// // SidebarViewController.m // Perforce // // Created by Adam Czubernat on 16/12/2013. // Copyright (c) 2013 Perforce Software, Inc. All rights reserved. // #import "SidebarViewController.h" #import "SidebarViewCell.h" #import "PSTableRowView.h" #import "P4Workspace.h" #import "P4WorkspaceDefaults.h" #import "P4ChangelistItem.h" #import "P4UnreadItem.h" NSString * const P4PasteboardTypeFavoriteFolder = @"P4PasteboardTypeFavoriteFolder"; NSString * const P4PasteboardTypeFavoriteTag = @"P4PasteboardTypeFavoriteTag"; @interface SidebarViewController () <NSTableViewDataSource, NSTableViewDelegate> { NSString *workingPath; NSMutableArray *tableItems; id tableItemWorkspace; id tableItemAllFiles; id tableItemChanges; id tableItemUnread; id tableItemDeleted; NSRange tableItemRangeFolders; NSRange tableItemRangeTags; NSString *draggedOutFavorite; __weak IBOutlet NSTableView *tableView; NSPopover *tagPopover; IBOutlet NSView *tagView; __weak IBOutlet NSTextField *tagTextField; __weak IBOutlet NSButton *tagButton; } - (void)addFavorite:(NSString *)keyPath value:(NSString *)value title:(NSString *)title path:(NSString *)path atRow:(NSInteger)row range:(NSRange *)range; - (void)moveFavorite:(NSString *)keyPath atRow:(NSInteger)row toRow:(NSInteger)newRow range:(NSRange *)range; - (IBAction)editFavoriteFolderAction:(id)sender; - (IBAction)addFavoriteTagAction:(id)sender; - (void)updateFavoritesNotification:(NSNotification *)notification; - (void)updateIndicatorsNotification:(NSNotification *)notification; @end @implementation SidebarViewController @synthesize delegate; - (id)init { return self = [self initWithNibName:NSStringFromClass([self class]) bundle:nil]; } - (void)dealloc { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; } - (void)loadView { [super loadView]; [tableView setBackgroundColor:[NSUserDefaults colorForKey:kColorBackgroundSideMenu]]; [tableView registerForDraggedTypes:@[ P4PasteboardTypeFolder, P4PasteboardTypeTag, P4PasteboardTypeFavoriteFolder, P4PasteboardTypeFavoriteTag, ]]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(updateIndicatorsNotification:) name:P4ChangelistUpdatedNotification object:nil]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(updateIndicatorsNotification:) name:P4UnreadUpdatedNotification object:nil]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(updateFavoritesNotification:) name:P4WorkspaceDefaultsChangedNotification object:nil]; [self reload]; } - (void)mouseEntered:(NSEvent *)theEvent { NSTableCellView *cell = [theEvent userData]; NSButton *button = [cell viewWithTag:1]; [button setTarget:self]; [button setAction:@selector(addFavoriteTagAction:)]; [button setHidden:NO]; } - (void)mouseExited:(NSEvent *)theEvent { NSTableCellView *cell = [theEvent userData]; NSButton *button = [cell viewWithTag:1]; [button setTarget:nil]; [button setHidden:YES]; } #pragma mark - Public - (void)reload { P4Workspace *workspace = [P4Workspace sharedInstance]; NSDictionary *changelist = [workspace changelist]; tableItems = [NSMutableArray array]; [tableItems addObjectsFromArray:@[ @"Files View", tableItemAllFiles = @{ @"title" : @"All Files", @"path" : @"//" }, [NSNull null], // Separator @"Files Status", tableItemChanges = @{ @"title" : @"My Pending Changes", @"path" : @"changelist://nondeleted", @"indicator" : @( [[changelist objectForKey:@"edit"] count] + [[changelist objectForKey:@"add"] count] + [[changelist objectForKey:@"move/add"] count]) }.mutableCopy, tableItemUnread = @{ @"title" : @"Recently Added", @"path" : @"unread://", @"indicator" : @([[workspace unreadlist] count]) }.mutableCopy, tableItemDeleted = @{ @"title" : @"Trash", @"path" : @"changelist://deleted", @"indicator" : @( [[changelist objectForKey:@"delete"] count] + [[changelist objectForKey:@"move/delete"] count]) }.mutableCopy, ]]; // Favorite folders [tableItems addObjectsFromArray:@[ [NSNull null], @"Favorite Folders" ]]; NSArray *favoriteFolders = [[P4WorkspaceDefaults sharedInstance] favoriteFolders]; NSDictionary *favoriteNames = [[P4WorkspaceDefaults sharedInstance] favoriteNames]; tableItemRangeFolders = (NSRange) { tableItems.count, favoriteFolders.count }; for (NSString *folder in favoriteFolders) [tableItems addObject:@{ @"title" : [favoriteNames objectForKey:folder] ?: folder.lastPathComponent, @"path" : folder }.mutableCopy]; // Favorite tags [tableItems addObjectsFromArray:@[ [NSNull null], @"Favorite Tags" ]]; NSArray *favoriteTags = [[P4WorkspaceDefaults sharedInstance] favoriteTags]; tableItemRangeTags = (NSRange) { tableItems.count, favoriteTags.count }; for (NSString *tag in favoriteTags) [tableItems addObject:@{ @"title" : tag, @"path" : [@"tag://" stringByAppendingString:tag] }.mutableCopy]; [tableView reloadData]; [self setWorkingPath:workingPath]; } - (void)setWorkingPath:(NSString *)path { workingPath = path; NSInteger idx = [tableItems indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:tableItemAllFiles]; if ([path hasPrefix:@"/"]) ; else if ([path hasPrefix:@"changelist://nondeleted"]) idx = [tableItems indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:tableItemChanges]; else if ([path hasPrefix:@"unread://"]) idx = [tableItems indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:tableItemUnread]; else if ([path hasPrefix:@"changelist://deleted"]) idx = [tableItems indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:tableItemDeleted]; else if ([path hasPrefix:@"search://"]) idx = 0; [tableView selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:idx] byExtendingSelection:NO]; } #pragma mark - Private - (void)addFavorite:(NSString *)keyPath value:(NSString *)value title:(NSString *)title path:(NSString *)path atRow:(NSInteger)newRow range:(NSRange *)range { // Check if tag is already in favorites NSArray *defaults = [[P4WorkspaceDefaults sharedInstance] valueForKey:keyPath]; NSArray *lowercaseDefaults = [defaults valueForKeyPath:@"lowercaseString"]; NSInteger index = [lowercaseDefaults indexOfObject:[value lowercaseString]]; if (!defaults || index == NSNotFound) { // Insert new default NSInteger newIdx = newRow - (*range).location; NSMutableArray *mutableDefaults = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:defaults]; [mutableDefaults insertObject:value atIndex:newIdx]; [[P4WorkspaceDefaults sharedInstance] setValue:mutableDefaults forKeyPath:keyPath]; // Insert table row [tableItems insertObject:@{ @"title" : title, @"path" : path }.mutableCopy atIndex:newRow]; (*range).length++; if (range == &tableItemRangeFolders) tableItemRangeTags.location++; [tableView insertRowsFromIndex:newRow toIndex:newRow withAnimation:NSTableViewAnimationSlideLeft]; [tableView reloadDataForRowsInRange:*range]; // Some couldn't un-hover } else { // Move existing default into drop destination NSInteger row = (*range).location + index; [self moveFavorite:keyPath atRow:row toRow:newRow range:range]; } } - (void)moveFavorite:(NSString *)keyPath atRow:(NSInteger)row toRow:(NSInteger)newRow range:(NSRange *)range { if (row < newRow) newRow--; // Rearrange defaults NSInteger idx = row - (*range).location; NSInteger newIdx = newRow - (*range).location; NSMutableArray *defaults = [[[P4WorkspaceDefaults sharedInstance] valueForKey:keyPath] mutableCopy]; id object = [defaults objectAtIndex:idx]; [defaults removeObjectAtIndex:idx]; [defaults insertObject:object atIndex:newIdx]; [[P4WorkspaceDefaults sharedInstance] setValue:defaults forKeyPath:keyPath]; // Rearrange pane items object = [tableItems objectAtIndex:row]; [tableItems removeObjectAtIndex:row]; [tableItems insertObject:object atIndex:newRow]; // Rearrange rows [tableView moveRowAtIndex:row toIndex:newRow]; [tableView reloadDataForRowsFromIndex:MIN(row, newRow) toIndex:MAX(row, newRow)]; } - (void)editFavoriteFolderAction:(SidebarViewCell *)cell { NSString *value = cell.textField.stringValue; NSInteger row = [tableView rowForView:cell]; NSMutableDictionary *tableItem = [tableItems objectAtIndex:row]; if ([value isEmptyString]) { [cell.textField setStringValue:[tableItem objectForKey:@"title"]]; return; // Revert changes } [tableItem setObject:value forKey:@"title"]; NSString *path = [tableItem objectForKey:@"path"]; [[P4WorkspaceDefaults sharedInstance] renameFavoriteFolder:path name:value]; } - (void)addFavoriteTagAction:(id)sender { if (sender == tagButton) { NSString *tag = tagTextField.stringValue; [tagPopover close]; tagPopover = nil; [self addFavorite:@"favoriteTags" value:tag title:tag path:[@"tag://" stringByAppendingString:tag] atRow:tableItemRangeTags.location range:&tableItemRangeTags]; } else { NSViewController *controller = [[NSViewController alloc] init]; [controller setView:tagView]; tagPopover = [[NSPopover alloc] init]; [tagPopover setBehavior:NSPopoverBehaviorSemitransient]; [tagPopover setContentViewController:controller]; [tagPopover showRelativeToRect:[sender frame] ofView:[sender superview] preferredEdge:NSMinXEdge]; tagTextField.stringValue = @""; [tagButton setEnabled:NO]; } } - (void)updateFavoritesNotification:(NSNotification *)notification { if (notification.object != draggedOutFavorite) [self reload]; draggedOutFavorite = nil; } - (void)updateIndicatorsNotification:(NSNotification *)notification { NSInteger indicator; P4Workspace *workspace = [P4Workspace sharedInstance]; NSDictionary *changelist = [workspace changelist]; indicator = ([[changelist objectForKey:@"edit"] count] + [[changelist objectForKey:@"add"] count] + [[changelist objectForKey:@"move/add"] count]); [tableItemChanges setObject:@(indicator) forKey:@"indicator"]; indicator = [[workspace unreadlist] count]; [tableItemUnread setObject:@(indicator) forKey:@"indicator"]; indicator = ([[changelist objectForKey:@"delete"] count] + [[changelist objectForKey:@"move/delete"] count]); [tableItemDeleted setObject:@(indicator) forKey:@"indicator"]; NSRange range = { [tableItems indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:tableItemChanges], 3 }; [tableView reloadDataForRowsInRange:range]; } #pragma mark - NSTextField delegate - (void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification { NSString *text = tagTextField.stringValue; if (text.length >= 3 && [text rangeOfCharacterFromSet: [NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]].location == NSNotFound) [tagButton setEnabled:YES]; else [tagButton setEnabled:NO]; } #pragma mark - NSTableView data source - (NSInteger)numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)tableView { return tableItems.count; } - (CGFloat)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView heightOfRow:(NSInteger)row { id tableItem = [tableItems objectAtIndex:row]; return tableItem == [NSNull null] ? 16.0f : 34.0f; } - (NSTableRowView *)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView rowViewForRow:(NSInteger)row { PSTableRowView *rowView = [[PSTableRowView alloc] init]; rowView.selectionColor = nil; return rowView; } - (NSView *)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView viewForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)row { SidebarViewCell *cell; id tableItem = [tableItems objectAtIndex:row]; if (tableItem == [NSNull null]) { cell = [tableView makeViewWithIdentifier:@"SeparatorCell" owner:self]; static NSImage *separator; if (!separator) { separator = [NSImage imageNamed:@"SeparatorHorizontalDark.png"]; separator = [separator resizableImageWithLeftCap:10.0f rightCap:10.0f]; } PSView *view = cell.subviews.lastObject; [view setContentMode:PSViewContentModeFillHorizontal]; [view setImage:separator]; } else if ([tableItem isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { cell = [tableView makeViewWithIdentifier:@"HeaderCell" owner:self]; cell.textField.stringValue = [tableItem uppercaseString]; cell.textField.textColor = [NSUserDefaults colorForKey:kColorTextSideMenuHeader]; NSTrackingArea *trackingArea = [[cell trackingAreas] lastObject]; if (row != tableItemRangeTags.location-1) [cell removeTrackingArea:trackingArea]; else if (!trackingArea) { trackingArea = [[NSTrackingArea alloc] initWithRect:CGRectZero options:NSTrackingInVisibleRect | NSTrackingMouseEnteredAndExited | NSTrackingActiveInKeyWindow owner:self userInfo:(id)cell]; [cell addTrackingArea:trackingArea]; } } else { cell = [tableView makeViewWithIdentifier:@"Cell" owner:self]; cell.textField.stringValue = [tableItem objectForKey:@"title"]; if (NSLocationInRange(row, tableItemRangeFolders)) { [cell makeEditable]; [cell setTarget:self action:@selector(editFavoriteFolderAction:)]; } else if (NSLocationInRange(row, tableItemRangeTags)) { [cell makeSelectable]; NSString *tag = [tableItem objectForKey:@"title"]; P4WorkspaceDefaults *defaults = [P4WorkspaceDefaults sharedInstance]; cell.selected = [defaults.filteredTags containsObject:tag]; } else { [cell makeIndicating]; } id indicator = [tableItem objectForKey:@"indicator"]; [cell setIndicatorText:[indicator integerValue] ? [indicator stringValue] : nil]; } return cell; } #pragma mark - NSTableView delegate - (BOOL)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView shouldSelectRow:(NSInteger)row { id tableItem = [tableItems objectAtIndex:row]; return [tableItem isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]; } - (void)tableViewSelectionIsChanging:(NSNotification *)notification { NSInteger row = [tableView selectedRow]; id tableItem = [tableItems objectAtIndex:row]; if (![tableItem isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) return; NSString *path = [tableItem objectForKey:@"path"]; if ([path hasPrefix:@"tag://"]) { NSString *tag = [tableItem objectForKey:@"title"]; [[P4WorkspaceDefaults sharedInstance] setFilteredTag:tag]; SidebarViewCell *cell = [tableView viewAtColumn:0 row:row makeIfNecessary:NO]; [cell setSelected:!cell.selected]; [self setWorkingPath:workingPath]; } else { [self setWorkingPath:workingPath]; if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(sidebarDidSelectPath:)]) [delegate sidebarDidSelectPath:path]; } } #pragma mark - NSTableView drag and drop - (BOOL)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView writeRowsWithIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)rowIndexes toPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pboard { NSUInteger location = [rowIndexes firstIndex]; if (NSLocationInRange(location, tableItemRangeFolders)) [pboard setPropertyList:@(location) forType:P4PasteboardTypeFavoriteFolder]; else if (NSLocationInRange(location, tableItemRangeTags)) [pboard setPropertyList:@(location) forType:P4PasteboardTypeFavoriteTag]; else return NO; return YES; } - (NSDragOperation)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView validateDrop:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)info proposedRow:(NSInteger)row proposedDropOperation:(NSTableViewDropOperation)dropOperation { NSDragOperation operation = NSDragOperationNone; if (dropOperation == NSTableViewDropOn) return operation; NSPasteboard *pboard = [info draggingPasteboard]; if (row - tableItemRangeFolders.location <= tableItemRangeFolders.length) { if ([pboard stringForType:P4PasteboardTypeFavoriteFolder]) operation = NSDragOperationMove; else if ([pboard stringForType:P4PasteboardTypeFolder]) operation = NSDragOperationCopy; } else if (row - tableItemRangeTags.location <= tableItemRangeTags.length) { if ([pboard stringForType:P4PasteboardTypeFavoriteTag]) operation = NSDragOperationMove; else if ([pboard stringForType:P4PasteboardTypeTag]) operation = NSDragOperationCopy; } return operation; } - (BOOL)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView acceptDrop:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)info row:(NSInteger)row dropOperation:(NSTableViewDropOperation)dropOperation { NSPasteboard *pboard = [info draggingPasteboard]; id pboardObject = nil; if ((pboardObject = [pboard propertyListForType:P4PasteboardTypeFavoriteFolder])) { [self moveFavorite:@"favoriteFolders" atRow:[pboardObject integerValue] toRow:row range:&tableItemRangeFolders]; } else if ((pboardObject = [pboard propertyListForType:P4PasteboardTypeFavoriteTag])) { [self moveFavorite:@"favoriteTags" atRow:[pboardObject integerValue] toRow:row range:&tableItemRangeTags]; } else if ((pboardObject = [pboard propertyListForType:P4PasteboardTypeFolder])) { [self addFavorite:@"favoriteFolders" value:pboardObject title:[pboardObject lastPathComponent] path:pboardObject atRow:row range:&tableItemRangeFolders]; } else if ((pboardObject = [pboard propertyListForType:P4PasteboardTypeTag])) { [self addFavorite:@"favoriteTags" value:pboardObject title:pboardObject path:[@"tag://" stringByAppendingString:pboardObject] atRow:row range:&tableItemRangeTags]; } return YES; } - (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView draggingSession:(NSDraggingSession *)session endedAtPoint:(NSPoint)screenPoint operation:(NSDragOperation)operation { CGRect rect = [self.view convertRect:tableView.frame toView:nil]; rect = [self.view.window convertRectToScreen:rect]; if (CGRectContainsPoint(rect, screenPoint)) return; NSPasteboard *pboard = [session draggingPasteboard]; NSInteger idx, row; NSNumber *pboardObject = nil; if ((pboardObject = [pboard propertyListForType:P4PasteboardTypeFavoriteFolder])) { row = [pboardObject integerValue]; idx = row - tableItemRangeFolders.location; tableItemRangeFolders.length--; tableItemRangeTags.location--; } else if ((pboardObject = [pboard propertyListForType:P4PasteboardTypeFavoriteTag])) { row = [pboardObject integerValue]; idx = row - tableItemRangeTags.location; tableItemRangeTags.length--; } else { return; } [tableItems removeObjectAtIndex:row]; [tableView removeRowsFromIndex:row toIndex:row withAnimation:NSTableViewAnimationEffectFade]; if ([pboard propertyListForType:P4PasteboardTypeFavoriteFolder]) { P4WorkspaceDefaults *defaults = [P4WorkspaceDefaults sharedInstance]; NSString *path = [defaults.favoriteFolders objectAtIndex:idx]; draggedOutFavorite = path; [defaults removeFavoriteFolder:path]; } else if ([pboard propertyListForType:P4PasteboardTypeFavoriteTag]) { P4WorkspaceDefaults *defaults = [P4WorkspaceDefaults sharedInstance]; NSString *tag = [defaults.favoriteTags objectAtIndex:idx]; [defaults removeFavoriteTag:tag]; } } @end
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 15071 | alan_petersen |
Populate -o //guest/perforce_software/piper/... //guest/alan_petersen/piper/.... |
//guest/perforce_software/piper/mac/R2.0/Perforce/Classes/ViewControllers/Sidebar/SidebarViewController.m | |||||
#1 | 12962 | alan_petersen |
Populate -o //guest/perforce_software/piper/mac/main/... //guest/perforce_software/piper/mac/R2.0/.... |
//guest/perforce_software/piper/mac/main/Perforce/Classes/ViewControllers/Sidebar/SidebarViewController.m | |||||
#2 | 12961 | alan_petersen |
Piper 2.0 Mega Update New Features/Functionality - Added help menu redirecting to URL. - Added readonly property for creating new workspaces. - Added html hyperlinks for Copy link functionality. - Added functionality for managing Finder Favorite items in sidebar. - Redesigned the way mapping is stored in Piper. - First version of syncing finder sidebar items with workspace mapping. - Small sorting improvements. - Creating Projects directory inside users home folder. - Adding Projects folder to finder sidebar item. - Creating and removing symbolic links accordingly to mapped folders. - Preventing duplicate names in symbolic links. - Refreshing symbolic links on mapping change inside application. - Storing workspace and server details in p4 configuration for other applications to use. - Added contextual menu items for Finder integration. - Added services menu for Adobe Illustrator integration. - Keyboard shortcuts for Illustrator integration. - Code refactoring and fixes for mapping issues. - Added Finder functionality to edit all files in folder. - Added user friendly message when editing a file using Finder outside the workspace. - Implemented hidden automatic login when opening application using Finder integration. - Logging to file in ~/Library/Logs - Unified workspace and all files views to show both local and depot files and folders. - Removed my workspace view references and logic. - Editing unmapped files on server. - First version of adding file to unmapped folders. - Showing opened by and edit actions in column details for all depot files. - Improved mappings functionality. - Enabled same feature options for mapped and unmapped folders and files. - Redesigned from scratch mapping and unmapping procedures for adding and removing files. - Implemented cleaning workspace using new mapping functionality. Removed debug overlay coloring. - Automated workspace creation - Improvements in editing files already mapped to workspace. - Implemented deleting remote files. - Implemented first version of move operation for remote files. - Removing last workspace information when disconnecting from workspace using app menu. - Implemented editing and submitting using symbolic links in project folder. New finder menu service for symbolic links Show in Piper which acts like share link functionality. - New icons for files and folders not tracked in the filesystem. - Improvements in showing file using share link. - Switched to new way of retrieving files in order to show user changes. - Redesigned and implemented new functionality for chaining operations with mapping. - Improvements and redesign of Edit/add actions to use new chaining logic . Fixed issue with file edit. - Improvements in window showing when using services. - Simplified file loading so the local files appears only when remote are also loaded. - Improved deleting of untracked files to avoid mapping and marking for delete. - Enabling simple copy paste and moving of remote and local files. - Added abort for exception handling in order to force crashing application on critical failures - Added custom exception handling for catching runtime errors to log and crash instead of continuing in unstable state. - Changed file copying to use mark for add . - Simplified and fixed responding file representations to mapping changes. Bug Fixes - Fixed crash when synchronizing. - Fixed sync issue when downloading directory without file size information. - Fixed issue with unread list crashing when file is not existing on disk. - Fixed incorrect sync progress calculation. - Removed relative path issues. - Fixed many of case-sensitivity problems. - Fixed deprecated methods and related issues in OS X 10.10. - Fixed folder rename not updating in column view. Revised and fixed many potential problems from implicit casting. - Fixed missing sync button on fast sync completion. - Refreshing mapping on synchronization. Fixed symbolic links not appearing until app is restarted. - Fixed latest crashing of autosync. - Fixed loading indicator issues. - Fixed and redesigned submit dialog to work correctly with Submit All Files option in Finder. - Fixed multiple error messages on network outage. Redesigned showing errors in main window. - Fixed opening random locations when using Finder integration. - Fixed issue when panel was detached from parent window. - Fixed bug when creating new workspace wouldn't store default settings. - Fixed memory issues with network operations. - Fixes in relogging mappings and file listing. - Improvements in editing unmapped files. - Fixed crash when adding file outside workspace. - Fixed breadcrumbs control issue. - Fixed issue with double parent folders when opening unmapped files. - Fixed crashes on sync after mapping new files. - Fixed issue with editing file using Finder -- Merging code and additional fixes in add button functionality. - Fixed unsync not working - Fixed submit panel issue not selecting files with different name case. - Fixed missing revert and sync to workspace actions in some cases. - Fixed issue with Submit and Edit finder actions. Improvements in stability of finder integration. - Fixed issue with unsubmitted folders breaking status of files inside. - Fixed issue with added files not showing correct icon and status. - Fixed bug with file edit resulting in a new directory named exactly like a file. - Fixed issue with reloading of subpath resulting in untracked folders. - Fixed mapping issue when result was always view mapping not relative. - Fixed submit panel showing more than once. - Fixed illustrator services not working. - Fixed userdefaults preferences problem with workspace name being null. - Fixed userdefaults keypath problem of dot-containing workspace names. - Forcing recreating of browser to possibly prevent pre-10.10 errors with automatic workspace selection. - Fixed adding file to depot not presenting correct icon. - Fixed issues with reverting a file that was marked for add. - Presenting error when trying to submit untracked files. - Fixed issue when submit files service crashed when using unmapped files. - Fixed file representation disappearing when removing file. - Fixed issue with symlinks resolving working on 10.10 only. Issue related to workspace selection not showing. - Fixed error panel method calls unavailable in Mac OS versions before 10.10. Issue related to hanging error panels. - Fixed removing a local file resulting in action progress freezing. - Fixed open file not working after edit. - Fixing crash when mapping changed. Issue related to moving local file to unmapped folder and other similar cases. |
#1 | 11252 | alan_petersen | Rename/move file(s) | ||
//guest/perforce_software/piper/mac/Perforce/Classes/ViewControllers/Sidebar/SidebarViewController.m | |||||
#1 | 10744 | alan_petersen | Rename/move file(s) | ||
//guest/perforce_software/piper/Perforce/Classes/ViewControllers/Sidebar/SidebarViewController.m | |||||
#1 | 8919 | Matt Attaway | Initial add of Piper, a lightweight Perforce client for artists and designers. |