Change | User | Description | Committed |
202 | Barrie Slaymaker | Converted to use hard links instead of symlinks or copies when making @something/......&n...bsp; from _1/...... in the interests of saving disk space and of allowing tar to archive something other than a bunch of symlinks when taring up a directory. « |
26 years ago |
201 | Barrie Slaymaker |
More format tweaks, fixed bug that made change number a link for deleted items. |
26 years ago |
198 | Barrie Slaymaker | Removed HREF anchor around rev number, fixed URL in change number anchor in file log. ... Made perl/cgimake.conf set SAF_PATH_... env. vars properly. « |
26 years ago |
197 | Barrie Slaymaker | Added change numbers to directory lines, made strikeout apply to all fields for deleted l...ines. « |
26 years ago |
196 | Barrie Slaymaker | Tweak to improve recognition of POD directives in perl files | 26 years ago |
195 | Barrie Slaymaker | Added filters NoMunes, None (replaces HTML), tool Download. | 26 years ago |
194 | Barrie Slaymaker | Tweaked rules to allow a cron job or web request to /project/_head/update to update a pro...ject to the head revision. « |
26 years ago |
190 | Barrie Slaymaker | Tweaked stdin feature to not break supplying a file name | 26 years ago |
189 | Barrie Slaymaker | Cleaned up some undefined value warnings that occured when pas...sing undef as a file name. « |
26 years ago |
188 | Barrie Slaymaker | minor nit fix. | 26 years ago |
187 | Barrie Slaymaker | Added lots of options to saf_http_out to let the source file b...e used to figure out file type for determining filter and tool menus. Changed Makefiles to pass the original source file name in to saf_http_out. Added --PRE to saf_http_out. This is good for displaying plain text versions of HTML files. Improved the tool and filter logic in to work with original file type to determine what makes sense for what kind of file. This really needs to be generalized in to a config file instead of being buried in a module. Increased usage of HTML::Entities::encode_entities instead of s///g . Moved Content-type: header to after the edit() routine call and now we pass and recover mime-type as an option. Added SAF_TARGET to environment under cgimake, Fixed updirectory counting, which broke when cgimake started parsing the project name from PATH_INFO. Removed all edit routines from saf_http_out.conf files. NOTE: we can now fall back to a single cgimake.conf file. Any day now. « |
26 years ago |
186 | Barrie Slaymaker | Made gcclint a tiny bit more robust in dealing with gcc's output &nb...sp;and return codes. « |
26 years ago |
185 | Barrie Slaymaker | Allowed input to come from stdin if not file names given. Fi...xed bug in File::Type that made it return directory all if the option 'follow' was passed and the last -X file test was on a directory. « |
26 years ago |
184 | Barrie Slaymaker | The change number is now a link even when for a deleted file. ...It is still put in <STRIKE> if the file is deleted. « |
26 years ago |
183 | Barrie Slaymaker | Minor tweak to P4 config | 26 years ago |
182 | Barrie Slaymaker | Cleaned up directory listing so that directories no longer have meaningless links to number, filelog, etc. Also made directory names appear in <STRIKE> when they contain no files that have not been deleted. « |
26 years ago |
181 | Barrie Slaymaker | cgimake can now mail copies of error reports to an administrator | 26 years ago |
178 | Barrie Slaymaker | Modified cgimake to get the project name out of the target nam...e if one isn't supplied. This makes it so that Apache's mod_rewrite is no longer needed to extract the project name from the URL and place it in the QUERY_STRING, and so that you can call cgimake from the command line and place the project name in the target path: cgimake /perl/_head/Default/depot/ Modified cgimake to work easily from the command line Fixed some minor bugs in assembling paths that were causing // to appear in paths when no project is specified. Fixed minor bug that cause cgimake to try to read a bogus config file when there is no $project Tweaked p4_get to provide a more reasonable level of verbosity. Updated the apache doc to reflect the simpler, non-rewrite technique. Added targets to fetch a new _head revision if the head change number has changed. Need to check in p4_update. « |
26 years ago |
168 | Barrie Slaymaker | Added YAPC paper, slides | 26 years ago |
165 | Barrie Slaymaker | Applied Greg KH's license patch. | 26 years ago |
163 | Barrie Slaymaker | Added a disclaimer about other people's code, with more extens...ive credits to follow when I get a few spare cycles. Removed a few extraneous files. « |
26 years ago |
162 | Barrie Slaymaker | First code & documentation checkin | 26 years ago |