- require 'rake/clean'
- require 'rake/packagetask'
- require 'bundler'
- # We setup our configuration to create a fake "installation" to this directory.
- # In cases you run everything locally, it dumps data, pid, and log files under
- # here.
- #
- # See tasks like basic:start or cloud:start for real usage.
- INSTALL_DIR = '/tmp/hws'
- task :set_writable do
- Dir.glob('**/Gemfile.lock').each do |f|
- File.chmod(0644, f)
- end
- end
- Rake::PackageTask.new('helix-web-services', :noversion) do |package|
- package.need_tar = true
- package.package_files.include('data/certs/*')
- package.package_files.include('contrib/**/*')
- package.package_files.include('doc/**/*')
- package.package_files.include('git_fusion_strings/**/*')
- package.package_files.include('helix_web_services/**/*')
- package.package_files.include('helix_web_services_client/**/*')
- package.package_files.include('packaging/**/*')
- package.package_files.include('Gemfile')
- package.package_files.include('Gemfile.lock')
- package.package_files.include('Rakefile')
- package.package_files.include('LICENSE')
- package.package_files.include('helix-web-services-notes.txt')
- end
- CLEAN.include('pkg')
- task :package => [:set_writable]
- desc 'Create primary source deliverables'
- task :build => [:package]
- desc 'Rebuild the main ASCIIDoc documentation'
- task :asciidoc do
- system('bundle exec asciidoctor -o doc-output/p4ws.html doc/p4ws.asc') ||
- fail('asciidoctor failed')
- end
- CLEAN.include('**/doc-output')
- namespace :all do
- desc 'Rebuild documentation across system'
- task :doc => [:asciidoc] do
- system('cd helix_web_services_client && bundle exec rake yard') ||
- fail('rake yard failed for helix_web_services_client')
- system('cd helix_web_services && bundle exec rake yard') ||
- fail('rake yard failed for helix_web_services')
- end
- end
- # "Raymond" is an internal server API used in Helix Cloud, that Helix Web
- # Services integration uses for Helix Sync methods. This mock instance lets
- # us run tests in our "cloud" configuration setup.
- namespace :mock_raymond do
- desc 'start mock cloud server'
- task :start do
- start_mock_raymond
- end
- desc 'kill mock cloud server'
- task :stop do
- stop_mock_raymond
- end
- end
- namespace :p4d do
- namespace :basic do
- desc 'init p4d in basic mode'
- task :start do
- initialize_p4d('data/p4init')
- end
- end
- namespace :cloud do
- desc 'init p4d in cloud mode'
- task :start do
- initialize_p4d('data/cloudinit')
- end
- end
- desc 'halt running p4d'
- task :stop do
- stop_p4d
- end
- end
- # The 'basic' configuration does not include Helix Cloud or Git Fusion
- #
- # Note: Git Fusion only runs on Linux, so that's left out of the dev environment
- # for now, until I decide to switch my dev environment to run on Linux. :)
- namespace :basic do
- desc 'Start nginx, p4d, unicorn with basic configuration'
- task :start do |t|
- err = initialize_tmp_install
- err ||= initialize_p4d('data/p4init')
- err ||= hws_launch_tmp_install('start')
- fail('start failed') if err
- end
- desc 'Run helix_web_services and helix_web_services_client specs against the local basic config'
- task :spec do
- err = run_hws_server_tests(spec_output: 'basic_helix_web_services_specs.html')
- err ||= run_hws_client_specs(spec_output: 'basic_helix_web_services_client_specs.html',
- p4port: 'localhost:1666')
- fail('spec failed') if err
- end
- desc 'Stop and clean up the basic configuration'
- task :stop do
- err ||= hws_launch_tmp_install('stop')
- err ||= stop_p4d
- fail('stop failed') if err
- end
- end
- namespace :cloud do
- desc 'Start mock_raymond, nginx, unicorn, and p4d for Helix Cloud mock testing'
- task :start => 'mock_raymond:start' do
- err = initialize_tmp_install
- err ||= initialize_p4d('data/cloudinit')
- err ||= hws_launch_tmp_install('start',
- cloud_settings: 'helix_web_services/config/hws_cloud_settings.conf.example')
- end
- desc 'Run helix_web_services_client specs against the local basic config'
- task :spec do
- err = run_hws_server_tests(cloud_settings: 'helix_web_services/config/hws_cloud_settings.conf.example',
- spec_output: 'cloud_helix_web_services_specs.html')
- err ||= run_hws_client_specs(spec_output: 'cloud_helix_web_services_client_specs.html',
- p4port: 'localhost:1666',
- cloud_test: true)
- fail('spec failed') if err
- end
- desc 'Shut down Helix Cloud setup'
- task :stop => 'mock_raymond:stop' do
- err ||= hws_launch_tmp_install('stop')
- err ||= stop_p4d
- fail('stop failed') if err
- end
- end
- namespace :remote do
- desc 'Exec specs against a remote HWS instance'
- task :spec, [:hws_url, :p4port] do |t, args|
- hws_url = args[:host]
- p4port = args[:p4port]
- err = run_hws_client_specs(spec_output: "remote_#{host}_helix_web_services_client_specs.html",
- p4port: p4port,
- hws_url: hws_url)
- fail('spec failed') if err
- end
- end
- #=============================================================================
- # Helper Methods
- #=============================================================================
- # Execute helix_web_services_client specs, with different configurations:
- #
- # - cloud_test: if true, we assume the mock_raymond server is running
- #
- # - spec_output: specify different names for different configurations, output
- # will go under ./spec-output
- #
- # - p4port: Some tests require seeding test data directly, indicate the
- # p4d port, defaults to 'localhost:1666'
- #
- # - hws_url: The base URL to the HWS server, defaults "https://localhost:9000/"
- def run_hws_client_specs(cloud_test: false,
- spec_output: 'helix_web_services_client_specs.html',
- p4port: 'localhost:1666',
- hws_url: 'https://localhost:9000/')
- output_file = File.absolute_path("../spec-output/#{spec_output}", __FILE__)
- ok = system('cd helix_web_services_client && ' +
- "CLOUD_TEST=#{cloud_test.to_s} " +
- "SPEC_OUT=#{output_file} " +
- "P4PORT=#{p4port} " +
- "HWS_URL=#{hws_url} " +
- 'bundle exec rake spec')
- return true unless ok
- end
- # Execute helix_web_services specs, with different configurations.
- #
- # Note: This typically does *not* require unicorn and nginx to run, just p4d.
- # It is a different configuration that *can* be easier for debugging purposes.
- #
- # - cloud_settings: Path to the cloud settings file if you want to validate
- # Helix Cloud logic
- #
- # - spec_output: Test result output file name.
- def run_hws_server_tests(cloud_settings: '', spec_output: '')
- output_file = File.absolute_path("../spec-output/#{spec_output}", __FILE__)
- settings_file = File.absolute_path("../#{cloud_settings}", __FILE__) if !cloud_settings.empty?
- ok = system('cd helix_web_services && ' +
- "CLOUD_SETTINGS=#{settings_file} " +
- "SPEC_OUT=#{output_file} " +
- 'bundle exec rake spec')
- return true unless ok
- end
- # Create the temporary install configuration file that points to files in
- # a temporary directory, /tmp/hws.
- #
- # It is very annoying in development if this becomes a long-winded path.
- def initialize_tmp_install
- unless Dir.exist?(INSTALL_DIR)
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(INSTALL_DIR)
- end
- unless Dir.exist?(data_dir)
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(data_dir)
- end
- unless Dir.exist?(log_dir)
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(log_dir)
- end
- unless Dir.exist?(run_dir)
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(run_dir)
- end
- create_dev_config_file
- end
- # Runs hws_launch in temp install directory.
- def hws_launch_tmp_install(cmd, cloud_settings: nil)
- puts "hws_launch #{cmd}"
- if cloud_settings.nil?
- cloud_settings = ''
- else
- cloud_settings = "CLOUD_SETTINGS=#{File.absolute_path("../#{cloud_settings}", __FILE__)} "
- end
- launch_ok = system('cd helix_web_services && ' +
- "HWS_CONFIG=#{hws_config_path} " +
- cloud_settings +
- "bundle exec #{hws_launch_path} #{cmd}")
- !launch_ok
- end
- # This generates /tmp/helix-web-services.conf that points to locations in the
- # local directory... as appropriate.
- def create_dev_config_file(enable_https: false)
- IO.write(hws_config_path, <<-END.gsub(/^[ ]{4}/, '')
- DATA_DIR: '#{data_dir}'
- ENABLE_HTTPS: #{enable_https}
- LOG_DIR: '#{log_dir}'
- NGINX_COMMAND: '#{nginx_command}'
- NGINX_CONFIG_PATH: '#{nginx_config_path}'
- NGINX_PORT: 9000
- P4TRUST: '#{p4trust_path}'
- RACKUP_CONFIG: '#{rackup_config_path}'
- RUN_DIR: '#{run_dir}'
- SSL_CERTIFICATE_PATH: '#{ssl_certificate_path}'
- SSL_CERTIFICATE_KEY_PATH: '#{ssl_certificate_key_path}'
- WORKSPACE_DIR: '#{workspace_dir}'
- UNICORN_COMMAND: '#{unicorn_command}'
- UNICORN_CONFIG_PATH: '#{unicorn_config_path}'
- UNICORN_CONNECTION: '#{unicorn_socket_path}'
- )
- nil
- end
- def initialize_p4d(data_dir)
- puts 'starting p4d from ' + data_dir
- ok = system('p4util kill')
- return true unless ok
- if Dir.exist?('/tmp/p4util/p4droot')
- require 'fileutils'
- FileUtils.rmtree('/tmp/p4util/p4droot')
- end
- ok = system('p4util start')
- return true unless ok
- ok = system("p4util init #{data_dir}")
- return true unless ok
- end
- def stop_p4d
- ok = system('p4util kill')
- return true unless ok
- if Dir.exist?('/tmp/p4util/p4droot')
- require 'fileutils'
- FileUtils.rmtree('/tmp/p4util/p4droot')
- end
- nil
- end
- def initialize_remote_p4d(host, data_dir)
- ok = system("p4util init -p #{host}:1666 -a #{data_dir}")
- return true unless ok
- end
- def start_mock_raymond(cloud_settings: '')
- # return
- puts 'starting mock_raymond'
- begin
- Bundler.with_clean_env do
- ok = system(
- 'cd helix_web_services/mock_raymond && ' +
- 'UNICORN_PID=/tmp/mock_raymond_unicorn.pid ' +
- 'RAILS_ENV=test ' +
- 'MOCKRAYMOND_STDOUT_PATH=/tmp/mock_raymond_unicorn.out ' +
- 'MOCKRAYMOND_STDERR_PATH=/tmp/mock_raymond_unicorn.err ' +
- 'P4PORT=localhost:1666 ' +
- 'P4CHARSET=utf8 ' +
- 'bundle exec unicorn -c config/unicorn.rb -D'
- )
- return true unless ok
- while connect_to_server(3000) == false
- sleep(0.1)
- end
- end
- return false
- rescue Exception => e
- puts "Error: #{e.message}"
- return true
- end
- end
- def stop_mock_raymond
- if File.exist?('/tmp/mock_raymond_unicorn.pid')
- rails_pid = IO.read('/tmp/mock_raymond_unicorn.pid').to_i
- puts "killing pid: #{rails_pid}"
- Process.kill('TERM', rails_pid)
- File.unlink('/tmp/mock_raymond_unicorn.pid')
- end
- end
- def hws_config_path
- "#{INSTALL_DIR}/helix-web-services.conf"
- end
- # In development mode, we use the rackup configuration directly in the tree
- def rackup_config_path
- File.absolute_path('../helix_web_services/config.ru', __FILE__)
- end
- # Note: if you're not running within bundler, or RVM with fancy bundler
- # shell integration, this is possibly going to fail
- def hws_launch_path
- File.absolute_path('../helix_web_services/bin/hws_launch', __FILE__)
- end
- # In general, unicorn should be installed already, and in most dev environments
- # is in the path via RVM.
- def unicorn_command
- unicorn_path = `which unicorn`.strip
- fail 'unicorn not found' if unicorn_path.empty?
- unicorn_path
- end
- def nginx_command
- nginx_path = `which nginx`.strip
- fail 'nginx not found' if nginx_path.empty?
- nginx_path
- end
- def nginx_config_path
- "#{INSTALL_DIR}/nginx.conf"
- end
- def unicorn_config_path
- "#{INSTALL_DIR}/unicorn.conf"
- end
- def data_dir
- "#{INSTALL_DIR}/data"
- end
- def log_dir
- "#{INSTALL_DIR}/logs"
- end
- def run_dir
- "#{INSTALL_DIR}/run"
- end
- def unicorn_socket_path
- "unix:#{run_dir}/unicorn.sock"
- end
- def workspace_dir
- "#{data_dir}/workspaces"
- end
- def ssl_certificate_path
- File.absolute_path('../data/certs/nginx.crt', __FILE__)
- end
- def ssl_certificate_key_path
- File.absolute_path('../data/certs/nginx.key', __FILE__)
- end
- def p4trust_path
- "#{INSTALL_DIR}/p4trust"
- end
- def connect_to_server(port)
- require 'socket'
- begin
- s = TCPSocket.new 'localhost', port
- s.close
- return true
- rescue Exception => e
- return false
- end
- end
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#15 | 16318 | Doug Scheirer | merge from main | 9 years ago | |
#14 | 16289 | Doug Scheirer | merge from main | 9 years ago | |
#13 | 16275 | Doug Scheirer | Merge from main | 9 years ago | |
#12 | 16148 | Doug Scheirer | Merge from main | 9 years ago | |
#11 | 16047 | Doug Scheirer | Update the other config setting for cloud | 9 years ago | |
#10 | 16041 | Doug Scheirer | Make CI use a conf file that exists for cloud testing | 9 years ago | |
#9 | 16040 | Doug Scheirer | I think the pending tests is at a minimum for cloud enabled, so readyto integrate up? | 9 years ago | |
#8 | 16026 | Doug Scheirer | Marked last few cloud tests pending, enabled test:cloud by default | 9 years ago | |
#7 | 16025 | Doug Scheirer | require bundler? | 9 years ago | |
#6 | 16024 | Doug Scheirer | Some cloud spec forking, got the mock_raymond to spin up in cloud testing, split normal vs... cloud spec output « | 9 years ago | |
#5 | 16014 | Doug Scheirer | Merge down from main | 9 years ago | |
#4 | 15845 | Doug Scheirer | Integ from main | 10 years ago | |
#3 | 15726 | Doug Scheirer | merge from main | 10 years ago | |
#2 | 15715 | Doug Scheirer | merge changes from main | 10 years ago | |
#1 | 15688 | Doug Scheirer | Populate -o //guest/perforce_software/helix-web-services/... //guest/doug_scheirer/helix-...web-services/.... « |
10 years ago | |
//guest/perforce_software/helix-web-services/main/source/Rakefile | |||||
#2 | 15634 | tjuricek | Add rules for setting up and running Centos 6. There's a strange problem coming back ar...ound with package tests again, not everything's 100% « |
10 years ago | |
#1 | 15622 | tjuricek |
Move source code to 'source/' subdirectory of branch. build/ will remain where it is. |
10 years ago | |
//guest/perforce_software/helix-web-services/main/Rakefile | |||||
#61 | 15619 | tjuricek | Remove all doc-output and spec-output dirs on clean task | 10 years ago | |
#60 | 15618 | tjuricek | By default, writing spec results to spec-output, docs to doc-output. The archiving in a... 'build' branch will be handled by the CD pipeline. « |
10 years ago | |
#59 | 15617 | tjuricek | Add P4PORT variable to 'remotetest' task, add 'debug' option to client. | 10 years ago | |
#58 | 15614 | tjuricek | Add 'remotetest' task to run the client API remotely (after seeding p4d) | 10 years ago | |
#57 | 15591 | tjuricek | Do not rebuild documentation automatically (yet). | 10 years ago | |
#56 | 15588 | tjuricek | Write test output to build directory and correct reference to 'all:doc' task | 10 years ago | |
#55 | 15587 | tjuricek | Add 'rake test' top level command to handle executing tests against the local source tree.... This may be embellished with some additional configuration to, say, run tests against a remote server. « |
10 years ago | |
#54 | 15513 | tjuricek | Add a product ID header for debugging purposes. This will generally display INVALID unl...ess the version file has been created during the build. « |
10 years ago | |
#53 | 15240 | tjuricek | Set api level via request path on all Helix Versioning Engine methods. This will allow... migration of applications to different P4D versions. Our internal methods (like project API) should attempt to handle backward compatibility similarly. P4WEBAPI-118 « |
10 years ago | |
#52 | 15090 | tjuricek | Update _proposed_ API for project services. This is *very likely* to change, and will n...ot be implemented until reviewed. « |
10 years ago | |
#51 | 15038 | tjuricek | Document 'login' auth method and client programming overview. | 10 years ago | |
#50 | 15032 | tjuricek | Starting config and doc revisions. System is now broken while revisions underway. Conf...iguration of the p4d connection is now done via a single HWSSettings middleware object injected into the Rack env. The HWSP4Cleanup middleware now cleans up any p4 injected into the Rack env. The Auth::App class now mostly just contains one method to generate a p4 ticket. /auth/v1/login. Added yard documentation for the main project. Yard docs have been reconfigured to dump into build/ directories. This should probably be done with each release. Hm... The top level rake file contains a task, 'all:doc', to update our documentation. This should probably be run for each checkin. Hm... Specs are now using Rack::Test on top of a 'live' p4d. I'd suggest you still use the p4util mechanism, which now dumps to a /tmp folder, so we can safely add P4IGNORE rules back into your local .p4config file. Old 'perforce' application now called 'helix_versioning_engine'. Removing cache data. Helix Sync may be slow. It may also get axed. We'll see. « |
10 years ago | |
#49 | 14891 | tjuricek | Add packaging directory to source tarball. | 10 years ago | |
#48 | 14192 | tjuricek | Starting work on running tests via the command line again. The current system seems to... run into problems with local .p4config settings. I'm investigating workarounds. We may need to move "working folders" into a location outside of this tree by default. « |
10 years ago | |
#47 | 14054 | tjuricek | Allowing the Qt client to select 'all' vs 'my' projects. Right now, it should default... to using "my" projects as a rule. « |
10 years ago | |
#46 | 13974 | tjuricek | Moving 'ui/static' to 'helix_web_components' project, and altering some notes. Also, re...moved obsolete top-level Rake tasks. The "Helix Web Components" project will likely get moved elsewhere in the future. « |
10 years ago | |
#45 | 13960 | tjuricek | Setup a development config for nginx /hws points to the new monolithic helix_web_serivc...es instance / points to a static directory This static directory may end up getting moved around into other projects, I'm not sure where that location should be. « |
10 years ago | |
#44 | 13759 | tjuricek | Fix the 'source' declaration that broke the installer build process. The 'perforce.rb'... file. « |
10 years ago | |
#43 | 13707 | tjuricek | Infrastructure for including a "project management" React application. This attempts to... create a fairly simple installer that creates a 'static' folder based on ui/static that gets hosted by the nginx front end. Right now, it's the only app, so the default page is this application. It was called "pws2" during a prototyping phase. Another prototype, "pws" and the related "project" module, is removed since that was a Sinatra-based approach that will be much more difficult to integrate into anything else. I'm running into a couple of issues with notifications setup, it's still not 100%, so I'm disabling this for now from the default 'god' configuration. (The service isn't 100% functional yet, anyway.) « |
10 years ago | |
#42 | 13551 | tjuricek | Don't use a temp 'dist' folder and include the file extensions in the package manifests. | 10 years ago | |
#41 | 13545 | tjuricek | Allow the environment to set the changelist, which is generally true in CI systems. | 10 years ago | |
#40 | 13544 | tjuricek | Revise package and gem versioning. Packages will use [gem]-[changelist] as their versio...ns. Gems will use a standard Ruby MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION format. P4WEBAPI-64 « |
10 years ago | |
#39 | 13531 | tjuricek | Remove commented out rake tasks that have been superceded by Salt. | 10 years ago | |
#38 | 13530 | tjuricek | Add p4_phoenix_services package and Salt configuration for deployment. This uncovered a... couple of issues from the C++ API during it's conversion to C++03. So, in a nutshell, most operations, except for notifications, appear to be working (well, using Vagrant machines). « |
10 years ago | |
#37 | 13527 | tjuricek | Added a basic p4-project-services .deb package There is some kind of configuration issu...e with the production config that causes tests to fail. The service is running, however, so this is likely related to having a few things not managed via salt. « |
10 years ago | |
#36 | 13520 | tjuricek | Created a 'cluster' build procedure that creates an installer on build, and executes the i...nstall on a test instance. The main change is to package all gem dependencies via 'vendor/cache' (using the 'bundle package' command). Right now, there appears to be an issue with test data initialization, which may need a revised approach. « |
10 years ago | |
#35 | 13519 | tjuricek | Added a 'buildmaster' environment. The 'buildmaster' sets up Ruby locally for doing som...e work via Rake. Additional steps are now being figured out in the README.md, which may end up being a bash script that executes on the master. « |
10 years ago | |
#34 | 13513 | tjuricek | Update several files that were missing from the last commit regarding a basic 'test' envir...onment « | 10 years ago | |
#33 | 13504 | tjuricek | The 'build-ubuntu12' seems to generate the appropriate debian packages for the distributio...n. I had permissions issues (probably related to shared folder usage) with the dpkg tools. So I've removed them. If we happen to need them, we'll have to figure out a build process. This environment probably shouldn't be used to test the packages, since omnibus likes to dirty everything up, leave files in the /opt/perforce directory owned by vagrant, etc. « |
10 years ago | |
#32 | 13500 | tjuricek | Reorganizing Vagrant definitions. Each platform should allow developers to launch envir...onments for development, builds, or 'production', so the entire CD process can be evaluated by anyone wiht access to the source tree. This may eventually bring up a transient vSphere machine up and down, which may be necessary for sandboxing Omnibus related builds. « |
10 years ago | |
#31 | 13489 | tjuricek | Add zookeeper service to cluster for development evaluation. It's a little unclear exac...tly what values need to be distributed via zk, since a lot of the configuration may end up being handled via ports. I wanted to at least provide a way to evaluate this. P4WEBAPI-60 « |
10 years ago | |
#30 | 13488 | tjuricek | Added hsm:startworld and hsm:stopworld tasks to do global starts and stops. This is not... without apparent issues. It appears bundler or ruby is pausing before the nginx launch task happens. I'm not sure if there's some kind of resource issue first. P4WEBAPI-49 « |
10 years ago | |
#29 | 13485 | tjuricek | Wrapping issues with setting up :test namespace and ignoring for now. | 10 years ago | |
#28 | 13484 | tjuricek | Adding back the :build task as :publish, ignoring gems for the moment. gems may eventua...lly be archived again, but right now that's not needed for basic integration. « |
10 years ago | |
#27 | 13481 | tjuricek | Tests for the p4 web api and p4 project services now pass against a development setup both... in and out of the docker cluster. Note that configuration *has not* been finalized, so conventions to dealing with development vs production need to be organized a bit. « |
10 years ago | |
#26 | 13480 | tjuricek | Creating several Rake tasks for our "hsm" configuration that are based on a Ruby API confi...g file. The config file points to machines and services in the system which then takes care of setting up the docker-machine environment and docker-compose configuration. « |
10 years ago | |
#25 | 13477 | tjuricek | More docker-compose configuration for projects in research for HSM. Added a geminabox h...ost for the cluster, which allows for quick rebuilds. Each cluster will cache the gems it needs, and publish as well. We may want to put the overwrite commands for all publish steps by default. Note: referencing "external links" can only be done 'at runtime', so "bundle install" really needs to be run in the context of 'docker-compose up' not 'docker-compose build'. This was edited in all configured libraries so far. Finally, added the p4_project_services projects to configuration, which is running under it's own puma instance. The postgres instance is a little tricky to figure out the exact workflow. Right now I'm using the host rake db:migrate task and calling createdb manually, since we need to pass the password along. « |
10 years ago | |
#24 | 13474 | tjuricek | Corrected regressions that broke the API and Project services specs. | 10 years ago | |
#23 | 13473 | tjuricek | Change the name of our ':pg' rake tasks to just ':db' for some consistency. Fixed a few... initial schemas to normalize on using integers for primary keys. I may need to come up with some constraints for project IDs, we'll see. « |
10 years ago | |
#22 | 13472 | tjuricek | Implementation of the phoenix services side of notification handling. This is just impl...ementation and work-in-progress. Phoenix projects will now have paths cached in the phoenix services process, which we'll use to "guess" what file changes affect which Phoenix project. We basically see a changed path, then see that it might be relevant to one of the Phoenix project stream views, and then issue a "p4 changes -m1 //stream..." to see what the last change number is. If the change number goes up, we trigger an update. Note that how this all gets configured is with an account from notification services to phoenix services, which ideally is some kind of system account that sees all relevant files. Otherwise, you'll likely get changes filtered by protections, and thus, updates may not get sent out. « |
10 years ago | |
#21 | 13470 | tjuricek | Phoenix notification services, client API, including new phoenix_updater This is an int...erim commit containing a first pass implementation of the phoenix_updater. Notably missing parts: - The Qt API doesn't yet actually interact with the phoenix_updater - The phoenix_services web service doesn't filter out notifications I *may* end up creating another web application *just* to filter out notifications, since this may end up taking up a lot of background workers. « |
10 years ago | |
#20 | 13469 | tjuricek | Initial implementation of change-commit notification services. Set up a new database ju...st for storing webhook configuration for the notification services. It uses the stable version of Resque, which needs to be evaluated in more detail. This should be easier for an admin to monitor than something like Sidekiq, but performance evaluation needs to happen before production release. No automated tests yet, that will rely upon a Phoenix notification mechanism existing first. « |
10 years ago | |
#19 | 13468 | tjuricek | Set up resque worker that will trigger web hooks in the background. | 10 years ago | |
#18 | 13467 | tjuricek | Add a basic notification_services endpoint that can setup a trigger entry and accept basic... POST requests. « | 10 years ago | |
#17 | 13463 | tjuricek | Replace crappy indexing mechanism with Postgres queries. | 10 years ago | |
#16 | 13462 | tjuricek | Created a preliminary caching schema and basic database models for the p4 project services.... This may break some tests momentarily until I implement caching. « |
10 years ago | |
#15 | 13458 | tjuricek | Revising P4 Web API docbook documentation to become the Perforce Web Services guide. Ri...ght now this is just focused on the Qt SDK. The remaining protocol documentation, etc, will happen eventually. « |
10 years ago | |
#14 | 13443 | tjuricek | Reorganized the Qt libraries into a separate part of the tree, to make it easier for CMake... configuration. Added 'qt_build' and 'qt_test' tasks to at least execute tests and fail the build if they don't pass. Started the implementation of the project library interaction. Change: 1018651 Date: 3/4/15 11:43 AM Client: tjuricek_dhcp-141-n100_5959 User: tjuricek Status: pending Type: public Description: Reorganized the Qt libraries into a separate part of the tree, to make it easier for CMake configuration. Added 'qt_build' and 'qt_test' tasks to at least execute tests and fail the build if they don't pass. Started the implementation of the project library interaction. JobStatus: Jobs: Files: //web-services/p4ws-main/Rakefile //web-services/p4ws-main/p4_phoenix_services/clients/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/CMakeLists.txt //web-services/p4ws-main/p4_phoenix_services/clients/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/PhoenixIntegrationTests.cpp //web-services/p4ws-main/p4_phoenix_services/clients/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/README //web-services/p4ws-main/p4_phoenix_services/clients/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/phoenix.h //web-services/p4ws-main/p4_phoenix_services/clients/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/phoenix/PhoenixProject.cpp //web-services/p4ws-main/p4_phoenix_services/clients/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/phoenix/PhoenixProject.h //web-services/p4ws-main/p4_phoenix_services/clients/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/phoenix/PhoenixServicesClient.cpp //web-services/p4ws-main/p4_phoenix_services/clients/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/phoenix/PhoenixServicesClient.h //web-services/p4ws-main/p4_phoenix_services/clients/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/phoenix/RequestError.cpp //web-services/p4ws-main/p4_phoenix_services/clients/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/phoenix/RequestError.h //web-services/p4ws-main/p4_phoenix_services/clients/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/phoenix/Session.cpp //web-services/p4ws-main/p4_phoenix_services/clients/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/phoenix/Session.h //web-services/p4ws-main/p4_phoenix_services/clients/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/test/PhoenixServicesClientTests.cpp //web-services/p4ws-main/p4_phoenix_services/clients/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/test/PhoenixServicesClientTests.h //web-services/p4ws-main/p4_phoenix_services/clients/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/test/SessionTests.cpp //web-services/p4ws-main/p4_phoenix_services/clients/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/test/SessionTests.h //web-services/p4ws-main/p4_project_services/clients/qt/p4_project_services_client/CMakeLists.txt //web-services/p4ws-main/p4_project_services/clients/qt/p4_project_services_client/p4_project_services.h //web-services/p4ws-main/p4_project_services/clients/qt/p4_project_services_client/p4_project_services/Branch.cpp //web-services/p4ws-main/p4_project_services/clients/qt/p4_project_services_client/p4_project_services/Branch.h //web-services/p4ws-main/p4_project_services/clients/qt/p4_project_services_client/p4_project_services/Project.cpp //web-services/p4ws-main/p4_project_services/clients/qt/p4_project_services_client/p4_project_services/Project.h //web-services/p4ws-main/p4_project_services/clients/qt/p4_project_services_client/p4_project_services/View.cpp //web-services/p4ws-main/p4_project_services/clients/qt/p4_project_services_client/p4_project_services/View.h //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/CMakeLists.txt //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/CMakeLists.txt //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/PhoenixIntegrationTests.cpp //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/README //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/phoenix.h //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/phoenix/PhoenixProject.cpp //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/phoenix/PhoenixProject.h //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/phoenix/PhoenixServicesClient.cpp //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/phoenix/PhoenixServicesClient.h //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/phoenix/RequestError.cpp //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/phoenix/RequestError.h //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/phoenix/Session.cpp //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/phoenix/Session.h //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/test/PhoenixServicesClientTests.cpp //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/test/PhoenixServicesClientTests.h //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/test/SessionTests.cpp //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_phoenix_services_client/test/SessionTests.h //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/CMakeLists.txt //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/CMakeCache.txt //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/CMakeFiles/2.8.12/CMakeCCompiler.cmake //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/CMakeFiles/2.8.12/CMakeCXXCompiler.cmake //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/CMakeFiles/2.8.12/CMakeDetermineCompilerABI_C.bin //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/CMakeFiles/2.8.12/CMakeDetermineCompilerABI_CXX.bin //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/CMakeFiles/2.8.12/CMakeSystem.cmake //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/CMakeFiles/2.8.12/CompilerIdC/CMakeCCompilerId.c //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/CMakeFiles/2.8.12/CompilerIdC/a.out //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/CMakeFiles/2.8.12/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/CMakeFiles/2.8.12/CompilerIdCXX/a.out //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/CMakeFiles/Makefile2 //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/CMakeFiles/TargetDirectories.txt //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/CMakeFiles/cmake.check_cache //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/CMakeFiles/p4_project_services_client.dir/DependInfo.cmake //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/CMakeFiles/p4_project_services_client.dir/build.make //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/CMakeFiles/p4_project_services_client.dir/cmake_clean.cmake //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/CMakeFiles/p4_project_services_client.dir/cmake_clean_target.cmake //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/CMakeFiles/p4_project_services_client.dir/depend.make //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/CMakeFiles/p4_project_services_client.dir/flags.make //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/CMakeFiles/p4_project_services_client.dir/link.txt //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/CMakeFiles/p4_project_services_client.dir/progress.make //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/CMakeFiles/progress.marks //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/Makefile //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/build/cmake_install.cmake //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/p4_project_services.h //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/p4_project_services/Branch.cpp //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/p4_project_services/Branch.h //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/p4_project_services/Project.cpp //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/p4_project_services/Project.h //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/p4_project_services/View.cpp //web-services/p4ws-main/qt/p4_project_services_client/p4_project_services/View.h « |
10 years ago | |
#13 | 13439 | tjuricek | Added a *very trivial* logIn implementation. This just makes the *current* POST request... to /p4_phoenix_services/v1/sessions, which *does not* include the ability to create a host locked P4 ticket for the user. So it's not quite usable yet. But, I've made several tweaks to the API which should be stablizing. « |
10 years ago | |
#12 | 13433 | tjuricek | Restructure 'builds' to be blessed versions of things to be used by clients. The gems/... folder contains all the ruby distributables. Eventually, these will likely be published to Rubygems. The other folders are source projects that can be included into dependent streams. These are 'versioned' against the last build that we ideally run some integration tests against. « |
10 years ago | |
#11 | 13431 | tjuricek | Try out chmod before updating the build. | 10 years ago | |
#10 | 13429 | tjuricek | See if I can read directly from the source file. | 10 years ago | |
#9 | 13428 | tjuricek | Add steps to create 'build/' output directory for automated builds. This does require a... 'p4' command line client in order to grab the latest changelist number, which may/may not be easily setup. « |
10 years ago | |
#8 | 13427 | tjuricek | Put retry logic for service start that depends upon curl. | 10 years ago | |
#7 | 13426 | tjuricek | Added top level rake build task for automated builds. | 10 years ago | |
#6 | 13420 | tjuricek | Setup the main directory to launch specs in subprojects and a unicorn-based daemon via rak...e. See rake -T for details, but this should allow for CI builds to collect output. « |
10 years ago | |
#5 | 13419 | tjuricek | The p4_project_services specs now run that provide basic create-read ability. | 10 years ago | |
#4 | 13418 | tjuricek | Added p4_project_services to development config.ru, and reconfigured p4 web api client tes...ts to use the new paths. « | 10 years ago | |
#3 | 13417 | tjuricek | Added a 'rake work/config.ru' task, that creates a local rack configuration. This now i...ncludes the project services, which is not yet mounted. The p4 web api tests still pass though. « |
10 years ago | |
#2 | 13416 | tjuricek | Set up the p4_web_api related projects to be loaded by the parent Gemfile to make it a lit...tle easier to launch a test p4d with different seed data. Also fixed a couple of minor issues related to the client api. You'll notice that the 'rake api_reset api_init' task sets up a p4d for the p4_web_api tests, where the 'rake proj_reset proj_init' tasks set up p4d for project services testing. An example p4_web_api.ru that can be used for launching just the p4_web_api: require 'p4_web_api' # Do *not* let your development environment variables pollute how the p4 web api runs! ENV.keys.select { |k| k =~ /^P4/ }.each { |k| ENV.delete(k) } api = P4WebAPI::App.new puts 'changing paths' api.settings.token_path = '/Users/tjuricek/dev/p4ws/work/tokens' api.settings.workspace_folder = '/Users/tjuricek/dev/p4ws/work/workspaces' api.settings.p4 = {'port' => 'localhost:1666', 'charset' => 'auto'} run api « |
10 years ago | |
#1 | 13415 | tjuricek | Add some basic utility methods to the top level. | 10 years ago |