#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # This script supports Veritas snapshotting. It was derived from # the Stephen Vance's version of Richard Geiger's script. # References: # //guest/stephen_vance/utils/snap_checkpoint/snap_checkpoint#5 # http://public.perforce.com/guest/richard_geiger/utils/snap_checkpoint/snap_checkpoint.html # --Michael Mirman, The MathWorks, Inc., March 2008. # This script is intended both as an illustration, and, potentially, # as an actual tool. # # NEITHER THE AUTHOR, THE MATHWORKS, INC., VERITAS, NOR PERFORCE SOFTWARE # MAKE ANY WARRANTY, EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE CORRECTNESS, # FITNESS FOR ANY APPLICATION, NOR THE SAFETY OF THE snap_checkpoint SOFTWARE. # # The directory structure that is assumed by this script is highly likely # NOT the structure you have. It is your responsibility to verify what # works and what does not work in your environment. # # First, you ought to run "snap_checkpoint -port YOURPORT -n" to see # "reasonable" output. # Then, you should verify that the p4d_lock() function works # correctly at your site. You can do this by executing # "snap_checkpoint -port YOURPORT -lockcheck". # If things are working right, the script will report that the database # has been locked. # You can then (from second login shell) attempt to execute a p4 command # ("p4 user -o' is fine). This should block until the lock is released. # Here's what you should see: # # [batscm@bat240sol64 ws1]$ snap_checkpoint -lockcheck -port 1681 # 2008-03-17 14:30:30 -0400 snap_checkpoint>> requesting lock on all db.* tables... # 2008-03-17 14:30:30 -0400 snap_checkpoint>> 38 files in /export/db/perforce/1681 were locked. # 2008-03-17 14:30:30 -0400 snap_checkpoint>> press return to unlock # # (At this point all commands to your Perforce server should block, # until you press return) # # 2008-03-17 14:30:38 -0400 snap_checkpoint>> /export/db/perforce/1681 were unlocked. # use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use Cwd qw(abs_path); use Fcntl ':flock'; # import LOCK_* constants use File::Basename qw(basename dirname); use File::Copy qw(); use FileHandle qw(); use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions); use IO::Handle; use Mail::Sendmail qw(sendmail); use Memoize qw(memoize); use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage); use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h); use Sys::Hostname qw(hostname); use Time::Local; # no buffering *STDOUT->autoflush(); *STDERR->autoflush(); my $Mydir = abs_path(dirname($0)); my $Myname = basename($0); my $user = $ENV{USER} || getpwuid($>) || getlogin || "uid$>"; my $HOST = hostname; # Configuration Settings # # REVIEW THESE SETTINGS, AND ADJUST THEM AS NECESSARY FOR USE IN YOUR # ENVIRONMENT: # # The presumed directory structure is as follows: # /export/checkpoint/perforce/PORT # /export/data/perforce/PORT # /export/db/perforce/PORT # /export/journal/perforce/PORT # /export/logs/perforce/PORT # The p4 root is /export/db/perforce/PORT where we have symlinks for depots. # For example: # /export/db/perforce/1680/depot -> /export/data/perforce/1680/depot/ # # Checkpoint files are collected in /export/checkpoint/perforce/PORT. # Volumes # /export/data # /export/db # /export/journal # are snapshotted separately. # # Due to the assumptions above, when Veritas snapshots are taken, they # contain all Perforce instances (i.e., for all ports). # THOSE SNAPSHOTS GET REMOVED AT THE END OF THE SCRIPT. # Therefore, there must be only one instance of this script running at any # point in time. However, it can handle creating a backup of more than # one Perforce instance per run. # # Multiple servers. # # If you have multiple servers that share a single mounted file system, # this script will allow you to create a single snapshot and use the # same snapshot to create checkpoints for every server. # The example of the directory structure is: # /export/db/perforce/1680 -- root of the server #1 # /export/db/perforce/1681 -- root of the server #2 # /export/db/perforce/1682 -- root of the server #3 # /export/journal/perforce/1680 -- directory for the journal #1 # ... # # Single invocation of the script to create checkpoints of all three servers: # snap_checkpoint -port 1680 -port 1681 -port 1682 # # # Local path to rsync my $RSYNC0 = $^O eq 'solaris' ? '/usr/local/bin/rsync' : '/usr/bin/rsync'; # Note. We'll use ssh with the assumption that it does not prompt for # the password. In order to achieve this, the public key must be # generated on the local host (ssh-keygen -t dsa), and the key must be # appended to the /home/$USER/.ssh/authorized_keys2 . my $RSH = 'ssh'; my $RSYNC = "$RSYNC0 -av --rsync-path=$RSYNC0 --rsh=$RSH"; # # Top directory of the mount points my $TOP = '/export'; # # Top where snapshots will be mounted my $SNAPMOUNT = '/backup'; # Several functions returning values, which depend on the port (first arg) memoize('P4'); memoize('P4CHECKPOINT'); memoize('P4ROOT'); sub P4 { my ($port) = @_; my $P4 = P4ROOT($port) . '/bin/p4'; die "Error: $P4 does not exist\n" if ! -x $P4; return $P4; } # P4 sub P4CHECKPOINT { return "$TOP/checkpoint/perforce/$_[0]" } sub P4D { return P4ROOT($_[0]) . '/bin/p4d' } sub P4DATA { return "$TOP/data/perforce/$_[0]" } sub P4JOURNAL { return "$TOP/journal/perforce/$_[0]/journal" } sub P4LOGDIR { return "$TOP/logs/perforce/$_[0]" } sub P4ROOT { return "$TOP/db/perforce/$_[0]" } sub SNAPJOURNAL { return "$SNAPMOUNT/journal/perforce/$_[0]/journal" } # The name of the journal counter to use my $P4COUNTER = 'snap_journal'; # Path to the host's "gzip" command # my $GZIP = "/usr/local/bin/gzip"; # Command to create Veritas snapshots my $CREATE_SNAPSHOT = '/usr/local/bin/mk_vxfs_snapshot'; # Command to remove Veritas snapshots my $REMOVE_SNAPSHOT = '/usr/local/bin/rm_vxfs_snapshot'; my @orig_args = @ARGV; my $domain = 'mathworks.com'; my (%Handle, $HoursFromGMT); my ($logfile, $preview_only, $lockcheck, @ports, %warm_standby); my $notify = ''; my $verbose = 0; my $make_checkpoint = 1; my $max_to_keep = 0; # keep all snapshots # # Parse arguments # GetOptions( 'help' => sub { pod2usage( -verbose => 2, -exit => 0 ) }, 'lockcheck' => \$lockcheck, 'log' => \$logfile, 'mail=s' => \$notify, 'no_checkpoint' => sub { $make_checkpoint = 0 }, 'notify=s' => \$notify, # alias 'max=i' => \$max_to_keep, 'n' => \$preview_only, 'port=s' => \@ports, 'warm=s' => sub { %warm_standby = map { ($_ => 1) } split /,/, $_[1] }, 'v' => \$verbose, ) or die "$Myname: Error parsing arguments\n"; if ( ! @ports ) { print "No ports are specified.\n"; pod2usage( -verbose => 2, -exitval => 2 ); } if ( $logfile ) { $logfile = P4LOGDIR($ports[0]) . "/backup.log"; #print "Redirecting output to $logfile\n"; open STDOUT, '>>', $logfile or die "Cannot append to $logfile: $!\n"; open STDERR, ">&STDOUT" or warn "Cannot redirect STDERR to STDOUT: $!\n"; } print "\n * * * * *\n"; msg(0, "$0 @orig_args\n"); $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { sendmsg("PERFORCE checkpoint $HOST:@ports: FAILURE", join('', "We were running:\n $0 @orig_args\n", "and process $$ eventually crashed:\n\n", @_, "For more information see ", ($logfile || 'stdout'), "\n\n--$user\n")); } if $notify; $SIG{HUP} = $SIG{QUIT} = $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub { my ($sig, @arg) = @_; die "Signal $sig received\n", @arg; }; my @warm_standby = sort grep { is_warming_ok($_) } keys %warm_standby; # # Time to do the job # if ( $lockcheck ) { msg(0, "requesting lock on all db.* tables...\n"); p4d_lock($_) for ( @ports ); msg(0, "press return to unlock "); my $ans = <>; p4d_unlock($_) for ( @ports ); exit 0; } p4d_snap_checkpoint(); sendmsg("PERFORCE checkpoint of $HOST:@ports: SUCCESS "); msg(0, "$0: successful exit.\n"); exit 0; # # Copy (and compress) Perforce journal from a snapshot # sub copy_journal { my ($port, $tstamp, $old_counter) = @_; # The path to the directory where the checkpoint should be written # my $P4CHECKPOINT = P4CHECKPOINT($port); # Copy the journal (from the snapshot). # my $journaln = "$P4CHECKPOINT/$tstamp.jnl.$old_counter"; my $SNAPJOURNAL = SNAPJOURNAL($port); msg(0, ($preview_only ? 'NOT ' : ''), "Copying journal ($SNAPJOURNAL to $journaln)\n"); # syscopy is expected to preserve the timestamp (like cp -p) File::Copy::syscopy($SNAPJOURNAL, $journaln); # Compress the saved journal segment... # (Ignore errors - they can be dealt with later) # run_cmd("$GZIP $journaln"); return; } # copy_journal # # Create a handle name from a file name # sub file2handle { my ($file) = @_; if ( ! defined $Handle{$file} ) { $Handle{$file} = FileHandle->new(); } return $Handle{$file}; } # file2handle # # Return the current counter for a given Perforce instance. # Input:$port # Return: journal counter for this server # sub old_counter { my ($port) = @_; my $P4PORT = "$port"; my $P4 = P4($port); # The path to the "p4" client to be used my $p4 = "$P4 -p $P4PORT"; # Next, look up the journal sequence number counter... Logically, # we'd prefer to do this with the database locked, but the danger of # a rogue checkpoint -jc happening seems tolerable... # # Note. We use `` here rather than run_cmd, so the command would run # even in case of the -n option. my $output = `$p4 counters`; # # The difference between running 'counters' and "counters $P4COUNTER" # is that in the latter case we rely on the integer coming back as # the valid number. # It's more reliable, however, to verify that we get back the # output with the counter name we expect. # my ($journal_counter) = map { /^$P4COUNTER = (\d+)/ ? $1 : () } split /\n/, $output; if ( ! defined $journal_counter ) { die "Can't find set $P4COUNTER counter, nothing done for port=$port.\n", "If this is indeed your first run against this server, you need to run\n", " $p4 counter $P4COUNTER 0\n"; } return $journal_counter; } # old_counter # # Lock database files # sub p4d_lock { my ($port) = @_; # $P4ROOT for the server you wish to checkpoint # my $P4ROOT = P4ROOT($port); my $nlocked = 0; # With r01.1 (at least), empty tables don't have files yet. Real # servers almost certainly will have all the db.* files, but # just in case, we'll grep for existing files only foreach my $file ( grep { -f } map { "$P4ROOT/$_" } dbfiles($port) ) { my $handle = file2handle($file); msg(1, "Locking $file...\n"); if ( ! $preview_only ) { # Note: Solaris seems to need the "+<" open mode in order to all # LOCK_EX locks to be placed. # if (! open $handle, '+<', $file) { msg(0, "can't open $file: $!\n"); exit 5; } if (! flock($handle, LOCK_EX)) { msg(0, "can't lock $file: $!\n"); exit 6; } } $nlocked++; } if ($nlocked <= 0) { die "no tables were locked!"; } msg(0, "$nlocked files in $P4ROOT were ", ($preview_only ? 'NOT ' : ''), "locked.\n"); return; } # p4d_lock # # Unlock database files # sub p4d_unlock { my ($port) = @_; # $P4ROOT for the server you wish to checkpoint # my $P4ROOT = P4ROOT($port); foreach my $file ( grep { -f } map { "$P4ROOT/$_" } reverse(dbfiles($port)) ) { my $handle = file2handle($file); msg(1, "Unlocking $file...\n"); if ( ! $preview_only ) { close $handle or msg(0, "Error closing $file: $!\n"); } } msg(0, "$P4ROOT ", ($preview_only ? 'did NOT have to be' : 'was'), " unlocked.\n"); return; } # p4d_unlock # # Print a message in a canonical format assuming the first arg (requested # verbose level) is less or equal $verbose # sub msg { my $verbose_level = shift; if ( $verbose >= $verbose_level ) { print msg_prefix(), " $Myname>> ", @_; } return; } # msg sub msg_prefix { my $time = shift || time; $HoursFromGMT ||= do { my $t = time; my $d = $t - Time::Local::timelocal(gmtime($t)); sprintf($d >= 0 ? "+%02d00" : "%03d00", $d / 3600); }; my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime($time); return sprintf "%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d $HoursFromGMT", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec; } # msg_prefix # Run a command, returning status and output; terminate on any error. # sub run_cmd { my ($arg) = @_; my ($cmd, $dont_croak, $verbose); if ( ref($arg) eq 'HASH' ) { $cmd = $arg->{'cmd'}; $dont_croak = $arg->{'dont_croak'}; $verbose = $arg->{'verbose'}; } $cmd = $arg if ! defined $cmd; $dont_croak = 0 if ! defined $dont_croak; $verbose = 1 if ! defined $verbose; msg(0, ($preview_only ? 'NOT ' : ''), "Running: $cmd\n"); return (0, "Command was not run\n") if $preview_only; # Note. We will die here even if dont_croak is set because we expect # that the pipe should be openable in any case. open my $CMD, '-|', "$cmd 2>&1" or die "can't open \"$cmd 2>&1 |\": $!"; my $output = ''; while ( <$CMD> ) { print ": $_" if $verbose; $output .= $_; } close $CMD; if (my $sts = $?) { my $sig = $sts & 0x0f; $sts = $sts >> 8; my $msg = "'$cmd' exited with " . ($sig ? "signal $sig " : '') . "status $sts\n"; if ( $dont_croak ) { msg(1, $msg); } else { die $msg; } } return $output; } # run_cmd # # return a time stamp # sub ts { my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); return sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", 1900+$year, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec); } # ts # # Main function that does everything # sub p4d_snap_checkpoint { my @vols = qw(db journal); # Snapshot the data volume if we want to rsync it to the warm standby host push @vols, 'data' if @warm_standby; # First, delete the previous snapshots (if they exist.) for my $vol ( grep { -d "$SNAPMOUNT/$_/perforce" } @vols ) { run_cmd("$REMOVE_SNAPSHOT $vol"); } # do one port at a time so the database of one port would not stay # locked while we working on another port. # this causes more snapshot creating, but it accomplishes # the independence between different servers. for my $port ( @ports ) { # get the counter early. if the counter does not exist, dont even # create snapshots - exit early. my $old_counter = old_counter( $port ); # Next, we lock down the entire database(s) p4d_lock($port); my $tstamp = ts(); # Now, we snapshot the database filesystem... # for my $vol ( @vols ) { run_cmd("$CREATE_SNAPSHOT $vol"); } if ( $make_checkpoint ) { # OK, now we are confident that we have a good snapshot. We can # proceed on the assumption that that the "off line" operations of # copying the journal and "p4 -jd" will work. All we need to do here # is to truncate the journal, and put the server back on-line by # unlocking it... truncate_journal($port); } else { print "We are not creating a checkpoint => Journal is not truncated\n"; } # Now we can release the lock... # p4d_unlock($port); # At this point, the system is online for users. if ( $make_checkpoint ) { copy_journal($port, $tstamp, $old_counter); } else { print "We are not creating a checkpoint => Journal is not copied\n"; } # The path to the "p4d" server to be used # my $P4D = P4D($port); # Do this checkpoint from the snapshot we just took... # my $SNAPROOT = "$SNAPMOUNT/db/perforce/$port"; # # @child is an array of refs to [pid, host] # where pid is the pid of the update process, and # the host is the host name of the warm standby my @child # copy the data to the slave(s) = map { print "Calling update_data($port, $_)\n"; if ( my $pid = update_data($port, $_) ) { print "Adding to child processes to wait: [$pid, $_]\n"; [$pid, $_]; } else { print "Update data on $_ failed. No chld process to wait.\n"; (); } } @warm_standby; my $P4 = P4($port); my $P4CHECKPOINT = P4CHECKPOINT($port); my ($checkpt, $journal, $new_counter); if ( $make_checkpoint ) { # The path to the directory where the checkpoint should be written # $new_counter = $old_counter + 1; $checkpt = "$P4CHECKPOINT/$tstamp.ckp.$new_counter.gz"; $journal = "$P4CHECKPOINT/$tstamp.jnl.$old_counter.gz"; # # This command creates a checkpoint run_cmd("$P4D -r $SNAPROOT -p$port -z -jd $checkpt"); # Now increment the counter - after we created the checkpoint # my $output = run_cmd("$P4 -p$port" . " counter -f $P4COUNTER $new_counter"); if ( ! $preview_only && $output !~ /^Counter $P4COUNTER set\.$/) { die "couldn't increment $P4COUNTER counter:\n$output\n"; } } else { $new_counter = $old_counter; # Take the checkpoint for the old_counter ($checkpt) = glob "$P4CHECKPOINT/*.ckp.$old_counter.gz" or die "Cannot find a checkpoint in $P4CHECKPOINT for the counter ", $old_counter; ($journal) = glob("$P4CHECKPOINT/*.jnl." . ($old_counter-1) . ".gz") or die "Cannot find a journal in $P4CHECKPOINT for the counter ", $old_counter-1; } # Copy this checkpoint to the warm standby(s) for my $warm_standby ( @warm_standby ) { if ( my $pid = fork_it("$RSYNC $checkpt $journal " . "$warm_standby:$P4CHECKPOINT/") ) { msg(0, "Started process $pid to sync $checkpt and $journal", " to $warm_standby\n"); push @child, [$pid, $warm_standby]; } my $P4ROOT = P4ROOT($port); # Note. What cannot be copied: # - bin should not be rsync'ed because: # - platforms may be different; # - p4d version may be different. # - license cannot be copied because it's a different host. my @what = grep { ! m{ /(db \. \w+ | bin (\.\S+)? | license \S* | core) $ }x } glob("$P4ROOT/*"); if ( my $pid = fork_it("$RSYNC @what $warm_standby:$P4ROOT") ) { msg(0, "Started process $pid", " to copy admin.support, bin, lib, triggers to $warm_standby\n"); push @child, [$pid, $warm_standby]; } } my %done; # Wait for all the children while ( @child ) { msg(0, "Waiting for child process(es) to finish: ", join(' ', map { $_->[0] } @child), "\n"); my $kid = wait; if ( $kid > 0 ) { my ($host) = map { $kid == $_->[0] ? $_->[1] : () } @child; if ( $host ) { msg(0, "Child process $kid finished warming up $host", $? ? " (FAILED with code=$?)" : '', "\n"); @child = grep { $kid != $_->[0] } @child; $done{$host} = $? if ( $host && ! defined $done{$host} || $done{$host} < $?); } else { msg(0, "Child process $kid finished, but it was not on the list of the processes we waited for.\n"); } } else { msg(0, "wait returned $kid ($!)\n"); last; } } # Exclude failed hosts from @warm_standby # It can be done more efficiently with hashes, but with the number # of elements to be usually 1 or 2, it doesn't matter. for my $warm_standby ( grep { $done{$_} } keys %done ) { msg(0, $warm_standby, " will not be used as a warm standby because of the errors above.\n"); @warm_standby = grep { $warm_standby ne $_ } @warm_standby; } # # Now we don't need any snapshots anymore # don't croak when we run these commands - try to get to the end for my $vol ( @vols ) { run_cmd({cmd => "$REMOVE_SNAPSHOT $vol", dont_croak => 1, }); } my $xtra_del = $max_to_keep ? "$Mydir/delete_extra_checkpoints -port $port -max $max_to_keep" . ( $preview_only ? ' -n' : '' ) : 'echo no checkpoint cleaning is done'; for my $warm_standby ( @warm_standby ) { msg(0, "Restoring warm standby $warm_standby...\n"); # # At this time, the data have been updated on the warm # standby and the checkpoint has been copied there. # We now need to restore db files and restart the server. my $P4ROOT = P4ROOT($port); my $cmd = "$RSH -n $warm_standby 'cd $P4ROOT" . "; mkdir tmp.$new_counter; mv db.* tmp.$new_counter" . "; $P4D -r $P4ROOT -z -jr $checkpt; echo Status=\$?'"; my $output = run_cmd({cmd => $cmd, dont_croak => 1, }); if ( $preview_only || ( $? == 0 # everything was OK in the previous command && $output !~ /error/i && $output =~ /Status=0\b/ ) ) { for my $cmd (map { "$RSH -n $warm_standby '$_'" } "/etc/init.d/p4d.$port start >/dev/null 2>&1 &", "cd $P4ROOT; rm tmp.$new_counter/db.*; rmdir tmp.$new_counter", $xtra_del, ) { run_cmd($cmd); } } else { msg(0, "Not starting p4d on $warm_standby:$port", " because of errors above\n"); } } # restoring warm standby # Delete extra checkpoint and journal files run_cmd($xtra_del) if $xtra_del; } # for each port (Perforce instance) return; } # p4d_snap_checkpoint # # Fork a command and return pid sub fork_it { my ($cmd) = @_; my $pid = fork; if ( $pid ) { # parent return $pid; } if ( defined $pid ) { # child sleep 2; # give the parent a couple of seconds to breathe run_cmd($cmd); msg(0, "PID=$$ finished.\n"); exit; } else { msg(0, "ERROR: Cant sync checkpt: fork failed: $!\n"); return; } } # fork_it # # Truncate Perforce journal # sub truncate_journal { my ($port) = @_; # The path to the journal file # my $P4JOURNAL = P4JOURNAL($port); if ( ! $preview_only ) { # Truncate the journal open my $J, '>', $P4JOURNAL or do { msg(0, "couldn't truncate \"$P4JOURNAL\": $!\n"); exit 7; }; close $J; } msg(0, "$P4JOURNAL was ", ($preview_only ? 'NOT ' : ''), "truncated.\n"); return; } # truncate_journal # verify several things regarding a warm standby sub is_warming_ok { my ($warm_standby) = @_; my ($warm_name, $warm_aliases, $warm_addrtype, $warm_length, @warm_addrs) = gethostbyname($warm_standby); my ($this_name, $this_aliases, $this_addrtype, $this_length, @this_addrs) = gethostbyname($HOST); my $err; if ( ! -x $RSYNC0 ) { $err = "$RSYNC0 was not found => warm standby cannot be maintained"; } elsif ( $warm_standby eq 'localhost' ) { $err = "You cannot use localhost as a warm standby host"; } elsif ( ! $warm_name ) { $err = "Warm standby host $warm_standby is invalid: $!"; } elsif ( ! $this_name ) { $err = "Unexpectedly, we cannot resolve address of this host " . "$HOST:\n $!"; } else { # make sure $warm_standby is not the local host for my $this ( @this_addrs ) { if ( grep { $_ eq $this } @warm_addrs ) { my ($a,$b,$c,$d) = unpack('C4', $this); $err = "Host $warm_standby cannot be used as a warm standby host because its address is the same as of $this_name: $a.$b.$c.$d"; last; } } } if ( $err ) { warn "$err\n"; return; } return 1; # OK } # is_warming_ok # # Return the list of db files in the order to be locked # sub dbfiles { my ($port) = @_; my $p4d = P4D($port); # Perforce server version: my @p4dV = `$p4d -V`; my ($p4dVers) = map { m{^Rev\. \S+/(\d\d\d\d\.\d)/\d+} ? $1 : () } @p4dV; if ( ! $p4dVers ) { die "Cannot determine the p4d version from p4d -V output:\n", @p4dV, "<<<-- You may need to adjust the regex in parsing the output above"; } # The locking order of the db.* files, good for my @order = ($p4dVers =~ /^2000\.[12]$/) # 2000.1 and 2000.2 # per information supplied by Perforce Software: # # http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.001/schema/index.html # http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.002/schema/index.html # ? qw( db.counters db.user db.group db.depot db.domain db.view db.review db.have db.integ db.locks db.rev db.revcx db.working db.change db.desc db.job db.jobpend db.jobdesc db.fix db.fixrev db.boddate db.bodtext db.ixdate db.ixtext db.protect db.trigger ) : ($p4dVers =~ /^2001\.1$/) # 2001.1 # per information supplied by Perforce Software: # # http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.011/schema/index.html # ? qw( db.counters db.logger db.user db.group db.depot db.domain db.view db.review db.have db.label db.integ db.integed db.resolve db.locks db.rev db.revcx db.working db.change db.desc db.job db.jobpend db.jobdesc db.fix db.fixrev db.boddate db.bodtext db.ixdate db.ixtext db.protect db.trigger ) : ($p4dVers =~ /^2002\.1$/) # 2002.1 # per information supplied by Perforce Software: # # http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.021/schema/index.html ? qw( db.counters db.logger db.user db.group db.depot db.domain db.view db.review db.have db.label db.integ db.integed db.resolve db.locks db.rev db.revcx db.working db.change db.changex db.desc db.job db.jobpend db.jobdesc db.fix db.fixrev db.boddate db.bodtext db.ixdate db.ixtext db.protect db.trigger ) : ($p4dVers =~ /^(2002.2|2003.1)$/) # 2002.2, 2003.1 # per information supplied by Perforce Software: # # http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.022/schema/index.html # http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.031/schema/index.html # ? qw( db.counters db.logger db.user db.group db.depot db.domain db.view db.review db.have db.label db.integ db.integed db.resolve db.locks db.rev db.revcx db.working db.change db.changex db.desc db.job db.jobpend db.jobdesc db.fix db.fixrev db.boddate db.bodtext db.ixdate db.ixtext db.protect db.trigger db.message ) : ($p4dVers =~ /^2003\.2|2004\.1$/) # 2003.2 and 2004.1 # per information supplied by Perforce Software: # # http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.032/schema/index.html # http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.041/schema/index.html # ? qw( db.counters db.logger db.user db.group db.depot db.domain db.view db.review db.have db.label db.integ db.integed db.resolve db.locks db.rev db.revcx db.working db.change db.changex db.desc db.job db.jobpend db.jobdesc db.fix db.fixrev db.boddate db.bodtext db.ixdate db.ixtext db.protect db.trigger db.message db.monitor ) : ($p4dVers =~ /^2004\.2$/) # 2004.2 # per information supplied by Perforce Software: # # http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.042/schema/index.html ? qw( db.counters db.logger db.user db.group db.depot db.domain db.view db.review db.have db.label db.integ db.integed db.resolve db.locks db.rev db.revcx db.revpx db.working db.traits db.trigger db.change db.changex db.desc db.job db.jobpend db.jobdesc db.fix db.fixrev db.boddate db.bodtext db.ixdate db.ixtext db.protect db.message db.monitor ) : ($p4dVers =~ /^(2007\.[23]|2008\.[12])$/) # 2007.2 .. 2008.2 # this information taken from # http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.072/schema/index.html # http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.073/schema/index.html # http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.081/schema/index.html # http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.082/schema/index.html ? qw( db.counters db.logger db.user db.group db.depot db.domain db.view db.review db.integ db.integed db.resolve db.have db.label db.locks db.archive db.archmap db.rev db.revcx db.revdx db.revhx db.revpx db.revsx db.working db.traits db.trigger db.change db.changex db.desc db.job db.jobpend db.jobdesc db.fix db.fixrev db.boddate db.bodtext db.ixdate db.ixtext db.protect db.message db.monitor ) : (); if ( ! @order ) { print < "$user\@$domain", To => $recipients, Subject => $subject, ); $mail{'Message'} = $message if $message; sendmail(%mail) or print "Error sending mail: $Mail::Sendmail::error\n"; } return; } # sendmsg # # Update versioned files on the warm standby sub update_data { my ($port, $warm_standby) = @_; local($_); # someone inside this sub stumps on $_ # Stop p4d on the slave - dont fail here my $P4 = P4($port); if ( p4d_live($warm_standby, $port) ) { run_cmd({cmd => "$P4 -p $warm_standby:$port admin stop", dont_croak => 1}); if ( p4d_live($warm_standby, $port) ) { msg(0, "Server $warm_standby:$port is alive => we cannot use this host as a warm standby\n"); return; } } # Go to the background to update the data my $pid = fork; if ( $pid ) { # parent msg(0, "Started process $pid to update the data on $warm_standby:$port\n"); } elsif ( defined $pid ) { # child sleep 2; # give the parent a couple of seconds to breathe # TODO: redirect rsync output elsewhere my $cmd = "$RSYNC $SNAPMOUNT/data/perforce/$port/ $warm_standby:" . P4DATA($port); my $msg = "Child process $$ will" . ($preview_only ? ' NOT' : '') . " update data on $warm_standby:\n $cmd\n"; msg(0, $msg); if ( ! $preview_only ) { system $cmd and warn "ERROR: We could not exec rsync: $!"; } # It's nice to see the time stamp when this is done msg(0, "Finished updating data on $warm_standby\n"); exit; } else { msg(0, "Cant update data on $warm_standby:$port: fork failed: $!\n"); return; } return $pid; } # update_data # # Check if the given server is alive sub p4d_live { my ($host, $port) = @_; my $P4 = P4($port); my $info = "$P4 -p $host:$port info"; my $out = run_cmd({cmd => $info, dont_croak => 1, verbose => 0}); msg(1, "<$info>:\n$out\n"); if ( $out =~ /Server uptime:/ ) { return 1; } if ( $out =~ /connect: $host:$port: Connection refused/ ) { return 0; } msg(0, "Cannot determine whether $host:$port", " server is running based on this output:\n", $out); return; } # p4d_live =head1 NAME snap_checkpoint =head1 SYNOPSIS snap_checkpoint -help snap_checkpoint -port NNNN [-port NNNN] [-lockcheck] [-max N] [-n] [-v] =head1 DESCRIPTION This script creates a new Perforce checkpoint using snapshots. Options: -n preview: shows what would be done -lockcheck is to testing whether the server is indeed locked -max N keep maximum N backups and delete the oldest (default: keep all) -log log activity in backup.log in the logs directory -mail id send summary about this run to the given address -port NNNN determines which server needs to be checkpointed -warm host1[,host2,...] Use specified host(s) as a warm stand-by. This causes remote copy and other extra actions. Specified hosts cannot be this host. -v increases the verbosity level. =head1 EXAMPLES =cut