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- <TITLE>Safari 3: How does it work?</TITLE>
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- <H1>How does it work?</H1>
- </P><LI>External translators: any hierarchy of files that can be HTTP browsable<P></P><LI>It's <CODE>cgi-bin</CODE> or <CODE>mod_perl</CODE> application that calls <B>GNU Make</B><P></P><LI>Back-ends for different RCSs, SCMs, hierarchical file stores.<P></P><LI>Easy to integrate external tools<P></P><LI>Open Source: Perl & GNU Make<P></P><LI><A HREF="http://public.perforce.com/guest/barrie_slaymaker/safari/index.html">http://public.perforce.com/guest/barrie_slaymaker/safari/index.html</A><P></UL>
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