#!/usr/local/bin/perl # -*-Fundamental-*- # NEITHER THE AUTHOR, NETWORK APPLIANCE, INC. NOR PERFORCE SOFTWARE # MAKE ANY WARRANTY, EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE CORRECTNESS, # FITNESS FOR ANY APPLICATION, NOR THE SAFETY OF THE snap_checkpoint SOFTWARE. # # $Id: //guest/richard_geiger/utils/snap_checkpoint/snap_checkpoint#7 $ # # Original Author: Richard Geiger, Network Appliance, Inc. # # This script is intended both as an illustration, and, potentially, # as an actual tool. For general information about the technique # implemented herein, see # # http://public.perforce.com/guest/richard_geiger/utils/snap_checkpoint/snap_checkpoint.html # # While this script may work by modifying only the configuration variables below, # it is your responsibility to verify that it work in your environment. # # In particular, you should verify that the p4d_lock() function works # correctly at your site. You can do this by executing # "snap_checkpoint lockcheck" (after having set the configuration # variables, below). If things are working right, the script will # report that the database has been locked. You can then (from second # login shell) attempt to execute a p4 command ("p4 user -o' is # fine); this should block until the lock is released. Here's what # you should see: # # rmg $ ./sn lockcheck # snap_checkpoint: requesting lock on all db.* tables... # snap_checkpoint: /usr/big3_llock/rmg/p4bench_root locked. # snap_checkpoint: press return to unlock # # (At this point all commands to your Perforce server should block, # until you press return) # # snap_checkpoint: /usr/big3_llock/rmg/p4bench_root unlocked. # # use Carp; use strict; $| = 1; my $Myname; ($Myname = $0) =~ s%^.*/%%; # Configuration Settings # # REVIEW THESE SETTINGS, AND ADJUST THEM AS NECESSARY FOR USE IN YOUR # ENVIRONMENT: # # $P4PORT for the server you wish to checkpoint; # my $P4PORT = "perforce:1666"; # $P4ROOT for the server you wish to checkpoint # my $P4ROOT = "/usr/p4/root"; # The path to the "p4" client to be used # my $P4 = "/usr/local/bin/p4"; # The path to the "p4d" server to be used # my $P4D = "/usr/local/bin/p4d"; # The path to the directory where the checkpoint should be written # my $P4CHECKPOINT = "/usr/p4/checkpoints"; # The path to the journal file # my $P4JOURNAL = "/usr2/p4/journal"; # The name of the journal counter to use # (p4d r00.1 won't let us use "journal" :-() # my $P4COUNTER = "snap_journal"; # The name of the NetApp filer that holds the volume where # $P4ROOT is stored # # my $FILER = "ourfiler"; # The volume name of the volume where $P4ROOT is stored # my $VOLUME = "perforce"; # Path to the host's "rsh" command # my $RSH = "/bin/rsh"; # Path to the host's "gzip" command # my $GZIP = "/usr/local/bin/gzip"; # Perforce servewr version: # my $p4dVers = "r2001.1"; # remove the following statement after configuring the settings above # die "You must configure the settings above before using this script!"; my $dbfiles; if ($p4dVers =~ /^r(99.1|99.2|2000.1)$/) { # The locking order of the db.* files, good for # # r99.1 # r99.2 # r2000.1 # r2000.2 # # per information supplied by Perforce Software: # # http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.991/schema/index.html # http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.992/schema/index.html # http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.001/schema/index.html # http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.002/schema/index.html # $dbfiles = < $cmd\n"); if (! open(CMD, "$cmd 2>&1 |")) { die "can't open \"$cmd 2>&1 |\": $!"; } while () { print(": $_"); $output .= $_; } close CMD; if ($sts = $?) { my $sig = $sts & 0x0f; $sts = $sts >> 8; die "\"$cmd\" exited with signal $sig status $sts"; } return ($sts, $output); } sub ts { my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); return sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", 1900+$year, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec); } # The following function is taken from the NetApp "p4d_admin" script. # I've decided to try and keep the function the same, verbatim, as it # is there, so things might be done a bit differently than they # otherwise would. In particular, I've stubbed out the "&msg" # function with a dummy version that ignore the later args which are # used in the context of p4d_admin, but not here. # # sub msg { my ($msg) = @_; print STDERR $msg; } sub p4d_snap_checkpoint { # First, delete the previous snapshot (if it exists). (We keep the # old one around, just in case, until we need to make a new one. # my ($sts, $output) = &s("$RSH $FILER snap delete perforce checkpoint 2>&1"); chop $output; my @output = split(/\n/, $output); my $bad = 0; foreach my $s (@output) { if ($s !~ /^(deleting snapshot\.+|No such snapshot.)$/) { $bad = 1; last; } } if ($sts || $bad) { &msg("$Myname: couldn't delete snapshot.\n", undef, undef, "p4"); exit 1; } # Next, look up the journal sequence number counter... Logically, # we'd prefer to do this with the database locked, but the danger of # a rouge checkpoint -jc happening seems tolerable... # ($sts, $output) = &s("$P4 -p $P4PORT counters"); my $journal_counter = ""; foreach $_ (split(/\n/, $output)) { if (/^$P4COUNTER = (\d+)/) { $journal_counter = $1; } } if ($journal_counter eq "") { &msg("$Myname: can't get $P4COUNTER counter, nothing done.\n", undef, undef, "p4"); exit 1; } # Now increment the counter # my $new_journal_counter = $journal_counter + 1; ($sts, $output) = &s("$P4 -p $P4PORT counter $P4COUNTER $new_journal_counter"); chop $output; if ($output !~ /^Counter $P4COUNTER set\.$/) { &msg("$Myname: couldn't increment $P4COUNTER counter:\n$output\n", undef, undef, "p4"); exit 1; } # Next, we lock down the entire database # &p4d_lock(0); my $tstamp = &ts; # Now, we snapshot the database filesystem... # ($sts, $output) = &s("$RSH $FILER snap create perforce checkpoint 2>&1"); chop $output; if ($sts || $output !~ /^creating snapshot\.+$/) { &msg("$Myname: couldn't create snapshot.\n", undef, undef, "p4"); exit 1; } # OK, now we are confident that we have a good snapshot. We can # proceed on the assumption that that the "off line" operations of # copying the journal and "p4 -jd" will work. All we need to do here # is to truncate the journal, and put the server back on-line by # unlocking it... # Truncate the journal: # if (! open(J, ">$P4JOURNAL")) { &msg("$Myname: couldn't truncate \"$P4JOURNAL\": $!\n", undef, undef, "p4"); exit 1; } close J; &msg("$Myname: \"$P4JOURNAL\" truncated.\n"); # Now we can release the lock... # &p4d_unlock; # At this point, the syetem is online for users. # Copy the journal (from the snapshot). # my $journaln = "$P4CHECKPOINT/$tstamp.jnl.$journal_counter"; my $P4JOURNALDIR = &dirname($P4JOURNAL); my $P4JOURNALFILE; ($P4JOURNALFILE = $P4JOURNAL) =~ s%^.*/%%; ($sts, $output) = &s("/bin/cp -p $P4JOURNALDIR/.snapshot/checkpoint/$P4JOURNALFILE $journaln"); if ($sts) { &msg("$Myname: couldn't copy \"$P4JOURNALDIR/.snapshot/checkpoint/$P4JOURNALFILE\".\n", undef, undef, "p4"); exit 1; } # Compress the saved journal segment... # (Ignore errors - they can be dealt with later) # &s("$GZIP $journaln"); # Diddle $P4ROOT so that this checkpoint is done from the snapshot # we just took... # my $P4ROOT_sav = $P4ROOT; $P4ROOT .= "/.snapshot/checkpoint"; $ENV{"P4ROOT"} = $P4ROOT; # And then run the checkpoint from the snapshot... # my ($sts, $output) = &s("$P4D -r $P4ROOT -p $P4PORT -z -jd $P4CHECKPOINT/$tstamp.ckp.$new_journal_counter.gz"); if ($sts || $output !~ /^Dumping to $P4CHECKPOINT\/$tstamp\.ckp\.$new_journal_counter\.gz\.\.\.$/) { &msg("$Myname: checkpoint failed.\n", undef, undef, "p4"); exit 1; } # Mom taught me to put things back where I'd got 'em. # $P4ROOT = $P4ROOT_sav; $ENV{"P4ROOT"} = $P4ROOT; return $sts; } if ($#ARGV >= 0) { if ($ARGV[0] eq "lockcheck") { shift @ARGV; &msg("$Myname: requesting lock on all db.* tables...\n"); &p4d_lock; &msg("$Myname: press return to unlock "); $a = <>; &p4d_unlock; exit 0; } else { print STDERR <