Perforce Version Copy Utility (VCP) Build Installation Instructions THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE FOR MS WINDOWS 2000 AND XP The build installation scripts and structure provide a means for creating repeatable builds of the vcp binaries. TODO: Extend scripts so they can also be used to install the VCP module into an existing version of Perl, with or without PAR. System Requirments You must have the following software installed on your system in order to install and build the vcp binary: - Some decompression/dearchive tool which works on tar, gzip and zipped files such as - nmake utility, this comes with Visual Studio or can be obtained from If you use this version, put the uncompressed files into your Windows directory - ActivePerl from: You must REBOOT after installing ActivePerl Creating a build of vcp binary on a Windows platform 1) Create a build directory, e.g., C:\BuildVCP 2) Using your browser of choice, download the following files into this directory: 3) Using your decompression/dearchive tool, uncompress and unarchive these files so that they are installed under C:\BuildVPC 4) Copy the 'win-ppm-install.bat' file into C:\BuildVCP 5) Open a 'Command Prompt' window and run the following commands: cd C:\BuildVCP win-ppm-install 6) Build PAR module using the 'Command Prompt' window: (Note: ignore signature failure) cd C:\BuildVCP\PAR-0.85 perl Makefile.PL nmake nmake test nmake install 7) Build HTML-Format module using the 'Command Prompt' window: cd C:\BuildVCP\HTML-Format-2.04 perl Makefile.PL nmake nmake test nmake install 7) Fix PodToHTML module's embedded bug by using Wordpad or editor of choice to edit the file: C:\BuildVCP\PodToHTML-0.04\lib\Pod\ Search for: IO::File Insert the following immediately after the '{' use IO::File; 8) Build HTML-Format module using the 'Command Prompt' window: cd C:\BuildVCP\PodToHTML-0.04 perl Makefile.PL nmake nmake test nmake install 9) Build BFD module using the 'Command Prompt' window: cd C:\BuildVCP\BFD-0.31 perl Makefile.PL nmake nmake test nmake install 10) Using your decompression/dearchive tool, uncompress and unarchive the VCP release into the C:\BuildVCP directory 11) Save the vcp file by: cd C:\BuildVCP\VCP-{version} copy bin\vcp bin\vcp.orig 12) Edit the vcp file using your editor of choice: Search for: my @bundled_files Change the three lines so that it is just: my @bundled_files; 13) Build BFD module using the 'Command Prompt' window: cd C:\BuildVCP\VCP-{version} perl Makefile.PL nmake nmake test nmake install 14) Replace original vcp file by: cd C:\BuildVCP\VCP-{version} move bin\vcp.orig bin\vcp 15) Build windows binary cd C:\BuildVCP\VCP-{version} perl bin\ The resulting 'vcp.exe' file will be in C:\BuildVCP\VCP-{version} directory