set -u

declare VersionInfo='$Id: //guest/tom_tyler/sw/main/install_sdp/dev/bin/r#15 $ $Change: 31283 $'

# Usage:
# To see a list of test groups:
# ./r ls
# To run any single test group, specify the test group name (as displayed by
# ./r ls).  For example, to run the Usage test group, do:
# ./r Usage
# To run all tests groups, do:
# ./r

declare TestGroup=

if [[ "${1:-}" ]]; then
   case "$1" in
         grep -Ev '^$|^\s|^#' cli_tests.cfg |cut -d'|' -f1|uniq
         exit 0

cd /opt/perforce/dev/bin || { echo "Could not do: cd /opt/perforce/dev/bin"; exit 1; }

# When starting a new test run, which could be a single test group or the entire set,
# first blast the /root/install_sdp directory which will contain logs from prior
# runs.  All install_sdp.sh script logs from the current run appear in this folder.
rm -rf /root/install_sdp

if [[ -n "$TestGroup" ]]; then
   /opt/perforce/dev/sdp/test/bsw/run_cli_tests.sh -cd /opt/perforce/dev/bin -no_env -e -g "$TestGroup"
   /opt/perforce/dev/sdp/test/bsw/run_cli_tests.sh -cd /opt/perforce/dev/bin -no_env -e

echo Summary:
grep -E '^(PASS|FAIL) Test ' /tmp/run_cli_tests.log

### TO DO: Consider moving this logic to scan for unreported errors into the run_cli_tests.sh script itself.
echo Scan for unreported errors:
grep -E '^\w+:' /tmp/run_cli_tests.log | grep -Ev '^(C|Calling|Comments|DEBUG|DESC.*|Diagnostics|Error|EXAMPLE.*|Executing|Get|Hit|https|info|Installing|License|localhost|NO_OP|OPTION.*|PASS|passwd|Protections|Running|See|SUCCESS|Success|TEST_EXIT_CODE|Update|Upgraded|Upgrading|TG|Verified):' | grep -Ev '^exit: 0' | grep -v '^EXIT_CODE: 0'