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- <TITLE>Basic Perforce FAQ</TITLE>
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- <BODY>
- <H1>
- Basic Perforce FAQ</H1>
- <H3>
- Note - the intended audience for this FAQ is a person using Perforce for
- software development. There's a separate <A HREF="admin.html">FAQ for system
- administrators</A>, and eventually we'll have one for advanced Perforce
- users.</H3>
- <I>This FAQ assumes that there is a Perforce Administrator who knows some
- of the more complex parts of Perforce, who can provide help, counseling,
- and deal with policy-specific issues. This FAQ is taken from an initial
- set of questions provided by
- <A HREF="mailto:rmg@perforce.com">Richard Geiger</A>
- and <A HREF="mailto:jab@pobox.com">Jeff Bowles</A>.</I>
- <BR>
- <OL>
- <H4>
- <B>Initial List</B></H4>
- <LI>
- <A HREF="#begin...">Where do I begin?</A></LI>
- <LI>
- <A HREF="#whatisSCM">What is S.C.M.?</A></LI>
- <H4>
- Getting and modifying files</H4>
- <LI>
- <A HREF="#checkoutsource">How do I check out a source tree?</A></LI>
- <LI>
- <A HREF="#changefiles">How do I make a change to a file
- and check it in?</A></LI>
- <LI>
- <A HREF="#changeeditor">What if I have a favorite editor and want
- to use it when I do a change submission?</A></LI>
- <LI>
- <A HREF="#addfile">How do I add a new directory?</A></LI>
- <LI>
- <A HREF="#removefile">How do I remove a directory?</A></LI>
- <LI>
- <A HREF="#olderversion">How do I check out some older
- version of a file?</A></LI>
- <LI>
- <A HREF="#oldertree">How do I check out an entire
- tree as of some date?</A></LI>
- <LI>
- <A HREF="#alltree">How do I check out an entire tree
- corresponding to some build or release?</A></LI>
- <H4>
- Comparing what you've gotten to the reference copy</H4>
- <LI>
- <A HREF="#diff">How do I compare a working
- file to the base?</A></LI>
- <LI>
- <A HREF="#difftree">How do I compare a whole tree
- to the base?</A></LI>
- <LI>
- <A HREF="#diffoptions">How do I get my favorite diff
- behaviors with p4 diff?</A></LI>
- <LI>
- <A HREF="#updatetree">How do I update a tree from the base?</A></LI>
- <LI>
- <A HREF="#comparefiles">How do I compare a working file
- to an older version (other than the base)?</A></LI>
- <H4>
- Getting information about a file or workspace</H4>
- <LI>
- <A HREF="#p4have">How do I get a list of all
- files I have open on all my client workspaces?</A></LI>
- <LI>
- <A HREF="#p4describe">How do I examine the change
- log for a file?</A></LI>
- <H4>
- Abandoning work and starting over</H4>
- <LI>
- <A HREF="#p4revert">How do I abandon my changes
- and pick up a clean copy from the base?</A></LI>
- <LI>
- <A HREF="#individual_change">How do I propagate an individual
- change made in one branch to another?</A></LI>
- <LI>
- <A HREF="#deletefile_weird">I created a file that begins with a dash, and
- want to 'p4 delete' it and cannot. What can I do?</A></LI>
- <H4>
- Changing your workspace (moving it, deleting it)</H4>
- <LI>
- <A HREF="#deleteclient">How do I delete a client workspace?</A></LI>
- <LI>
- <A HREF="#moveclient">How do I move a client workspace?</A></LI>
- <h4>Miscellaneous problems</h4>
- <LI>
- <A HREF="#sync_fails">I can't "p4 sync" a particular file. What might be going on?</li>
- </OL>
- <OL>
- <HR>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="begin..."></A><B>Where do I begin?</B></LI>
- <BR>Start with <A HREF="http://perforce.com/perforce/doc.982/cmdguide/quickstart.html">chapters
- #3-5 of the user's guide</A> - that's referred to as the <I>Quick Start</I>
- to the product. <A HREF="http://perforce.com/perforce/technical/">All</A>
- of the documentation is on-line.
- <P>It's probably best to create a small workspace (the term is "client")
- to play in, so that you can experiment with a few files and not necessarily
- the 16,000 files that you're planning to manage with source control.
- <BR> <HR>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="whatisSCM"></A><B>What is S.C.M.?</B></LI>
- <BR>Short answer: it's a way to maintain revisions of files so that you
- can easily recreate a version of a file from any moment in time.
- <P>The "S.C.M." translates to "Source Code Management" or perhaps "Software
- Code Management" or "Software Control Management" - the better systems
- let you manage large sets of files, have multiple people working with the
- same body of files (a development team of 1 person isn't much fun),
- and work on different platforms (such as Windows/NT and Unix) transparently.
- <P>There are a lot of S.C.M. products around - this FAQ won't try to spend
- a lot of time enumerating them or contrasting them.
- <HR>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="checkoutsource"></A><B>How do I check out a source tree?</B></LI>
- <BR>
- <BR>Another way to phrase the question is "How do I get files and begin
- editing them?". This question will answer the first part of the question
- - the next FAQ will answer the rest.
- <BR>
- <H5>
- To get a set of files...</H5>
- Each of the following cases assumes you have a "Perforce client" (a.k.a.
- 'workspace') already. If not, see the FAQ to create one.
- <BR>
- <BR><I>Case #1: you need to get all the files - the most recent revision
- of each file.</I>
- <BR>
- <UL>Type
- <P><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">
- p4 sync</FONT></TT>
- <P>That will get you a read-only copy of the "head "revision of every file
- that your client can see.</UL>
- <I>Case #2: You need to get the files in a specific directory - the most
- recent revision of each file.</I>
- <BR>
- <UL>You'll want to "cd" (chdir) to the directory you want to get.
- Then type p4 sync ... to get the files that should go into that directory.
- For example:
- <P><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">
- cd <I>directoryname</I><BR>
- p4 sync ...</FONT></TT>
- <P>That will get you a read-only copy of the "head" revision of every file
- <I>in that directory and its subdirectories </I>that your client can see.</UL>
- <I>Case #3: You need to get the files from some `label' someone made for
- you.</I>
- <BR>
- <UL>If the label name is "BUILD_28", you'll be updating your client (a.k.a.
- workspace) the "the revision of each file that is included in label 'BUILD_28'."
- Note that this means that your local copy of files not included in 'BUILD_28'
- are removed.
- <P>Some examples:
- <BR>
- <OL>
- <OL>
- <TR>
- <TD><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 sync @BUILD_28</FONT></TT></TD>
- <TD>Update the local copies of files on the current client to be the exact
- revision specified in label "BUILD_28". The local copy of files not
- included in the label, but managed by Perforce, are removed from the client.</TD>
- </TR>
- <TD><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">cd <I>directoryname</I></FONT></TT>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 sync ...@BUILD_28</FONT></TT></TD>
- <TD NOSAVE>Update the local copies of files <I>in directoryname (and underneath
- that tree)</I> on the current client to be the exact revision specified
- in label "BUILD_28".
- <P>The local copy <I>in directoryname (and underneath that tree) </I>of
- files not included in the label, but managed by Perforce, are removed from
- the client. Files not under <I>directoryname</I> aren't touched.</TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 sync <I>directoryname</I>/...@BUILD_28</FONT></TT></TD>
- <TD>Should do exactly the same thing as the previous example. (Neat, huh?)</TD>
- </TR>
- </OL>
- </OL>
- </UL>
- <BR> <HR>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="changefiles"></A><B>How do I make a change
- to a file and check it in?</B></LI>
- <BR>
- <H5>
- To edit a set of files...</H5>
- Normally, you will edit a file using three steps:
- <UL>
- <LI>
- Open the file for the 'edit' operation - you can open more than one file
- at a time;</LI>
- <LI>
- Do the editing in your favorite editor, and make the contents of the files
- into what you want.</LI>
- <LI>
- Submit the modifications as one 'atomic' change so that they're available
- to other people.</LI>
- </UL>
- <H5>
- Step #1:</H5>
- <UL>The basic edit command is
- <BR>
- <BR> <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> p4 edit
- <I>filename</I></FONT></TT>
- <BR>
- <BR>or,
- <BR>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> p4 edit
- <I>filename1 filename2 </I> </FONT></TT><I>(and
- so on)</I>
- <BR>
- <BR>and occasionally,
- <BR>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> p4 edit
- <I>directoryname</I>/... </FONT></TT><I>(edit
- all files in `directoryname' and its subdirectories)</I>
- <BR> </UL>
- <H5>
- Step #2:</H5>
- <UL>Do the editing using your favorite editor - Perforce isn't directly
- involved in this step. You can always run through "Step #1" on other
- files, if you decide you need to edit more files.
- <P><I>In Perforce, the 'working' copy of the file is a local copy stored
- in the "client area". The modified contents are sent back to the server
- only when you do a 'p4 submit'.</I></UL>
- <H5>
- Step #3:</H5>
- <UL>The basic "submit my changes" command is:
- <BR>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> p4 submit
- </FONT><I><FONT COLOR="#000000">(submit all modifications)</FONT></I></TT>
- <BR>
- <BR>or, occasionally,
- <BR>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> p4 submit
- <I>filename </I></FONT></TT><I>(submit only this one
- file's modifications, leave the rest checked out)</I>
- <P><B>When you run...</B>
- <BR>
- <BR><B><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> p4 submit</FONT></TT></B>
- <BR>
- <BR><B>...you'll be dumped into the editor, to write a description of why
- you made these changes. </B>See the manual for more details.
- <BR> </UL>
- <HR>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="changeeditor"></A><B>What if I have a favorite editor and
- want to use it when I do a change submission?</B></LI>
- <BR>
- <BR>You can either set the environment variable "P4EDITOR" to be the name
- of the editor you want to run, or if you're on Windows/NT, use: <BR>
- <BR>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> p4 set P4EDITOR=<I>commandname</I></FONT></TT>
- <BR><B> </B><HR>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="addfile"></A><B>How do I add a new directory?</B></LI>
- <BR>
- <BR>You don't need to add a directory, explicitly. You simply add
- files in that directory, using
- <P><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> cd <I>directoryname</I><BR> p4 add
- <I>filename</I></FONT></TT>
- <P>or,
- <P><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> p4 add
- <I>directoryname</I>/<I>filename1 directoryname/filename2 </I>
- </FONT></TT><I>(and so on)</I>
- <P>The final step, which is to run <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4
- submit</FONT> </TT>, will make these new files available to other Perforce
- clients.
- <P>Perforce infers the existence of new directories whenever it sees a
- new directory it hasn't seen before.
- <HR>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="removefile"></A><B>How do I remove a directory?</B></LI>
- <P>
- <BR>You don't need to remove a directory, explicitly. You simply
- remove files in that directory, using
- <BR>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> cd <I>directoryname</I><BR> p4 delete
- <I>filename</I></FONT></TT>
- <BR>
- <BR>or,
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> p4 delete
- <I>directoryname</I>/<I>filename1 directoryname/filename2 </I>
- </FONT></TT><I>(and so on)</I>
- <P>and occasionally,
- <BR>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> p4 delete
- <I>directoryname</I>/... </FONT></TT><I>(remove
- all files in `directoryname' and its subdirectories)</I>
- <P>The penultimate step, which is to run <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4
- submit</FONT> </TT>, will these deletions to other Perforce clients.
- <P><B>The final step is to remove the empty directories on your client: "p4
- delete / p4 submit" removed the files, but not the directories.</B>
- <HR>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="olderversion"></A><B>How do I check out some
- older version of a file?</B></LI>
- <BR>
- <BR>You'll need to retrieve that revision first, then <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4
- edit </FONT></TT>the file. That's the easy part. The hard part is deciding
- how to submit the change. (Let's save that for later in the answer.)
- <P>For example, if you want to edit revision #12 of xyz.java, you'll need
- to type:
- <BR>
- <BR><TT> <FONT COLOR="#990000"> p4 sync
- <I>xyz.java#12</I><BR> p4 edit
- <I>xyz.java</I></FONT></TT>
- <P>The first command, of course, isn't needed if you already have revision
- #12 of <I>xyz.java</I>. (You can tell which revision you have by typing
- <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 files <I>xyz.java</I> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">.</FONT></TT>
- <P><B><FONT COLOR="#000000">You'll be told, when you run </FONT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4
- edit xyz.java</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">, that you're not editing
- the most recent revision and that you'll need to resolve later revisions
- prior to submitting your changes. </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#000000">(If
- you think about it, that makes sense.)</FONT>
- <BR>Now the file's opened for "edit", and you can do whatever you want
- to the file. Submitting it, however, is going to be a problem: you don't
- want to inadvertently overwrite the contents of later revisions of the
- files.
- <P><I>Case #1: you really do want to <U>overwrite</U> the later revisions
- for some reason.</I>
- <BR>
- <UL>When you run the command...
- <P><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">
- p4 submit</FONT></TT>
- <P>you'll be told that the your changes need to be resolved against more
- recent revisions prior to submitting. <B>Write down the change number
- it gives in the error message (e.g. "submit -c 12345")</B>, although you
- can always find it again by running the command <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4
- changes -s pending </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">.</FONT></TT>
- <BR>
- <BR>
- <BR> </UL>
- <I>Case #2: You don't want to overwrite anything - you were just experimenting
- with an old version of a file to debug something.</I>
- <BR>
- <UL>From <A HREF="#p4revert">another question</A>
- in this FAQ: use <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 revert <I>filename</I>
- </FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">to discard the modifications you've made
- to <I>filename</I> and retrieve a fresh copy of the <U>exact same revision</U>
- you had prior to typing</FONT> <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 edit
- <I>filename</I> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">.</FONT></TT>
- <BR> </UL>
- <HR>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="oldertree"></A><B>How do I check out an
- entire tree as of some date?</B></LI>
- <BR>
- <H5>
- For release 98.2...</H5>
- <UL>There's an entry in the <A HREF="http://perforce.com/perforce/doc.982/user/relnotes.txt">release
- notes</A> that says:</UL>
- <UL>
- <TD NOSAVE><I><FONT COLOR="#009900"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#660000">Wherever
- revision specifications are supported, @date and "@datetime" can now be
- used in addition to @change and @label. The format for date is YYYY/MM/DD,
- and the format for datetime is YYYY/MM/DD:HH:MM:SS. If no time is
- given, midnight is assumed.</FONT></I></TD>
- </TR>
- </UL>
- <UL>That means that the command <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 sync
- ...@<I>1998/09/02 </I></FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">will retrieve all
- files that map to the current directory (and its subdirectories!), at the
- revisions that were current at midnight on September 2, 1998.</FONT></UL>
- <H5>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">For releases prior to 98.2...</FONT></H5>
- <UL><FONT COLOR="#000000">You'll need to use </FONT> <FONT COLOR="#990000"><TT>p4
- changes </TT> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">to find the change
- number <U>immediately prior</U> to the desired date, and then use the command </FONT>
- <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 sync ...@<I>changenum</I> </FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">to
- retrieve the fileset you want.</FONT></UL>
- <HR>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="alltree"></A><B>How do I check out an entire
- tree corresponding to some build or release?</B></LI>
- <P>In general, you'll need to have a piece of data from your build person:
- the label name used for that build. (You can always hunt for it,
- using the command <FONT COLOR="#000000"> </FONT>
- <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 labels </FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">.)</FONT>
- <P><FONT COLOR="#000000">If the label is <I> release3.2label</I>,
- you can update your client area to this by typing:</FONT>
- <P><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> p4 sync
- @release3.2label</FONT></TT>
- <P><FONT COLOR="#000000">This will update your client to this label, <U>removing
- local copies of files that aren't in the label.</U></FONT>
- <BR>
- <BR>If you want subdirectory xyz to be updated, but no other directories
- on your client, you would type:
- <P><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> p4 sync
- xyz/...@release3.2label</FONT></TT>
- <BR> <HR>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="diff"></A><B>How do I compare a working
- file to the base?</B></LI>
- <BR>
- <BR>Use <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> p4 diff <I>filename</I> </FONT></TT>,
- which will compare the <U>local copy</U> of a file you've opened for edit
- or an integrate operation against the revision of the file you were original
- given.
- <P>For example, say you've opened <I>xyz.java</I> using the command:
- <BR>
- <BR><TT> <FONT COLOR="#990000"> p4 edit
- <I>xyz.java</I></FONT></TT>
- <BR>
- <BR>To see your modifications, type:
- <BR>
- <BR><TT> <FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 diff
- <I>xyz.java</I></FONT></TT>
- <BR>
- <BR>Note that this is not comparing your local copy of the file against
- the most recent changes that other people have checked in - it's comparing
- against the revision you were working against. (That's <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4
- diff <I>filename#head </I></FONT>.)</TT><HR>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="difftree"></A><B>How do I compare a whole
- tree to the base?</B></LI>
- <BR>
- <BR>Use <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 diff <I>directory/...</I> </FONT></TT>,
- which will compare the <U>local copy</U> of every file in <I>directory</I>
- that is opened for edit or an integrate operation against the revision
- of the file you were original given.
- <P>For example, say you've opened <I>xyz.java</I> and<I> z.java
- </I>in directory dir1 using the command:
- <BR>
- <BR><TT> <FONT COLOR="#990000"> p4 edit
- <I>dir1/xyz.java dir1/z.java</I></FONT></TT>
- <BR>
- <BR>To see your modifications, type:
- <BR>
- <BR><TT> <FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 diff
- <I>dir1/...</I></FONT></TT>
- <BR>
- <BR>Note that this is not comparing your local copy of the file against
- the most recent changes that other people have checked in - it's comparing
- against the revision you were working against. (That's <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4
- diff <I>dir1/...#head </I></FONT>.)</TT>
- <HR>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="diffoptions"></A><B>How do I get my favorite
- diff behaviors with p4 diff?</B></LI>
- <BR>
- <BR>The environment variable $DIFF is the command line that's run when
- you run:
- <P><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> p4 diff <I>
- file1 file2</I></FONT></TT>
- <P><FONT COLOR="#000000">If, for example, the command </FONT><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">"diff
- -c"</FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000"> produces "context output format",
- then the sequence:</FONT>
- <P><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> DIFF="diff
- -c"<BR> export
- DIFF<BR> p4 diff <I>
- file1 file2</I></FONT></TT>
- <P><FONT COLOR="#000000">will produce that type of output for the differences
- between the two files.</FONT>
- <P><FONT COLOR="#000000">Note that </FONT> <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4
- diff2 <I>file1 file2 </I></FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">doesn't
- honor this variable, because the "diff" operation is run on the server
- and only the formatted output is returned to the user.</FONT>
- <BR> <HR>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="updatetree"></A><B>How do I update a tree from
- the base?</B></LI>
- <BR>
- <BR>Use <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 sync <I>directory/...</I> </FONT></TT>,
- which will retrieve the most recent revision of every file in <I>directory</I>
- (and its subdirectories!) that you haven't already got a copy of.
- <BR>
- <BR>This makes several assumptions:
- <UL>
- <LI>
- That there's something to get - if you have already updated <I>directory</I>
- to the most recent revisions and nothing's been changed since, <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4
- sync </FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">won't retrieve the revisions again.
- (</FONT> <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 sync -f <I>directory/...#have</I>
- </FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">will do that.)</FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">That <I>directory</I> is located under your local
- Perforce's client root. </FONT> The command...<BR>
- <BR></LI>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> p4 info</FONT></TT>
- <BR>
- <BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">will tell you what your client's root directory
- is.</FONT>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">That <I>directory</I> is mapped in from the Perforce
- depot using your client specification. The command...</FONT><BR>
- <BR></LI>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> cd <I>directory</I><BR> p4 where <I>xxx</I></FONT></TT>
- <P><FONT COLOR="#000000">will product output that looks something like:</FONT>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#000000"> xxx - file(s) not in client
- view.</FONT></TT>
- <BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">if the directory's not included in your client
- view. (You'll want to see the documentation for help on this, but you'll
- know where to start: <U>client specification</U>.)</FONT></UL>
- <HR>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="comparefiles"></A><B>How do I compare a working
- file to an older version (other than the base)?</B></LI>
- <BR>
- <BR>Use <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> p4 diff <I>filename#revision</I>
- </FONT></TT>, which will compare the <U>working copy</U> of a file you've
- opened for edit or an integrate operation against the revision of the file
- you specify using "#revision".
- <P>For example, say you've opened <I>xyz.java</I> using the command:
- <BR>
- <BR><TT> <FONT COLOR="#990000"> p4 edit
- <I>xyz.java</I></FONT></TT>
- <BR>
- <BR>Various "diff" commands follow:
- <BR>
- <UL>
- <DL>
- <TD><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 diff <I>xyz.java</I></FONT></TT></TD>
- <TD NOSAVE>Compares your working copy against the revision your edits are
- on - if you are editing revision #4 of a file, this will compare your working
- copy against revision #4.</TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 diff <I>xyz.java#2</I></FONT></TT></TD>
- <TD>Compares your working copy against the revision #2.</TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 diff xyz.java#head </FONT></TT></TD>
- <TD>Compares your working copy against the most recent revision in the
- depot.</TD>
- </TR>
- </DL>
- </UL>
- <HR>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="p4have"></A><B>How do I get a list
- of all files I have open on all my client workspaces?</B></LI>
- <BR>
- <BR>If your username is <I>joe</I>, then the following command will show
- you your opened files for all workspaces:
- <P><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> p4 opened -a
- | grep <I>joe</I></FONT></TT>
- <P>If you don't have "grep" (i.e. you're on Windows) you'll need to search
- the output of <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 opened</FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">
- for this.</FONT>
- <BR> <HR>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="p4describe"></A><B>How do I examine the change
- log for a file?</B></LI>
- <BR>
- <BR>Use <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 filelog <I>filename</I> </FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">to
- get the list of <U>revisions</U> since a file was created in a particular
- codeline.</FONT>
- <P>Use <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 changes -i <I>directory/...</I>
- </FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">to get the list of <U>change numbers</U>
- since a file stored originally in Perforce.</FONT>
- <P><FONT COLOR="#000000">You'll recall that the difference between a <U>revision</U>
- and a <U>change number</U> is that the revision is specific to a file...</FONT>
- <BR><FONT COLOR="#000000"><TT> x.c#1
- </TT><I>(revision #1 of file x.c)</I></FONT>
- <BR><FONT COLOR="#000000"><TT> x.c#2
- </TT><I>(revision #2 of file x.c)</I></FONT>
- <BR><FONT COLOR="#000000"><TT> y.java#1
- </TT><I>(revision #1 of file y.java)</I></FONT>
- <BR><FONT COLOR="#000000"><TT> y.java#2
- </TT><I>(revision #2 of file y.java)</I></FONT>
- <BR><FONT COLOR="#000000"><TT> y.java#3
- </TT><I>(revision #3 of file y.java)</I></FONT>
- <BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">The change number is a list of revisions that
- got changed as part of one atomic change to the Perforce depot. For example,
- change #12345 might be a change to add comments to x.c and y.java, and
- this change might've created revision #2 of<I> x.c</I> and #3 of <I>y.java.</I></FONT><HR>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="p4revert"></A><B>How do I abandon my
- changes and pick up a clean copy from the base?</B></LI>
- <BR>
- <BR>Use <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 revert <I>filename</I> </FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">to
- discard the modifications you've made to <I>filename</I> and retrieve a
- fresh copy of the <U>exact same revision</U> you had prior to typing</FONT>
- <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 edit <I>filename</I> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">.</FONT></TT>
- <P>Use <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 revert <I>directory/...</I> </FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">to
- discard all the modifications you've made to any file in <I>directory</I>
- (or its subdirectories).</FONT><HR>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="individual_change"></A><B>How do I propagate an
- individual change made in one branch to another?</B></LI>
- <P>Let's say you have a main codeline, and a child codeline ("branch")
- called <I>methusalah</I>.
- <P>If you wanted to propogate change number 900 from the main codeline to <I>methusalah</I>,
- you'd type:
- <BR>
- <OL><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 integrate -b <I>methusalah</I> @900,@900</FONT></TT></OL>
- <P>Of course, if you wanted to propogate change number 902 from methusalah to
- the main codeline, you'd type:
- <BR>
- <OL><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 integrate -b <I>methusalah</I> -r
- @902,@902</FONT></TT><BR>
- <BR></OL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">The subsequent resolve/submit combination is
- left as an exercise.</FONT>
- <P><FONT COLOR="#000000">It's a good idea to include the original change
- number in the change description for the integration.</FONT>
- <BR> <HR>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="deletefile_weird"></A>
- <b>I created a file that begins with a dash, and
- want to 'p4 delete' it and cannot. What can I do?</b>
- <p>
- Let's say that the name of the file is <i>"-filename"</i>.
- <p>
- Run "<font COLOR="#990000">p4 delete dummy -filename</font>"
- to delete the file - ignore the comment about the dummy filename, its
- purpose is to stop the option/argument processing and let everything else
- on the command line be interpreted as filenames.
- <p>
- <i>Or, you could run "<font COLOR="#990000">p4 delete ./-filename</font>", which uses the Unix directory separator ('/') to construct a
- filename that refers to the same file, but doesn't begin with a dash.
- (NT uses might use '\'.)</i>
- </LI>
- <br>
- <hr>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="deleteclient"></A><B>How do I delete a client workspace?</B></LI>
- <BR>
- <BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">Use </FONT> <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4
- client -d <I>workspacename</I> </FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">
- </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">to do this. The steps are:</FONT>
- <UL><li><FONT COLOR="#000000">Set $P4CLIENT to the name of the workspace, or
- make sure that every command you run for this task uses the syntax</FONT>
- <P><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> p4 -c
- <I>workspacename</I> cmd</FONT></TT>
- <BR>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">Run </FONT> <FONT COLOR="#990000"><TT>p4
- opened </TT> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">to make sure that
- no files are opened for any operations in this workspace. If there are,
- use the command...</FONT></LI>
- <P><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> p4 revert
- <I>filelist</I></FONT></TT>
- <P><FONT COLOR="#000000">... to revert them.</FONT>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">Remove the workspace entry on the Perforce server...</FONT></LI>
- <P><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> p4 client
- -d <I>workspacename</I></FONT></TT>
- <BR>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">Remove the files and directories on the local disk
- that correspond to the client area.</FONT></LI>
- </UL>
- <HR>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="moveclient"></A><B>How do I move a client workspace?</B></LI>
- <P>It's easy, but requires a little planning.
- <BR>
- <OL>
- <LI>
- Figure out the new client "root". Let's say it's "/home/jojo/newroot".</LI>
- <LI>
- If you're using the Windows GUI program against this particular Perforce
- client, exit the GUI.</LI>
- <LI>
- Move the entire subtree from its old place to "/home/jojo/newroot".</LI>
- <BR>Run <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 client<I> </I></FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">
- , which will dump you into the editor - you'll be changing the client specification.
- Change the "Root:" field to the name "/home/jojo/newroot" and save the
- file.</FONT>
- <BR> </OL>
- <hr>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="sync_fails"><b>I can't "p4 sync" a particular file. What might be going on?</b></li>
- <p>
- Let's say that you can retrieve all the files in the
- directory (using the depot name syntax) //bas/BIN/src/krn/rsec/
- except the file //bas/BIN/src/krn/rsec/rsecstoc.c.
- <p>
- It could be several things:
- <ol>
- <li>The other files it gets are in the directory
- <tt>//bas/bin/src/krn/rsec/...</tt>
- If that's the case, you're up against upper-case/lower-case issues.
- (The NT version of the server ignores case; the Unix version of
- the server does not.) If this is the case, it'll be easiest to
- go to a Unix client and rename the file to be in the same directory
- as the files that are succeeding. ("p4 help rename" gives the steps
- for renaming a file.)
- <li>You might not have permissions on this file from this IP address
- for this user. Use "p4 protect -o" and "p4 where" to make sure that
- isn't the case.
- <li>The client spec might not be mapping that file as you expect.
- The command
- "<TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 where //bas/BIN/src/krn/rsec/rsecstoc.c<I> </I></FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">"
- will process
- the argument filename through the client spec [processing] code to
- tell you where it would be mapped.
- <li>The top-most revision of that file might be a "delete" revision,
- so that there's nothing to get(!).
- ("<TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 files //bas/BIN/src/krn/rsec/rsecstoc.c<I> </I></FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">"
- will tell you the type of the top-most revision of the file.)
- <li>There might be nothing to get, because it thinks you have the
- most recent revision. "p4 have //bas/BIN/src/krn/rsec/rsecstoc.c" will
- tell you if you already have a revision for that file, or at least
- whether the database thinks you do.
- ("<TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 sync -f //bas/BIN/src/krn/rsec/rsecstoc.c<I> </I></FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">"
- will force getting a fresh revision.)
- </ol>
- </OL>
- <P><I>Last modified on 11 November 1998.</I>
- </BODY>
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