# Perforce Submit and Form Validating Trigger Specifications. # # Triggers: a list of triggers; one per line. Each trigger line must be # indented with spaces or tabs in the form. Each line has four # elements: # # Name: The name of the trigger. # # Type: 'archive' external archive access triggers # 'bgtask ' server-side user processes # 'auth-check' check authentication trigger # 'auth-check-sso' sso check authentication trigger # 'auth-set' set authentication trigger # 'auth-invalidate' authentication invalidation trigger # 'auth-pre-2fa' mfa trigger - see 'p4 help mfa' # 'auth-init-2fa' mfa trigger - see 'p4 help mfa' # 'auth-check-2fa' mfa trigger - see 'p4 help mfa' # 'change-submit' pre-submit triggers # 'change-content' modify content submit triggers # 'change-commit' post-submit triggers # 'change-failed' submit failure fires these triggers # 'command' pre/post user command triggers # 'edge-submit' Edge Server pre-submit # 'edge-content' Edge Server content submit # 'failed-over' post-failover trigger # 'fix-add' pre-add fix triggers # 'fix-delete' pre-delete fix triggers # 'form-in' modify form in triggers # 'form-out' modify form out triggers # 'form-save' pre-save form triggers # 'form-commit' post-save form triggers # 'form-delete' pre-delete form triggers # 'graph-push-start' pre git push triggers # 'graph-push-reference' pre git reference update # 'graph-push-reference-complete' # post git reference update # 'graph-lfs-push' pre lfs file triggers # 'graph-push-complete' post git push triggers # 'heartbeat-missing' heartbeat missing triggers # 'heartbeat-resumed' heartbeat resumed triggers # 'heartbeat-dead' heartbeat dead triggers # 'journal-rotate' post-journal rotation triggers # 'journal-rotate-lock' blocking journal rotate triggers # 'pull-archive' archive transfer triggers # 'push-submit' pre-push triggers # 'push-content' modify content push triggers # 'push-commit' post-push triggers # 'service-check' check auth trigger (service users) # 'shelve-submit' pre-shelve triggers # 'shelve-commit' post-shelve triggers # 'shelve-delete' pre-delete shelve triggers # # Path: For change-*, edge-*, or shelve-* triggers, a pattern # to match files in the changelist. # # For form-* triggers, the type of form: e.g. 'branch' # 'client', etc. # # For fix-* triggers use 'fix'. # # For auth-* triggers use 'auth'. # # For graph-* triggers use a pattern to match repo names. # # For archive triggers, a file pattern to match the # file name being accessed. # # For command triggers, the client command to match. # Must be in the form "(pre|post)-user-$command", # e.g. "pre-user-tag". The command name is a regular # expression. See "p4 help grep" for details on # syntax. # # For journal-rotate* triggers, use 'any' or either the # server.id or cluster.id of the server(s) that # should run the triggers. # # For failed-over triggers use 'failed-over'. # # For heartbeat-* triggers use 'heartbeat'. # # Command: The OS command to run for validation. If the # command contains spaces, the whole command must # be quoted. See 'p4 help triggers' for a list of # variables that can be expanded in the command # string. # # For example, # # Triggers: # cscheck change-submit //depot/... "cmd %changelist%" # no-oblits command pre-user-obliterate fail # mkspec form-out client "%quote%//trig/scr.pl%quote%" # daily_verify bgtask unset "verify.pl" # # See 'p4 help triggers' for more information about triggers. Triggers: hth.push-ref-complete graph-push-reference-complete //... "%//.hth/triggers/hth-trigger.pl% -c %//.hth/triggers/hth-trigger.conf% -t graph-push-reference-complete -d %depotName% -n %repo% -N %repoName% -p %pusher% -r %quote%%reference%%quote% -O %oldValue% -v %newValue%"