#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Copyright (c) Matthew Attaway, Perforce Software Inc, 2013. All rights reserved # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PERFORCE # SOFTWARE, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON # ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR # TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF # THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH # # DAMAGE. # # User contributed content on the Perforce Public Depot is not supported by Perforce, although it may be supported by its author. # This applies to all contributions even those submitted by Perforce employees. # # = Synopsis # # code_swarm_generator: builds the XML file from a Perforce server to feed into the code_swarm development visualizer # # = Usage # # code-swarm_generator -p -u -s -e -d -C --verbose(-v) --condense(-c) # #Configuration File Syntax # #The config file uses the syntax = # #Keywords: # DepotPath - a path to look for changes on. There can be any number of DepotPath entries # IgnorePath - changes on this path will be excluded from the results. There can be any nnumber of IgnorePath entries. # IgnoreUser - changes and jobs from this user will be discarded # IgnoreExtension - files that match the extension will be excluded # User - the user to connect to the server with # Port - the server to connect to # Verbose - boolean. Shows generator progress. # Condense - collapses all activity of branched files into one file. This is good for cutting down on the amount of files code_swarm has to track. # StartingChange - the change to start generating from # EndingChange - the change stop generating at # CalculateWeight - boolean. Looks for the number of lines changed per file revision and weights the file appropriately. # IncludeJobs - boolean. Adds events for each modified job during the specified span of changes # JobModifiedDateField - the name of the field used to track the last modification date of a job # JobModifiedByField - the name of the field used to track who made the last change to a job # SpecDepotname - the name of the spec depot. Don't include any '/', just list the name require 'rubygems' require 'P4' require 'getoptlong' require 'rdoc' require 'time' require 'iconv' unless String.method_defined?(:encode) # from http://jeffgardner.org/2011/08/04/rails-string-to-boolean-method/, with modifications class String def to_bool return true if self == true || self =~ (/(true|t|yes|y|1)$/i) return false if self == false || self =~ (/(false|f|no|n|0)$/i) raise ArgumentError.new("invalid value for Boolean: \"#{self}\"") end end # translate invalid utf-8 sequences. # solution from: http://stackoverflow.com/a/8873922/502497 def StripInvalidUTF8( text ) if String.method_defined?(:encode) return text.encode('UTF-8', 'UTF-8', :invalid => :replace) else ic = Iconv.new('UTF-8', 'UTF-8//IGNORE') return ic.iconv(text) end end # # suck the data out of the config file # def ParseConfigFile( configFile ) data = Array.new File.open( configFile, 'r' ) do |f| data = f.readlines end data.each do | l | args = l.split( '=' ) case args[0] when 'DepotPath' $depotPaths.push( args[1].chomp ) when 'IgnorePath' $ignorePaths.push( args[1].chomp ) when 'IgnoreUser' $ignoreUsers[ args[1].chomp ] = 1 when 'IgnoreExtension' $ignoreExtensions[ args[1].chomp ] = 1 when 'User' $user = args[1].chomp when 'Port' $port = args[1].chomp when 'Verbose' $verbose = args[1].to_bool when 'Condense' $condense = args[1].to_bool when 'StartingChange' $startingChange = args[1].chomp when 'EndingChange' $endingChange = args[1].chomp when 'CalculateWeights' $calculateWeight = args[1].to_bool when 'IncludeJobs' $includeJobs = args[1].to_bool when 'JobModifiedDateField' $jobModifiedDateField = args[1].chomp when 'JobModifiedByField' $jobModifiedByField = args[1].chomp when 'JobNameField' $jobNameField = args[1].chomp when 'SpecDepotName' $specDepotName = args[1].chomp when 'Visualizer' $visualizer = args[1].chomp end end end # # get the total number of lines changed for each file # def GetLinesChanged( strs ) fileDict = {} file = "" strs.each do |s| str = StripInvalidUTF8( s ) total = 0 if( str =~ /^==== / ) file = str.chomp file.slice! 0,6 file.slice!( file.rindex('#'), file.length ) end if( str !~ /^add|deleted|changed\s\d+\schunks\s[\s\d\/]+\slines$/ || str =~ /^Change|job|\/\// ) next end args = str.split ' ' total += args[3].to_i total += args[8].to_i vals = Array.new vals.push args[13].to_i vals.push args[15].to_i total += vals.max fileDict[file] = total end return fileDict end def PrintHeader(output) case $visualizer when 'code_swarm' output.puts "\n\n" end end def PrintFooter(output) case $visualizer when 'code_swarm' output.puts "\n" end end # # turn a job into code_swarm event # def PrintJob( output, job ) # no decent way to show jobs with gource; skip 'em if( $visualizer == 'gource' ) return end file = "" date = Time.new weight = 1 author = "" job = StripInvalidUTF8( job ) job.each_line do |j| if( j =~ /^#/ ) next end args = j.split( ":\t" ) case args[0] when $jobNameField file = args[1].chomp when $jobModifiedDateField date = Time.parse( args[1] ) #if args[1] != nil when $jobModifiedByField author = args[1].chomp end end file.gsub!("&", "&") file.gsub!("<", "<") file.gsub!(">", ">") file.gsub!("'", "'") file.gsub!("\"", """) if( $ignoreUsers.has_key?( author ) ) return end if( author == "\"\"" || file == "\"\"" || file == "new.job" ) return end output.puts "\n" rescue return end def PrintChange(output, cTime, path, cUser, weight, action) case $visualizer when 'code_swarm' output.puts "\n" when 'gource' shortAction = 'M' if( action == 'add' ) shortAction = 'A' elsif( action == 'delete' ) shortAction = 'D' end output.puts "#{cTime}|#{cUser}|#{shortAction}|#{path}" end end # # main # begin progName = "viz_data_gen" $port = "" $user = "" $startingChange = "1" $endingChange = 0 $depotPaths = Array.new $ignorePaths = Array.new $ignoreUsers = {} $ignoreExtensions = {} $verbose = false $condense = false $calculateWeight = false $includeJobs = false $jobModifiedDateField = "Date" $jobModifiedByField = "" $jobNameField = "Job" $specDepotName = "" $visualizer = 'code_swarm' configFile = "" # get the command line options if any, overriding the defaults opts = GetoptLong.new( [ '--help', '-h', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--user', '-u', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--port', '-p', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--verbose', '-v', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--condense', '-c', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--startingChange', '-s', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--endingChange', '-e', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--depotPath', '-d', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--configFile', '-C', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--visualizer', '-V', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ] ) optDict = {} opts.each{ | opt, arg | optDict[ opt ] = arg } # parse the config file if any. args provided on the command line will override config file values if( optDict.has_key?( "--configFile" ) ) ParseConfigFile( optDict["--configFile"] ) end optDict.each do |opt, arg| case opt when '--help' exit when '--verbose' $verbose = true when '--condense' $condense = true when '--user' $user = arg when '--port' $port = arg when '--startingChange' $startingChange = arg when '--endingChange' $endingChange = arg when '--depotPath' $depotPaths.clear $depotPaths.push( arg ) when '--visualizer' $visualizer = arg end end # make sure we have the settings we need if the user asked to include jobs if( $includeJobs && ( $jobModifiedDateField == "" || $jobModifiedByField == "" ) ) STDERR.puts "JobModifiedDateField and JobModifiedByField must be set to include job changes." exit end if( $visualizer != 'code_swarm' && $visualizer != 'gource') STDERR.puts 'Visualizer must be set to either code_swarm or gource' exit end if( $visualizer == 'gource' && !$condense ) puts "Condensed history is automatically enabled for Gource." $condense = true end if( $visualizer == 'gource' && $includejobs ) puts "Job activity is not supported for Gource. Disabling." $includejobs = false end if( $visualizer == 'gource' && $calculateWeight ) puts 'Weight calculations are not supported in gource. Disabling.' $calculateWeight = false end # open target file filename = 'perforce.xml' if( $visualizer == 'gource' ) filename = 'perforce.gource' end output = File.new(filename, "w") # print header PrintHeader(output) # set us up the Perforce p4 = P4.new() p4.prog = progName if( $port != "" ) p4.port = $port end if( $user != "" ) p4.user = $user end p4.connect() # fetch job data if( $includeJobs && $visualizer == 'code_swarm') if( $specDepotName == "" ) $stderr.puts "Please specify a spec depot in the config file using the SpecDepotName variable" exit end # get bounding dates sd = p4.run_describe( $startingChange ) d = Time.at( sd[0]["time"].to_i ) startingDate = d.year.to_s + "/" + d.month.to_s + "/" + d.day.to_s endingDate = "" if( $endingChange != 0 ) ed = p4.run_describe( $endingChange ) d = Time.at( ed[0]["time"].to_i ) endingDate = d.year.to_s + "/" + d.month.to_s + "/" + d.day.to_s else endingDate = "now" end js = p4.run_files( "-a", "//" + $specDepotName + "/job/...@" + startingDate + "," + endingDate ) p4.tagged = false js.each do |j| if ( $verbose ) puts "Processing job " + j["depotFile"] + "#" + j["rev"] end p4.exception_level = P4::RAISE_NONE job = p4.run_print( "-q", j["depotFile"] + "#" + j["rev"] ) line = "" if ( job.length != 0 ) PrintJob( output, job.join( "\n" ) ) end end p4.tagged = true end # build the changes command, and get the changes $depotPaths.each_index do | i | $depotPaths[i] += "@>" + $startingChange if( $endingChange != 0 ) $depotPaths[i] += "," + $endingChange end end changeDict = {} $depotPaths.each do | dp | cs = p4.run_changes( dp ) cs.each do | c | if( !changeDict.has_key?( c["change"].to_i ) && !$ignoreUsers.has_key?(c["user"].chomp) ) changeDict[c["change"].to_i] = 1 end end end changes = changeDict.keys.sort # delete changes that are in the ignore paths $ignorePaths.each do | ip | cs = p4.run_changes( ip ) cs.each do | c | changes.delete( c["change"].to_i ) end end files = {} # run through each change to get the pertinent info changes.each do | change | weightDict = {} p4.exception_level = P4::RAISE_NONE result = p4.run_describe( change ) if( $calculateWeight ) p4.tagged = false; diffs = p4.run_describe( "-ds", change ) weightDict = GetLinesChanged( diffs ) p4.tagged = true; end if( result.length == 0 ) next end cUser = result[0]["user"] cTime = result[0]["time"] if( result[0]["depotFile"] == nil ) next end if ( $verbose ) print "Processing change " + change.to_s + "...\n" end for i in 0..result[0]["depotFile"].length-1 do path = result[0]["depotFile"][i] action = result[0]["action"][i] rev = result[0]["rev"][i] path =~ /.*(\..*)/ if( $ignoreExtensions.has_key?( $1 ) ) next end if ( $condense ) if ( action == "branch" ) pathrev = path + '#' + rev log = p4.run_filelog( "-m1", pathrev ) if ( log.length < 1 || log[0].revisions.length < 1 ) next end for j in 0..log[0].revisions[0].integrations.length-1 do integ = log[0].revisions[0].integrations[j] if ( integ.how != "branch from" ) next end if ( files.has_key?(integ.file) ) files[path] = files[integ.file] break end files[path] = integ.file end next end if ( action == "integrate" ) next end if ( files.has_key?(path) ) path = files[path] end end # condense weight = 1 if( weightDict.has_key?( result[0]["depotFile"][i] ) ) weight = weightDict[result[0]["depotFile"][i]] end PrintChange(output, cTime, path, cUser, weight, action) end end # print footer PrintFooter(output) end