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<topic title=" Windows and ASP.NET" file="win-os.xml" fileid="$Id: //main/2005/road/web/xml/win-os.xml#2 $$Change: 540 $" fileChange="$DateTime: 2005/10/22 20:18:53 $$Author: bbarber $">
<section id="win-FAQ" title="Windows FAQ">
<item id="Eudora" title="How to use Eudora or another POP client with Outlook">
<p>If you want to use Eudora or Netscape for e-mail</p>
<p>If you are a Eudora POP user, e-mail is downloaded to your workstation or laptop. It is
not retained on the server.</p>
<p>Since Outlook uses e-mail for meeting proposals, you will not be able to respond to
meeting requests. An easy fix is to use IMAP instead of POP.</p>
<p>If you want to continue using Eudora as a POP client</p>
<p>First create a new folder in your Outlook InBox, called Meeting Requests Then create a
rule to copy meeting requests to your folder:</p>
1) Create a Rule using Tools > Rules Wizard
2) Start with a blank rule and select 'Check messages when they arrive'
3) Select, 'Uses the form name form'
4) Click on 'form name' in the rule description box
5) Select 'Application Forms'
6) Add all the forms with "Meeting"
_Accept Meeting Response_, 'Decline Meeting Response_,
_Meeting Cancellation_, _Meeting Request_,
_Tentative Meeting Response_.
7) Select 'move a copy to the specified folder'
8) Click on 'folder name' and select the Meeting Requests folder that you created above.
0) Select 'stop further processing"
<p>When a meeting request is made, it is sent to both your Eudora client and Outlook's
Meeting Request folder. In Outlook, the folder name will be in bold face. Click on the
message and press the Accept button.</p>
<section id="cmd" title="Command line access">
<item id="cmd-configure" title="Configure the command window">
To configure a command window (e.g., Start->Run->cmd or Start->Programs->Cygwin->bash)
Right-click on the title bar, Select Properties
Options->QuickEdit Mode -- Copy text by selecting->CR. Paste text with right button
Options-> Buffer Size = 999
Font->Font>Lucinda Console
Layout->Screen Buffer->Height = 999
Layout->Window Size->Height = 55
Colors->Screen Background = White
Colors->Screen Text = Black
OK->Modify shortcut->OK
<item id="cmd-cygwin" title="Set up cygwin">
<p><b>Cygwin</b> is an implementation of Unix on the Windows platform. The default shell, bash, is a better scripting environment the Windows cmd/bat files</p>
<p>To set up cygwin:</p>
In your Perforce client, map //.../road/cygwin/ to c:\cygwin. Sync the directory, bringing in cygwin-setup.exe and templates for /etc, and scripts in /usr/local/bin.
Alternative, download Setup.exe (Install Cygwin Now) from <a href="www.cygwin.com">www.cygwin.com</a>
Execute cygwin-setup.exe. Install from Internet.
Root = c:\cygwin; Install for All Users; Default Text File is DOS
Local Package Directory = c:\cygwin\installers
Direct Connection, ftp://mirrors.rcn.net. Some download sites are unavailable or out-of-date.
Click the 'View' button to see an alphabetical listing.
Add files by clicking 'Skip' in the 'New' column.
Consider adding emacs, keychain (for SSH), less, openssh, perl.
Click 'Next' to download and install the packages.
Reboot. and click on the Bash icon.
Configure the bash window using <iref item="cmd-configure"/>.
Bash will set up your environment using /etc/bash.env and related files. There's a lot of useful commands. Type 'finda' for a list.
Consider executing the following:
cp /bin/bash.exe /bin/sh.exe ## To fix problem 'sh.exe unknown'
ln -s /bin/less.exe more.exe ## less is better than 'more', but most people type 'more'
<p>To update cygwin:</p>
Repeat the procedure for installing cygwin.
Cygwin uses the 'installers/' directory to keep track of what you have already installed.
<item id="cmd-tools" title="Setup windows tools">
<p>Install the following collection of useful tools:
Install Support/Tools/Suptools.msi (Windows Support Tools) from a Windows Server 2003 or XP Professional CD-ROM. <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="11-13"/>
Install Rktools.exe (Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools) by download from Microsoft Windows Download Center <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="14"/>
If defined In perforce, map //.../vendor/bin-dev/... to c:\bin-dev. It provides site-wide programs such as WinZip and a utilities collection from SysInternals and other sources.
<item id="cmd-useful" title="Useful Windows commands">
<p>A list of Windows commands. Cygwin offers a wealth of commands, see <iref item="sievE_2003"/> and <iref item="cmd-cygwin"/>. </p>
assoc, ftype -- manage file associations with applications <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="19"/>
cacls, dcgpofix, gpupdate -- Access control list for a file, default group policy, group policy update <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="344, 346, 359"/>
chkdsk, chkntfs, recover, sfc -- Check disk, recover readable info, scan/verify system <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="161-164, 368, 373"/>
cipher -- encryption of files and directories <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="345"/>
cmd -- Command shell <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="15-56"/>. Bash is a better scripting environment than Windows cmd.exe. For an example, with error logging, see //.../road/cygwin/usr/local/bin/back-new
compact, expand --Compaction of NTFS files <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="346, 356"/>
defrag -- Defragment the C drive<iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="164-166"/>
diskpart, format, convert, label -- Disk partitioning and configuration <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="141-157, 168-180"/>. .
driverquery, systeminfo, nlsinfo, gettype -- system information, local and remote, OS configuration <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="84, 358, 374"/>
dsadd, dsget, dsmod, dsmove, dsquery, dsrm, movetree -- Active directory management <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="199-266, 348-354"/>
eventquery, eventquery, eventcreate, eventtriggers, eventvwr -- Event Logger <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="103-118, 355-356"/>
freedisk -- Check for free space <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="358"/>
fsutil -- File System utility <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="158-160"/>
ipconfig, arp -- TCP/IP configuration, DNS mapping <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="308, 343, 359"/>
msconfig -- System Configuration Utility
memmonitor, pfmon, memtriage -- Memory and page fault monitor <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="133-138"/>. .
mountvol --Mount disk volume <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="360"/>
net, nbstat, netstat, route -- network management, Netbios status, network status, routing tables <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="244-245, 361-365, 369"/>. .
netsh --Network Services shell <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="297-342"/>. .
ping, pathping, tracert -- ping server, trace a path, traceroute <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="366, 375"/>
pmon, tasklist, taskkill -- Process and task management <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="119-132, 374"/>. bin-dev/util/procexp from SysInternals is better.
printdriverinfo, splinfo, prnmngr, prnport, prncnfg, prnjobs, prnqctl -- Printer drivers, spool information, printer management, printer ports, printer configuration, printer jobs <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="267-295"/>
RAID configuration -- <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="181-195"/>
reg -- Registry access <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="85-92, 368-369"/>
regsvr32 -- Register DLLs <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="369"/>
runas -- Run a program as a user <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="369"/>
sc -- System Services <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="92-100, 370-371"/>
schtasks -- Task Scheduler <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="57-80, 371-372"/>. By default tasks timeout after 72 hours. Use properties to change the timeout. Periodically check the log file, %SystemRoot%/Tasks/Schedlgu.txt.
Consider using crontab from cygwin.
setx -- update Windows envrionment. <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="18"/>
shutdown --Shutdown local and remote systems <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="101-102, 373"/>
start -- Start a new command shell <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="374"/>
subst -- Substitute a path to a drive letter <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="374"/>
takeown -- Give file ownership to adminstrator <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="374"/>
title -- Set title for window <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="375"/>
whoami -- Log on and security info <iref item="stanWR_2004a" page="376"/>
<section id="Files" title="Files and Directories" order="sorted">
<item id="FileSystemWatcher" title="FileSystemWatcher">
<p><b>System.IO.FileSystemWatcher</b> reports events when a file or directory gets changed. For an example, see XMLHotDocument <iref file="xml-faq.xml" item="espoD_2003" page="236"/></p>
<section id="links" title="Useful Links">
<div class="twocol">
<div class="col leftcol">
<a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/">Microsoft MSDN</a>
<a href="http://www.asp.net">www.asp.net</a>
<a href="http://www.gotdotnet.com//">Got Dot Net</a>
<div class="col rightcol">
Developer Resources
<a href="http://devresource.hp.com/drc/topics/index.jsp">HP Dev Resource</a>
<a href="http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/adesigner">Accessibility Designer</a>
<section id="net-ref" title=".NET References" order="sorted">
<item id="richJ_2002" title="[richJ_2002] Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming">
<p>Richter, Microsoft Press, 2002</p>
<p>Best book on the loading process of managed executables. <iref file="xml-faq.xml" item="espoD_2003" page="560"/></p>
<item id="espoD_2002" title="[espoD_2002] Building web solutions with ASP.NET and ADO.NET">
<p>Esposito, Microsoft Press, 2002</p>
<section id="win-ref" title="Windows and Linux References" order="sorted">
<item id="stanWR_2004a" title="[stanWR_2004a] Microsoft Windows Command-Line">
<p>Stanek, Microsoft, 2004</p>
<p>Command line access to all things Microsoft. Use in conjunction with cygwin.</p>
<item id="sievE_2003" title="[sievE_2003] Linux in a Nutshell">
<p>Siever, Figgins, Weber, O'Reilly 2003</p>
<p>Complete reference to Linux, bash, emacs, vi, sed, and gawk. All useable via <iref item="cmd-cygwin"/></p>
<item id="stanWR_2003" title="[stanWR_2004] Microsoft Windows Server 2003">
<p>Stanek, Microsoft, 2004</p>
<p>Stanek's administrator's pocket consultant for Windows Server 2003. Thorough coverage of adminstrator control panels, security, remote access, active directory,
user and group administration, file systems, shared folders, network drives, backup and recovery, networking, print services, DHCP, and DNS.</p>
<item id="hassJ_2004" title="[hassJ_2004] Hardening Windows">
<p>Hassel, Apress, 2004</p>
<p>Lots of concrete suggestions on improving windows security. For example, using pwdump to identify weak passwords.hfnetchk for scanning a network for patch updates,
managing security policies, Microsoft's Baseline Security Analyzer, managing group policies, managing patch updates, NAQC (Network Access Quarantine Control),
IIS security, Exchange security, security auditing.</p>
<item id="hendK_2000" title="[hendK_2000] The guru's guide to Transact-SQL">
<p>Henderson, Addison Wesley, 2000</p>
<p>Recommended by Esposito <iref file="xml-faq.xml" item="espoD_2003" page="397"/></p>
<item id="newhC_1998" title="[newhC_1998] Learning the bash shell">
<p>Newham, Rosenblatt, O'Reilly 1998</p>
<p>Effective tutorial on writing shell scripts in bash.</p>