Over 15 years experience in system development. SCM experience includes: Perforce on a wide variety of platforms, CVS, CMS (on OpenVMS), SCCS/RCS, PVCS and StarTeam. Experienced at putting SCM into "uncontrolled" development environments and tightening up on development standards and procedures including release management and testing.
Robert has worked with companies such as Symbian providing consultancy for the planning and implementation of Perforce, rolling it out to 300+ developers around the world.
Author of the freely available integration between Perforce and Microsoft Word.
He also regularly conducts training courses on behalf of Perforce and for Perforce clients. These include 1-day courses (with and without lab exercises), and 2- and 3-day courses (with lab exercises). Robert gives the public courses on behalf of Perforce in the UK.
Recent courses for ORGA Kartensysteme were given in German and Italian (using English course materials).
The courses can be tailored to suit individual companies requirements.
"One of the best 2 or 3 trainers I have encountered in 20 years of assorted courses"
Chris Cooper, Symbian
Robert Cowham
Vaccaperna Systems Ltd
8 Paynesfield Avenue
London SW14 8DW
Web: www.vaccaperna.co.uk
Email: robert@vaccaperna.co.uk
Tel: +44.(0)20.8392 0935
Fax: +44.(0)20.8392 0936
Languages: Excellent Italian, German and French
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