R.12101 complains about "Multiple plugins with the same name 'p4bridge'"
Multiple plugins with the same name 'p4bridge' (found at 'Assets/P4Connect/Editor/p4bridge.dll' and 'Assets/P4Connect/Editor/x86/p4bridge.dll'). That means one or more plugins are set to be compatible with Editor. Only one plugin at the time can be used by Editor.
This can be solved by removing P4Connect/Editor/p4bridge*.* after installing the package (note there appear to be *3* copies of p4bridge, in the root, in the x86 subfolder and in the x86_64 subfolder).
Perforce server version "p4 -Ztag info"
: ... serverVersion P4D/NTX64/2014.2/978861 (2014/12/19)
P4Connect release (look at the bottom right corner of the Perforce Configuration window)
: P4Connect 2.7 betaR.12101
Unity3d Version
: Unity 5.0.0b22 (32 bit)
Operating system version, 32bit or 64bit
: Windows 7, SP1, 64 bit.
Regarding the notes in "Details", I'm pretty sure I completely wiped the P4Connect folder before installing the new package (both deleting files from perforce and removing the folder in Windows Explorer), so the only way those "root" copies could have appeared is from the P4.unitypackage file.
Regarding the notes in "Details", I'm pretty sure I completely wiped the P4Connect folder before installing the new package (both deleting files from perforce and removing the folder in Windows Explorer), so the only way those "root" copies could have appeared is from the P4.unitypackage file.
I also have the third copy in a completely new, empty project.
Here's a screenshot of the p4connect2.7ReleaseBeta1 package import process into a new project
Appears to be fixed in 2.7 beta2R.12251