/* * Copyright 1999 Perforce Software. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System. */ // Cmd_SendSpec.cpp #include "stdafx.h" #include "p4win.h" #include "Cmd_SendSpec.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CCmd_SendSpec, CP4Command) CCmd_SendSpec::CCmd_SendSpec(CGuiClient *client) : CP4Command(client) { m_ReplyMsg= WM_P4SENDSPEC; m_TaskName= _T("SendSpec"); m_NewChangeNum= 0; } BOOL CCmd_SendSpec::Run( int specType, LPCTSTR specText, BOOL submit, BOOL force /*=FALSE*/, BOOL reopen /*=FALSE*/, int unchangedFlag /*=0*/, BOOL uFlag/*=FALSE*/ ) { ASSERT( specType==P4CHANGE_SPEC || !submit ); m_Submit= submit; m_ForceEdit= force; m_Reopen= reopen; m_UnchangedFlag= unchangedFlag; m_SpecText= specText; m_SpecTextSent = false; m_SpecType= specType; ClearArgs(); switch (m_SpecType) { case P4BRANCH_SPEC: AddArg(_T("branch")); break; case P4CHANGE_SPEC: if(submit) AddArg(_T("submit")); else AddArg(_T("change")); break; case P4CLIENT_SPEC: AddArg(_T("client")); break; case P4JOB_SPEC: AddArg(_T("job")); break; case P4LABEL_SPEC: AddArg(_T("label")); break; case P4USER_SPEC: AddArg(_T("user")); break; default: ASSERT(0); return FALSE; } if( uFlag && GET_SERVERLEVEL() >= 23 ) // 2007.2 or later? AddArg(_T("-u")); else if( force || uFlag ) AddArg(_T("-f")); if (submit) { if (GET_SERVERLEVEL() >= 22) // 2006.2 or later? { if( !force ) // has the -f already been added? AddArg(_T("-f")); // if not, add it switch(unchangedFlag) { case 0: AddArg(reopen ? _T("submitunchanged+reopen") : _T("submitunchanged")); break; case 1: AddArg(reopen ? _T("revertunchanged+reopen") : _T("revertunchanged")); break; default: case 2: AddArg(reopen ? _T("leaveunchanged+reopen") : _T("leaveunchanged")); break; } } else { if( reopen && GET_SERVERLEVEL() >= 13) AddArg(_T("-r")); if( unchangedFlag==1 && GET_SERVERLEVEL() >= 21) // 2006.1 (only) AddArg(_T("-R")); } } AddArg( _T("-i") ); return CP4Command::Run(); } void CCmd_SendSpec::OnOutputInfo(char level, LPCTSTR data, LPCTSTR msg) { //i18n: completion message in data BOOL processedMessage=FALSE; switch(m_SpecType) { case P4BRANCH_SPEC: if(StrNCmp(data, _T("Branch "), 7) == 0) { TheApp()->StatusAdd(msg, SV_COMPLETION); processedMessage=TRUE; } break; case P4CLIENT_SPEC: if(StrNCmp(data, _T("Client "), 7) == 0) { TheApp()->StatusAdd(msg, SV_COMPLETION); processedMessage=TRUE; } break; case P4JOB_SPEC: if(StrNCmp(data, _T("Job "), 4) == 0) { // Extract the new job name LPCTSTR pRest = StrChr(data+4, _T(' ')); if(pRest && (!StrCmp(pRest+1, _T("saved.")) || !StrCmp(pRest+1, _T("not changed.")))) { CString temp(data + 4); temp=temp.Left(temp.Find(_T(' '))); m_NewJobName= temp; } TheApp()->StatusAdd(msg, SV_COMPLETION); processedMessage=TRUE; } break; case P4LABEL_SPEC: if(StrNCmp(data, _T("Label "), 6) == 0) { TheApp()->StatusAdd(msg, SV_COMPLETION); processedMessage=TRUE; } break; case P4USER_SPEC: if(StrNCmp(data, _T("User "), 5) == 0) { TheApp()->StatusAdd(msg, SV_COMPLETION); processedMessage=TRUE; } break; case P4CHANGE_SPEC: if(!m_Submit) { if(StrNCmp(data, _T("Change"), 6) ==0 ) { m_NewChangeNum= _ttol(data+7); ASSERT(m_NewChangeNum); processedMessage=TRUE; } break; } else { // Typically many lines are returned - The only thing we need is the new // change number static TCHAR rc[] = _T("renamed change "); static TCHAR sc[] = _T("Submitting change "); if(!StrNCmp(data, _T("Change"), 6) && !StrStr(data, _T("updated"))) { // Its either 'Change n1 renamed change n2 and submitted' // or 'Change n1 submitted' m_NewChangeNum = _ttol(data+7); LPCTSTR pRenamed = StrStr(data+7, rc); if(pRenamed) m_NewChangeNum = _ttol(pRenamed + StrLen(rc)); ASSERT(m_NewChangeNum); } else if(!StrNCmp(data, sc, StrLen(sc))) { // It's 'Submitting change n1' m_NewChangeNum = _ttol(data+StrLen(sc)); ASSERT(m_NewChangeNum); } else if(StrStr(data, _T(" - must get")) || StrStr(data, _T(" - must resolve"))) TheApp()->StatusAdd(msg, SV_WARNING); else if(StrCmp(data, _T("Specification not corrected -- giving up.")) == 0) TheApp()->StatusAdd(msg, SV_WARNING); else TheApp()->StatusAdd(msg); processedMessage=TRUE; break; } default: ASSERT(0); } if(!processedMessage) CP4Command::OnOutputInfo( level, data, msg); } BOOL CCmd_SendSpec::HandledCmdSpecificError(LPCTSTR errBuf, LPCTSTR errMsg) { m_ErrorTxt.Empty(); // Omit message about line number, if present CString omit= _T("\nError detected at line"); LPCTSTR pStartOmit= StrStr(errMsg, omit); if( pStartOmit ) { LPCTSTR pEndOmit = StrChr(pStartOmit+1, _T('\n')); if( pEndOmit ) m_ErrorTxt = CString(errMsg).Left(pStartOmit - errMsg) + pEndOmit; } else m_ErrorTxt = errMsg; if (StrStr(errBuf, _T("You cannot use the default branch view;"))) m_ErrorTxt += LoadStringResource(IDS_YOUMUSTCHANGETHEVIEW); // replace message about submit failure, if present int startSubmit = m_ErrorTxt.Find(_T("Submit failed")); if(startSubmit > -1) { m_ErrorTxt = m_ErrorTxt.Left(startSubmit) + LoadStringResource(IDS_SUBMIT_FAILED_CORRECT_AND_RESUBMIT); } else if ((errBuf != errMsg) && StrStr(errBuf, _T("Submit failed"))) { m_ErrorTxt.TrimRight(); startSubmit = m_ErrorTxt.ReverseFind(_T('\n')); if(startSubmit > -1) { m_ErrorTxt = m_ErrorTxt.Left(startSubmit+1) + LoadStringResource(IDS_SUBMIT_FAILED_CORRECT_AND_RESUBMIT); } m_ErrorTxt += _T("\n"); } // Put the error into the status bar. Let the UI thread pop the // error dialog so there isnt a window on-topness problem TheApp()->StatusAdd( m_ErrorTxt, SV_WARNING ); m_FatalError= TRUE; return TRUE; } void CCmd_SendSpec::OnInputData(StrBuf *strBuf, Error *e) { if(!m_SpecTextSent) { *strBuf << CharFromCString(m_SpecText); m_SpecTextSent = true; } }
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 9617 | Ben_Key |
Populate //guest/Ben_Key/p4win/trunk/... from //guest/perforce_software/p4win/.... |
//guest/perforce_software/p4win/gui/p4api/Cmd_SendSpec.cpp | |||||
#1 | 8562 | Matt Attaway |
These feet never stop running. Initial commit of the P4Win source code. To the best of our knowledge this compiles and runs using the 2013.3 P4 API and VS 2010. Expect a few changes as we refine the build process. Please post any build issues to the forums. |