P4 - Perl friendly OO interface to the Perforce SCM System

This module provides an easy to use and very powerful interface to the
Perforce SCM system. It's based on the Perforce C++ API so you'll
need to download the correct API build for your platform in order to
be able to build P4.

GCC3 Users

Please note that if you're using gcc v3.x you MUST use a version of
the Perforce API compiled with gcc3. i.e.

  Linux x86 Users:	rXX.Y/bin.linux80x86/p4api.tar 
  Linux AMD64 Users:	rXX.Y/bin.linux26amd64/pic/p4api.tar
  etc. etc.

Perforce Client API - get it from ftp://ftp.perforce.com/pub/perforce
C++ compiler 
Perl (obviously)


All suggestions, bug reports etc. to tony@perforce.com - thanks!