P4DCTL README ------------- P4DCTL is a program for starting and stopping Perforce services on Unix platforms. It's designed to be used both by root and non-root users and to integrate well with init.d or rc scripts for boot/shutdown. It allows the system administrator to specify the Perforce services they wish to start on the box in a single configuration file (/etc/p4d.conf) BUILDING FROM SOURCE -------------------- To build P4DCTL, you'll need Perforce Jam, and the Perforce API. Once you've installed both, simply use: jam -sP4=<path to Perforce API> You may also wish to specify your operating system version. For example, for a Linux 2.6 build, I might use: jam -sP4=<path to Perforce API> -sOSVER=26 Then to install the binary, run the command below as root: jam -sP4=<path to Perforce API> -sOSVER=<version> install This will install the binary in /usr/local/bin and make it a setuid root executable. I believe the program to be secure, though obviously I can't guarantee that. INSTALLING A PRE-BUILT BINARY ----------------------------- If you're using a pre-built binary, just copy it into /usr/local/bin, and run the following commands: chown root:0 /usr/local/bin/p4dctl chmod 4711 /usr/local/bin/p4dctl CONFIGURATION ------------- The simplest way to get started is to copy the p4d.conf.sample from the distribution into /etc/p4d.conf and edit it to reflect your needs. USAGE ----- See 'p4dctl -h' for command-line syntax