'use strict';
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const existsSync = require('exists-sync');
const EOL = require('os').EOL;
const RSVP = require('rsvp');
const Promise = RSVP.Promise;
const writeFile = RSVP.denodeify(fs.outputFile);
Inserts the given content into a file. If the `contentsToInsert` string is already
present in the current contents, the file will not be changed unless `force` option
is passed.
If `options.before` is specified, `contentsToInsert` will be inserted before
the first instance of that string. If `options.after` is specified, the
contents will be inserted after the first instance of that string.
If the string specified by options.before or options.after is not in the file,
no change will be made. Both of these options support regular expressions.
If neither `options.before` nor `options.after` are present, `contentsToInsert`
will be inserted at the end of the file.
It will create a new file if one doesn't exist, unless you set the `options.create`
option to `false`.
// app/router.js
Router.map(function() {
insertIntoFile('app/router.js', ' this.route("admin");', {
after: 'Router.map(function() {' + EOL
// app/router.js
Router.map(function() {
@method insertIntoFile
@param {String} pathRelativeToProjectRoot
@param {String} contentsToInsert
@param {Object} providedOptions
@return {Promise}
function insertIntoFile(fullPath, contentsToInsert, providedOptions) {
let options = providedOptions || {};
let returnValue = {
path: fullPath,
originalContents: '',
contents: '',
inserted: false,
let exists = existsSync(fullPath);
if (exists || (!exists && options.create !== false)) {
let originalContents = '';
if (exists) {
originalContents = fs.readFileSync(fullPath, { encoding: 'utf8' });
let contentsToWrite = originalContents;
let alreadyPresent = originalContents.indexOf(contentsToInsert) > -1;
let insert = !alreadyPresent;
let insertBehavior = 'end';
if (options.before) { insertBehavior = 'before'; }
if (options.after) { insertBehavior = 'after'; }
if (options.force) { insert = true; }
if (insert) {
if (insertBehavior === 'end') {
contentsToWrite += contentsToInsert;
} else {
let contentMarker = options[insertBehavior];
if (contentMarker instanceof RegExp) {
let matches = contentsToWrite.match(contentMarker);
if (matches) {
contentMarker = matches[0];
let contentMarkerIndex = contentsToWrite.indexOf(contentMarker);
if (contentMarkerIndex !== -1) {
let insertIndex = contentMarkerIndex;
if (insertBehavior === 'after') { insertIndex += contentMarker.length; }
contentsToWrite = contentsToWrite.slice(0, insertIndex) +
contentsToInsert + EOL +
returnValue.originalContents = originalContents;
returnValue.contents = contentsToWrite;
if (contentsToWrite !== originalContents) {
returnValue.inserted = true;
return writeFile(fullPath, contentsToWrite)
.then(() => returnValue);
return Promise.resolve(returnValue);
module.exports = insertIntoFile;