var CachingWriter = require('broccoli-caching-writer'); var sriToolbox = require('sri-toolbox'); var fs = require('fs'); var crypto = require('crypto'); var symlinkOrCopy = require('symlink-or-copy').sync; var Promise = require('rsvp').Promise; // node 0.10 var path = require('path'); var STYLE_CHECK = /\srel=["\'][^"]*stylesheet[^"]*["\']/; var SRC_CHECK = /\ssrc=["\']([^"\']+)["\']/; var HREF_CHECK = /\shref=["\']([^"\']+)["\']/; var BASE_CHECK = new RegExp('<base[^>]*href=["\']([^"]*)["\'][^>]*>', 'g'); var SCRIPT_CHECK = new RegExp('<script[^>]*src=["\']([^"]*)["\'][^>]*>', 'g'); var LINT_CHECK = new RegExp('<link[^>]*href=["\']([^"]*)["\'][^>]*>', 'g'); var INTEGRITY_CHECK = new RegExp('integrity=["\']'); var CROSS_ORIGIN_CHECK = new RegExp('crossorigin=["\']([^"\']+)["\']'); var MD5_CHECK = /^(.*)[-]([a-z0-9]{32})([.].*)$/; var mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); function SRIHashAssets(inputNodes, options) { if (!(this instanceof SRIHashAssets)) { return new SRIHashAssets(inputNodes, options); } this.options = options || {}; this.context = this.options.context || {}; var nodes = inputNodes; if (!Array.isArray(nodes)) { nodes = [nodes]; }, nodes, { // disabled to ensure all files are synced forward // I suspect additions to BCW are needed, or a slightly different plugin // to handle this more elegantly. // Leaving this comment here as a reminder. -sp // // cacheInclude: [ // /\.html$/, // /\.js$/, // /\.css$/ // ] }); if (!('paranoiaCheck' in this.options)) { this.options.paranoiaCheck = false; } if (!('fingerprintCheck' in this.options)) { this.options.fingerprintCheck = true; } if ('origin' in this.options) { if ('prefix' in this.options && !('crossorigin' in this.options)) { if (this.options.prefix.indexOf(this.options.origin, 0) === 0) { this.options.crossorigin = false; } } } } SRIHashAssets.prototype = Object.create(CachingWriter.prototype); SRIHashAssets.prototype.constructor = SRIHashAssets; SRIHashAssets.prototype.getBaseHREF = function getBaseHREF(string) { var baseTag = string.match(BASE_CHECK); if (baseTag && baseTag[0]) { var href = baseTag[0].match(HREF_CHECK); var relativePath = href && href[1]; if (!relativePath) { return null; } // do not support `<base href="../../">` if (!relativePath[0] === '/') { return null; } return this.inputPaths[0] + relativePath; } return null; }; SRIHashAssets.prototype.addSRI = function addSRI(string, srcDir) { var plugin = this; var base = this.getBaseHREF(string); return string.replace(SCRIPT_CHECK, function srcMatch(match) { var src = match.match(SRC_CHECK); var filePath; if (!src) { return match; } filePath = src[1]; return plugin.mungeOutput(match, filePath, base || srcDir); }).replace(LINT_CHECK, function hrefMatch(match) { var href = match.match(HREF_CHECK); var isStyle = STYLE_CHECK.test(match); var filePath; if (!isStyle || !href) { return match; } filePath = href[1]; return plugin.mungeOutput(match, filePath, base || srcDir); }); }; SRIHashAssets.prototype.readFile = function readFile(dirname, file) { var assetSource; try { assetSource = fs.readFileSync(dirname + '/' + file, 'utf8'); } catch(e) { return null; } return assetSource; }; /* If 'paranoiaCheck' is enabled then it will check a file only contains ASCII characters - will return true if paranoiaCheck is disabled - will return true if ASCII only - will return false if non ASCII chars are present This relates to an issue that is either within OpenSSL or Chrome itself due to an encoding issue: */ SRIHashAssets.prototype.paranoiaCheck = function paranoiaCheck(assetSource) { var i; var checkResult = true; if (this.options.paranoiaCheck === true) { for (i = 0; i < assetSource.length; i++) { if (assetSource.charCodeAt(i) > 127) { checkResult = false; break; } } } return checkResult; }; SRIHashAssets.prototype.generateIntegrity = function generateIntegrity(output, file, dirname, external) { var assetSource = this.readFile(dirname, file); var selfCloseCheck = /\s*\/>$/; var integrity; var append; var outputWithIntegrity; if (assetSource === null) { return output; } if (this.paranoiaCheck(assetSource) === false) { return output; } integrity = sriToolbox.generate({ algorithms: ['sha256', 'sha512'] }, assetSource); append = ' integrity="' + integrity + '"'; if (external && this.options.crossorigin) { if (!CROSS_ORIGIN_CHECK.test(output)) { append = append + ' crossorigin="' + this.options.crossorigin + '" '; } } if (selfCloseCheck.test(output)) { outputWithIntegrity = output.replace(selfCloseCheck, append + ' />'); } else { outputWithIntegrity = output.replace(/\s*[>]$/, append + ' >'); } return outputWithIntegrity; }; SRIHashAssets.prototype.checkExternal = function checkExternal(output, file, dirname) { var md5Matches = file.match(MD5_CHECK); var md5sum = crypto.createHash('md5'); var assetSource; var filePath; if (!('prefix' in this.options) || !('crossorigin' in this.options) || md5Matches === null) { return output; } filePath = file.replace(this.options.prefix, ''); if (filePath === file) { return output; } assetSource = this.readFile(dirname, filePath); if (assetSource === null) { filePath = md5Matches[1].replace(this.options.prefix, '') + md5Matches[3]; assetSource = this.readFile(dirname, filePath); if (assetSource === null) { return output; } } md5sum.update(assetSource, 'utf8'); if (this.options.fingerprintCheck === false || md5Matches[2] === md5sum.digest('hex')) { return this.generateIntegrity(output, filePath, dirname, true); } return output; }; SRIHashAssets.prototype.mungeOutput = function mungeOutput(output, filePath, srcDir) { var newOutput = output; if (/^https?:\/\//.test(filePath)) { return this.checkExternal(output, filePath, srcDir); } if (!INTEGRITY_CHECK.test(output)) { newOutput = this.generateIntegrity(output, filePath, srcDir); } return newOutput; }; SRIHashAssets.prototype.processHTMLFile = function processFile(entry) { var srcDir = path.dirname(entry.fullPath); var fileContent = this.addSRI(fs.readFileSync(entry.fullPath, 'utf8'), srcDir); var fullPath = this.outputPath + '/' + entry.relativePath; mkdirp.sync(path.dirname(fullPath)); fs.writeFileSync(fullPath, fileContent); }; SRIHashAssets.prototype.processOtherFile = function(entry) { var fullPath = this.outputPath + '/' + entry.relativePath; mkdirp.sync(path.dirname(fullPath)); symlinkOrCopy(entry.fullPath, fullPath); }; = function () { var html = []; var other = []; this.listEntries().forEach(function(entry) { if (/\.html$/.test(entry.relativePath)) { html.push(entry); } else { other.push(entry); } }); return Promise.all([ Promise.all(, Promise.all( ]); }; module.exports = SRIHashAssets;