#!/usr/bin/perl -w # -*- perl -*- use P4CGI ; use strict ; # ################################################################# # CONFIGURATION INFORMATION # All config info should be in P4CGI.pm # ################################################################# # # P4 change viewer # View a change by number # ################################################################# # Get file spec argument my $change = P4CGI::cgi()->param("CH") ; &P4CGI::bail("No change number specified") unless defined $change ; $change =~ /^\d+$/ or &P4CGI::bail("\"$change\" is not a positive number"); my @desc ; my $currlev = &P4CGI::CURRENT_CHANGE_LEVEL() ; if($change > $currlev or $change < 1) { &P4CGI::bail("\"$change\" is not a valid change number<br>(0 < change <= $currlev)"); } ; &P4CGI::p4call(\@desc, "describe -s $change"); $_ = &P4CGI::fixSpecChar(shift @desc) ; /^Change (\d+) by (\S+)@(\S+) on (\S+) (\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)(.*)$/ or &P4CGI::bail("Illegal syntax on line returned"); my ($chn, $user, $client, $date, $time, $status) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6) ; my $statstr = "" ; my $pending ; if ( defined $status and $status =~ /pending/) { $statstr=" (pending change)" ; $pending = "yes" ; } ; # Create title print "", &P4CGI::start_page("Change $change$statstr","") ; my $description="" ; my $leadDescSpace ; while(@desc > 0) { $_ = &P4CGI::fixSpecChar(shift @desc) ; chomp ; next if /^\s*$/; last if /^Jobs fixed/; last if /^Affected files/; if($_ !~ /^\s*$/) { if(defined $leadDescSpace) { s/^$leadDescSpace// ; } else { s/^(\s+)// ; $leadDescSpace = $1 ; }; $description .= "\n$_"; } } my $jobsFixed="-" ; if( /^Jobs fixed/ ) { $jobsFixed = "\n" ; shift @desc ; while (@desc > 0) { $_ = &P4CGI::fixSpecChar(shift @desc) ; my( $job, $time, $user, $client ); while( ( $job, $time, $user, $client ) = /(\S*) fixed on (\S*) by (\S*)@(\S*)/ ) { $jobsFixed .= &P4CGI::ahref("-url","vj.cgi...", "JOB=$job", $job) . "\n<br><tt>"; shift @desc ; while(@desc > 0){ $_ = &P4CGI::fixSpecChar(shift @desc) ; last if /^\S/; $jobsFixed .= $_; } } $jobsFixed .= "</tt>\n"; last if /^Affected files/; } $jobsFixed .= "\n" ; } print "", &P4CGI::start_table(""), &P4CGI::table_row("-valign","top",{"-type","th", "-align","right", "-text","Author"}, &P4CGI::ahref(-url => &P4CGI::LU_URL(), "USER=$user", $user)), &P4CGI::table_row("-valign","top",{"-type","th", "-align","right", "-text","Client"}, $client), &P4CGI::table_row("-valign","top",{"-type","th", "-align","right", "-text","Date"}, "$time $date"), &P4CGI::table_row("-valign","top", {"-type","th", "-align","right", "-text","Description"}, {"-text","<pre>".&P4CGI::magic($description)."</pre>","-bgcolor","white"}) ; if ( ! defined $pending ) { print "", &P4CGI::table_row("-valign","top",{"-type","th", "-align","right", "-text","Jobs fixed"}, "$jobsFixed") ; } ; print "", &P4CGI::end_table(), "<hr>"; if(! defined $pending ) { print "<h3>Files</h3>\n", &P4CGI::ul_list( "<B>Filename</B> -- see the complete file history", "<B>Revision Number</B> -- see the file text", "<B>Action</B> -- see the deltas (diffs)"), &P4CGI::start_table("cellpadding=1 "), &P4CGI::table_row("-type","th", "-align","left", "File","Rev","Action"); # Sample: # ... //depot/main/p4/Jamrules#71 edit my $allfiles ; my $allrevs ; my $allmodes ; my $cnt = scalar @desc ; while(@desc > 0) { $_ = &P4CGI::fixSpecChar(shift @desc) ; if(/^\.\.\. (\S*)#(\d*) (\S*)$/) { my( $file, $rev, $act ) = ($1,$2,$3) ; if(defined $allfiles) { $allfiles .= "+$file" ; $allrevs .= "+$rev" ; $allmodes .= "+$act" ; } else { $allfiles = "$file" ; $allrevs = "$rev" ; $allmodes = "$act" ; } ; print "", &P4CGI::table_row(&P4CGI::ahref("-url",P4CGI::FLV_URL(), "FSPC=$file", "$file"), &P4CGI::ahref("-url",P4CGI::FV_URL(), "FSPC=$file", "REV=$rev","$rev"), &P4CGI::ahref("-url",P4CGI::FDV_URL(), "FSPC=$file", "REV=$rev", "ACT=$act", "$act")) ; } ; } ; print &P4CGI::end_table(),"<P>" ; if($cnt > 1) { print "", &P4CGI::ahref("-url",P4CGI::FDV_URL(), "FSPC=$allfiles", "REV=$allrevs", "ACT=$allmodes", "CH=$change", "Diff for all files in change") ; } ; } else { print "<h3>Files in changelist</h3>\n", &P4CGI::ul_list( "<B>Filename</B> -- see the complete file history"), &P4CGI::start_table("cellpadding=1 "), &P4CGI::table_row("-type","th", "-align","left", "File","Rev","Action"); my @openfiles ; &P4CGI::p4call(\@openfiles,"opened -a") ; my @files ; my @revs ; my @actions ; foreach (@openfiles) { if(/(\S+)#(\d+) - (\w+) change $change /) { push @files,$1 ; push @revs,$2 ; push @actions,$3 ; } } while(@files > 0) { my $file = shift @files ; # my $rev = shift @revs ; my $act = shift @actions ; if($act eq "edit") { print "", &P4CGI::table_row(&P4CGI::ahref("-url",P4CGI::FLV_URL(), "FSPC=$file", "$file"), shift @revs, $act) ; } else { print "",&P4CGI::table_row("$file",shift @revs,$act) ; } ; } ; print &P4CGI::end_table(),"<P>" ; } ; print &P4CGI::end_page(); # # That's it folks #