use CGI qw(:standard); use strict; my $script = new CGI; # # Get the Changelist # my $choose = 0; #set to let user pick the changelist if (!$script->param('changenum')) { #see if parameters are sent to the script via the link, like "" overrides all $choose++; } # # Provide a form for the user to enter the raw subdoc # if ($choose){ print $script->header(); print $script->start_html(-title=>"Please enter a changelist number to describe"); print qq(Please enter a changelist number to describe:); print qq(
); print $script->end_html; exit; # # Provide a form for the user to enter the raw subdoc # } else { my $changenum = $script->param('changenum'); print $script->header(); print $script->start_html(-title=>"Description of changelist $changenum"); print qq(Description of changelist $changenum