDataFile. Continuing due to '-f'.\n" fi fi msg "$H\nPre-start test preparations." if [[ $GetSampleDepot -eq 1 || $InitSampleDepot -eq 1 ]]; then shutdown_servers fi [[ $GetSampleDepot -eq 1 ]] && get_sample_depot [[ $InitSampleDepot -eq 1 ]] && init_sample_depot # Using the SDP will override several of the settings # just set above. if [[ $UseSDP -eq 1 ]]; then source /p4/common/bin/p4_vars 1 ||\ bail "Failed to load SDP environment file p4_vars." msg "Loaded SDP Environment file. Logging in." if [[ "$NO_OP" != 1 ]]; then $p4 -u perforce login -a < /p4/common/bin/adminpass $p4 -u perforce -p $P4PORT login -a < /p4/common/bin/adminpass $p4 -u perforce -p $P4BROKERPORT login -a < /p4/common/bin/adminpass else echo "NO-OP: Would run: $p4 -u perforce login -a" echo "NO-OP: Would run: $p4 -u perforce -p $P4PORT login -a" ehco "NO-OP: Would run: $p4 -u perforce -p $P4BROKERPORT login -a" fi runCmd "$p4 -u perforce login -s" runCmd "$p4 -u perforce -p $P4PORT login -s" runCmd "$p4 -u perforce -p $P4BROKERPORT login -s" echo "Setting default P4PORT to P4BROKERPORT for CBD testing." export P4PORT=$P4BROKERPORT fi [[ $InitCBD -eq 1 ]] && init_cbd "$TestWS" "$TestWSRoot" msg "$H\nExecuting Command Line Tests." # It might seem inelegant to simply read-the config file in again, as opposed to storing and re-using the results # from the data verification run above. But with 'bash', storing results tends to have bad but subtle side effects, # like having quote characters disappear. AllTestsPassed=1 while read entry; do [[ -z "$(echo $entry)" ]] && continue [[ $entry == "#"* ]] && continue TestPassed=1 P4TestCmd=${entry%%|*} ExpectedExit=${entry#*|} ExpectedExit=${ExpectedExit%%|*} ExpectedString=${entry%|*} ExpectedString=${ExpectedString##*|} # If the ExpectedString from the data file is prefixed with 'CBDLOG:', # set ExpectedStringInOutput=0, indicating the cbd.log file shoudl be # searched instead of the command output. if [[ "$ExpectedString" == "CBDLOG:"* ]]; then ExpectedString=${ExpectedString#CBDLOG:} ExpectedStringInOutput=0 else ExpectedStringInOutput=1 fi Comments=${entry##*|} if [[ $P4TestCmd == "p4 "* ]]; then P4TestCmd=${P4TestCmd/p4 /$p4c } elif [[ $P4TestCmd == "p4:"* ]]; then # Parse entries like: "p4:user:client command args ..." User=${P4TestCmd#p4:} User=${User%%:*} Workspace=${P4TestCmd#p4:} Workspace=${Workspace#*:} Workspace=${Workspace%% *} P4TestCmd=${P4TestCmd/p4:$User:$Workspace /$p4 -u $User -c $Workspace } else continue fi if [[ $ExpectedExit == U ]]; then ExpectedExit=Undefined else if [[ $ExpectedExit =~ [0-9]+ ]]; then ExpectedExitCode=$ExpectedExit else continue fi fi TestCount=$((TestCount+1)) msg "$H\nTest $TestCount\nTesting Command: $P4TestCmd\nExpected Exit: $ExpectedExit" if [[ $ExpectedStringInOutput -eq 1 ]]; then msg "Expected string in output: $ExpectedString\nComments: $Comments\n" else msg "Expected string in cbd.log: $ExpectedString\nComments: $Comments\n" fi $P4TestCmd > $OutputFile 2>&1 ActualExitCode=$? msg "\n== Command Output ==" cat $OutputFile echo TEST_EXIT_CODE: Actual $ActualExitCode, Expected $ExpectedExit if [[ $ExpectedExit == U ]]; then echo "Ignoring TEST_EXIT_CODE due to 'U' value." else [[ $ExpectedExitCode -ne $ActualExitCode ]] && TestPassed=0 fi if [[ -f $CBDLog ]]; then echo -e "\n== Contents of cbd.log ==" cat $CBDLog fi if [[ -n "$ExpectedString" ]]; then # Check for the expected string in the command output or the cbd.log file. if [[ $ExpectedStringInOutput -eq 1 ]]; then grep "$ExpectedString" $OutputFile > /dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "\nExpected string [$ExpectedString] found in command output." else echo -e "\nExpected string [$ExpectedString] NOT found in command output." TestPassed=0 fi else if [[ -f $CBDLog ]]; then grep "$ExpectedString" $CBDLog > /dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "\nExpected string [$ExpectedString] found in cbd.log." else echo -e "\nExpected string [$ExpectedString] NOT found in cbd.log." TestPassed=0 fi else echo "String [$ExpectedString] expected in cbd.log, but cbd.log is not there." TestPassed=0 fi fi else echo "No expected string defined, skipping check for this test." fi runCmd "/bin/rm -f $CBDLog $OutputFile" "Removing cbd.log and output file between tests." 0 0 0 if [[ $TestPassed -eq 1 ]]; then echo -e "\nTEST $TestCount PASSED\n" TestPassedCount=$((TestPassedCount+1)) else echo -e "\nTEST $TestCount FAILED\n" TestFailedCount=$((TestFailedCount+1)) AllTestsPassed=0 fi done < $CLITestDataFile msg "$H\nExecuting Broker Input Simulation Tests." [[ -r "$BITestCfgFile" ]] || bail "Missing broker input test data file [$BITestCfgFile]." while read entry; do [[ -z "$(echo $entry)" ]] && continue [[ $entry == "#"* ]] && continue TestPassed=1 BITFile=${entry%%|*} ExpectedExit=${entry#*|} ExpectedExit=${ExpectedExit%%|*} ExpectedString=${entry%|*} ExpectedString=${ExpectedString##*|} # If the ExpectedString from the data file is prefixed with 'CBDLOG:', # set ExpectedStringInOutput=0, indicating the cbd.log file shoudl be # searched instead of the command output. if [[ "$ExpectedString" == "CBDLOG:"* ]]; then ExpectedString=${ExpectedString#CBDLOG:} ExpectedStringInOutput=0 else ExpectedStringInOutput=1 fi if [[ $ExpectedExit != U ]]; then ExpectedExitCode=$ExpectedExit fi Comments=${entry##*|} TestCount=$((TestCount+1)) msg "$H\nTest $TestCount\nTesting Broker Input File: $BITFile\nExpected Exit: $ExpectedExit" if [[ $ExpectedStringInOutput -eq 1 ]]; then msg "Expected string in output: $ExpectedString\nComments: $Comments\n" else msg "Expected string in cbd.log: $ExpectedString\nComments: $Comments\n" fi if [[ -r "$CfgDir/$BITFile" ]]; then msg "Contents of original $BITFile:" cat $CfgDir/$BITFile cat $CfgDir/$BITFile |\ sed -e "s/__EDITME_P4PORT__/$SampleDepotP4PORT/g" \ -e "s/__EDITME_P4CLIENT__/$TestWS/g" \ -e "s#__EDITME_WSROOT__#$TestWSRoot#g" \ -e "s/__EDITME_P4BROKERPORT__/$SampleDepotBrokerPort/g" > $BITFile2 msg "Broker input test file tweaks:" diff $CfgDir/$BITFile $BITFile2 $CBD_HOME/scripts/wssync.sh < $BITFile2 > $OutputFile 2>&1 ActualExitCode=$? msg "\n== Command Output ==" cat $OutputFile echo TEST_EXIT_CODE: Actual $ActualExitCode, Expected $ExpectedExit if [[ $ExpectedExit == U ]]; then echo "Ignoring TEST_EXIT_CODE due to 'U' value." else [[ $ExpectedExitCode -ne $ActualExitCode ]] && TestPassed=0 fi if [[ -f "$CBDLog" ]]; then echo -e "\n== Contents of cbd.log ==" cat $CBDLog fi if [[ -n "$ExpectedString" ]]; then # Check for the expected string in the command output or the cbd.log file. if [[ $ExpectedStringInOutput -eq 1 ]]; then grep "$ExpectedString" $OutputFile > /dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "\nExpected string [$ExpectedString] found in command output." else echo -e "\nExpected string [$ExpectedString] NOT found in command output." TestPassed=0 fi else if [[ -f $CBDLog ]]; then grep "$ExpectedString" "$CBDLog" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "\nExpected string [$ExpectedString] found in cbd.log." else echo -e "\nExpected string [$ExpectedString] NOT found in cbd.log." TestPassed=0 fi else echo "String [$ExpectedString] expected in cbd.log, but cbd.log is not there." TestPassed=0 fi fi else echo "No expected string defined, skipping check for this test." fi runCmd "/bin/rm -f $CBDLog $OutputFile" "Removing cbd.log and output file between test." 0 0 0 else errmsg "Missing broker input test file [$CfgDir/$BITFile]." TestPassed=0 fi if [[ $TestPassed -eq 1 ]]; then echo -e "\nTEST $TestCount PASSED\n" TestPassedCount=$((TestPassedCount+1)) else echo -e "\nTEST $TestCount FAILED\n" TestFailedCount=$((TestFailedCount+1)) AllTestsPassed=0 fi done < $BITestCfgFile msg "${H}\nExecuting scripted tests." [[ -r "$ScriptedTestCfgFile" ]] || bail "Missing scripted test config file [$ScriptedTestCfgFile]." runCmd "/bin/rm -f $CBDLog $SSUTLog $SSTULog $OutputFile" \ "Removing various *.log and output file between tests." 0 0 0 Line=0 while read entry; do Line=$((Line+1)) [[ -z "$(echo $entry)" ]] && continue [[ $entry == "#"* ]] && continue TestCount=$((TestCount+1)) TestPassed=1 TestScript=$CfgDir/${entry%%|*} ExpectedExit=${entry#*|} ExpectedExit=${ExpectedExit%%|*} ExpectedString=${entry%|*} ExpectedString=${ExpectedString##*|} LogToCheck= # If the ExpectedString from the data file is prefixed with 'CBDLOG:', # set ExpectedStringInOutput=0, indicating the cbd.log file shoudl be # searched instead of the command output. if [[ "$ExpectedString" == "CBDLOG:"* ]]; then ExpectedString=${ExpectedString#CBDLOG:} ExpectedStringInOutput=0 LogToCheck=$CBDLog elif [[ "$ExpectedString" == "SSTULOG:"* ]]; then ExpectedString=${ExpectedString#SSTULOG:} ExpectedStringInOutput=0 LogToCheck=$SSTULog elif [[ "$ExpectedString" == "SSUTLOG:"* ]]; then ExpectedString=${ExpectedString#SSUTLOG:} ExpectedStringInOutput=0 LogToCheck=$SSUTLog else ExpectedStringInOutput=1 fi if [[ $ExpectedExit == U ]]; then ExpectedExit=Undefined else ExpectedExitCode=$ExpectedExit fi Comments=${entry##*|} msg "$H\nTest $TestCount\nTest Script: $TestScript\nExpected Exit: $ExpectedExit" if [[ ! -x $TestScript ]]; then errmsg "Missing or Non-Executable Test Script file [$TestScript]." TestPassed=0 fi echo -e "S:[$TestScript] E:[$ExpectedExit] S:[$ExpectedString]\nComments: $Comments" TestScriptCmd="$TestScript $TestCount $p4Exe $P4PORT bruno $TestWS" $TestScriptCmd > $OutputFile 2>&1 ActualExitCode=$? msg "\n== Test Script Output ==" cat $OutputFile echo TEST_EXIT_CODE: Actual $ActualExitCode, Expected $ExpectedExit if [[ $ExpectedExit == U ]]; then if [[ $ActualExitCode -ne 2 ]]; then echo "Ignoring TEST_EXIT_CODE due to 'U' value." else echo "Test exit code 2 indicates test did not run correctly. Failing test." TestPasswd=0 fi else [[ $ExpectedExitCode -ne $ActualExitCode ]] && TestPassed=0 fi if [[ -f $CBDLog ]]; then echo -e "\n== Contents of cbd.log for Test $TestCount ==" cat $CBDLog fi if [[ -f $SSTULog ]]; then echo -e "\n== Contents of SSTemplateUpdate.log for Test $TestCount ==" cat $SSTULog fi if [[ -f $SSUTLog ]]; then echo -e "\n== Contents of SSUpdateTemplate.log for Test $TestCount ==" cat $SSUTLog fi if [[ -n "$ExpectedString" ]]; then # Check for the expected string in the command output or the cbd.log file. if [[ $ExpectedStringInOutput -eq 1 ]]; then grep "$ExpectedString" $OutputFile > /dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "\nExpected string [$ExpectedString] found in command output." else echo -e "\nExpected string [$ExpectedString] NOT found in command output." TestPassed=0 fi else if [[ -f $CBDLog && $LogToCheck == $CBDLog ]]; then grep "$ExpectedString" $CBDLog > /dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "\nExpected string [$ExpectedString] found in cbd.log." else echo -e "\nExpected string [$ExpectedString] NOT found in cbd.log." TestPassed=0 fi elif [[ -f $SSTULog && $LogToCheck == $SSTULog ]]; then grep "$ExpectedString" $SSTULog > /dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "\nExpected string [$ExpectedString] found in SSTemplateUpdate.log." else echo -e "\nExpected string [$ExpectedString] NOT found in SSTemplateUpdate.log." TestPassed=0 fi elif [[ -f $SSUTLog && $LogToCheck == $SSUTLog ]]; then grep "$ExpectedString" $SSUTLog > /dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "\nExpected string [$ExpectedString] found in SSUpdateTemplate.log." else echo -e "\nExpected string [$ExpectedString] NOT found in SSUpdateTemplate.log." TestPassed=0 fi else echo "String [$ExpectedString] expected in $LogToCheck, but that log is missing." TestPassed=0 fi fi else echo "No expected string defined, skipping check for this test." fi runCmd "/bin/rm -f $CBDLog $SSUTLog $SSTULog $OutputFile" \ "Removing various *.log and output file between tests." 0 0 0 if [[ $TestPassed -eq 1 ]]; then echo -e "\nTEST $TestCount PASSED\n" TestPassedCount=$((TestPassedCount+1)) else echo -e "\nTEST $TestCount FAILED\n" TestFailedCount=$((TestFailedCount+1)) AllTestsPassed=0 fi done < $ScriptedTestCfgFile if [[ $CIAutomation -eq 1 ]]; then msg "Testing down servers after test completion due to '-a' flag." shutdown_servers fi [[ $AllTestsPassed -eq 0 ]] && OverallReturnStatus=1 if [[ $OverallReturnStatus -eq 0 ]]; then msg "${H}\nAll $TestCount tests PASSED.\n" else msg "${H}\nProcessing completed, but with errors.\nTests Executed (Passed/Failed): $TestCount ($TestPassedCount/$TestFailedCount)\n\nScan above output carefully.\n" fi # Illustrate using $SECONDS to display runtime of a script. msg "That took about $(($SECONDS/3600)) hours $(($SECONDS%3600/60)) minutes $(($SECONDS%60)) seconds.\n" # See the terminate() function, which is really where this script exits. exit $OverallReturnStatus
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 21706 | Sven Erik Knop |
Populate //cbd/main/... .... |