# ora [](https://travis-ci.org/sindresorhus/ora)
> Elegant terminal spinner
## Install
$ npm install --save ora
## Usage
const ora = require('ora');
const spinner = ora('Loading unicorns').start();
setTimeout(() => {
spinner.color = 'yellow';
spinner.text = 'Loading rainbows';
}, 1000);
## API
It will gracefully not do anything when there's no TTY or when in a CI.
### ora([options|text])
If a string is provided, it is treated as a shortcut for [`options.text`](#text).
#### options
Type: `Object`
##### text
Type: `string`
Text to display after the spinner.
##### spinner
Type: `string` `Object`
Default: `dots`
Name of one of the [provided spinners](https://github.com/sindresorhus/cli-spinners/blob/master/spinners.json). See `example.js` in this repo if you want to test out different spinners.
Or an object like:
interval: 80, // optional
frames: ['-', '+', '-']
##### color
Type: `string`
Default: `cyan`
Values: `black` `red` `green` `yellow` `blue` `magenta` `cyan` `white` `gray`
Color of the spinner.
##### interval
Type: `number`
Default: Provided by the spinner or `100`
Interval between each frame.
Spinners provide their own recommended interval, so you don't really need to specify this.
##### stream
Type: `WritableStream`
Default: `process.stderr`
Stream to write the output.
You could for example set this to `process.stdout` instead.
##### enabled
Type: `boolean`
Force enable/disable the spinner. If not specified, the spinner will be enabled if the `stream` is being run inside a TTY context (not spawned or piped) and/or not in a CI environment.
### Instance
#### .start([text])
Start the spinner. Returns the instance. Set the current text if `text` is provided.
#### .stop()
Stop and clear the spinner. Returns the instance.
#### .succeed([text])
Stop the spinner, change it to a green `✔` and persist the current text, or `text` if provided. Returns the instance. See the GIF below.
#### .fail([text])
Stop the spinner, change it to a red `✖` and persist the current text, or `text` if provided. Returns the instance. See the GIF below.
#### .warn([text])
Stop the spinner, change it to a yellow `⚠` and persist the current text, or `text` if provided. Returns the instance.
#### .info([text])
Stop the spinner, change it to a blue `ℹ` and persist the current text, or `text` if provided. Returns the instance.
#### .stopAndPersist([options])
Stop the spinner and change the symbol or text. Returns the instance. See the GIF below.
##### options
Type: `Object`
###### symbol
Type: `string`
Default: `' '`
Symbol to replace the spinner with.
###### text
Type: `string`
Default: Current text
Text to be persisted.
#### .clear()
Clear the spinner. Returns the instance.
#### .render()
Manually render a new frame. Returns the instance.
#### .frame()
Get a new frame.
#### .text
Change the text.
#### .color
Change the spinner color.
#### .promise(action, [options|text])
Starts a spinner for a promise. The spinner is stopped with `.succeed()` if the promise fulfills or with `.fail()` if it rejects. Returns the spinner instance.
##### action
Type: `Promise`
## Related
- [cli-spinners](https://github.com/sindresorhus/cli-spinners) - Spinners for use in the terminal
- [listr](https://github.com/SamVerschueren/listr) - Terminal task list
## License
MIT © [Sindre Sorhus](https://sindresorhus.com)