//this file is part of notepad++ //Copyright (C)2003 Don HO <donho@altern.org> // //This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or //modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License //as published by the Free Software Foundation; either //version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // //This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software //Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. #ifndef NOTEPAD_PLUS_MSGS_H #define NOTEPAD_PLUS_MSGS_H //#include "menuCmdID.h" enum LangType {L_TXT, L_PHP , L_C, L_CPP, L_CS, L_OBJC, L_JAVA, L_RC,\ L_HTML, L_XML, L_MAKEFILE, L_PASCAL, L_BATCH, L_INI, L_NFO, L_USER,\ L_ASP, L_SQL, L_VB, L_JS, L_CSS, L_PERL, L_PYTHON, L_LUA,\ L_TEX, L_FORTRAN, L_BASH, L_FLASH, L_NSIS, L_TCL, L_LISP, L_SCHEME,\ L_ASM, L_DIFF, L_PROPS, L_PS, L_RUBY, L_SMALLTALK, L_VHDL, L_KIX, L_AU3,\ L_CAML, L_ADA, L_VERILOG, L_MATLAB, L_HASKELL, L_INNO, L_SEARCHRESULT,\ L_CMAKE, L_YAML,\ // The end of enumated language type, so it should be always at the end L_EXTERNAL}; enum winVer{WV_UNKNOWN, WV_WIN32S, WV_95, WV_98, WV_ME, WV_NT, WV_W2K, WV_XP, WV_S2003, WV_XPX64, WV_VISTA, WV_WIN7}; //#include "deprecatedSymbols.h" //Here you can find how to use these messages : http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/plugins-HOWTO.php #define NPPMSG (WM_USER + 1000) #define NPPM_GETCURRENTSCINTILLA (NPPMSG + 4) #define NPPM_GETCURRENTLANGTYPE (NPPMSG + 5) #define NPPM_SETCURRENTLANGTYPE (NPPMSG + 6) #define NPPM_GETNBOPENFILES (NPPMSG + 7) #define ALL_OPEN_FILES 0 #define PRIMARY_VIEW 1 #define SECOND_VIEW 2 #define NPPM_GETOPENFILENAMES (NPPMSG + 8) #define NPPM_MODELESSDIALOG (NPPMSG + 12) #define MODELESSDIALOGADD 0 #define MODELESSDIALOGREMOVE 1 #define NPPM_GETNBSESSIONFILES (NPPMSG + 13) #define NPPM_GETSESSIONFILES (NPPMSG + 14) #define NPPM_SAVESESSION (NPPMSG + 15) #define NPPM_SAVECURRENTSESSION (NPPMSG + 16) struct sessionInfo { TCHAR* sessionFilePathName; int nbFile; TCHAR** files; }; #define NPPM_GETOPENFILENAMESPRIMARY (NPPMSG + 17) #define NPPM_GETOPENFILENAMESSECOND (NPPMSG + 18) #define NPPM_CREATESCINTILLAHANDLE (NPPMSG + 20) #define NPPM_DESTROYSCINTILLAHANDLE (NPPMSG + 21) #define NPPM_GETNBUSERLANG (NPPMSG + 22) #define NPPM_GETCURRENTDOCINDEX (NPPMSG + 23) #define MAIN_VIEW 0 #define SUB_VIEW 1 #define NPPM_SETSTATUSBAR (NPPMSG + 24) #define STATUSBAR_DOC_TYPE 0 #define STATUSBAR_DOC_SIZE 1 #define STATUSBAR_CUR_POS 2 #define STATUSBAR_EOF_FORMAT 3 #define STATUSBAR_UNICODE_TYPE 4 #define STATUSBAR_TYPING_MODE 5 #define NPPM_GETMENUHANDLE (NPPMSG + 25) #define NPPPLUGINMENU 0 #define NPPM_ENCODESCI (NPPMSG + 26) //ascii file to unicode //int NPPM_ENCODESCI(MAIN_VIEW/SUB_VIEW, 0) //return new unicodeMode #define NPPM_DECODESCI (NPPMSG + 27) //unicode file to ascii //int NPPM_DECODESCI(MAIN_VIEW/SUB_VIEW, 0) //return old unicodeMode #define NPPM_ACTIVATEDOC (NPPMSG + 28) //void NPPM_ACTIVATEDOC(int view, int index2Activate) #define NPPM_LAUNCHFINDINFILESDLG (NPPMSG + 29) //void NPPM_LAUNCHFINDINFILESDLG(TCHAR * dir2Search, TCHAR * filtre) #define NPPM_DMMSHOW (NPPMSG + 30) #define NPPM_DMMHIDE (NPPMSG + 31) #define NPPM_DMMUPDATEDISPINFO (NPPMSG + 32) //void NPPM_DMMxxx(0, tTbData->hClient) #define NPPM_DMMREGASDCKDLG (NPPMSG + 33) //void NPPM_DMMREGASDCKDLG(0, &tTbData) #define NPPM_LOADSESSION (NPPMSG + 34) //void NPPM_LOADSESSION(0, const TCHAR* file name) #define NPPM_DMMVIEWOTHERTAB (NPPMSG + 35) //void WM_DMM_VIEWOTHERTAB(0, tTbData->pszName) #define NPPM_RELOADFILE (NPPMSG + 36) //BOOL NPPM_RELOADFILE(BOOL withAlert, TCHAR *filePathName2Reload) #define NPPM_SWITCHTOFILE (NPPMSG + 37) //BOOL NPPM_SWITCHTOFILE(0, TCHAR *filePathName2switch) #define NPPM_SAVECURRENTFILE (NPPMSG + 38) //BOOL WM_SWITCHTOFILE(0, 0) #define NPPM_SAVEALLFILES (NPPMSG + 39) //BOOL NPPM_SAVEALLFILES(0, 0) #define NPPM_SETMENUITEMCHECK (NPPMSG + 40) //void WM_PIMENU_CHECK(UINT funcItem[X]._cmdID, TRUE/FALSE) #define NPPM_ADDTOOLBARICON (NPPMSG + 41) //void WM_ADDTOOLBARICON(UINT funcItem[X]._cmdID, toolbarIcons icon) struct toolbarIcons { HBITMAP hToolbarBmp; HICON hToolbarIcon; }; #define NPPM_GETWINDOWSVERSION (NPPMSG + 42) //winVer NPPM_GETWINDOWSVERSION(0, 0) #define NPPM_DMMGETPLUGINHWNDBYNAME (NPPMSG + 43) //HWND WM_DMM_GETPLUGINHWNDBYNAME(const TCHAR *windowName, const TCHAR *moduleName) // if moduleName is NULL, then return value is NULL // if windowName is NULL, then the first found window handle which matches with the moduleName will be returned #define NPPM_MAKECURRENTBUFFERDIRTY (NPPMSG + 44) //BOOL NPPM_MAKECURRENTBUFFERDIRTY(0, 0) #define NPPM_GETENABLETHEMETEXTUREFUNC (NPPMSG + 45) //BOOL NPPM_GETENABLETHEMETEXTUREFUNC(0, 0) #define NPPM_GETPLUGINSCONFIGDIR (NPPMSG + 46) //void NPPM_GETPLUGINSCONFIGDIR(int strLen, TCHAR *str) #define NPPM_MSGTOPLUGIN (NPPMSG + 47) //BOOL NPPM_MSGTOPLUGIN(TCHAR *destModuleName, CommunicationInfo *info) // return value is TRUE when the message arrive to the destination plugins. // if destModule or info is NULL, then return value is FALSE struct CommunicationInfo { long internalMsg; const TCHAR * srcModuleName; void * info; // defined by plugin }; #define NPPM_MENUCOMMAND (NPPMSG + 48) //void NPPM_MENUCOMMAND(0, int cmdID) // uncomment //#include "menuCmdID.h" // in the beginning of this file then use the command symbols defined in "menuCmdID.h" file // to access all the Notepad++ menu command items #define NPPM_TRIGGERTABBARCONTEXTMENU (NPPMSG + 49) //void NPPM_TRIGGERTABBARCONTEXTMENU(int view, int index2Activate) #define NPPM_GETNPPVERSION (NPPMSG + 50) // int NPPM_GETNPPVERSION(0, 0) // return version // ex : v4.6 // HIWORD(version) == 4 // LOWORD(version) == 6 #define NPPM_HIDETABBAR (NPPMSG + 51) // BOOL NPPM_HIDETABBAR(0, BOOL hideOrNot) // if hideOrNot is set as TRUE then tab bar will be hidden // otherwise it'll be shown. // return value : the old status value #define NPPM_ISTABBARHIDDEN (NPPMSG + 52) // BOOL NPPM_ISTABBARHIDDEN(0, 0) // returned value : TRUE if tab bar is hidden, otherwise FALSE #define NPPM_GETPOSFROMBUFFERID (NPPMSG + 57) // INT NPPM_GETPOSFROMBUFFERID(INT bufferID, 0) // Return VIEW|INDEX from a buffer ID. -1 if the bufferID non existing // // VIEW takes 2 highest bits and INDEX (0 based) takes the rest (30 bits) // Here's the values for the view : // MAIN_VIEW 0 // SUB_VIEW 1 #define NPPM_GETFULLPATHFROMBUFFERID (NPPMSG + 58) // INT NPPM_GETFULLPATHFROMBUFFERID(INT bufferID, TCHAR *fullFilePath) // Get full path file name from a bufferID. // Return -1 if the bufferID non existing, otherwise the number of TCHAR copied/to copy // User should call it with fullFilePath be NULL to get the number of TCHAR (not including the nul character), // allocate fullFilePath with the return values + 1, then call it again to get full path file name #define NPPM_GETBUFFERIDFROMPOS (NPPMSG + 59) //wParam: Position of document //lParam: View to use, 0 = Main, 1 = Secondary //Returns 0 if invalid #define NPPM_GETCURRENTBUFFERID (NPPMSG + 60) //Returns active Buffer #define NPPM_RELOADBUFFERID (NPPMSG + 61) //Reloads Buffer //wParam: Buffer to reload //lParam: 0 if no alert, else alert #define NPPM_GETBUFFERLANGTYPE (NPPMSG + 64) //wParam: BufferID to get LangType from //lParam: 0 //Returns as int, see LangType. -1 on error #define NPPM_SETBUFFERLANGTYPE (NPPMSG + 65) //wParam: BufferID to set LangType of //lParam: LangType //Returns TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise //use int, see LangType for possible values //L_USER and L_EXTERNAL are not supported #define NPPM_GETBUFFERENCODING (NPPMSG + 66) //wParam: BufferID to get encoding from //lParam: 0 //returns as int, see UniMode. -1 on error #define NPPM_SETBUFFERENCODING (NPPMSG + 67) //wParam: BufferID to set encoding of //lParam: format //Returns TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise //use int, see UniMode //Can only be done on new, unedited files #define NPPM_GETBUFFERFORMAT (NPPMSG + 68) //wParam: BufferID to get format from //lParam: 0 //returns as int, see formatType. -1 on error #define NPPM_SETBUFFERFORMAT (NPPMSG + 69) //wParam: BufferID to set format of //lParam: format //Returns TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise //use int, see formatType /* #define NPPM_ADDREBAR (NPPMSG + 57) // BOOL NPPM_ADDREBAR(0, REBARBANDINFO *) // Returns assigned ID in wID value of struct pointer #define NPPM_UPDATEREBAR (NPPMSG + 58) // BOOL NPPM_ADDREBAR(INT ID, REBARBANDINFO *) //Use ID assigned with NPPM_ADDREBAR #define NPPM_REMOVEREBAR (NPPMSG + 59) // BOOL NPPM_ADDREBAR(INT ID, 0) //Use ID assigned with NPPM_ADDREBAR */ #define NPPM_HIDETOOLBAR (NPPMSG + 70) // BOOL NPPM_HIDETOOLBAR(0, BOOL hideOrNot) // if hideOrNot is set as TRUE then tool bar will be hidden // otherwise it'll be shown. // return value : the old status value #define NPPM_ISTOOLBARHIDDEN (NPPMSG + 71) // BOOL NPPM_ISTOOLBARHIDDEN(0, 0) // returned value : TRUE if tool bar is hidden, otherwise FALSE #define NPPM_HIDEMENU (NPPMSG + 72) // BOOL NPPM_HIDEMENU(0, BOOL hideOrNot) // if hideOrNot is set as TRUE then menu will be hidden // otherwise it'll be shown. // return value : the old status value #define NPPM_ISMENUHIDDEN (NPPMSG + 73) // BOOL NPPM_ISMENUHIDDEN(0, 0) // returned value : TRUE if menu is hidden, otherwise FALSE #define NPPM_HIDESTATUSBAR (NPPMSG + 74) // BOOL NPPM_HIDESTATUSBAR(0, BOOL hideOrNot) // if hideOrNot is set as TRUE then STATUSBAR will be hidden // otherwise it'll be shown. // return value : the old status value #define NPPM_ISSTATUSBARHIDDEN (NPPMSG + 75) // BOOL NPPM_ISSTATUSBARHIDDEN(0, 0) // returned value : TRUE if STATUSBAR is hidden, otherwise FALSE #define NPPM_GETSHORTCUTBYCMDID (NPPMSG + 76) // BOOL NPPM_GETSHORTCUTBYCMDID(int cmdID, ShortcutKey *sk) // get your plugin command current mapped shortcut into sk via cmdID // You may need it after getting NPPN_READY notification // returned value : TRUE if this function call is successful and shorcut is enable, otherwise FALSE #define NPPM_DOOPEN (NPPMSG + 77) // BOOL NPPM_DOOPEN(0, const TCHAR *fullPathName2Open) // fullPathName2Open indicates the full file path name to be opened. // The return value is TRUE (1) if the operation is successful, otherwise FALSE (0). #define RUNCOMMAND_USER (WM_USER + 3000) #define NPPM_GETFULLCURRENTPATH (RUNCOMMAND_USER + FULL_CURRENT_PATH) #define NPPM_GETCURRENTDIRECTORY (RUNCOMMAND_USER + CURRENT_DIRECTORY) #define NPPM_GETFILENAME (RUNCOMMAND_USER + FILE_NAME) #define NPPM_GETNAMEPART (RUNCOMMAND_USER + NAME_PART) #define NPPM_GETEXTPART (RUNCOMMAND_USER + EXT_PART) #define NPPM_GETCURRENTWORD (RUNCOMMAND_USER + CURRENT_WORD) #define NPPM_GETNPPDIRECTORY (RUNCOMMAND_USER + NPP_DIRECTORY) // BOOL NPPM_GETXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX(size_t strLen, TCHAR *str) // where str is the allocated TCHAR array, // strLen is the allocated array size // The return value is TRUE when get generic_string operation success // Otherwise (allocated array size is too small) FALSE #define NPPM_GETCURRENTLINE (RUNCOMMAND_USER + CURRENT_LINE) // INT NPPM_GETCURRENTLINE(0, 0) // return the caret current position line #define NPPM_GETCURRENTCOLUMN (RUNCOMMAND_USER + CURRENT_COLUMN) // INT NPPM_GETCURRENTCOLUMN(0, 0) // return the caret current position column #define VAR_NOT_RECOGNIZED 0 #define FULL_CURRENT_PATH 1 #define CURRENT_DIRECTORY 2 #define FILE_NAME 3 #define NAME_PART 4 #define EXT_PART 5 #define CURRENT_WORD 6 #define NPP_DIRECTORY 7 #define CURRENT_LINE 8 #define CURRENT_COLUMN 9 // Notification code #define NPPN_FIRST 1000 #define NPPN_READY (NPPN_FIRST + 1) // To notify plugins that all the procedures of launchment of notepad++ are done. //scnNotification->nmhdr.code = NPPN_READY; //scnNotification->nmhdr.hwndFrom = hwndNpp; //scnNotification->nmhdr.idFrom = 0; #define NPPN_TBMODIFICATION (NPPN_FIRST + 2) // To notify plugins that toolbar icons can be registered //scnNotification->nmhdr.code = NPPN_TB_MODIFICATION; //scnNotification->nmhdr.hwndFrom = hwndNpp; //scnNotification->nmhdr.idFrom = 0; #define NPPN_FILEBEFORECLOSE (NPPN_FIRST + 3) // To notify plugins that the current file is about to be closed //scnNotification->nmhdr.code = NPPN_FILEBEFORECLOSE; //scnNotification->nmhdr.hwndFrom = hwndNpp; //scnNotification->nmhdr.idFrom = BufferID; #define NPPN_FILEOPENED (NPPN_FIRST + 4) // To notify plugins that the current file is just opened //scnNotification->nmhdr.code = NPPN_FILEOPENED; //scnNotification->nmhdr.hwndFrom = hwndNpp; //scnNotification->nmhdr.idFrom = BufferID; #define NPPN_FILECLOSED (NPPN_FIRST + 5) // To notify plugins that the current file is just closed //scnNotification->nmhdr.code = NPPN_FILECLOSED; //scnNotification->nmhdr.hwndFrom = hwndNpp; //scnNotification->nmhdr.idFrom = BufferID; #define NPPN_FILEBEFOREOPEN (NPPN_FIRST + 6) // To notify plugins that the current file is about to be opened //scnNotification->nmhdr.code = NPPN_FILEBEFOREOPEN; //scnNotification->nmhdr.hwndFrom = hwndNpp; //scnNotification->nmhdr.idFrom = BufferID; #define NPPN_FILEBEFORESAVE (NPPN_FIRST + 7) // To notify plugins that the current file is about to be saved //scnNotification->nmhdr.code = NPPN_FILEBEFOREOPEN; //scnNotification->nmhdr.hwndFrom = hwndNpp; //scnNotification->nmhdr.idFrom = BufferID; #define NPPN_FILESAVED (NPPN_FIRST + 8) // To notify plugins that the current file is just saved //scnNotification->nmhdr.code = NPPN_FILESAVED; //scnNotification->nmhdr.hwndFrom = hwndNpp; //scnNotification->nmhdr.idFrom = BufferID; #define NPPN_SHUTDOWN (NPPN_FIRST + 9) // To notify plugins that Notepad++ is about to be shutdowned. //scnNotification->nmhdr.code = NPPN_SHUTDOWN; //scnNotification->nmhdr.hwndFrom = hwndNpp; //scnNotification->nmhdr.idFrom = 0; #define NPPN_BUFFERACTIVATED (NPPN_FIRST + 10) // To notify plugins that a buffer was activated (put to foreground). //scnNotification->nmhdr.code = NPPN_BUFFERACTIVATED; //scnNotification->nmhdr.hwndFrom = hwndNpp; //scnNotification->nmhdr.idFrom = activatedBufferID; #define NPPN_LANGCHANGED (NPPN_FIRST + 11) // To notify plugins that the language in the current doc is just changed. //scnNotification->nmhdr.code = NPPN_LANGCHANGED; //scnNotification->nmhdr.hwndFrom = hwndNpp; //scnNotification->nmhdr.idFrom = currentBufferID; #define NPPN_WORDSTYLESUPDATED (NPPN_FIRST + 12) // To notify plugins that user initiated a WordStyleDlg change. //scnNotification->nmhdr.code = NPPN_WORDSTYLESUPDATED; //scnNotification->nmhdr.hwndFrom = hwndNpp; //scnNotification->nmhdr.idFrom = currentBufferID; #define NPPN_SHORTCUTREMAPPED (NPPN_FIRST + 13) // To notify plugins that plugin command shortcut is remapped. //scnNotification->nmhdr.code = NPPN_SHORTCUTSREMAPPED; //scnNotification->nmhdr.hwndFrom = ShortcutKeyStructurePointer; //scnNotification->nmhdr.idFrom = cmdID; //where ShortcutKeyStructurePointer is pointer of struct ShortcutKey: //struct ShortcutKey { // bool _isCtrl; // bool _isAlt; // bool _isShift; // UCHAR _key; //}; #define NPPN_FILEBEFORELOAD (NPPN_FIRST + 14) // To notify plugins that the current file is about to be loaded //scnNotification->nmhdr.code = NPPN_FILEBEFOREOPEN; //scnNotification->nmhdr.hwndFrom = hwndNpp; //scnNotification->nmhdr.idFrom = NULL; #define NPPN_FILELOADFAILED (NPPN_FIRST + 15) // To notify plugins that file open operation failed //scnNotification->nmhdr.code = NPPN_FILEOPENFAILED; //scnNotification->nmhdr.hwndFrom = hwndNpp; //scnNotification->nmhdr.idFrom = BufferID; #define NPPN_READONLYCHANGED (NPPN_FIRST + 16) // To notify plugins that current document change the readonly status, //scnNotification->nmhdr.code = NPPN_READONLYCHANGED; //scnNotification->nmhdr.hwndFrom = bufferID; //scnNotification->nmhdr.idFrom = docStatus; // where bufferID is BufferID // docStatus can be combined by DOCSTAUS_READONLY and DOCSTAUS_BUFFERDIRTY #define DOCSTAUS_READONLY 1 #define DOCSTAUS_BUFFERDIRTY 2 #define NPPN_DOCORDERCHANGED (NPPN_FIRST + 16) // To notify plugins that document order is changed //scnNotification->nmhdr.code = NPPN_DOCORDERCHANGED; //scnNotification->nmhdr.hwndFrom = newIndex; //scnNotification->nmhdr.idFrom = BufferID; #endif //NOTEPAD_PLUS_MSGS_H
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 16789 | caerwyn |
Populate -o //guest/sven_erik_knop/c++/NppPerforcePlugin/... //guest/caerwyn/NppPerforcePlugin/.... |
//guest/sven_erik_knop/c++/NppPerforcePlugin/Notepad_plus_msgs.h | |||||
#1 | 7440 | Sven Erik Knop |
Notepad++ Perforce Plugin. The provided DLL will only work for the Unicode version of Notepad++. The code currently contains no provision for ASCII builds. The plugin can : Add Edit Delete Revert Sync (to head) --- Show file info Show connection info |