* Copyright 1995, 1996 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
* rpctrans.cc - buffer I/O to transport
# include <stdhdrs.h>
# include <debug.h>
# include <strbuf.h>
# include <strops.h>
# include <error.h>
# include <keepalive.h>
# include "netportparser.h"
# include <netconnect.h>
# include <netbuffer.h>
# include "rpctrans.h"
# include "rpcdebug.h"
# include <msgrpc.h>
RpcTransport::Send( StrPtr *s, Error *re, Error *se )
// First write the five byte header.
// The first byte is a checksum to act as a magic number.
// The next four bytes are the length.
// This was a check against 0x7fffffff, but gcc on OSF sometimes
// didn't answer right.
if( s->Length() >= 0x1fffffff )
se->Set( MsgRpc::TooBig );
unsigned char l[ 5 ];
l[1] = ( s->Length() / 0x1 ) % 0x100;
l[2] = ( s->Length() / 0x100 ) % 0x100;
l[3] = ( s->Length() / 0x10000 ) % 0x100;
l[4] = ( s->Length() / 0x1000000 ) % 0x100;
l[0] = l[1] ^ l[2] ^ l[3] ^ l[4];
NetBuffer::Send( (char *)l, 5, re, se );
if( se->Test() )
// Now just write the data.
NetBuffer::Send( s->Text(), s->Length(), re, se );
RpcTransport::Receive( StrBuf *s, Error *re, Error *se )
// Get the five byte length header.
unsigned char l[5];
if( !( NetBuffer::Receive( (char *)l, 5, re, se ) ) )
return 0;
if( l[0] != ( l[1] ^ l[2] ^ l[3] ^ l[4] ) )
re->Set( MsgRpc::NotP4 );
return -1;
int length =
l[1] * 0x1 +
l[2] * 0x100 +
l[3] * 0x10000 +
l[4] * 0x1000000;
// Lengths < 11 are not enough for a func variable... bzzzz...
if( length < 11 || length >= 0x1fffffff )
re->Set( MsgRpc::NotP4 );
return -1;
// Now allocate the buffer and read the data.
if( !( NetBuffer::Receive( s->Alloc( length ), length, re, se ) ) )
re->Set( MsgRpc::Read );
return -1;
return 1;