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Uses of Env in com.perforce.api |
Methods in com.perforce.api that return Env | |
Env |
Returns the P4 environment associated with this instance. |
Env |
Returns the environment in use by this process. |
Methods in com.perforce.api with parameters of type Env | |
void |
SourceControlObject.setEnv(Env env)
Sets the P4 environment to be used when working with this object. |
static Enumeration |
User.getUsers(Env env)
static User |
User.getUser(Env env,
String uid)
static Job |
Job.getJob(Env env,
String name)
static void |
Job.fix(Env env,
String changelist,
boolean del,
String job)
static void |
Job.fix(Env env,
String changelist,
boolean del,
Vector jobs)
static Job[] |
Job.getJobs(Env env,
String jobview,
int max,
boolean use_integs,
String[] files)
static Change[] |
Job.getChangeFixes(Env env,
String jobname,
String[] files)
void |
P4JNI.runCommand(Object listener,
String[] cmd,
Env environ)
void |
P4Process.setEnv(Env e)
Sets the environment to use. |
static DirEntry |
DirEntry.getDirEntry(Env env,
String path,
boolean force)
String[] |
DirEntry.getDirNames(Env env)
FileEntry[] |
DirEntry.getFiles(Env env)
String[] |
DirEntry.getFileNames(Env env)
static void |
Label.loadLabels(Env env)
Loads a list of all the labels into an internal class HashDecay. |
static Enumeration |
Label.getLabelNames(Env env)
static Enumeration |
Label.getLabels(Env env)
static Label |
Label.getLabel(Env env,
String name,
boolean force)
Returns a Label with the specified name, or null if not found. |
static void |
JobField.loadFields(Env env,
boolean redo)
static Client |
Client.getClient(Env env,
String name)
Returns a Client with the specified name, or null if not found. |
static Enumeration |
Client.lookupClient(Env env,
String prefix)
Returns a list of clients that begin with the specified prefix. |
static Enumeration |
Client.getClients(Env env)
Returns a list of all the clients currently loaded. |
static void |
Client.loadClients(Env env)
static Change |
Change.getChange(Env env,
String number,
boolean force)
static Change |
Change.getChange(Env env,
int number,
boolean force)
static Change[] |
Change.getChanges(Env env,
String path)
static Change[] |
Change.getChanges(Env env,
String path,
int max,
String start,
String end,
boolean use_integs,
String ufilter)
static String |
FileEntry.resolveAT(Env env,
Enumeration en)
static String |
FileEntry.resolveAll(Env env,
String flags,
String path)
static Vector |
FileEntry.getFiles(Env env,
String path)
static Vector |
FileEntry.getFileLog(Env env,
String path)
static FileEntry |
FileEntry.openForEdit(Env env,
String path,
boolean sync,
boolean force,
boolean lock,
Change chng)
Opens the file on the path for edit under the change. |
static FileEntry |
FileEntry.openForAdd(Env env,
String path,
Change chng)
Opens the file on the path for add under the change. |
static Vector |
FileEntry.getOpened(Env env,
boolean stat)
static Vector |
FileEntry.getOpened(Env env,
boolean stat,
boolean all,
int changelist,
Vector files)
String |
FileEntry.syncMySpace(Env env,
String path)
static void |
FileEntry.syncWorkspace(Env env,
String path)
String |
FileEntry.getFileContents(Env env,
String path)
static void |
Branch.loadBranches(Env env)
Loads a list of all the branches into an internal class HashDecay. |
static Enumeration |
Branch.getBranchNames(Env env)
Returns list of all branch names. |
static Enumeration |
Branch.getBranches(Env env)
Returns list of all branches. |
static Branch |
Branch.getBranch(Env env,
String name,
boolean force)
Returns a Branch with the specified name, or null if not found. |
static Change |
Branch.integrate(Env env,
Vector fents,
String branch,
StringBuffer sb,
String description)
Integrate a set of files using the named branch. |
static Change |
Branch.integrate(Env env,
Vector fents,
String branch,
StringBuffer sb,
Change c)
Integrate a set of files using the named branch. |
static Change |
Branch.integrate(Env env,
String source,
String branch,
StringBuffer sb,
Change c)
Integrate a set of files using the named branch. |
Constructors in com.perforce.api with parameters of type Env | |
SourceControlObject(Env env)
P4Process(Env e)
Constructor that specifies the source control environment. |
DirEntry(Env e)
DirEntry(Env e,
String path)
Env(Env base)
Constructor that uses another environment as its basis. |
Change(Env environ)
FileEntry(Env env)
FileEntry(Env env,
String p)
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