# Hints for Windows platforms.
# Updated for Perl 5.16 and later which are built with MinGW.
use Config;
if ( $Config{cc} =~ /gcc/i ) {
# With MinGW
$self->{CC} = "g++";
$self->{LD} = "g++";
} else {
# Alternatively, for pre-5.16 Perl which uses Visual Studio
$self->{DEFINE} .= " /TP";
# Make sure we're not linking with -debug on Windows as the linker chokes
# (the Perforce API is assumed to not be a debug build).
$self->{LDDLFLAGS} = $Config{ 'lddlflags' };
$self->{LDDLFLAGS} =~ s/ -debug//g;
# Hint that our OS name is 'NT' rather than anything else
$self->{P4PERL_OS_HINT} = "NT";
$self->{P4PERL_OSVER_HINT} = "";