#pragma once /* * This module is included as a part of libSprawl * * Copyright (C) 2013 Jaedyn K. Draper * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #pragma message("sprawl::network is deprecated. sprawl::async_network provides a better interface and implementation.") namespace sprawl { namespace network { class SockExcept: public std::exception { public: SockExcept(const std::string& arg) : str(arg) { } ~SockExcept() throw () { } const char* what() const throw () { return str.c_str(); } private: std::string str; }; enum class FailType { resend, ignore, notify }; enum class ConnectionType { TCP, UDP }; template class StatedServerSocket; template class StatedClientSocket; template class StatedConnection : public std::enable_shared_from_this> { public: int GetDescriptor() { return desc; } bool DataReady() { if (m_data_ready) { m_data_ready = false; return true; } return false; } virtual void Send(const std::string& str) { send(desc, str.c_str(), str.length(), 0); } std::string GetData() { std::string str; std::string str1, str2; while(!InData.empty()) { str += InData[0]; InData.pop_front(); } return str; } std::string GetLine() { std::string ret; bool bFound = false; if(m_telnet) { for(int i=0; i; friend class StatedClientSocket; friend class StatedServerSocket; friend class StatedServerSocket; void SetState(T s) { state = s; } T GetState() { return state; } std::string GetPacket() { std::string ret = InData[0]; InData.pop_front(); return ret; } virtual void Send(const std::string& /*str*/, FailType /*behavior*/) { throw SockExcept("TCP connections cannot specify failure type."); } std::string GetHostname() { char buf[256]; inet_ntop(AF_INET, &((sockaddr_in*)&dest)->sin_addr, buf, sizeof(buf)); return buf; } int GetPort() { return ((sockaddr_in*)&this->dest)->sin_port; } virtual ~StatedConnection(){} protected: StatedConnection(int d, bool b, struct sockaddr* addr) : desc(d), m_data_ready(false), m_telnet(b), state((T) 0) { if(addr != nullptr) { dest = *addr; } } virtual int Recv() { int ret; char buf[32768]; ret = recv(desc, &buf, 32768, 0); if(ret == -1) { return ret; } buf[ret] = '\0'; m_data_ready = true; InData.push_back(std::string(buf, ret)); return ret; } void setTelnetMode(bool b) { m_telnet = b; } int desc; std::deque InData; bool m_data_ready; bool m_telnet; T state; struct sockaddr dest; }; template class StatedUDPConnection : public StatedConnection { public: virtual void Send(const std::string& str) override final { Send(str, FailType::ignore); } struct packet { packet(uint32_t _id, FailType _behavior, const std::string& _content) : ID(_id), behavior(_behavior), content(_content) { gettimeofday(&sent_time, nullptr); } uint32_t ID; struct timeval sent_time; FailType behavior; const std::string content; }; virtual void Send(const std::string& str, FailType behavior) override final { SendPacketWithID(str, behavior, current_id); current_id++; } virtual ~StatedUDPConnection(){} protected: virtual void SendPacketWithID(const std::string& str, FailType behavior, int32_t sendid) { boost::interprocess::scoped_lock locker; if(parent) { locker = boost::interprocess::scoped_lock(parent->recvlock); } char header[3*sizeof(uint32_t)]; char* ptr = header; //Construct header: ID, ACK, Ack bits memcpy(ptr, &sendid, sizeof(uint32_t)); int id = high_id; memcpy(ptr+sizeof(uint32_t), &id, sizeof(uint32_t)); uint32_t bits = 0; if(id >= 0) { std::vector ids_to_erase; for(auto& rcvd : received) { if(rcvd == id) { continue; } int bit = id - rcvd - 1; //Old bits we don't care about. if(bit > 31) { ids_to_erase.push_back(rcvd); continue; } bits |= (1 << bit); } for(auto& rcvd : ids_to_erase) { received.erase(rcvd); } } memcpy(ptr+sizeof(uint32_t)*2, &bits, sizeof(uint32_t)); //Create a packet from header + str... std::string content(header, 3*sizeof(uint32_t)); content += str; //Send the packet... sendto(this->desc, content.c_str(), content.length(), 0, &this->dest, slen); if(behavior != FailType::ignore) { packets.insert(std::make_pair(sendid, packet(sendid, behavior, str))); } gettimeofday(&lastsent, nullptr); } StatedUDPConnection(int d, struct sockaddr* addr) : StatedConnection(d, false, addr), packets(), high_id(-1), current_id(0), slen(sizeof(sockaddr_in)), parent(nullptr) { gettimeofday(&lastrcvd, nullptr); lastsent.tv_sec = 0; lastsent.tv_usec = 0; } StatedUDPConnection(int d, StatedServerSocket* pServ) : StatedConnection(d, false, nullptr), packets(), high_id(-1), current_id(0), slen(sizeof(sockaddr_in)), parent(pServ) { lastrcvd.tv_sec = 0; lastrcvd.tv_usec = 0; lastsent.tv_sec = 0; lastsent.tv_usec = 0; } StatedUDPConnection(int d, StatedServerSocket* /*pServ*/) : StatedConnection(d, false, nullptr), packets(), high_id(-1), current_id(0), slen(sizeof(sockaddr_in)), parent(nullptr) { throw SockExcept("UDP connection opened on TCP server!"); } friend class StatedClientSocket; friend class StatedClientSocket; friend class StatedServerSocket; friend class StatedServerSocket; virtual int Recv() override final { int ret; char abuf[32768]; char* buf = abuf; boost::interprocess::scoped_lock locker; if(parent) { locker = boost::interprocess::scoped_lock(parent->recvlock); } //Check the data to see where it's from. Don't pull it yet. ret = recvfrom(this->desc, buf, 32768, MSG_PEEK, (sockaddr*)&src, &slen); if(ret == -1) { return ret; } if(lastrcvd.tv_sec == 0 && lastrcvd.tv_usec == 0) { //New connection. Remember who's on the other end. this->dest = src; } //If we're not pulling from the person who's actually on the other end of this connection, ignore the data. if(((sockaddr_in*)&this->dest)->sin_addr.s_addr == ((sockaddr_in*)&src)->sin_addr.s_addr && ((sockaddr_in*)&this->dest)->sin_port == ((sockaddr_in*)&src)->sin_port) { ret = recvfrom(this->desc, buf, 32768, 0, (sockaddr*)&src, &slen); int id, ack; uint32_t bits; memcpy(&id, buf, sizeof(uint32_t)); if(received.count(id)) { //We already received this packet, so we can ignore it now. return ret; } buf += sizeof(uint32_t); memcpy(&ack, buf, sizeof(uint32_t)); buf += sizeof(uint32_t); memcpy(&bits, buf, sizeof(uint32_t)); buf += sizeof(uint32_t); ret = ret-(sizeof(uint32_t)*3); gettimeofday(&lastrcvd, nullptr); if(id > high_id) { high_id = id; } received.insert(id); if(ack >= 0) { if(packets.find(ack) != packets.end()) { packets.erase(ack); } for(int i=0; i<32; i++) { int ackid = ack - i - 1; if(ackid < 0) { break; } if((bits & (1 << i)) == 1 && packets.find(ackid) != packets.end()) { packets.erase(ackid); } } } if(ret <= 0) { return ret; } this->m_data_ready = true; this->InData.push_back(std::string(buf, ret)); return ret; } //-2 indicates a valid request, but invalid for this connection. Move on and try the next connection. return -2; } bool CheckClosed() { struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, nullptr); int secs = now.tv_sec - lastrcvd.tv_sec; int usecs = now.tv_usec - lastrcvd.tv_usec; while(usecs < 0) { usecs += 1000000; secs -= 1; } if((lastrcvd.tv_sec != 0 && lastrcvd.tv_usec != 0) && secs >= 5) { return true; } return false; } void SendKeepAlive() { struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, nullptr); int secs, usecs; auto it = packets.begin(); while( it != packets.end() ) { secs = now.tv_sec - it->second.sent_time.tv_sec; int usecs = now.tv_usec - it->second.sent_time.tv_usec; while(usecs < 0) { usecs += 1000000; secs -= 1; } //Resend any packet that hasn't been ACKed for a full second or more. if(secs >= 1) { SendPacketWithID(it->second.content, FailType::resend, it->first); packets.erase(it++); } else { it++; } } secs = now.tv_sec - lastsent.tv_sec; usecs = now.tv_usec - lastsent.tv_usec; while(usecs < 0) { usecs += 1000000; secs -= 1; } //Pulse four times a second. if(secs >= 1 || usecs >= 250000) { Send("", FailType::ignore); } } protected: std::map packets; std::unordered_set received; int high_id; uint32_t current_id; struct sockaddr src; struct timeval lastrcvd; struct timeval lastsent; socklen_t slen; StatedServerSocket* parent; }; typedef StatedConnection Connection; typedef StatedUDPConnection UDPConnection; template class StatedClientSocket { public: StatedClientSocket() { memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; if(C == ConnectionType::TCP) { hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; } else { hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; } tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 1000; } ~StatedClientSocket() { freeaddrinfo(servinfo); } void Connect(const std::string& addr, int port) { struct addrinfo* p; if(port < 1 || port > 65535) throw SockExcept("Port out of range."); std::stringstream s; s << port; getaddrinfo(addr.c_str(), s.str().c_str(), &hints, &servinfo); for(p = servinfo; p != nullptr; p = p->ai_next) { if ((Sock = socket(p->ai_family, p->ai_socktype, p->ai_protocol)) == -1) throw SockExcept("Could not open socket."); if (connect(Sock, p->ai_addr, p->ai_addrlen) == -1) { close(Sock); continue; } break; } if(p == nullptr) throw SockExcept("Connection failure."); if(C == ConnectionType::TCP) { con.reset(new StatedConnection(Sock, false, (sockaddr*)p->ai_addr)); } else { con.reset(new StatedUDPConnection(Sock, (sockaddr*)p->ai_addr)); } } void Reconnect() { struct addrinfo* p; if(con != nullptr) { throw SockExcept("Already connected."); } for(p = servinfo; p != nullptr; p = p->ai_next) { if ((Sock = socket(p->ai_family, p->ai_socktype, p->ai_protocol)) == -1) throw SockExcept("Could not open socket."); if (connect(Sock, p->ai_addr, p->ai_addrlen) == -1) { close(Sock); continue; } break; } if(p == nullptr) throw SockExcept("Connection failure."); if(C == ConnectionType::TCP) { con.reset(new StatedConnection(Sock, false, (sockaddr*)p->ai_addr)); } else { con.reset(new StatedUDPConnection(Sock, (sockaddr*)p->ai_addr)); } } void HandleIO() { if(con == NULL) { throw SockExcept("No active connection."); } FD_ZERO(&InSet); FD_ZERO(&OutSet); FD_ZERO(&ExcSet); FD_SET( Sock, &InSet ); FD_SET( Sock, &OutSet ); FD_SET( Sock, &ExcSet ); if( select( Sock+1, &InSet, &OutSet, &ExcSet, &tv ) == -1 && errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) throw SockExcept(std::string("HandleIO poll failure: ") + strerror(errno)); if( FD_ISSET( Sock, &InSet ) ) { if( con->Recv() == 0 && C == ConnectionType::TCP ) { con.reset(); throw SockExcept("Connection closed by foreign host"); } } if(C == ConnectionType::UDP) { if(std::static_pointer_cast>(con)->CheckClosed()) { con.reset(); throw SockExcept("Connection closed by foreign host"); } std::static_pointer_cast>(con)->SendKeepAlive(); } } std::string GetData() { return con->GetData(); } std::string GetLine() { return con->GetLine(); } std::string GetPacket() { return con->GetPacket(); } void Send(const std::string& str) { con->Send(str); } void Send(const std::string& str, FailType behavior) { if(C == ConnectionType::TCP) { throw SockExcept("TCP connections cannot specify failure type."); } std::static_pointer_cast>(con)->Send(str, behavior); } void SetConnection(std::shared_ptr c) { con = c; Sock = c->GetDescriptor(); } std::weak_ptr GetConnection() { return con; } void SetState(T s) { con->SetState(s); } T GetState() { return con->GetState(); } protected: std::shared_ptr con; int Sock; fd_set InSet, OutSet, ExcSet; struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo* servinfo; struct timeval tv; }; template class StatedServerSocket { public: StatedServerSocket(bool b = false) : InSock(-1), InPort(-1), m_no_timeout(false), m_telnet(b) { memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; if(C == ConnectionType::TCP) { hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; } else { hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; } hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 1000; telnet_tv.tv_sec = 0; telnet_tv.tv_usec = 0; } virtual ~StatedServerSocket() { freeaddrinfo(servinfo); } void setTelnetMode(bool b) { std::shared_ptr> c; unsigned int size = Connections.size(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++) { c = Connections[i]; c->setTelnetMode(b); } m_telnet = b; } void setTimeout(int timeout) { if(timeout < 0) { m_no_timeout = true; return; } m_no_timeout = false; if(m_telnet) { telnet_tv.tv_sec = timeout/1000; telnet_tv.tv_usec = timeout%1000; } else { tv.tv_sec = timeout/1000; tv.tv_usec = (timeout%1000) * 1000; } } void listen(int port, bool block=false) { if (InSock != -1) throw SockExcept("Socket already open!"); if (port < 1024 || port > 65535) throw SockExcept("Port out of range."); std::stringstream s; s << port; int status = getaddrinfo(nullptr, s.str().c_str(), &hints, &servinfo); if (status != 0) throw SockExcept(gai_strerror(status)); if ((InSock = socket(servinfo->ai_family, servinfo->ai_socktype, servinfo->ai_protocol)) == -1) throw SockExcept("Could not open socket."); if(!block) fcntl(InSock, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); int yes = 1; setsockopt(InSock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof(int)); if (::bind(InSock, servinfo->ai_addr, servinfo->ai_addrlen) == -1) throw SockExcept("Port already in use."); ::listen(InSock, 5); } void HandleIO() { struct sockaddr_storage addr; socklen_t addr_size = sizeof(addr); std::shared_ptr> c; struct timeval t; if(m_telnet) t = telnet_tv; else t = tv; FD_ZERO(&InSet); //FD_ZERO(&OutSet); FD_ZERO(&ExcSet); FD_SET(InSock, &InSet); int newcon, max = InSock; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Descriptors.size(); i++) { if (Descriptors[i] > max) max = Descriptors[i]; FD_SET( Descriptors[i], &InSet ); //FD_SET( Descriptors[i], &OutSet ); FD_SET( Descriptors[i], &ExcSet ); } if (select(max + 1, &InSet, NULL, &ExcSet, &t) == -1 && errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) throw SockExcept(std::string("HandleIO poll failure: ") + strerror(errno)); if (FD_ISSET( InSock, &ExcSet )) { std::cerr << "Exception on listen port " << InSock << "." << std::endl; FD_CLR( InSock, &InSet ); //FD_CLR( InSock, &OutSet ); } else if(FD_ISSET( InSock, &InSet )) { if (C == ConnectionType::TCP) { if((newcon = accept(InSock, (struct sockaddr *)& addr, &addr_size)) != -1) { CloseMutex.lock(); c.reset(new StatedConnection (newcon, m_telnet, ((sockaddr*)&addr))); Connections.push_back(c); NewConnections.push_back(c); Descriptors.push_back(newcon); CloseMutex.unlock(); } else if(errno != EWOULDBLOCK && errno != EAGAIN) throw SockExcept("Error accepting new connection."); } else { bool bFound = false; for (auto it = Connections.begin(); it != Connections.end(); it++) { if((*it)->Recv() != -2) { bFound = true; } } if(!bFound) { CloseMutex.lock(); c.reset(new StatedUDPConnection (InSock, this)); Connections.push_back(c); NewConnections.push_back(c); CloseMutex.unlock(); c->Recv(); } } } if(C == ConnectionType::TCP) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Connections.size(); i++) { if (FD_ISSET( Descriptors[i], &InSet )) { if(Connections[i]->Recv() == 0 && C == ConnectionType::TCP) { CloseMutex.lock(); c = Connections[i]; ClosedConnections.push_back(Connections[i]->GetDescriptor()); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < NewConnections.size(); j++) { if (!NewConnections[j].lock() || NewConnections[j].lock() == Connections[i]) { NewConnections.erase(NewConnections.begin() + j); j--; } } Connections.erase(Connections.begin() + i); Descriptors.erase(Descriptors.begin() + i); i--; CloseMutex.unlock(); continue; } } } } else { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Connections.size(); i++) { c = Connections[i]; if(std::static_pointer_cast>(Connections[i])->CheckClosed()) { CloseMutex.lock(); ClosedConnections.push_back(c->GetPort()); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < NewConnections.size(); j++) { if (!NewConnections[j].lock() || NewConnections[j].lock() == Connections[i]) { NewConnections.erase(NewConnections.begin() + j); j--; } } Connections.erase(Connections.begin() + i); i--; CloseMutex.unlock(); continue; } std::static_pointer_cast>(c)->SendKeepAlive(); } } } /* Return all currently active connections */ std::vector>> GetConnections() { std::vector>> ret; for( auto& connection : Connections ) { ret.push_back(connection); } return ret; } std::weak_ptr> GetConnection(int i) { return Connections[i]; } int GetNumConnections() { return Connections.size(); } /* Return all connections that have been opened since the last time this was called */ std::vector>> GetNew() { std::vector>> ret = std::move( NewConnections ); return ret; } void CloseConnection(int i) { std::shared_ptr> c = Connections[i]; close(c->GetDescriptor()); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < NewConnections.size(); j++) { if (!NewConnections[j].lock() || NewConnections[j].lock() == Connections[i]) NewConnections.erase(NewConnections.begin() + j); } Connections.erase(Connections.begin() + i); if(C == ConnectionType::TCP) { Descriptors.erase(Descriptors.begin() + i); } } void CloseConnection(std::shared_ptr> c) { if(!c) { return; } CloseMutex.lock(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Connections.size(); i++) { if(Connections[i] == c) { Connections.erase(Connections.begin() + i); if(C == ConnectionType::TCP) { close(c->GetDescriptor()); Descriptors.erase(Descriptors.begin() + i); } } } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NewConnections.size(); i++) { if (!NewConnections[i].lock() || NewConnections[i].lock() == c) NewConnections.erase(NewConnections.begin() + i); } CloseMutex.unlock(); } std::weak_ptr> GetConnectionByDesc(int d) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Connections.size(); i++) { if (Connections[i]->GetDescriptor() == d) return Connections[i]; } return std::weak_ptr>(); } std::weak_ptr> GetConnectionByPort(int d) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Connections.size(); i++) { if (Connections[i]->GetPort() == d) return Connections[i]; } return std::weak_ptr>(); } /* Return a list of descriptors that have received close signatures from the client since the last time this was called */ std::vector GetClosed() { std::vector ret = ClosedConnections; ClosedConnections.clear(); return ret; } protected: int InSock, InPort; //To make some of the code simpler, I'm storing both a list of connection objects *and* //a list of actual file descriptors. Connections[i] should always have the same descriptor as //Descriptors[i]. std::vector>> Connections; std::vector>> NewConnections; std::vector ClosedConnections; std::vector Descriptors; std::vector CloseQueue; fd_set InSet, ExcSet; struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo* servinfo; struct timeval tv; struct timeval telnet_tv; bool m_no_timeout; bool m_telnet; boost::mutex CloseMutex; friend class StatedUDPConnection; boost::mutex recvlock; }; typedef StatedClientSocket ClientSocket; typedef StatedClientSocket UDPClientSocket; typedef StatedServerSocket ServerSocket; typedef StatedServerSocket UDPServerSocket; } }