# A Perforce Group Specification. # # Group: The name of the group. # MaxResults: Limits the rows (unless 'unlimited' or 'unset') any one # operation can return to the client. # See 'p4 help maxresults'. # MaxScanRows: Limits the rows (unless 'unlimited' or 'unset') any one # operation can scan from any one database table. # See 'p4 help maxresults'. # MaxLockTime: Limits the time (in milliseconds, unless 'unlimited' or # 'unset') any one operation can lock any database table when # scanning data. See 'p4 help maxresults'. # MaxOpenFiles: # Limits files (unless 'unlimited' or 'unset') any one # operation can open. See 'p4 help maxresults'. # Timeout: A time (in seconds, unless 'unlimited' or 'unset') # which determines how long a 'p4 login' # session ticket remains valid (default is 12 hours). # PasswordTimeout: # A time (in seconds, unless 'unlimited' or 'unset') # which determines how long a 'p4 password' # password remains valid (default is unset). # LdapConfig: The LDAP configuration to use when populating the group's # user list from an LDAP query. See 'p4 help ldap'. # LdapSearchQuery: # The LDAP query used to identify the members of the group. # LdapUserAttribute: # The LDAP attribute that represents the user's username. # LdapUserDNAttribute: # The LDAP attribute in the group object that contains the # DN of the user object. # Subgroups: Other groups automatically included in this group. # Owners: Users allowed to change this group without requiring super # access permission. # Users: The users in the group. One per line. Group: ldapgroup MaxResults: unset MaxScanRows: unset MaxLockTime: unset MaxOpenFiles: unset Timeout: 43200 PasswordTimeout: unset LdapConfig: hhdc2 LdapSearchQuery: (&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%user%)(memberOf=CN= Helix,CN=Users, DC=TSAD-UK,DC=local)) LdapUserAttribute: sAMAccountName LdapUserDNAttribute: member Subgroups: Owners: super Users: