package p4jdb ;
import java.awt.* ;
import java.awt.event.* ;
import java.util.* ;
* Displays a tree-type data structure (like a file tree).
* Objects displayed are connected with lines that
* Uses internal interface Data and DataManager
* Yet another Java applet that displays a directory tree.
* The main differences, apart from that I wrote it myself (NIH ;^) )
* is that it is tested with large trees (>20k entries) and does not
* bother with images and other fancy stuff. The need for speed.....
* /Fredric
* PS. It is also my first java ever so be gentle....
public class TreeDisplay extends Panel implements AdjustmentListener {
* Represents a data item
public interface Data {
* Draw line info
*@Param height Line height
*@Param p Start point (lower right)
*@Param g Graphics object to use
*@Returns width of object drawn (or 0 if no object)
public int draw(int height, Point p, Graphics g) ;
*@Returns level in tree (number of tics to indent)
public int level() ;
*@Returns array of booleans where each boolean represents a
* vertical line to draw at the corresponding indent
* position. The size of the array is returned by
* level() method above<br>
* <B>NOTE!</B> Not used in current implementation..
//public boolean[] vertLines() ; // Well.. could be a better name
* Invoked when the mouse has been clicked on the line.
*@param cp Component where object is drawn
*@param pt Point within component where mouse is clicked
*@param rpt Point relative to position given in draw() metod
public void mouseClicked(Component cp, Point pt, Point rpt) ;
} ;
* Interface for an object that manages the data items
public interface DataManager {
*@Returns Number of lines (items) to display
public int getLines() ;
* Get Data object by offset
*@Param offset Offset of object to return
*@Returns Item at specified offset
*@Throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if offset out of bounds
public Data getItemAt(int offset)
throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException ;
* Get line height
*@Returns line height in pixels
public int getLineHeight() ;
* Get indent value
*@Returns number of pixels to indent for each level
public int indentValue() ;
* Get background color
*@Returns background color
public Color getBackground() ;
* Called before repaint
public void prePaint() ;
} ;
private DataManager theDataManager_ ;
* Contains data for a line
private class LineData {
* Min and max x/y positions
public int minY,maxY,minX,maxX ;
* Data object
public Data data ;
} ;
private Vector lineDataV_ = new Vector() ;
* Internal class that represents a panel
private class MyPanel extends Panel {
public Image offScreenImage ;
public void paint(Graphics graphics) {
if(offScreenImage == null) {
TreeDisplay.this.paint(TreeDisplay.this.getGraphics()) ;
graphics.drawImage(offScreenImage,0,0,this) ;
} ;
* Graphic objects
private Scrollbar hadj_ ;
private Scrollbar vadj_ ;
private MyPanel panel_ ;
* No. of top line in window
private int firstLineNo_ ;
* Constructor
*@Param dataManager DataManager object
public TreeDisplay(DataManager dataManager)
theDataManager_ = dataManager ;
firstLineNo_ = 0 ;
// Create graphic objects
panel_ = new MyPanel() ;
hadj_ = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL) ;
vadj_ = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.VERTICAL) ;
// Re-direct mouseclicks to parent class
panel_.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
TreeDisplay.this.mouseClicked(e) ;
}) ;
// Make object listen to scrollbars
hadj_.addAdjustmentListener(this) ;
vadj_.addAdjustmentListener(this) ;
// Define a layout
GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout() ;
setLayout(gridbag) ;
GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();
// Define layout for panel and add object
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH ;
c.weightx = 1;
c.weighty = 1;
c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE ;
c.gridheight = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE ;
gridbag.setConstraints(panel_,c) ;
add(panel_) ;
// Define layout for vertical scrollbar and
// add object
c.weightx = 0;
c.weighty = 0;
c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER ;
c.gridheight = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE ;
gridbag.setConstraints(vadj_,c) ;
add(vadj_) ;
// Define layout for horizontal scrollbar and
// add object
c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE ;
c.gridheight = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER ;
gridbag.setConstraints(hadj_,c) ;
//add(hadj_) ;
panel_.setBackground(theDataManager_.getBackground()) ;
} ;
* <B>NOTE!</B> Really private, bug in java<br>
* handle mouse click
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) {
int y = event.getPoint().y ;
Enumeration e = lineDataV_.elements() ;
LineData ld;
while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
ld = ((LineData) e.nextElement()) ;
if((y >= ld.minY) && (y <= ld.maxY)) {
int x = event.getPoint().x ;
if((x >= ld.minX) && (x <= ld.maxX)) {,
new Point(x,y),
new Point(x-ld.minX,y-ld.minY)) ;
else {
break ;
} ;
theDataManager_.prePaint() ;
paint(getGraphics()) ;
break ;
} ;
* Change manager object
public void setManager(DataManager dataManager)
theDataManager_ = dataManager ;
paint(getGraphics()) ;
* Called when Scrollbar object modified by user
public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e)
firstLineNo_ = vadj_.getValue() ;
paint(getGraphics()) ;
} ;
* re-paint window
public void paint(Graphics graphics)
// Create a temp graphic object
final Dimension dim = panel_.getSize() ;
panel_.offScreenImage = createImage(dim.width,dim.height) ;
Graphics tmpGraphics = panel_.offScreenImage.getGraphics() ;
// Clear object
tmpGraphics.fillRect(0,0,dim.width,dim.height) ;
// Compute lines displayed
final int visibleLines = dim.height/theDataManager_.getLineHeight() ;
// Adjust first line if neccesary
final int totLines = theDataManager_.getLines() ;
if(firstLineNo_ > totLines-visibleLines) {
firstLineNo_ = totLines-visibleLines ;
if(firstLineNo_ < 0) firstLineNo_ = 0 ;
// Adjust vertical scrollbar values
vadj_.setMinimum(0) ;
vadj_.setBlockIncrement(visibleLines) ;
vadj_.setVisibleAmount(visibleLines) ;
if((totLines-visibleLines)+1 > 0) {
vadj_.setMaximum(totLines) ;
vadj_.setMaximum(1) ;
vadj_.setValue(firstLineNo_) ;
// Clear displayed-line to data vector
lineDataV_.removeAllElements() ;
// Draw lines
try {
int line = 0 ;
Vector pointByLevel = new Vector() ;
int ypos = theDataManager_.getLineHeight() ;
int lastLevel = 0 ;
for(line = 0;
(line <= visibleLines) && (line+firstLineNo_ < totLines);
line++) {
LineData ld = new LineData() ; = theDataManager_.getItemAt(line+firstLineNo_) ;
ld.minY = ypos - theDataManager_.getLineHeight() ;
ld.maxY = ypos ;
final int lineBot = ypos - (theDataManager_.getLineHeight()*2)/3 ;
tmpGraphics.setColor(new Color(0x40,0x40,0xff)) ;
// int i ;
int xp=0 ;
if( > 0) {
if(pointByLevel.size() < {
pointByLevel.setSize( ;
for(int i=0;i<;i++) {
final int x = ((i*theDataManager_.indentValue()) +
theDataManager_.indentValue()/2) ;
pointByLevel.setElementAt(new Point(x,0),i) ;
Point p = ((Point) pointByLevel.elementAt( ;
p.x,lineBot) ;
p.y = lineBot ;
p.y+(theDataManager_.getLineHeight()/4)) ;
Point startp = new Point(3+(*
ypos) ;
if(pointByLevel.size() <
pointByLevel.setSize( ;
Point(startp.x - 3 +
startp.y), ;
ld.minX = startp.x ;
ld.maxX = (startp.x +,
tmpGraphics)) ;
lineDataV_.addElement(ld) ;
ypos += theDataManager_.getLineHeight() ;
lastLevel = ;
line += firstLineNo_ ;
for(;lastLevel > 1 && line<theDataManager_.getLines();line++) {
Data data = theDataManager_.getItemAt(line) ;
if(data.level() < lastLevel) {
lastLevel = data.level() ;
if(lastLevel > 0 && data.level() == lastLevel) {
Point p = ((Point) pointByLevel.elementAt(lastLevel-1)) ;
tmpGraphics.setColor(new Color(0x40,0x40,0xff)) ;
p.x,dim.height) ;
catch(Throwable e) {
System.err.println("paint() throws:" + e) ;
e.printStackTrace() ;
tmpGraphics.setColor( ;
tmpGraphics.drawString(e.getMessage(),10,10) ;
panel_.paint(panel_.getGraphics()) ;
} ;