# # $Id: //guest/hari_krishna_dara/perforce/utils/vsstop4/dev/Change.pm#1 $ # # This file implements the class "Change". Aside from the usual constructor # and accessors, there are get and put functions to allow "Change" objects # to be stored in files. # # A Change object is a reference to an array of the following form: # [ timestamp, author, change_description, changelist ], where changelist # is an array of "revision archive" strings. # # For example, # [ 867467930, 'james', 'This is\nbogus.\n', # [ '4 $/sample/blah', # '3 $/sample/spaced out' ] # ]; # # The outside world does not need to know anything about this representation # other than the "revision archive" standard representation; new takes a # hash which describes the change in the terms given above. For example, # $c = new Change( { 'timestamp' => 867467930, # 'author' => 'james', # 'change_description' => 'This is\nbogus.\n', # 'changelist' => [ '4 $/sample/blah', # '3 $/sample/spaced out' ] # } ); # # will create the example change given above. (Please be good and provide # all fields - remember, GIGO). # # Notes: # - it is ok for filenames to contain spaces, but not labels or author names # - it really is changelist, not change_list ("changelist" has a specific # meaning in Perforce) # - the example given shows revisions and archives from the system being # converted from; later stages map these to Perforce # require 5.0; package Change; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT); use lib '.'; use convert; use integer; use Carp; use Time::Local; require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw ( timestamp datetime author change_description changelist filelist new get unget finished put submit); sub timestamp { my ($self,$value)=@_; return (defined $value) ? $$self[0]=$value : $$self[0]; } sub datetime # Convert to date time { my $self = shift; my (@tm,$date); @tm=localtime($self->timestamp); $date=sprintf("%4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",(($tm[5]>=70) ? $tm[5]+1900 : $tm[5]+2000), $tm[4]+1,$tm[3],$tm[2],$tm[1],$tm[0]); return $date; } sub author { my ($self,$value)=@_; return (defined $value) ? $$self[1]=$value : $$self[1]; } sub change_description { my ($self,$value)=@_; return (defined $value) ? $$self[2]=$value : $$self[2]; } sub changelist { # expects a reference to an array my ($self,$value)=@_; return (defined $value) ? $$self[3]=$value : $$self[3]; } sub filelist { my $self=shift; my @filelist = @{$$self[3]}; for (@filelist) { s/^[^ ]+ //; # strip off the revision number } return @filelist; } sub new { my ($class,$hash)=@_; my $change=bless [],$class; my $key; if(defined($hash)) { foreach $key (keys(%$hash)) { $change->$key( $$hash{$key} ); } } return $change; } my (%last_change,%ungotten); sub unget { my ($class,$input)=@_; croak "can only unget one item per stream" if(exists($ungotten{$input})); $ungotten{$input}=1; } # use finished rather than eof to see if you are finished reading changes # from a stream. finished takes unget into account sub finished { my ($class,$input)=@_; return (exists($ungotten{$input})) ? 0 : eof($input); } # get is an alternate constructor. Use "$change = Change->get(\*HANDLE)" # or "$change = get Change(\*HANDLE)". I didn't name this read because # the conflict with the standard Perl library function makes the second # syntactic form not parse correctly ("Not enough arguments for read..") sub get { my ($class,$input)=@_; my $line; return 0 if(!defined($input)); # filehandle argument is not optional # return item saved with unget if applicable if(exists($ungotten{$input})) { delete $ungotten{$input}; return $last_change{$input}; } # ok, do a real get my ($num_lines,$timestamp,$author,$change_description,@changelist); while( defined($line = <$input>) ) { chomp($line); last if(substr($line,0,1) eq '+'); push @changelist,$line; } return 0 if(!scalar(@changelist) || eof($input)); ($num_lines,$timestamp,$author) = split(/#/,$line); for($change_description=""; $num_lines>0; $num_lines--) { $change_description .= <$input>; } $author =~ s/ /_/g; # Make sure no spaces in username # just create the object right here rather than using the accessor functions return $last_change{$input} = bless [ $timestamp, $author, $change_description, [ @changelist ] ], $class; } sub put { my ($self,$output)=@_; return 0 if(!defined($output)); # filehandle argument is not optional my ($timestamp,$author,$change_description,$changelist) = @$self; my $num_lines = ($change_description =~ tr/\n//); my $changelist_entry; foreach $changelist_entry (@$changelist) { print $output $changelist_entry . "\n"; } print $output "+$num_lines#$timestamp#$author\n$change_description"; } 1;
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 5093 | Hari Krishna Dara |
Populating perforce branch. I will be adding p4admin files to it. |
//guest/perforce_software/utils/vsstop4/dev/Change.pm | |||||
#2 | 3928 | Robert Cowham | Removing unused code. | ||
#1 | 3927 | Robert Cowham | Dev branch | ||
//guest/perforce_software/utils/vsstop4/main/Change.pm | |||||
#3 | 3639 | Robert Cowham |
Changed filetype and inserted ID string. Fixed typo. |
#2 | 2165 | Robert Cowham | Merged in changes from Guest branch | ||
#1 | 2160 | Robert Cowham | Main version from .zip file from http://www.perforce.com/perforce/loadsupp.html#conv page |