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- <TITLE>Safari 11: Feeping Creaturism</TITLE>
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- <H1>Feeping Creaturism</H1>
- </P><LI>Grew in to large, monolithic script <P></P><LI>Syntax highlighting, numbered lines (thanks, lxr)<P></P><LI>Browsing by label, project, directory and revision (now change #)<P></P><LI>Markup of filenames to be links to the right files<P></P><LI><CODE>pod2html</CODE> on-the-fly conversion<P></P><LI>Searching within a file (search query URLs don't rot like line #s)<P></UL>
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- </FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="BOTTOM"><FONT SIZE="-2">Copyright © Barrie Slaymaker
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- <I>Safari - 11</I><P>
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