p4-search Copyright (c) 2014, Perforce Software

At the root of this directory is the install script (./install.sh) which will
* prompt for some basic installation information
* download jetty (8.1) and solr (4.5.1) if the required
  tarballs are not in the directory
* unpack them and configure both for use by P4Search
* create a start.sh and stop.sh for starting and stopping
  the services

The installation location is ./install by default.  You can 
run ./install/start.sh to start both services and stop.sh to
stop them.

The P4Search tool uses a Perforce Server trigger (see scripts/
search-queue.sh) to receive new changelists, so the trigger must be
installed on the Perforce Server or no indexing past the initial 
scan will take place.  

To remove the installation stop the service (install/stop.sh) and 
run "rm -rf ./install" to delete the installation files.

The install script creates a search.config properties file in
the ./install/jetty-.../resources directory.  Configuration
changes currently require the service to be restarted.  Except for
server configuration (serverProtocol, serverHost, serverPort,
indexerUser, indexerPassword), reasonable defaults are assumed
for the other properties:

(general Solr configuration)
searchEngine: URL of the solr installation, e.g. http://localhost:8983
searchEngineToken: magic token matching the Perforce Server trigger
collectionName: solr collection that contains the indexed data

(general processing configuration)
queueLocation: location of queued changelist files to be indexed
maxSearchResults: maximum results returned by the service
maxStreamFileSize: largest file size to attempt to index content
ignoredExtensions: file with a CRLF list of extensions to skip
  content processing
neverProcessList: file with a CRLF list of extensions to never
indexMethod: ALL_REVISIONS | HEAD_REVISIONS, HEAD... means to
  only keep the index up to date with the latest revision
blackFstatRegex: for Perforce attributes, which p4 attr to
  skip (empty means do not index fstat data)
whiteFstatRegex: for Perforce attributes, which p4 attr to
  include (empty means anything not in the blacklist)
changelistCatchupKey: key name where the latest processed changelist
  is located.  On startup the service will try to "catch up" based
  on this value.

(file scanner config)
fileScannerTokenKey: key name to indicate when the initialization
  is complete, empty implies "do not scan"
fileScannerTokenValue: key value to indicate when the initialization
  is complete, empty implies "do not scan"
scanPaths: CSV paths in the Perforce server to scan
fileScannerThreads: number of threads handling the processing
fileScannerSleep: used to throttle the scanner back
fileScannerDepth: when scanning how many revisions down to go, 0
  implies all revisions, 1, is head only, etc.
maxScanQueueSize: used to throttle the amount of files in
  the scan queue

(GUI config)
commonsURL, swarmURL, p4webURL: URLs of services that can show 
  the files via links in the web browser.  Swarm and P4Web 
  settings are mutually exclusive, with a preference to the Swarm