c4 -- searches for changes (like CVS), import file trees

	Import or re-import whole file trees with correct add/edit/delete
	operations;  Search for modified/new/removed files and do the correct
	edit/add/delete operations (inspired by CVS).

	C4 was originally created to give p4 a CVS feel, by allowing
	perforce clients to have writable files and have c4 locate
	changed files in a way similar to CVS.  This has been expanded
	to correctly find arbitrary changes between the current top of
	tree and the client so that whole trees can be imported.  This
	is routinely used to import updates to external source, including
	updates that can remove/rename whole directories of files.
	C4 provides a control file that is placed at the top of
	each client to set environment variables, such as P4PORT and
	P4CLIENT.  For more information on what c4 does, read the c4

Neil Russell
(v1.5, August 1999)

Original README:

	c4 -- CVS like front end to the Perforce SCM system

			    Neil Russell

C4 provides a CVS like feel to Perforce's SCM system p4.  C4 is not a
substitute for CVS, in that it does not try to mimic CVS's command
set.  Rather, it provides a workspace (client) where every file is
writable, and can be modified on an adhoc basis.  C4 provides commands
that search a client, looking for files that have been added or
changed, and runs p4 commands on them to add, edit, revert, refresh or
update them.  C4 provides a control file that is placed at the top of
each client to set environment variables, such as P4PORT and P4CLIENT.
For more information on what c4 does, read the c4 manual.

To build from source:

*  Unpack the source code.
*  Change to the source directory (the on you unpacked into), and type "make".
*  If all goes well, copy the resulting binary `c4' into a suitable
   directory (eg. /usr/local/bin).

If you discover problems, mail me (caret@c-side.com).

Neil Russell (December 2, 1997).