- #!/bin/bash
- # Use chkconfig --add psm to set up the script to start and stop automatically.
- # P4Search Init Script.
- # chkconfig: 345 91 29
- # description: Start P4Search Monitor for instance REPL_SDP_INSTANCE.
- # Load SDP controlled shell environment.
- source /p4/common/bin/p4_vars REPL_SDP_INSTANCE ||\
- { echo -e "\nError: Failed to load SDP environment for instance REPL_SDP_INSTANCE.\n"; exit 1; }
- source $P4CBIN/ps_functions.sh ||\
- { echo -e "\nError: Failed to load SDP ps_functions.sh lib.\n"; exit 1; }
- if [[ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]]; then
- exec su - $OSUSER -c "$0 $*"
- elif [[ $(id -u -n) != $OSUSER ]]; then
- echo "$0 can only be run by root or $OSUSER"
- exit 1
- fi
- export PSM_ROOT=${P4HOME}}/psm/
- export RACK_ENV=production
- export THISSCRIPT=${0##*/}
- pid=0
- GetPID() {
- pid=`ps ax | grep ruby | grep psm | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1;}'`
- }
- Status() {
- GetPID
- if [ "q$pid" = q ] ; then
- echo "psm is stopped"
- else
- echo "psm ($pid) is running"
- fi
- exit 0
- }
- Start() {
- psm &
- exit $?
- }
- Stop() {
- GetPID
- kill $pid
- exit $?
- }
- Usage() {
- echo -e "\nUsage: $THISSCRIPT {start|stop|status|restart}\n"
- exit 100
- }
- if [ $# != 1 ] ; then
- Usage
- fi
- case ${1:-status} in
- reload)
- GetPID
- kill -HUP $pid
- opid=$pid
- GetPID
- if [ "q$pid" != q -a $pid = $opid ] ; then
- echo "psm reloaded"
- else
- echo "psm not running"
- fi
- ;;
- restart)
- Stop
- Start
- ;;
- start)
- Start
- ;;
- status)
- Status
- ;;
- stop)
- Stop
- ;;
- *)
- Usage
- ;;
- esac
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 24292 | gmc | "Forking branch Dev of perforce-software-sdp to gmc-sdp." | 7 years ago | |
//guest/perforce_software/sdp/dev/Server/Unix/p4/common/etc/init.d/psm_init.template | |||||
#4 | 20491 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed an environment insulation bug in init scripts. More testing (and thinking) reveal...ed that the only way to truly provide a guarantee of insulation from user-set defaults in ~perforce/.bashrc (etc.) is to pass SDP_INSTANCE as a parameter to the *_base scripts, so that the instance name is explicitly passed into the su/exec call (when run as root). This change also includes minor cleanup in init scripts and *_base scripts. « |
9 years ago | |
#3 | 20448 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed env bug seen when running init scripts as root. Updated *_base scripts and *_init... script templates to a new standard. Goals: 1. Init scripts that use corresponding *_base scripts are minimized so that do nothing more than set SDP_INSTANCE and then call the corresponding *_base script. 2. The 'su' commands always pass $* instead of $1, deferring all processing to the *_base script. 3. The shell environment is now guaranteeds to have the same results regardless of whether it is called as 'root' or as the defined OSUSER. 4. The p4_vars file is always sourced exactly once. Two calls to 'source p4_vars' appear in some cases, one immediatley before the su/exec call, and another after the after the 'su/exec'. Only one or the other is sourced. 5. All init scripts have a reasonably consistent usage message. 6. All init scripts accept a 'status' argument. This change fixes a bug where 'p4broker_N_init status' run as the 'perforce' user would report many pids unrelated to Perforce if run as root, e.g. doing 'service p4broker_N_init status'. This also eliminates a potential issue where the 'perforce' user might source a p4_vars with a default instance in ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc, thus invalidating the instance specified when the user ran the init script as root. « |
9 years ago | |
#2 | 20341 | C. Thomas Tyler | Tweaked all init scripts to default to 'status' (rather than an ugly syntax error) of the... user forgets the start/stop/status parameter, as was done previosly for the broker init script. Removed unnecessary 'source' call when calling p4<whateve>_base scripts. Cleaned up comments. « |
9 years ago | |
#1 | 15607 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Routine merge-down to dev from main using: p4 merge -b perforce_software-sdp-dev |
10 years ago | |
//guest/perforce_software/sdp/main/Server/Unix/p4/common/etc/init.d/psm_init.template | |||||
#1 | 15582 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) | Init script that works with the psm module from Insights as opposed to the example one &...nbsp;that calls commands that do not exist. « |
10 years ago |