/* * Example message file for tajax, in Pig Latin. * * Allows for web servers like Apache to serve up the right language version * based on specialized extensions to this file (such as tajax_messages.js.en) * for correct translation of the messages. */ if (! tajax.messages) { js.debug("Error in tajax_messages.js: script tajax.js was not included before this file."); } tajax.messages = {} tajax.messages.language_code = "en"; tajax.messages.language = "US English"; // internal error messages tajax.messages.bad_request_type = "Illegal request type: {1}"; tajax.messages.cant_create_connection = "Could not create connection object."; tajax.messages.null_tajax = "NULL tajax object for user agent:\n{1}"; tajax.messages.callback_error="Caught exception during callback: {1} (data = {2})";