
Uses of Class

Uses of Env in com.perforce.api

Methods in com.perforce.api that return Env
 Env SourceControlObject.getEnv()
          Returns the P4 environment associated with this instance.
 Env P4Process.getEnv()
          Returns the environment in use by this process.

Methods in com.perforce.api with parameters of type Env
 void SourceControlObject.setEnv(Env env)
          Sets the P4 environment to be used when working with this object.
static Enumeration User.getUsers(Env env)
static User User.getUser(Env env, String uid)
static Job Job.getJob(Env env, String name)
static void Job.fix(Env env, String changelist, boolean del, String job)
static void Job.fix(Env env, String changelist, boolean del, Vector jobs)
static Job[] Job.getJobs(Env env, String jobview, int max, boolean use_integs, String[] files)
static Change[] Job.getChangeFixes(Env env, String jobname, String[] files)
 void P4JNI.runCommand(Object listener, String[] cmd, Env environ)
 void P4Process.setEnv(Env e)
          Sets the environment to use.
static DirEntry DirEntry.getDirEntry(Env env, String path, boolean force)
 String[] DirEntry.getDirNames(Env env)
 FileEntry[] DirEntry.getFiles(Env env)
 String[] DirEntry.getFileNames(Env env)
static void Label.loadLabels(Env env)
          Loads a list of all the labels into an internal class HashDecay.
static Enumeration Label.getLabelNames(Env env)
static Enumeration Label.getLabels(Env env)
static Label Label.getLabel(Env env, String name, boolean force)
          Returns a Label with the specified name, or null if not found.
static void JobField.loadFields(Env env, boolean redo)
static Client Client.getClient(Env env, String name)
          Returns a Client with the specified name, or null if not found.
static Enumeration Client.lookupClient(Env env, String prefix)
          Returns a list of clients that begin with the specified prefix.
static Enumeration Client.getClients(Env env)
          Returns a list of all the clients currently loaded.
static void Client.loadClients(Env env)
static Change Change.getChange(Env env, String number, boolean force)
static Change Change.getChange(Env env, int number, boolean force)
static Change[] Change.getChanges(Env env, String path)
static Change[] Change.getChanges(Env env, String path, int max, String start, String end, boolean use_integs, String ufilter)
static String FileEntry.resolveAT(Env env, Enumeration en)
static String FileEntry.resolveAll(Env env, String flags, String path)
static Vector FileEntry.getFiles(Env env, String path)
static Vector FileEntry.getFileLog(Env env, String path)
static FileEntry FileEntry.openForEdit(Env env, String path, boolean sync, boolean force, boolean lock, Change chng)
          Opens the file on the path for edit under the change.
static FileEntry FileEntry.openForAdd(Env env, String path, Change chng)
          Opens the file on the path for add under the change.
static Vector FileEntry.getOpened(Env env, boolean stat)
static Vector FileEntry.getOpened(Env env, boolean stat, boolean all, int changelist, Vector files)
 String FileEntry.syncMySpace(Env env, String path)
static void FileEntry.syncWorkspace(Env env, String path)
 String FileEntry.getFileContents(Env env, String path)
static void Branch.loadBranches(Env env)
          Loads a list of all the branches into an internal class HashDecay.
static Enumeration Branch.getBranchNames(Env env)
          Returns list of all branch names.
static Enumeration Branch.getBranches(Env env)
          Returns list of all branches.
static Branch Branch.getBranch(Env env, String name, boolean force)
          Returns a Branch with the specified name, or null if not found.
static Change Branch.integrate(Env env, Vector fents, String branch, StringBuffer sb, String description)
          Integrate a set of files using the named branch.
static Change Branch.integrate(Env env, Vector fents, String branch, StringBuffer sb, Change c)
          Integrate a set of files using the named branch.
static Change Branch.integrate(Env env, String source, String branch, StringBuffer sb, Change c)
          Integrate a set of files using the named branch.

Constructors in com.perforce.api with parameters of type Env
SourceControlObject(Env env)
P4Process(Env e)
          Constructor that specifies the source control environment.
DirEntry(Env e)
DirEntry(Env e, String path)
Env(Env base)
          Constructor that uses another environment as its basis.
Change(Env environ)
FileEntry(Env env)
FileEntry(Env env, String p)


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