job000124 | Feature Request: Support P4 environment variables. User Eric Malafew adds: "...It would be nice if the initial setup screen populated with your current p4 environment, i.e. p4 user, connection, workspace, password." « | |
job000150 | Verify buttons are confusing. From user Eric Malafew: "The verify buttons af...ter each entry were a little confusing to me as well. I could see one verify button for the lot of them, since they're all needed to be able to being working with Perforce." « | |
job000156 | P4 Connect doesn't automatically add Project Settings like the Built in Unity in...tegration. « | |
job000170 | P4Connect needs to support multiple projects per workspace. See this discus...sion for more: « | |
job000179 | R.12101 issues "The following files could not be checked out" P4Connect - The... following files could not be checked out: C:\Path\to\project\Unity.sln C:\Path\to\project\Unity-csharp.sln -> Issue seems to be that the perforce path being requested is "//Path/to/project/Path/to/project/file-name.ext" (note duplicate "Path/to/project") Perforce server version "p4 -Ztag info" : ... serverVersion P4D/NTX64/2014.2/978861 (2014/12/19) P4Connect release (look at the bottom right corner of the Perforce Configuration window) : P4Connect 2.7 betaR.12101 Unity3d Version : Unity 5.0.0b22 (32 bit) Operating system version, 32bit or 64bit : Windows 7, SP1, 64 bit. « | |
job000180 | R.12101 complains about "Multiple plugins with the same name 'p4bridge'" Mult...iple plugins with the same name 'p4bridge' (found at 'Assets/P4Connect/Editor/p4bridge.dll' and 'Assets/P4Connect/Editor/x86/p4bridge.dll'). That means one or more plugins are set to be compatible with Editor. Only one plugin at the time can be used by Editor. This can be solved by removing P4Connect/Editor/p4bridge*.* after installing the package (note there appear to be *3* copies of p4bridge, in the root, in the x86 subfolder and in the x86_64 subfolder). Perforce server version "p4 -Ztag info" : ... serverVersion P4D/NTX64/2014.2/978861 (2014/12/19) P4Connect release (look at the bottom right corner of the Perforce Configuration window) : P4Connect 2.7 betaR.12101 Unity3d Version : Unity 5.0.0b22 (32 bit) Operating system version, 32bit or 64bit : Windows 7, SP1, 64 bit. « | |
job000195 | R.12251 Perforce integration is disabled by default every time the project is op...ened and user will need to re-authenticate with password. « | |
job000202 | CheckForMissingFilesAndWarn is broken for many paths. 1. Case Sensitive, ...; on a Case Insensitive file system the paths may not get matched. 2. Path Seperator, String comparison with differing path seperators does not work. This code needs to be fixed. Reported in Case 00142673 « | |
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