= Who am I?
* Barrie Slaymaker (barries@slaysys.com)
* Systems Design Consultant
* An engineer with an itch
= What does Safari do?
* A web front-end for RCSs and SCMs
* Other hierarchical file stores (like C</usr/lib/perl5>)
* Use a browser for browsing, not RCS + editor + tools
* on-the-fly documentation extraction, code analysis, etc.
* on-the-fly tarballs
* on-the-fly syntax highlighting, rendering
= How does it work?
* External translators: any hierarchy of files that can be HTTP browsable
* It's C<cgi-bin> or C<mod_perl> application that calls B<GNU Make>
* Back-ends for different RCSs, SCMs, hierarchical file stores.
* Easy to integrate external tools
* Open Source: Perl & GNU Make
* L<http://public.perforce.com/guest/barrie_slaymaker/safari/index.html>
= Backends
* Perforce (used by perl pumpkings) (works)
* local file system (works)
* C</usr/lib/perl5> (works)
* PVCS, CVS (almost underway)
* MKS Source Integrity planned
* Anything & everything, as people need / develop them
* Contributors welcome
= Translators: Filters and Tools
Take one or more backend files and create one or more output files.
* Filters
Translate 'in place'. Relative links
between files output by a translator still work.
* Tools
Summarize input files or metadata. Any links are generally back
to specific places in specific filters.
= Filters
* Syntax highlighters
* C<code2html> (multi-lingual code syntax highlighter) (works)
* Documentation extractors
* C<pod2html> and C<podtohtml> (works)
* C<Cocoon> (C++, planned)
* C<javadoc>
* C<xyz2html>, C<xyz2gif>, C<xyz2pdf>
= Tools
* Linters
* C<perl -c>, C<perl -cw>, C<perl -MO=Lint,all>
* C<gcc -c -Wall>
* Code Metrics (uh....)
* C<wc> (word count)
* C<tar> & C<gzip>: on-thy-fly tarballs
* File revision history / change log
= Possible Filters & Tools
* B<Any command line tool>
* plotting utils (C<gplot>, etc.)
* rendering (C<xfig/fig2dev>)
* spelling checkers
* downloaders
* emailers
* subscribe / unsubscribe to change notifications
= The Safari Project
* Open Source: GPL or AL
* Homepage:
* Mailing list: safari-dev@egroups.com
* Status: about v. 0.9
* Conception, Gestation, Birth, Growth
= Safari: Conception
* Initially a system for integrating disparate tools
* Built to check files out of MKS' Source Integrity SCM and extract C<Cocoon> comments
* Built as a cgi-bin app, since Cocoon generates HTML
* Hierarchy navigation and source code browsing as means to an end
= Feeping Creaturism
* Grew in to large, monolithic script
* Syntax highlighting, numbered lines (thanks, lxr)
* Browsing by label, project, directory and revision (now change #)
* Markup of filenames to be links to the right files
* C<pod2html> on-the-fly conversion
* Searching within a file (search query URLs don't rot like line #s)
= Still in use
* Browsers are often better for browsing
* C<Cocoon> was never run by more than two or three, and then intermittently.
Now it's run as needed by anyone.
* Code research
Turnover and time mean code must be researched
* Code reviews
It's easier if you don't need to check it
out. URLs can be emailed / posted.
= Now Handles Design Documentation
Make it part of the source archive with the code: a /design directory.
* Stays synchronized to the code
* More likely to be maintained (but still gets left out in the rain)
* Can link to the code using search query URLs
* Can link to output from documentation extractors
* Add 'notes' later: just check 'em in
= Safari: Gestation
Clearly Safari filled a need. Plus, I hold the copyright. So it seemed like
a good open source project.
* Rewrite to be modular, extensible
* Keep & Improve: User interface, URL design, low admin overhead
* Use GNU Make to reduce bugs and make it easier for non-Perl speakers to
integrate tools
= URL Design
* Scheme & Server: C<http://a.com>
* Project: C<perl>
* Revision: C<_head>, C<@3425>, C<@5.005_56> C<#27>
* Filter: C<Default>, C<pretty>, C<plain>, C<HTML>
* File: C<perl/av.c>, C<perl/README>
* Tool: C<?filter=wc>, C<?filter=lint>, C<?rev=_head&filter=filelog>
= GNU Make Pros
* Accessible by non-Perl progammers
* Optimizes build process
* Use C<.PRECIOUS>, C<.SECONDARY> to control caching of intermediate files
* Faster at calculating dependancies, out of date-ness than perl code
* Pretty darn reliable and stable
= GNU Make Cons
* Not multi-user: doesn't give a flock
C<cgimake> does locking by target or globally.
* C<.SECONDARY> not as powerful as it could be
Use C<.PRECIOUS> and have scripts & commands not leave bogus output around.
On GNU Make's TODO list.
* Can't query modern RCSs / SCMs all that well
= GNU Make Cons (cont'd)
* Tricky to implement content-based decisions, like which filter for C<Default>
Use C<$(shell)>, recursive make
* Can't force the entire check-out to HTTP process to re-occur
C<--unconditional> is on GNU Make's TODO list
= Make.pm
* Make.pm has been rewritten to be very GNUish
GNU Make's good enough for now, don't want to debug two complex systems
at once.
* C<$(perl )> function to insert code to be C<eval()>ed
* C<m@a/(.*).foo@: b/$1.bar> rules
* Can add locking, lazy variable interpolation
* Will stay in mod_perl memory, but executes slower
= Modular, Extensible
* C<cgimake> and C<pfile> designed to stand alone
* Need to improve abstraction
* Make lets us glue backends, converters, and logic together to make
a navigable, consistent site
= Safari: Birth
* v 0.9: YAPC 1999
* New (primitive) web site, new mailing list
* Already a contributor, more expected soon
* Features almost complete for v 1.0, need to clean up guts, HTML a bit
= Safari: Growth
* Indexing, searching, and markup (like lxr)
Needs to be pluggable, though, so as to
support different source languages (C, C++, Java, Perl, Python. Lisp :-?)
* Library of back ends
Mostly direct calls to command line interface, some need for Perl programs.
Collected on a central web site, available on CPAN.
* Library of tools and Makefiles
Help keep people from reinventing the wheel, so they can focus on improving
existing wheels.
= More Growth
* Partial parsing of source code languages
Improves indexing, searching, markup. Can also aid research if we can
display partially preprocessed files (suggested last night).
* Alternate user interfaces
Safari's GUI is Least Common Denominator HTML. Javascript and Java could add
a lot of nice features. Applications for X? Win32?
= Blue Sky
* Check-in / Check-out ?
* Ties to bug tracking systems?
* B<User markup of pages via browser>. Very powerful feature.
= Summary
* Use Safari to Open your Source today!
* Go out and scratch that itch: contribute or invent!
* Safari could use you!
* Thanks for coming.