# the files to generate the data for. any Perforce path works DepotPath=//guest/... # specify the target visualizer. currently code_swarm and gource are supported Visualizer=gource # ignore files with the specified extension when generating the data # use multiple lines to specify multiple values IgnoreExtension=.map IgnoreExtension=.derp # specify a starting changelist instead of starting at the beginning of time StartingChange=1 # this makes changes on branched versions look like they were done on the original file # helps to cut down on excessive noise from frequent dev branches Condense=true # verbose output Verbose=true # calculates the amount of the file that was changed per change. this affects the brightness of points in code_swarm but has no effect in gource CalculateWeights=true # shows job activity as file changes. only works with gource IncludeJobs=false JobModifiedDateField=ModifiedDate JobModifiedByField=ModifiedBy JobNameField=Job SpecDepotName=spec