Over 15 years experience in systems development. Configuration management experience includes Perforce on a wide variety of platforms and various other tools (CVS, CMS, SCCS/RCS, PVCS). Experienced at implementing software configuration management (SCM) in "chaotic" development environments and tightening up on development standards and procedures including build and release management and testing.
As one of the first two qualified Perforce Consulting Partners, Robert has consulted for and trained more than 20 Perforce customers around the world. Work done includes:
Author of P4OFC - the Perforce plugin for Microsoft Office. Experienced with all aspects of the Perforce API (see presentation at the Perforce User Conference).
"Robert reviewed our processes and provided us with excellent insight on strategic SCM practices with Perforce, such as how to get the best out of branching and merging."
Andres Torrubia, Chief Technology Officer, Trymedia Systems, Spain
Robert also regularly conducts training courses on behalf of Perforce and for Perforce clients. These range from 1-day to 3-day courses (with and without lab exercises). He gives the public courses on behalf of Perforce in the UK. The courses are normally tailored to suit individual company's requirements and very frequently combined with a consultancy workshop.
Courses are also available in German, Italian and French (using English course materials).
"Bereits im Vorfeld der Integration von Perforce in unsere Delta-Entwicklungsumgebung wie auch während der Integration war von Herrn Cowham eine hervorragende Unterstützung gegeben. Das Perforce-Training entsprach derselben Qualität."
Waldemar Fohmann, Projekt manager SA and QA, Staatskanzlei Aargau (Kanton Aargau), Switzerland
"One of the best 2 or 3 trainers I have encountered in 20 years of assorted courses"
Chris Cooper, Symbian, UK, Sweden and Japan
"One of the best trainers I've ever worked with. Perforce concepts and general usage was explained well and at a pace that was perfect for the users at the course. Highly recommended trainer."
Eddie Chin, ATG, Massachusetts, USA
Robert Cowham
Vaccaperna Systems Ltd
8 Paynesfield Avenue
London SW14 8DW
Web: www.vaccaperna.co.uk
Email: robert@vaccaperna.co.uk
Tel: +44.(0)20.8392 0935
Fax: +44.(0)20.8392 0936
Languages: Italian, German and French
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