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# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 19706 | MikeEheler |
Populate //guest/shawn_hladky/P4.Net/... //guest/MikeEheler/P4.Net/.... |
//guest/shawn_hladky/P4.Net/main/src/P4API/P4API.csproj | |||||
#10 | 7709 | Shawn Hladky | P4.Net: Cleanup, documentation, and a a start for implementing an object-based output for filelog. | ||
#9 | 7204 | Shawn Hladky | P4.Net: Added Map functionality | ||
#8 | 6505 | Shawn Hladky |
P4.Net: Multiple Changes 1. Update samples to VS2008 and new bin paths 2. Update MSBuild sync tasks to have IgnoredWarnings parameter 3. Added public class for P4RecordsetCallback. This allows consumers to easily migrate code that uses Recordsets to also take advantage of callback hooks. 4. Reworked method signiture of RunCallback. Removed tagged parameter and added RunCallbackUnparsed method. Made Callback parameter first so command and arguments are next to one-another. Note: this is a BREAKING CHANGE if you are using callbacks. 5. Reworked so switching between tagged and untagged runs will not disconnect/reconnect. 6. Add initial work for a file diffing object. |
#7 | 6472 | Shawn Hladky | P4.Net: Build script updates to support x64 | ||
#6 | 6353 | Shawn Hladky |
P4.Net: Implemented diff functionality Implemented Merge functionality Converted print commands to the callback interface |
#5 | 6243 | Shawn Hladky | P4.Net: Change Callback from interface to abstract class | ||
#4 | 6238 | Shawn Hladky |
P4.Net: More work on callback interface. Run and RunUnparsed now use the callback interface under the covers. |
#3 | 6182 | Shawn Hladky |
P4.Net. First stab at a callback interface for real-time handling of perforce output. Upgrade to VS 2008. |
#2 | 5842 | Shawn Hladky |
P4.Net Update test harness for unicode server. Add methods to support p4 print. |
#1 | 5830 | Shawn Hladky | P4.Net: reorg to support release branches | ||
//guest/shawn_hladky/P4.Net/src/P4API/P4API.csproj | |||||
#8 | 5801 | Shawn Hladky |
P4.Net. More misc changes |
#7 | 5798 | Shawn Hladky |
P4.Net... still not ready for beta Added license to all files Added several doc files Misc bugs |
#6 | 5774 | Shawn Hladky |
P4.Net. A few bug fixes. Addes first draft of MSBuild custom tasks. |
#5 | 5734 | Shawn Hladky | More unit tests, and bug fixes. | ||
#4 | 5678 | Shawn Hladky |
WIP... more tests. OnPrompt event to recieve input from prompts. |
#3 | 5636 | Shawn Hladky |
1. Added test harness framework, and some initial tests 2. Fixed many bugs (oddly enough identified by the unit tests) 3. Fixes so will build 1.1 Framework (and build batch files actually work) 4. Pathetic attempt at documentation |
#2 | 5447 | Shawn Hladky | refactor, and added options class | ||
#1 | 5444 | Shawn Hladky | file re-org | ||
//guest/shawn_hladky/P4.Net/src/P4API.csproj | |||||
#7 | 5438 | Shawn Hladky | refactoring, and documentation code | ||
#6 | 5436 | Shawn Hladky | P4.Net -- Added some high-level functionality | ||
#5 | 5433 | Shawn Hladky | P4.Net More refactoring | ||
#4 | 5431 | Shawn Hladky |
Refactoring... step 1. |
#3 | 5362 | Shawn Hladky | Chipping away at the API changes | ||
#2 | 5360 | Shawn Hladky | Binding solution to source control | ||
#1 | 5349 | Shawn Hladky |
Initial check-in for the new API interface. Nothing works yet, but it should compile at least. |