/* * Copyright 1995, 2000 Perforce Software. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System. */ # include <stdhdrs.h> # include <debug.h> # include <strbuf.h> # include <strdict.h> # include <strtable.h> # include <strarray.h> # include <strops.h> # include <splr.h> # include <error.h> # include <options.h> # include <handler.h> # include <vararray.h> # include <rpc.h> # include <pathsys.h> # include <filesys.h> # include <ticket.h> # include <enviro.h> # include <i18napi.h> # include <charcvt.h> # include <charset.h> # include <hostenv.h> # include <errorlog.h> # include <p4tags.h> # include <regmatch.h> # include <msgclient.h> # include <msgsupp.h> # include <msghelp.h> # include "client.h" # include "clientmerge.h" # include "clientuser.h" # include "clientuserdbg.h" # include "clientusermsh.h" # include "clientaliases.h" /* * This file contains the implementation of the various classes used in the * command-line client aliases feature: * * - ClientAliases * - ClientCommand * - CommandAlias * - CommandPattern * - CommandTransformation * * A single static function (ClientAliases::ProcessAliases) provides the * overall "hook" used by clientMain to handle aliasing. */ int ClientAliases::ProcessAliases( int argc, char **argv, int &result, Error *e ) { // Pseudocode: // LoadAliases // if error return 1 // if no aliases return 0 // // ExpandAliases // if error return 1 // if no relevant aliases return 0 // // ProcessExpandedCommand Enviro env; HostEnv hostEnv; ClientAliases clientAliases( argc, argv, &env, &hostEnv, e ); if( e->Test() || clientAliases.HasCharsetError() ) return result = 1; if( clientAliases.HasAliasesDisabled() ) return 0; result = 0; clientAliases.LoadAliases( e ); if( e->Test() ) return result = 1; if( clientAliases.WasAliasesCommand( result, e ) ) return 1; if( !clientAliases.HasAliases() ) return result = clientAliases.CheckDryRun( argc, argv, e ); clientAliases.ExpandAliases( argc, argv, e ); if( e->Test() ) return result = 1; if( !clientAliases.WasExpanded() ) return result = clientAliases.CheckDryRun( argc, argv, e ); result = clientAliases.RunCommands( e ); if( e->Test() ) return result = 1; return 1; } ClientAliases::ClientAliases( int argc, char **argv, Enviro *env, HostEnv *hostEnv, Error *e ) { aliases = new VarArray; commands = new VarArray; hasAliases = 0; hasAliasesDisabled = 0; hasCharsetError = 0; wasExpanded = 0; this->env = env; this->hostEnv = hostEnv; aliasesFile = 0; ioDict = 0; Client client; Options opts; parsedArgc = argc; parsedArgv = argv; clientParseOptions( opts, parsedArgc, parsedArgv, e ); if( e->Test() ) return; if( clientPrepareEnv( client, opts, *(this->env) ) ) { hasCharsetError = 1; return; } const StrPtr *aliasHandling = opts[ Options::Aliases ]; if( aliasHandling && !strncmp( aliasHandling->Text(), "no", 2 ) ) hasAliasesDisabled = 1; } ClientAliases::~ClientAliases() { delete ioDict; if( aliases ) { for( int i = 0; i < aliases->Count(); i++ ) { CommandAlias *a = (CommandAlias *)aliases->Get( i ); delete a; } delete aliases; } if( commands ) { for( int i = 0; i < commands->Count(); i++ ) { ClientCommand *a = (ClientCommand *)commands->Get( i ); delete a; } delete commands; } delete aliasesFile; } void ClientAliases::LoadAliases( Error *e ) { // First implementation is very crude, and supports only a single // aliases file, side by side with your tickets file. // // Following (sort of) our other conventions, the file is named // $HOME/.p4aliases on Unix-y systems, and // %USERPROFILE%\p4aliases.txt on Windows hostEnv->GetAliasesFile( aliasesFilePath, env ); aliasesFile = FileSys::Create( (FileSysType)(FST_TEXT|FST_L_LFCRLF) ); aliasesFile->Set( aliasesFilePath ); int stat = aliasesFile->Stat(); if( ( stat & FSF_EXISTS ) ) { // Ignore ~/.p4aliases if it is a directory: if( ( stat & FSF_DIRECTORY ) ) return; // FIXME: too quiet? ReadAliasesFile( e ); if( e->Test() ) return; } hasAliases = aliases->Count() > 0; } int ClientAliases::HasAliases() { return hasAliases; } int ClientAliases::HasAliasesDisabled() { return hasAliasesDisabled; } int ClientAliases::HasCharsetError() { return hasCharsetError; } void ClientAliases::ReadAliasesFile( Error *e ) { aliasesFile->Open( FOM_READ, e ); if( e->Test() ) return; StrBuf line; CommandAlias *alias = new CommandAlias; while( !e->Test() && aliasesFile->ReadLine( &line, e ) ) { line.TrimBlanks(); if( IsComment( &line ) ) continue; alias->Consume( &line ); if( alias->Complete() ) { alias->Compile( e ); if( !e->Test() ) { aliases->Put( alias ); alias = new CommandAlias; } } } if( !alias->Complete() ) e->Set( MsgClient::AliasPartial ); aliasesFile->Close( e ); delete alias; } int ClientAliases::IsComment( StrPtr *line ) { const char *p = line->Text(); int len = 0; while( p && *p ) { if( *p == '#' ) return 1; if( *p != ' ' && *p != '\t' ) return 0; len++; p++; } if( len ) return 0; return 1; // empty line counts as a comment. } void ClientAliases::ShowAliases() { for( int i = 0; i < aliases->Count(); i++ ) { CommandAlias *a = (CommandAlias *)aliases->Get( i ); StrBuf aBuf; a->Show( aBuf ); printf("%s\n", aBuf.Text()); } } void ClientAliases::ExpandAliases( int argc, char **argv, Error *e ) { // We iteratively attempt to apply our aliases. Each time we // successfully apply an alias, we restart the entire process. // // We stop when: // - we encounter an error, or // - we went all the way through and nothing changed // // If we successfully expanded the user's command using our aliases, // we can then run the results of the expansion // // Note that, initially, we are trying to match/transform the user's // raw command (in argc/argv), but subsequently we are trying to // match the working command, which is a copy. // // And since a single alias may expand to a list of commands, in the // end we may have multiple commands to run. ClientCommand *cmd = new ClientCommand; commands->Put( cmd ); cmd->CopyArguments( argc, argv, e ); restart: if( e->Test() ) return; for( int c = 0; c < commands->Count(); c++ ) { cmd = (ClientCommand *)commands->Get( c ); for( int i = 0; i < aliases->Count(); i++ ) { CommandAlias *a = (CommandAlias *)aliases->Get( i ); if( a->Matches( cmd ) ) { VarArray resultCommands; a->Transform( cmd, &resultCommands, e ); if( e->Test() ) return; if( resultCommands.Count() > 0 ) { UpdateCommands( c, &resultCommands ); wasExpanded = 1; goto restart; } } } } } int ClientAliases::WasExpanded() { return wasExpanded; } void ClientAliases::UpdateCommands( int which, VarArray *resultCommands ) { ClientCommand *oldOne = (ClientCommand *)commands->Get( which ); VarArray *revisedCommands = new VarArray; for( int i = 0; i < commands->Count(); i++ ) { if( i != which ) { revisedCommands->Put( commands->Get( i ) ); } else { for( int j = 0; j < resultCommands->Count(); j++ ) revisedCommands->Put( resultCommands->Get( j ) ); } } delete oldOne; delete commands; commands = revisedCommands; } int ClientAliases::RunCommands( Error *e ) { ioDict = new StrBufDict; for( int c = 0; !e->Test() && c < commands->Count(); c++ ) { ClientCommand *cmd = (ClientCommand *)commands->Get( c ); if( cmd->RunCommand( ioDict, e ) ) return 1; } return 0; } // Returns 1 if this was a dry run, with an appropriate message, else returns 0 // int ClientAliases::CheckDryRun( int argc, char **argv, Error *e ) { Options opts; int origArgc = argc; char **origArgv = argv; clientParseOptions( opts, argc, argv, e ); if( e->Test() ) return 1; const StrPtr *aliasHandling = opts[ Options::Aliases ]; if( aliasHandling && ( *aliasHandling == "dry-run" || *aliasHandling == "echo" ) ) { StrBuf buf; buf << "p4 "; int firstArg = 1; for( int ac = 0; ac < origArgc; ac++ ) { if( !strncmp(origArgv[ac], "--aliases", 9 ) ) continue; if( !firstArg ) buf << " "; buf << origArgv[ac]; firstArg = 0; } e->Set( MsgClient::CommandNotAliased ) << buf; return 1; } return 0; } int ClientAliases::WasAliasesCommand( int &result, Error *e ) { if( parsedArgc >= 1 && !strcmp( parsedArgv[0], "aliases" ) ) { if( parsedArgc >= 2 && ( !strcmp( parsedArgv[1], "help" ) || !strcmp( parsedArgv[1], "-h" ) || !strcmp( parsedArgv[1], "-?" ) || !strcmp( parsedArgv[1], "?" ) ) ) { e->Set( MsgHelp::HelpAliases ); return 1; } if( !HasAliases() ) { e->Set( MsgClient::NoAliasesFound ); return result = 1; } ShowAliases(); return 1; } return 0; } /************************************************************************** * CommandAlias: class for working with a single concrete alias * **************************************************************************/ CommandAlias::CommandAlias() { used = 0; transforms = new VarArray; dict = 0; } CommandAlias::~CommandAlias() { delete dict; if( transforms ) { for( int i = 0; i < transforms->Count(); i++ ) { CommandTransformation *t = (CommandTransformation *)transforms->Get( i ); delete t; } delete transforms; } } void CommandAlias::Consume( StrPtr *line ) { text << *line; } int CommandAlias::Complete() { // Looking at the end of the alias, we decide whether the alias // is complete, or whether the next line should be added on to // this alias. There are two line continuation conventions: && at // the end of the line, or '\' at the end of the line. The trailing // backslash, if present, is removed. text.TrimBlanks(); char *p = text.Text(); while( p && *p && *(p+1) ) { if( *p == '&' && *(p+1) == '&' && *(p+2) == '\0' ) { return 0; } if( *(p+1) == '\\' && *(p+2) == '\0' ) { p++; *p = ' '; text.SetEnd( p ); text.Terminate(); return 0; } p++; } return 1; } void CommandAlias::Compile( Error *e ) { const char *equals = 0; const char *p = text.Text(); while( p && *p ) { if( *p == '=' ) { if( equals ) { e->Set( MsgClient::AliasTooManyEquals ) << text; return; } equals = p; } p++; } if( !equals ) { e->Set( MsgClient::AliasMissingEquals ) << text; return; } if( equals - text.Text() <= 0 ) { e->Set( MsgClient::AliasEmptyPattern ) << text; return; } pattern.Set( StrRef( text.Text(), equals - text.Text() ) ); pattern.Compile( e ); if( e->Test() ) return; StrRef xf( equals + 1 ); CompileTransforms( &xf, e ); if( e->Test() ) return; } void CommandAlias::AddTransform( const StrPtr *xf, Error *e) { CommandTransformation *t = new CommandTransformation; transforms->Put( t ); t->Set( xf ); t->Compile( e ); } void CommandAlias::CompileTransforms( const StrPtr *xfms, Error *e ) { // Split apart the multiple commands (if any) at the '&&' points. const char *p = xfms->Text(); const char *s = p; while( p && *p ) { if( p[0] == '&' && p[1] == '&' ) { StrRef xf( s, p - s ); AddTransform( &xf, e ); if( e->Test() ) return; p++; s = p + 1; } p++; } if( s != p ) { StrRef xf( s, p - s ); AddTransform( &xf, e ); } if( e->Test() ) return; if( !transforms->Count() ) e->Set( MsgClient::AliasNoTransform ) << text; } void CommandAlias::Show( StrBuf &display ) { pattern.Show( display ); display << " => "; for( int i = 0; i < transforms->Count(); i++ ) { CommandTransformation *t = (CommandTransformation *)transforms->Get( i ); StrBuf msg; if( i > 0 ) display << " && "; t->Show( msg ); display << msg; } } int CommandAlias::Matches( ClientCommand *cmd ) { return !used && pattern.Matches( cmd ); } int CommandAlias::AlreadyUsed() { return used; } void CommandAlias::Transform( ClientCommand *cmd, VarArray *resultCommands, Error *e ) { used = 1; BuildDictionary( cmd, e ); for( int i = 0; !e->Test() && i < transforms->Count(); i++ ) { CommandTransformation *t = (CommandTransformation *)transforms->Get( i ); t->Transform( cmd, i, transforms->Count(), pattern.Formals(), dict, resultCommands, e ); } } void CommandAlias::BuildDictionary( ClientCommand *cmd, Error *e ) { // If the alias included any formal arguments, for example: // recent-by-user $(u) $(m) = changes -u $(u) -m $(m) // then build up a dictionary providing values for those arguments // from the actual command arguments. int n_args = pattern.Formals(); if( n_args > 0 ) { StrRef var, val; dict = new StrBufDict(); for( int ac = 0; ac < n_args; ac++ ) { if( pattern.IsAVariable( ac ) ) { pattern.GetFormal( ac, &var ); cmd->GetActual( ac, &val ); dict->SetVar( var, val ); } } } } /************************************************************************** * CommandPattern: manages the "left hand side" of an alias definition * **************************************************************************/ CommandPattern::CommandPattern() { actual = 0; maxVec = 0; vec = 0; formals = 0; formalTypes = 0; } CommandPattern::~CommandPattern() { delete [] vec; delete [] formals; delete [] formalTypes; } void CommandPattern::Set( const StrPtr s ) { text << s; } void CommandPattern::Compile( Error *e ) { text.TrimBlanks(); maxVec = 100; vec = new char *[ maxVec ]; actual = StrOps::Words( wordsBuf, text.Text(), vec, maxVec ); if( actual >= maxVec ) e->Set( MsgClient::AliasTooComplex ) << text << StrNum( maxVec ); else if( actual <= 0 ) e->Set( MsgClient::AliasEmptyPattern ) << text; if( e->Test() ) return; w0 = vec[0]; if( Formals() > 0 ) ValidateFormals( e ); } void CommandPattern::Show( StrBuf &buf ) { buf << text; } int CommandPattern::Matches( ClientCommand *cmd ) { return cmd->Matches( this, &w0 ); } int CommandPattern::Formals() { return actual - 1; } void CommandPattern::ValidateFormals( Error *e ) { formals = new StrBuf[ Formals() ]; formalTypes = new int[ Formals() ]; // For each formal argument, it should be of the form $(var). // Extract the variable name and remember it. for( int ac = 1; ac < actual; ac++ ) { const char *s = vec[ ac ]; if( s[0] != '$' || s[1] != '(' ) { formals[ ac - 1 ] = StrRef( s ); formalTypes[ ac - 1 ] = LITERAL; continue; } const char *p = s + 2; while( p && *p ) { if( p[0] == ')' ) { if( p[1] != '\0' ) { e->Set( MsgClient::AliasArgSyntax ) << vec[ ac ] << text; return; } formals[ ac - 1 ] = StrRef( s + 2, p - s - 2 ); formalTypes[ ac - 1 ] = VARIABLE; } p++; } } } void CommandPattern::GetFormal( int ac, StrRef *var ) { if( ac >= 0 && ac < Formals() ) var->Set( formals[ ac ] ); } int CommandPattern::IsAVariable( int ac ) { if( ac >= 0 && ac < Formals() ) return formalTypes[ ac ] == VARIABLE; return 0; } /*************************************************************************** * CommandTransformation: manages the "right hand side" of an alias * **************************************************************************/ CommandTransformation::CommandTransformation() { opts = new Options; actual = 0; maxVec = 0; vec = 0; } CommandTransformation::~CommandTransformation() { delete opts; delete [] vec; } void CommandTransformation::Set( const StrPtr *s ) { text << s; } void CommandTransformation::Compile( Error *e ) { text.TrimBlanks(); CompileRedirection( e ); if( e->Test() ) return; maxVec = 100; vec = new char *[ maxVec ]; actual = StrOps::Words( wordsBuf, text.Text(), vec, maxVec ); if( actual >= maxVec ) e->Set( MsgClient::AliasTooComplex ) << text << StrNum( maxVec ); else if( actual <= 0 ) e->Set( MsgClient::AliasEmptyTransform ); if( e->Test() ) return; // find the fulcrum argc = actual; argv = &vec[0]; clientParseOptions( *opts, argc, argv, e ); if( e->Test() ) { e->Set( MsgClient::AliasSyntaxError ) << text; return; } fulcrum = actual - argc; if( !argc ) { e->Set( MsgClient::AliasMissingCommand ) << text; return; } CompileSpecialOperators( e ); if( e->Test() ) return; } void CommandTransformation::CompileSpecialOperators( Error *e ) { if( !strcmp( vec[ fulcrum ], "p4subst" ) ) { // p4subst must have two arguments, and both input and output // must be redirected. if( actual != 3 ) e->Set( MsgClient::AliasSubstArgs ); else if( !inputVariable.Length() ) e->Set( MsgClient::AliasSubstInput ); else if( !outputVariable.Length() ) e->Set( MsgClient::AliasSubstOutput ); return; } } void CommandTransformation::Show( StrBuf &buf ) { buf << text; if( inputVariable.Length() ) buf << " < $(" << inputVariable << ")"; if( outputVariable.Length() ) buf << " > $(" << outputVariable << ")"; } void CommandTransformation::Transform( ClientCommand *cmd, int xformNo, int numXforms, int numNamedArgs, StrDict *namedArgs, VarArray *resultCommands, Error *e ) { ClientCommand *result = new ClientCommand; if( xformNo == 0 && cmd->GetInput()->Length() ) result->SetInput( cmd->GetInput() ); if( xformNo == numXforms - 1 && cmd->GetOutput()->Length() ) result->SetOutput( cmd->GetOutput() ); if( GetInput()->Length() && !result->GetInput()->Length() ) result->SetInput( GetInput() ); if( GetOutput()->Length() && !result->GetOutput()->Length() ) result->SetOutput( GetOutput() ); cmd->Transform( actual, vec, numNamedArgs, namedArgs, result, e ); if( e->Test() ) { delete result; return; } resultCommands->Put( result ); } void CommandTransformation::CompileRedirection( Error *e ) { // Look for patterns of the form: // > $(variable) // and // < $(variable) // // If we find either or both, excise them from the main body of // the transform and record them for later use. int state = 0; // States: // 0: Looking for '<' or '>' // 1: Looking for '$(' // 2: Looking for ')' const char *p; const char *pStart; // Location of the < or > const char *vStart; // Start of the variable name StrBuf buf; int redirType = 0; // 0: none; 1: input; 2: output p = text.Text(); while( p && *p ) { if( state == 0 ) { if( p[0] == '<' || p[0] == '>' ) { pStart = p; redirType = p[0] == '<' ? 1 : 2; state = 1; } } else if( state == 1 ) { if( p[0] == '$' && p[1] == '(' ) { vStart = p + 2; state = 2; p++; } else if( p[0] != ' ' ) { e->Set( MsgClient::AliasIOSyntax ) << StrRef( p, 1 ) << text; return; } } else if( state == 2 ) { if( p[0] == ')' ) { if( redirType == 1 ) { if( inputVariable.Length() > 0 ) { e->Set( MsgClient::AliasInputMultiple ) << text; return; } inputVariable.Set( vStart, p - vStart ); } else { if( outputVariable.Length() > 0 ) { e->Set( MsgClient::AliasOutputMultiple ) << text; return; } outputVariable.Set( vStart, p - vStart ); } buf.Clear(); buf << StrRef( text.Text(), pStart - text.Text() ) << StrRef( p + 1 ); text.Set( buf ); redirType = 0; state = 0; p = text.Text(); continue; } } p++; } if( state != 0 ) { e->Set( MsgClient::AliasRedirection ) << text; return; } text.TrimBlanks(); } const StrPtr * CommandTransformation::GetInput() { return &inputVariable; } const StrPtr * CommandTransformation::GetOutput() { return &outputVariable; } /**************************************************************************** * ClientCommand: a single command, in semi-parsed format, with lots of * * utility functions for manipulating the command. * ****************************************************************************/ ClientCommand::ClientCommand() { w_argc = 0; w_argn = 0; w_argf = 0; w_argv = 0; w_argp = 0; w_args = 0; w_opts = 0; c_args = 0; ui = 0; } ClientCommand::~ClientCommand() { delete w_opts; delete [] w_args; delete [] w_argp; delete [] c_args; delete ui; } int ClientCommand::RunCommand( StrDict *dict, Error *e ) { // Time to run this command! First, though, finalize any // variable references, first looking for those that may influence // the client object itself (-u, -h, -p, etc.), then processing // those variables that will be arguments to the server command. Client client; AliasSubstitution subst( &client, dict ); for( int ac = 0; ac < w_argf; ac++ ) { subst.Substitute( &w_args[ac] ); w_argp[ac].Set( w_args[ac] ); } w_argc = w_argn; ParseOptions( e ); if( e->Test() ) return 1; clientSetVariables( client, *w_opts ); for( int ac = 0; ac < w_argn; ac++ ) { subst.Substitute( &w_args[ac] ); if( ac < w_argf ) w_argp[ac].Set( w_args[ac] ); } // Variable substitutions may have left some of the variables // with multiple values in the variable, separated by newlines. // If this particular command has such values, burst them out // into separate arguments now. // SplitArgs( e ); if( e->Test() ) return 1; const StrPtr *aliasHandling = (*w_opts)[ Options::Aliases ]; if( aliasHandling && ( *aliasHandling == "dry-run" || *aliasHandling == "echo" ) ) { StrBuf fmtBuf; FormatCommand( fmtBuf ); printf("%s\n", fmtBuf.Text() ); if ( *aliasHandling == "dry-run" ) return 0; } // We let clientMain do the heavy lifting here, but we typically // provide a custom ClientUser object so that we can control the // input and output of the command we run. PrepareIO( dict, e ); if( e->Test() ) return 1; int uidebug; const char *noCommand = ""; char **argv = (char **)&noCommand; if( w_argc > 0 ) { c_args = new char *[ w_argc ]; argv = &c_args[0]; } for( int ac = w_argf; ac < w_argn; ac++ ) c_args[ac - w_argf] = w_args[ac].Text(); if( !HandleSpecialOperators( w_argc, argv, *w_opts, e ) ) clientRunCommand( w_argc, argv, *w_opts, ui, uidebug, e ); HandleOutput( dict, e ); return ui && ui->CommandFailed(); } void ClientCommand::HandleOutput( StrDict *dict, Error *e ) { if( ui ) { if( dict && outputVariable.Length() ) { dict->SetVar( outputVariable, *(ui->GetOutput()) ); } if( !outputVariable.Length() || ui->CommandFailed() ) { const StrPtr *results = ui->GetOutput(); if( results && results->Text() ) printf( "%s\n", results->Text() ); } } } void ClientCommand::FormatCommand( StrBuf &b ) { b << "p4 "; int firstArg = 1; for( int ac = 0; ac < w_argn; ac++ ) { if( w_args[ac] == "--aliases=dry-run" || w_args[ac] == "--aliases=echo" ) continue; if( !firstArg ) b << " "; b << w_args[ac]; firstArg = 0; } if( inputVariable.Length() ) b << " < $(" << inputVariable << ")"; if( outputVariable.Length() ) b << " > $(" << outputVariable << ")"; } void ClientCommand::SplitArgs( Error *e ) { int additionsNeeded = 0; for( int ac = w_argf; ac < w_argn; ac++ ) { StrPtrLineReader splr( &w_args[ ac ] ); int linesInArg = splr.CountLines(); additionsNeeded += ( linesInArg - 1 ); } if( additionsNeeded ) { int n_argn = w_argn + additionsNeeded; StrBuf *n_args = new StrBuf[ (n_argn) ]; int dst = 0; for( int ac = 0; ac < w_argf; ac++ ) n_args[dst++].Set( w_args[ac] ); for( int ac = w_argf; ac < w_argn; ac++ ) { StrBuf line; StrPtrLineReader splr( &w_args[ ac ] ); while( splr.GetLine( &line ) ) n_args[dst++].Set( line ); } UpdateWorkingCommand( n_argn, n_args, e ); } } void ClientCommand::CopyArguments( int cargc, char **argv, Error *e ) { w_argc = w_argn = cargc; w_args = new StrBuf[ w_argn ]; w_argp = new StrRef[ w_argn ]; for( int ac = 0; ac < w_argn; ac++ ) { w_args[ac].Set( StrRef( argv[ac] ) ); w_argp[ac].Set( w_args[ac] ); } ParseOptions( e ); } void ClientCommand::UpdateWorkingCommand( int n_argn, StrBuf *n_args, Error *e ) { w_argc = w_argn = n_argn; delete [] w_args; delete [] w_argp; w_args = n_args; w_argp = new StrRef[ w_argn ]; for( int ac = 0; ac < w_argn; ac++ ) w_argp[ac].Set( w_args[ac] ); ParseOptions( e ); } void ClientCommand::ParseOptions( Error *e ) { w_argv = &w_argp[0]; delete w_opts; w_opts = new Options; clientParseOptions( *w_opts, w_argc, w_argv, e ); if( !w_argc ) w_argv = 0; w_argf = w_argn - w_argc; } void ClientCommand::Transform( int actual, char **vec, int numNamedArgs, StrDict *namedArgs, ClientCommand *result, Error *e ) { // Transformation involves: // - the replacement of the function with replacement text+options // - the matching of supplied values to named formal args in the alias // // So we first copy everything from before the function, then we // copy the replacement text, then we copy everything from after // the function. // // Note that we don't transform in place. Rather, we build an entirely // new result command. int n_argn = w_argn + ( actual - 1 ) - numNamedArgs; StrBuf *n_args = new StrBuf[ (n_argn) ]; int dst = 0; for( int ac = 0; ac < w_argf; ac++ ) n_args[dst++].Set( w_args[ac] ); for( int ac = 0; ac < actual; ac++ ) n_args[dst++].Set( vec[ac] ); if( numNamedArgs ) { AliasSubstitution subst( 0, namedArgs ); for( int ac = 0; ac < n_argn; ac++ ) subst.Substitute( &n_args[ac] ); } else { for( int ac = w_argf+1; ac < w_argn; ac++ ) n_args[dst++].Set( w_args[ac] ); } result->UpdateWorkingCommand( n_argn, n_args, e ); } const StrPtr * ClientCommand::GetInput() { return &inputVariable; } const StrPtr * ClientCommand::GetOutput() { return &outputVariable; } void ClientCommand::SetInput( const StrPtr *in ) { inputVariable.Set( in ); } void ClientCommand::SetOutput( const StrPtr *out ) { outputVariable.Set( out ); } int ClientCommand::Matches( CommandPattern *pattern, StrPtr *text ) { // If the alias has named formal arguments, then the invocation must // exactly match that with the same number of variable values, since // we replace the variables by values using their position in the // list. But if the alias has no named formal arguments, then the // invocation can have any number of arguments, because we'll just // glom them on at the end. // // Either way, the invocation's function name must exactly match // the name of this alias. if( !FunctionMatches( text ) ) return 0; int n_args = pattern->Formals(); if( n_args > 0 && n_args != ( w_argn - w_argf - 1 ) ) return 0; for( int ac = 0; ac < n_args; ac++ ) { if( pattern->IsAVariable( ac ) ) continue; StrRef var, val; pattern->GetFormal( ac, &var ); GetActual( ac, &val ); if( var != val.Text() ) return 0; } return 1; } int ClientCommand::FunctionMatches( StrPtr *text ) { return ( w_argv != 0 && ( (*text) == (*w_argv) ) ); } void ClientCommand::GetActual( int ac, StrRef *val ) { if( ac >= 0 && ac < ( w_argn - w_argf - 1 ) ) val->Set( w_args[ w_argf + ac + 1 ] ); } void ClientCommand::PrepareIO( StrDict *dict, Error *e ) { ui = new ClientUserStrBuf( *w_opts ); ui->SetFormat( (*w_opts)[ 'F' ] ); if( inputVariable.Length() && dict ) { ui->SetInputData( dict->GetVar( inputVariable ) ); StrPtr *xArg = (*w_opts)[ 'x' ]; if( xArg && xArg->Text()[0] == '-' ) xArg->Text()[0] = '<'; } } // Returns non-zero if this was a special operator, and was completed, or // if there is an error. Otherwise, returns 0. // int ClientCommand::HandleSpecialOperators( int argc, char **argv, Options &opts, Error *e ) { if( argc && !strcmp( argv[0], "p4subst" ) ) { OperatorP4Subst oper; oper.Substitute( argc, argv, opts, ui, e ); return 1; } return 0; } /************************************************************************** * AliasSubstitution: manages substituting variables in commands. * **************************************************************************/ AliasSubstitution::AliasSubstitution( Client *c, StrDict *d ) { this->client = c; this->dict = d; } AliasSubstitution::~AliasSubstitution() { } int AliasSubstitution::Substitute( StrBuf *b ) { // Variable references take the form $(var). When we find one of those // in the buffer, we replace it with the variable's value. If we // can't find a value, we leave the variable entirely alone, since // it may get transformed subsequently by some other pass which knows // the correct value for this variable. // // We return a code summarizing what we did: // - 0: this buffer had no variable references, was unchanged // - 1: this buffer had at least one var, successfully replaced // - 2: this buffer had at least one var, at least one was unknown // - 3: this buffer had a malformed reference, it seems. int result = 0; const char *p = b->Text(); const char *s = 0; StrBuf value; StrBuf b2; StrBuf var; while( p && *p ) { if( s && ( *p == ')' ) ) { // we've found the end of a variable reference. var.Set( StrRef( s + 2, p - s - 2 ) ); GetValue( var, &value ); if( value.Length() ) { b2.Clear(); b2 << StrRef( b->Text(), s - b->Text() ); b2 << value; b2 << StrRef( p + 1 ); b->Set( b2 ); p = b->Text(); } s = 0; if( !result ) result = value.Length() > 0 ? 1 : 2; else if( value.Length() == 0 ) result = 2; } else if( !s && ( *p == '$' && *(p+1) == '(' ) ) { // we've found the start of a variable reference s = p; p += 2; } else { p++; } } if( s ) result = 3; return result; } void AliasSubstitution::GetValue( StrPtr &var, StrBuf *val ) { val->Clear(); if( var == "LT" ) { val->Set( "<" ); return; } if( var == "GT" ) { val->Set( ">" ); return; } if( var == "EQ" ) { val->Set( "=" ); return; } if( client ) { if( var == "P4USER" ) val->Set( client->GetUser() ); else if( var == "P4CLIENT" ) val->Set( client->GetClient() ); else if( var == "P4HOST" ) val->Set( client->GetHost() ); else if( var == "P4LANGUAGE" ) val->Set( client->GetLanguage() ); else if( var == "CWD" ) val->Set( client->GetCwd() ); else if( var == "OS" ) val->Set( client->GetOs() ); } if( val->Length() > 0 ) return; if( dict ) { const StrPtr *s = dict->GetVar( var ); if( s ) val->Set( s ); } } /************************************************************************* * ClientUserStrBuf: custom command line UI subclass of ClientUser which * * is able to collect all the output of a command into a StrBuf object * * and can then give that output to a subsequent command for its use. * *************************************************************************/ ClientUserStrBuf::ClientUserStrBuf( Options &opts ) : ClientUserMunge( opts ) { severity = E_EMPTY; } ClientUserStrBuf::~ClientUserStrBuf() { } void ClientUserStrBuf::Append( const char *s ) { if( output.Length() > 0 ) output << "\n"; output << s; } int ClientUserStrBuf::GetSeverity() { return severity; } int ClientUserStrBuf::CommandFailed() { return GetSeverity() > E_INFO; // Should this be E_WARN? } void ClientUserStrBuf::OutputError( const char *errBuf ) { Append( errBuf ); } void ClientUserStrBuf::OutputInfo( char level, const char *data ) { Append( data ); } void ClientUserStrBuf::OutputText( const char *data, int length ) { Append( data ); } void ClientUserStrBuf::HandleError( Error *err ) { Message( err ); } void ClientUserStrBuf::Message( Error *err ) { // FIXME -- probably need to think about: // // if( err->IsInfo() ) // ... // else // ... if( err->GetSeverity() > severity ) severity = err->GetSeverity(); if( format.Length() ) { OutputStat( err->GetDict() ); } else { StrBuf msg; err->Fmt( msg, EF_PLAIN ); OutputInfo( 0, msg.Text() ); } } void ClientUserStrBuf::OutputStat( StrDict *dict ) { if( !format.Length() ) { ClientUserMunge::OutputStat( dict ); return; } if( !dict ) return; StrBuf out; StrOps::Expand2( out, format, *dict ); Append( out.Text() ); } const StrPtr * ClientUserStrBuf::GetOutput() { return &output; } void ClientUserStrBuf::SetFormat( const StrPtr *fmt ) { if( fmt ) format.Set( fmt ); } void ClientUserStrBuf::SetInputData( const StrPtr *data ) { if( data ) input.Set( data ); } void ClientUserStrBuf::InputData( StrBuf *b, Error *e ) { if( input.Length() ) b->Set( input ); else ClientUserMunge::InputData( b, e ); } /*************************************************************************** * OperatorP4Subst: allows simple string substitutions in aliases * ***************************************************************************/ OperatorP4Subst::OperatorP4Subst() { splr = 0; } OperatorP4Subst::~OperatorP4Subst() { delete splr; } void OperatorP4Subst::Substitute( int argc, char **argv, Options &opts, ClientUser *ui, Error *e ) { StrBuf line, result; ui->InputData( &rawData, e ); if( e->Test() ) return; splr = new StrPtrLineReader( &rawData ); RegMatch matcher( RegMatch::grep ); matcher.compile( argv[1], e ); if( e->Test() ) return; while( splr->GetLine( &line ) ) { if( matcher.matches( line.Text(), e ) ) UpdateLine( &line, &result, &matcher, argv[2] ); else result.Set( line ); result << "\n"; ui->OutputInfo( 0, result.Text() ); } } void OperatorP4Subst::UpdateLine( StrBuf *line, StrBuf *result, RegMatch *matcher, const char *replace ) { result->Clear(); (*result) << StrRef( line->Text(), matcher->begin() ); (*result) << replace; if( matcher->end() < line->Length() ) (*result) << line->Text() + matcher->end(); }