The Jam Project
About This Project
- Content
Source and documentation for Jam, a software build tool.
- Curator
At this time, curatorship of this project is shared by Perforce staff. Please email if you have submitted contributions you'd like published.
Source Files
The stable version of Jam is rev 2.4, March 2002. To get that revision into your workspace, please sync to //public/jam/src/...@1659
The head of //public/jam/src/... is presently Jam 2.5rc3, the third Jam 2.5 release candidate. If no "showstopper" bugs are found in Jam 2.5rc3, it will renamed to become the final (and "official") Jam 2.5 release.
- To see what's in been happening in the source, see the changelist descriptions.
- For downloading, the current source files are also mirrored on the Perforce FTP site here.
- Jam Release Notes
- Jam Manual Page - The Jam Executable Program
- Jambase Reference
- Using Jamfiles and Jambase
- Getting Started with Jam - A Tutorial (Requires Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher to view)
- A user-contributed Jam Guide for Gentoo Linux users
Mailing List
Users can discuss Jam on the Jamming mailing list.
Helpful tips and ongoing discussion can be found in the Jamming archive.
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