24 Jul 2004 Dick.Dunbar@Siebel.com We've made a significant committment to Jam at Siebel, and ready to give back to the community of users. Benefits: - Jam is simple ... deceptively simple. - Out of the box, it supports the platforms we are interested in Distractions: - Jam is under-documented. The design and goals are clear enough, but the real impediment to using Jam is the lack of adequate examples and "best practices" guidelines. We intend to start the dialog to correct this deficiency. - The industry has moved on ... threading, dynamic load libraries, new compilers, and standards, all contribute to the need to do a facelift on Jam. - Regular syntax and conventions One of the inhibitors to learning how to effectively use Jam are the use of typography and language. The Jam implementation allows one to develop your own Build language; nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs ... the actual words are important to form a proper mental model. ---------- Change Principles -------- 1) We've made very few changes to the jam code itself; Jambase has been completely reconstructed. a) Most of the rules/actions are retained, but rearranged. b) Capitalization rules are regularized, to aid in reading Jambase ALLCAPS are variables InitialCaps are rules or actions lowercase are built in Jam commands 2) The documentation is arranged by complexity. a) Jamfile: for development engineers. It describes "what" is to be built. Should be 1-3 pages long. b) Jamrules: is a bit more complicated, for analysts or OS platform specialists. It describes "how" the code is built. c) Jambase: is for the Jam engineer, who must know everything about all platforms, and be ready to provide transparent support for the goals listed above. --------- Change Log ------- 24 Jul 2004: Initial contribution to Perforce Depot - Ok, so I have to do a "p4 edit" to keep changing this file. 1) Makefile: A user should be able to build Jam on any platform directly from the distribution, without having to modify Makefile. Our Makefile targets 4 platforms we care about: Windows: nmake win AIX: make aix -- Visual Age C++ HPUX: make hp Solaris: make sol 2) Jam.html, Jamfile.html, Jambase.html All updated to reflect our changes, primarily to Capitalization 3) Jambase Complete reorganized, but there are very few substantive changes. JambaseXref.html An annotated Jambase with cross references for easy viewing of Jambase. Jambase.rex ... The html xref program. To be rewritten in Python. 4) Test Directory of Jam examples. 5) make1.c globs.cmdout needs a newline to separate commands in the "-o" file. 6) jam.h Increase command line length for modern windows systems. 7) Jamfile, used to build Jam. Two Rule changes: LinkLibraries -> Libs Library -> Archive 8) Jam.html, Jamfile.html, Jambase.html ... all edited and changed to our Capitalization conventions for VARIABLES, Rules, built-ins. These early papers on Jam were rewritten so as to use the conventions and Rule names in our implementation. The material is still useful, but confusing when it does not use the current Jambase conventions. jam.paper.html 1994, Chrisopher Seiwald SybaseJam.html 1997, Laura Wingerd "Constructing a Large Project" jam-example.html Robert Cowham GettingStarted.html 2001 Tutorial, Laura Wingerd mfc_app.html 2004 Roger Lipscombe The jamming mailbox was downloaded, and manually edited to remove duplication and reduce the size of the material. jamming.mbox JambaseXref.html. Experimental: Represents an earlier version. This will be updated as we progress.