#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';
var program = require('commander');
var progOptions = program;
var Config = require('./lib/config');
var Api = require('./lib/api');
var appMode = 'dev';
.version(require(__dirname + '/package').version)
.option('-f, --file [file]', 'config file - defaults to testem.json or testem.yml')
.option('-p, --port [num]', 'server port - defaults to 7357', Number)
.option('--host [hostname]', 'host name - defaults to localhost', String)
.option('-l, --launch [list]', 'list of launchers to launch(comma separated)')
.option('-s, --skip [list]', 'list of launchers to skip(comma separated)')
.option('-d, --debug [file]', 'output debug to debug log - defaults to testem.log')
.option('-t, --test_page [page]', 'the html page to drive the tests')
.option('-g, --growl', 'turn on growl / native notifications');
.description('Print the list of available launchers (browsers & process launchers)')
.action(act(function(env) {
env.__proto__ = program;
progOptions = env;
appMode = 'launchers';
.description('Continuous integration mode')
.option('-T, --timeout [sec]', 'timeout a browser after [sec] seconds', null)
.option('-P, --parallel [num]', 'number of browsers to run in parallel, defaults to 1', Number)
.option('-b, --bail_on_uncaught_error', 'Bail on any uncaught errors')
.option('-R, --reporter [reporter]', 'Test reporter to use [tap|dot|xunit|teamcity]')
.action(act(function(env) {
env.__proto__ = program;
progOptions = env;
appMode = 'ci';
.description('Run just the server')
.action(act(function(env) {
env.__proto__ = program;
progOptions = env;
appMode = 'server';
program.on('--help', function() {
console.log(' Keyboard Controls (in dev mode):\n');
console.log(' ENTER run the tests');
console.log(' q quit');
console.log(' LEFT ARROW move to the next browser tab on the left');
console.log(' RIGHT ARROW move to the next browser tab on the right');
console.log(' TAB switch between top and bottom panel (split mode only)');
console.log(' UP ARROW scroll up in the target text panel');
console.log(' DOWN ARROW scroll down in the target text panel');
console.log(' SPACE page down in the target text panel');
console.log(' b page up in the target text panel');
console.log(' d half a page down in the target text panel');
console.log(' u half a page up in the target text panel');
function main() {
var config = new Config(appMode, progOptions);
if (appMode === 'launchers') {
config.read(function() {
} else {
var api = new Api();
if (appMode === 'ci') {
} else if (appMode === 'dev') {
} else if (appMode === 'server') {
// this is to workaround the weird behavior in command where
// if you provide additional command line arguments that aren't
// options, it goes in as a string as the 1st arguments of the
// "action" callback, we don't want this
function act(fun) {
return function() {
var options = arguments[arguments.length - 1];