//========= Copyright 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: barnacle - stationary ceiling mounted 'fishing' monster // // $Workfile: $ // $Date: $ // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "physics_prop_ragdoll.h" #include "npc_barnacle.h" #include "npcevent.h" #include "gib.h" #include "ai_default.h" #include "activitylist.h" #include "hl2_player.h" #include "vstdlib/random.h" #include "physics_saverestore.h" #include "vcollide_parse.h" #include "vphysics/constraints.h" #include "studio.h" #include "bone_setup.h" #include "iservervehicle.h" #include "collisionutils.h" #include "combine_mine.h" #include "explode.h" #include "npc_BaseZombie.h" #include "modelentities.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" extern ConVar sv_gravity; ConVar sk_barnacle_health( "sk_barnacle_health","0"); static ConVar npc_barnacle_swallow( "npc_barnacle_swallow", "0", 0, "Use prototype swallow code." ); const char *CNPC_Barnacle::m_szGibNames[NUM_BARNACLE_GIBS] = { "models/gibs/hgibs.mdl", "models/gibs/hgibs_scapula.mdl", "models/gibs/hgibs_rib.mdl", "models/gibs/hgibs_spine.mdl" }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private activities. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ACT_BARNACLE_SLURP; // Pulling the tongue up with prey on the end int ACT_BARNACLE_BITE_HUMAN; // Biting the head of a humanoid int ACT_BARNACLE_BITE_PLAYER; // Biting the head of the player int ACT_BARNACLE_CHEW_HUMAN; // Slowly swallowing the humanoid int ACT_BARNACLE_BARF_HUMAN; // Spitting out human legs & gibs int ACT_BARNACLE_TONGUE_WRAP; // Wrapping the tongue around a target int ACT_BARNACLE_TASTE_SPIT; // Yuck! Me no like that! int ACT_BARNACLE_BITE_SMALL_THINGS; // Eats small things int ACT_BARNACLE_CHEW_SMALL_THINGS; // Chews small things //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Interactions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int g_interactionBarnacleVictimDangle = 0; int g_interactionBarnacleVictimReleased = 0; int g_interactionBarnacleVictimGrab = 0; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( npc_barnacle, CNPC_Barnacle ); // Tongue Spring constants #define BARNACLE_TONGUE_SPRING_CONSTANT_HANGING 10000 #define BARNACLE_TONGUE_SPRING_CONSTANT_LIFTING 10000 #define BARNACLE_TONGUE_SPRING_CONSTANT_LOWERING 7000 #define BARNACLE_TONGUE_SPRING_DAMPING 20 #define BARNACLE_TONGUE_TIP_MASS 100 #define BARNACLE_TONGUE_MAX_LIFT_MASS 70 #define BARNACLE_BITE_DAMAGE_TO_PLAYER 15 #define BARNACLE_DEAD_TONGUE_ALTITUDE 164 #define BARNACLE_MIN_DEAD_TONGUE_CLEARANCE 78 //========================================================= // Monster's Anim Events Go Here //========================================================= #define BARNACLE_AE_PUKEGIB 2 #define BARNACLE_AE_BITE 3 #define BARNACLE_AE_SPIT 4 int AE_BARNACLE_PUKEGIB; int AE_BARNACLE_BITE; int AE_BARNACLE_SPIT; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Constructor // Input : // Output : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CNPC_Barnacle::CNPC_Barnacle(void) { m_flRestUnitsAboveGround = 16.0f; m_flNextBloodTime = -1.0f; #ifndef _XBOX m_nBloodColor = BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW; #endif m_bPlayerWasStanding = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CNPC_Barnacle::~CNPC_Barnacle( void ) { // Destroy the ragdoll->tongue tip constraint if ( m_pConstraint ) { physenv->DestroyConstraint( m_pConstraint ); m_pConstraint = NULL; } } BEGIN_DATADESC( CNPC_Barnacle ) DEFINE_FIELD( m_flAltitude, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_cGibs, FIELD_INTEGER ),// barnacle loads up on gibs each time it kills something. DEFINE_FIELD( m_bLiftingPrey, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_bSwallowingPrey, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flDigestFinish, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_bPlayedPullSound, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_bPlayerWasStanding, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flVictimHeight, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_iGrabbedBoneIndex, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_vecRoot, FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_vecTip, FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_hTongueRoot, FIELD_EHANDLE ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_hTongueTip, FIELD_EHANDLE ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_hRagdoll, FIELD_EHANDLE ), DEFINE_AUTO_ARRAY( m_pRagdollBones, FIELD_MATRIX3X4_WORLDSPACE ), DEFINE_PHYSPTR( m_pConstraint ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_flRestUnitsAboveGround, FIELD_FLOAT, "RestDist" ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_nSpitAttachment, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_hLastSpitEnemy, FIELD_EHANDLE ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_nShakeCount, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flNextBloodTime, FIELD_TIME ), #ifndef _XBOX DEFINE_FIELD( m_nBloodColor, FIELD_INTEGER ), #endif DEFINE_FIELD( m_vecBloodPos, FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flBarnaclePullSpeed, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flLocalTimer, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_vLastEnemyPos, FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flLastPull, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_EMBEDDED( m_StuckTimer ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "DropTongue", InputDropTongue ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_INTEGER, "SetDropTongueSpeed", InputSetDropTongueSpeed ), // Function pointers DEFINE_THINKFUNC( BarnacleThink ), DEFINE_THINKFUNC( WaitTillDead ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_bSwallowingBomb, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), END_DATADESC() IMPLEMENT_SERVERCLASS_ST( CNPC_Barnacle, DT_Barnacle ) SendPropFloat( SENDINFO( m_flAltitude ), 0, SPROP_NOSCALE), SendPropVector( SENDINFO( m_vecRoot ), 0, SPROP_COORD ), SendPropVector( SENDINFO( m_vecTip ), 0, SPROP_COORD ), END_SEND_TABLE() //========================================================= // Classify - indicates this monster's place in the // relationship table. //========================================================= Class_T CNPC_Barnacle::Classify ( void ) { return CLASS_BARNACLE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Initialize absmin & absmax to the appropriate box //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::ComputeWorldSpaceSurroundingBox( Vector *pVecWorldMins, Vector *pVecWorldMaxs ) { // Extend our bounding box downwards the length of the tongue CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceAABB( pVecWorldMins, pVecWorldMaxs ); // We really care about the tongue tip. The altitude is not really relevant. VectorMin( *pVecWorldMins, m_vecTip, *pVecWorldMins ); VectorMax( *pVecWorldMaxs, m_vecTip, *pVecWorldMaxs ); // pVecWorldMins->z -= m_flAltitude; } //========================================================= // HandleAnimEvent - catches the monster-specific messages // that occur when tagged animation frames are played. // // Returns number of events handled, 0 if none. //========================================================= void CNPC_Barnacle::HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent ) { if ( pEvent->event== AE_BARNACLE_PUKEGIB ) { CGib::SpawnSpecificGibs( this, 1, 50, 1, "models/gibs/hgibs_rib.mdl"); return; } if ( pEvent->event == AE_BARNACLE_BITE ) { BitePrey(); return; } if ( pEvent->event == AE_BARNACLE_SPIT ) { SpitPrey(); return; } BaseClass::HandleAnimEvent( pEvent ); } //========================================================= // Spawn //========================================================= void CNPC_Barnacle::Spawn() { Precache( ); SetModel( "models/barnacle.mdl" ); UTIL_SetSize( this, Vector(-16, -16, -40), Vector(16, 16, 0) ); SetSolid( SOLID_BBOX ); AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_STANDABLE ); CollisionProp()->SetSurroundingBoundsType( USE_GAME_CODE ); SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE ); SetBloodColor( BLOOD_COLOR_GREEN ); m_iHealth = sk_barnacle_health.GetFloat(); m_flFieldOfView = 0.5;// indicates the width of this monster's forward view cone ( as a dotproduct result ) m_NPCState = NPC_STATE_NONE; m_cGibs = 0; m_bLiftingPrey = false; m_bSwallowingPrey = false; m_bSwallowingBomb = false; m_flDigestFinish = 0; m_takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; m_pConstraint = NULL; m_nShakeCount = 0; InitBoneControllers(); InitTonguePosition(); // set eye position SetDefaultEyeOffset(); SetActivity( ACT_IDLE ); SetThink ( &CNPC_Barnacle::BarnacleThink ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.5f ); m_flBarnaclePullSpeed = BARNACLE_PULL_SPEED; //Do not have a shadow AddEffects( EF_NOSHADOW ); AddFlag( FL_AIMTARGET ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sets the tongue's height //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::SetAltitude( float flAltitude ) { if ( HasSpawnFlags( SF_BARNACLE_AMBUSH ) ) return; m_flAltitude = flAltitude; } void CNPC_Barnacle::DropTongue( void ) { if ( m_hTongueRoot ) return; m_hTongueRoot = CBarnacleTongueTip::CreateTongueRoot( m_vecRoot, QAngle(90,0,0) ); m_hTongueTip = CBarnacleTongueTip::CreateTongueTip( this, m_hTongueRoot, m_vecTip, QAngle(0,0,0) ); m_nSpitAttachment = LookupAttachment( "StrikeHeadAttach" ); Assert( m_hTongueRoot && m_hTongueTip ); RemoveSpawnFlags( SF_BARNACLE_AMBUSH ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::Activate( void ) { BaseClass::Activate(); if ( HasSpawnFlags( SF_BARNACLE_AMBUSH ) ) return; // Create our tongue tips if ( !m_hTongueRoot ) { DropTongue(); } else if ( GetEnemy() && IsEnemyAPlayer() && !m_pConstraint ) { IPhysicsObject *pPlayerPhys = GetEnemy()->VPhysicsGetObject(); IPhysicsObject *pTonguePhys = m_hTongueTip->VPhysicsGetObject(); constraint_fixedparams_t fixed; fixed.Defaults(); fixed.InitWithCurrentObjectState( pTonguePhys, pPlayerPhys ); fixed.constraint.Defaults(); m_pConstraint = physenv->CreateFixedConstraint( pTonguePhys, pPlayerPhys, NULL, fixed ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : // Output : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CNPC_Barnacle::OnTakeDamage_Alive( const CTakeDamageInfo &inputInfo ) { CTakeDamageInfo info = inputInfo; if ( info.GetDamageType() & DMG_CLUB ) { info.SetDamage( m_iHealth ); } if ( GetActivity() == ACT_IDLE ) { SetActivity( ACT_SMALL_FLINCH ); } if( hl2_episodic.GetBool() && info.GetAttacker() && info.GetAttacker()->Classify() == CLASS_PLAYER_ALLY_VITAL ) { if( FClassnameIs( info.GetAttacker(), "npc_alyx" ) ) { // Alyx does double damage to barnacles, so that she can save the // player's life in a more timely fashion. (sjb) info.ScaleDamage( 2.0f ); } } DropTongue(); return BaseClass::OnTakeDamage_Alive( info ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Player has illuminated this NPC with the flashlight //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::PlayerHasIlluminatedNPC( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, float flDot ) { // Create a sound to scare friendly allies away from the base on the barnacle if( IsAlive() ) { CSoundEnt::InsertSound( SOUND_MOVE_AWAY | SOUND_CONTEXT_ALLIES_ONLY, m_vecTip, 60.0f, FLASHLIGHT_NPC_CHECK_INTERVAL ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Initialize tongue position when first spawned // Input : // Output : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::InitTonguePosition( void ) { CBaseEntity *pTouchEnt; float flLength; pTouchEnt = TongueTouchEnt( &flLength ); SetAltitude( flLength ); Vector origin; GetAttachment( "TongueEnd", origin ); float flTongueAdj = origin.z - GetAbsOrigin().z; m_vecRoot = origin - Vector(0,0,flTongueAdj); m_vecTip.Set( m_vecRoot.Get() - Vector(0,0,(float)m_flAltitude) ); CollisionProp()->MarkSurroundingBoundsDirty(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::BarnacleThink ( void ) { CBaseEntity *pTouchEnt; float flLength; SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f ); UpdateTongue(); // AI Disabled, don't do anything? if ( CAI_BaseNPC::m_nDebugBits & bits_debugDisableAI ) return; // Do we have an enemy? if ( m_hRagdoll ) { if ( m_bLiftingPrey ) { LiftPrey(); } else if ( m_bSwallowingPrey ) { // Slowly swallowing the ragdoll SwallowPrey(); } // Stay bloated as we digest else if ( m_flDigestFinish ) { // Still digesting him> if ( m_flDigestFinish > gpGlobals->curtime ) { if ( IsActivityFinished() ) { SetActivity( ACT_IDLE ); } // bite prey every once in a while if ( random->RandomInt(0,25) == 0 ) { EmitSound( "NPC_Barnacle.Digest" ); } } else { // Finished digesting LostPrey( true ); // Remove all evidence m_flDigestFinish = 0; } } } else if ( GetEnemy() ) { if ( m_bLiftingPrey || m_bSwallowingBomb == true ) { LiftPrey(); } // Stay bloated as we digest else if ( m_flDigestFinish ) { // Still digesting him> if ( m_flDigestFinish > gpGlobals->curtime ) { if ( IsActivityFinished() ) { SetActivity( ACT_IDLE ); } // bite prey every once in a while if ( random->RandomInt(0,25) == 0 ) { EmitSound( "NPC_Barnacle.Digest" ); } } else { // Finished digesting LostPrey( true ); // Remove all evidence m_flDigestFinish = 0; } } } else { // Were we lifting prey? if ( m_bSwallowingPrey || m_bLiftingPrey ) { // Something removed our prey. LostPrey( false ); } // barnacle has no prey right now, so just idle and check to see if anything is touching the tongue. // If idle and no nearby client, don't think so often // NOTE: Use the surrounding bounds so that we'll think often event if the tongue // tip is in the PVS but the body isn't Vector vecSurroundMins, vecSurroundMaxs; CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceSurroundingBounds( &vecSurroundMins, &vecSurroundMaxs ); if ( !UTIL_FindClientInPVS( vecSurroundMins, vecSurroundMaxs ) ) { SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + random->RandomFloat(1,1.5) ); // Stagger a bit to keep barnacles from thinking on the same frame } if ( IsActivityFinished() && GetActivity() != ACT_IDLE ) { // this is done so barnacle will fidget. SetActivity( ACT_IDLE ); } if ( m_cGibs && random->RandomInt(0,99) == 1 ) { // cough up a gib. CGib::SpawnSpecificGibs( this, 1, 50, 1, "models/gibs/hgibs_rib.mdl"); m_cGibs--; EmitSound( "NPC_Barnacle.Digest" ); } pTouchEnt = TongueTouchEnt( &flLength ); // If there's something under us, lower the tongue down so we can grab it if ( m_flAltitude < flLength ) { float dt = gpGlobals->curtime - GetLastThink(); SetAltitude( m_flAltitude + m_flBarnaclePullSpeed * dt ); } // NOTE: SetAltitude above will change m_flAltitude, hence the second check if ( m_flAltitude >= flLength ) { // If we're already low enough, try to grab. bool bGrabbedTarget = false; if ( ( pTouchEnt != NULL ) && ( pTouchEnt != m_hLastSpitEnemy.Get() ) ) { // tongue is fully extended, and is touching someone. CBaseCombatCharacter *pBCC = dynamic_cast<CBaseCombatCharacter *>(pTouchEnt); if( CanPickup( pBCC ) ) { Vector vecGrabPos = pTouchEnt->EyePosition(); if( !pBCC || pBCC->DispatchInteraction( g_interactionBarnacleVictimGrab, &vecGrabPos, this ) ) { EmitSound( "NPC_Barnacle.BreakNeck" ); AttachTongueToTarget( pTouchEnt, vecGrabPos ); // Set the local timer to 60 seconds, which starts the lifting phase on // the upshot of the sine wave which right away makes it more obvious // that the player is being lifted. m_flLocalTimer = 60.0f; m_vLastEnemyPos = pTouchEnt->GetAbsOrigin(); m_flLastPull = 0; m_StuckTimer.Set(3.0); bGrabbedTarget = true; // Set our touch flag so no one else tries to grab us this frame pTouchEnt->AddEFlags( EFL_IS_BEING_LIFTED_BY_BARNACLE ); } } } if ( !bGrabbedTarget ) { // Restore the hanging spring constant if ( m_hTongueTip ) { m_hTongueTip->m_pSpring->SetSpringConstant( BARNACLE_TONGUE_SPRING_CONSTANT_HANGING ); } SetAltitude( flLength ); } } } // NDebugOverlay::Box( GetAbsOrigin() - Vector( 0, 0, m_flAltitude ), Vector( -2, -2, -2 ), Vector( 2, 2, 2 ), 255,255,255, 0, 0.1 ); StudioFrameAdvance(); DispatchAnimEvents( this ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CNPC_Barnacle::CanPickup( CBaseCombatCharacter *pBCC ) { // Barnacle can pick this item up because it has already passed the filters // in TongueTouchEnt. It just isn't an NPC or player and doesn't need further inspection. if( !pBCC ) return true; // Don't pickup turrets if( FClassnameIs( pBCC, "npc_turret_floor" ) ) return false; // Don't pick up a dead player or NPC if( !pBCC->IsAlive() ) return false; if( pBCC->IsPlayer() ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = dynamic_cast<CBasePlayer*>(pBCC); Assert( pPlayer != NULL ); // Don't pick up a player held by another barnacle if( pPlayer->HasPhysicsFlag(PFLAG_ONBARNACLE) ) return false; } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Allows the ragdoll to settle before biting it //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CNPC_Barnacle::WaitForRagdollToSettle( float flBiteZOffset ) { Vector vecVictimPos = GetEnemy()->GetAbsOrigin(); Vector vecCheckPos; QAngle vecBoneAngles; m_hRagdoll->GetBonePosition( m_iGrabbedBoneIndex, vecCheckPos, vecBoneAngles ); // Stop sucking while we wait for the ragdoll to settle SetActivity( ACT_IDLE ); Vector vecVelocity; AngularImpulse angVel; float flDelta = 4.0; // Only bite if the target bone is in the right position. Vector vecBitePoint = GetAbsOrigin(); vecBitePoint.z -= flBiteZOffset; //NDebugOverlay::Box( vecBitePoint, -Vector(10,10,10), Vector(10,10,10), 0,255,0, 0, 0.1 ); //NDebugOverlay::Line( vecBitePoint, vecCheckPos, 0, 255, 0, true, 0.1 ); if ( (vecBitePoint.x - vecCheckPos.x) > flDelta || (vecBitePoint.y - vecCheckPos.y) > flDelta ) { // I can't bite this critter because it's not lined up with me on the X/Y plane. If it is // as close to my mouth as I can get it, I should drop it. if( vecBitePoint.z - vecVictimPos.z < 72.0f ) { // A man-sized target has been pulled up to my mouth, but // is not aligned for biting. Drop it. SpitPrey(); } return false; } // Right height? if ( (vecBitePoint.z - vecCheckPos.z) > flDelta ) { // Slowly raise / lower the target into the right position if ( vecBitePoint.z > vecCheckPos.z ) { // Pull the victim towards the mouth SetAltitude( m_flAltitude - 1 ); vecVictimPos.z += 1; } else { // We pulled 'em up too far, so lower them a little SetAltitude( m_flAltitude + 1 ); vecVictimPos.z -= 1; } UTIL_SetOrigin ( GetEnemy(), vecVictimPos ); return false; } // Get the velocity of the bone we've grabbed, and only bite when it's not moving much CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = m_hRagdoll->GetModelPtr(); mstudiobone_t *pBone = pStudioHdr->pBone( m_iGrabbedBoneIndex ); int iBoneIndex = pBone->physicsbone; ragdoll_t *pRagdoll = m_hRagdoll->GetRagdoll(); IPhysicsObject *pRagdollPhys = pRagdoll->list[iBoneIndex].pObject; pRagdollPhys->GetVelocity( &vecVelocity, &angVel ); return ( vecVelocity.LengthSqr() < 20 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Allows the physics prop to settle before biting it //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CNPC_Barnacle::WaitForPhysicsObjectToSettle( float flBiteZOffset ) { --m_nShakeCount; if ( m_nShakeCount & 0x1 ) { SetAltitude( flBiteZOffset + 15 ); } else { SetAltitude( flBiteZOffset ); } return ( m_nShakeCount <= 0 ); /* IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject = GetEnemy()->VPhysicsGetObject(); Vector vecVelocity; AngularImpulse angVel; pPhysicsObject->GetVelocity( &vecVelocity, &angVel ); return ( vecVelocity.LengthSqr() < 25 ); */ } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Lift the prety stuck to our tongue up towards our mouth //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::PlayLiftingScream( float flBiteZOffset ) { if ( !m_bPlayedPullSound && m_flAltitude < (flBiteZOffset + 100) ) { EmitSound( "NPC_Barnacle.Scream" ); m_bPlayedPullSound = true; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Lift the prety stuck to our tongue up towards our mouth //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::PullEnemyTorwardsMouth( bool bAdjustEnemyOrigin ) { if ( GetEnemy()->IsPlayer() && GetEnemy()->GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP ) { LostPrey( false ); return; } // Pull the victim towards the mouth float dt = gpGlobals->curtime - GetLastThink(); // Assumes constant frame rate :| m_flLocalTimer += dt; float flPull = fabs(sin( m_flLocalTimer * 5 )); flPull *= m_flBarnaclePullSpeed * dt; SetAltitude( m_flAltitude - flPull ); if ( bAdjustEnemyOrigin ) { if ( m_flLastPull > 1.0 ) { if ( (GetEnemy()->GetAbsOrigin() - m_vLastEnemyPos).LengthSqr() < Square( m_flLastPull - 1.0 ) ) { if ( m_StuckTimer.Expired() ) { LostPrey( false ); return; } } else { m_StuckTimer.Set(3.0); } } else m_StuckTimer.Delay(dt); m_vLastEnemyPos = GetEnemy()->GetAbsOrigin(); m_flLastPull = flPull; Vector vecNewPos = m_vLastEnemyPos; vecNewPos.z += flPull; #if 0 const float MAX_CENTERING_VELOCITY = 2.0; float distToMove = MAX_CENTERING_VELOCITY * dt; Vector2D vToCenter = GetAbsOrigin().AsVector2D() - GetEnemy()->GetAbsOrigin().AsVector2D(); float distFromCenter = vToCenter.NormalizeInPlace(); if ( distFromCenter < distToMove ) { vecNewPos.x = GetAbsOrigin().x; vecNewPos.y = GetAbsOrigin().y; } else { vToCenter *= distToMove; vecNewPos.x += vToCenter.x; vecNewPos.y += vToCenter.y; } #endif GetEnemy()->SetAbsOrigin( vecNewPos ); if( GetEnemy()->GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND ) { // Try to fight OnGround GetEnemy()->SetGravity( 0 ); GetEnemy()->RemoveFlag( FL_ONGROUND ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::UpdatePlayerContraint( void ) { // Check to see if the player's standing/ducking state has changed. CBasePlayer *pPlayer = static_cast<CBasePlayer*>( GetEnemy() ); bool bStanding = ( ( pPlayer->GetFlags() & FL_DUCKING ) == 0 ); if ( bStanding == m_bPlayerWasStanding ) return; // Destroy the current constraint. physenv->DestroyConstraint( m_pConstraint ); m_pConstraint = NULL; if ( m_hTongueTip ) { // Create the new constraint for the standing/ducking player physics object. IPhysicsObject *pPlayerPhys = pPlayer->VPhysicsGetObject(); IPhysicsObject *pTonguePhys = m_hTongueTip->VPhysicsGetObject(); constraint_fixedparams_t fixed; fixed.Defaults(); fixed.InitWithCurrentObjectState( pTonguePhys, pPlayerPhys ); fixed.constraint.Defaults(); m_pConstraint = physenv->CreateFixedConstraint( pTonguePhys, pPlayerPhys, NULL, fixed ); } // Save state for the next check. m_bPlayerWasStanding = bStanding; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Lift the prey stuck to our tongue up towards our mouth //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::LiftPlayer( float flBiteZOffset ) { // Add an additional height for the player to avoid view clipping flBiteZOffset += 25.0; // Play a scream when we're almost within bite range PlayLiftingScream( flBiteZOffset ); // Update player constraint. UpdatePlayerContraint(); // Figure out when the prey has reached our bite range use eye position to avoid // clipping into the barnacle body if ( GetAbsOrigin().z - GetEnemy()->EyePosition().z < flBiteZOffset) { m_bLiftingPrey = false; // Start the bite animation. The anim event in it will finish the job. SetActivity( (Activity)ACT_BARNACLE_BITE_PLAYER ); } else { PullEnemyTorwardsMouth( true ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Lift the prey stuck to our tongue up towards our mouth //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::LiftNPC( float flBiteZOffset ) { // Necessary to make the NPCs not do things like talk GetEnemy()->AddEFlags( EFL_IS_BEING_LIFTED_BY_BARNACLE ); // Play a scream when we're almost within bite range PlayLiftingScream( flBiteZOffset ); // Figure out when the prey has reached our bite range if ( GetAbsOrigin().z - m_vecTip.Get().z < flBiteZOffset ) { m_bLiftingPrey = false; const Vector &vecSize = GetEnemy()->CollisionProp()->OBBSize(); if ( vecSize.z < 40 ) { // Start the bite animation. The anim event in it will finish the job. SetActivity( (Activity)ACT_BARNACLE_BITE_SMALL_THINGS ); } else { // Start the bite animation. The anim event in it will finish the job. SetActivity( (Activity)ACT_BARNACLE_BITE_HUMAN ); } } else { PullEnemyTorwardsMouth( true ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Lift the prey stuck to our tongue up towards our mouth //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::LiftRagdoll( float flBiteZOffset ) { // Necessary to make the NPCs not do things like talk GetEnemy()->AddEFlags( EFL_IS_BEING_LIFTED_BY_BARNACLE ); // Play a scream when we're almost within bite range PlayLiftingScream( flBiteZOffset ); // Figure out when the prey has reached our bite range if ( GetAbsOrigin().z - m_vecTip.Get().z < flBiteZOffset ) { // If we've got a ragdoll, wait until the bone is down below the mouth. if ( !WaitForRagdollToSettle( flBiteZOffset ) ) return; if ( GetEnemy()->Classify() == CLASS_ZOMBIE ) { // lifted the prey high enough to see it's a zombie. Spit it out. if ( hl2_episodic.GetBool() ) { m_bLiftingPrey = false; SetActivity( (Activity)ACT_BARNACLE_BITE_SMALL_THINGS ); } else { SpitPrey(); } return; } m_bLiftingPrey = false; const Vector &vecSize = GetEnemy()->CollisionProp()->OBBSize(); if ( vecSize.z < 40 ) { // Start the bite animation. The anim event in it will finish the job. SetActivity( (Activity)ACT_BARNACLE_BITE_SMALL_THINGS ); } else { // Start the bite animation. The anim event in it will finish the job. SetActivity( (Activity)ACT_BARNACLE_BITE_HUMAN ); } } else { // Pull the victim towards the mouth PullEnemyTorwardsMouth( false ); // Apply forces to the attached ragdoll based upon the animations of the enemy, if the enemy is still alive. if ( GetEnemy()->IsAlive() ) { CBaseAnimating *pAnimating = dynamic_cast<CBaseAnimating*>( GetEnemy() ); // Get the current bone matrix /* Vector pos[MAXSTUDIOBONES]; Quaternion q[MAXSTUDIOBONES]; matrix3x4_t pBoneToWorld[MAXSTUDIOBONES]; CalcPoseSingle( pStudioHdr, pos, q, pAnimating->GetSequence(), pAnimating->m_flCycle, pAnimating->GetPoseParameterArray(), BONE_USED_BY_ANYTHING ); Studio_BuildMatrices( pStudioHdr, vec3_angle, vec3_origin, pos, q, -1, pBoneToWorld, BONE_USED_BY_ANYTHING ); // Apply the forces to the ragdoll RagdollApplyAnimationAsVelocity( *(m_hRagdoll->GetRagdoll()), pBoneToWorld ); */ // Get the current bone matrix matrix3x4_t pBoneToWorld[MAXSTUDIOBONES]; pAnimating->SetupBones( pBoneToWorld, BONE_USED_BY_ANYTHING ); // Apply the forces to the ragdoll RagdollApplyAnimationAsVelocity( *(m_hRagdoll->GetRagdoll()), m_pRagdollBones, pBoneToWorld, 0.2 ); // Store off the current bone matrix for next time pAnimating->SetupBones( m_pRagdollBones, BONE_USED_BY_ANYTHING ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Lift the prey stuck to our tongue up towards our mouth //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::LiftPhysicsObject( float flBiteZOffset ) { CBaseEntity *pVictim = GetEnemy(); // Bite a little higher up, since the bits point is the tip of the tongue flBiteZOffset -= 5.0f; //NDebugOverlay::Box( vecCheckPos, -Vector(10,10,10), Vector(10,10,10), 255,255,255, 0, 0.1 ); // Play a scream when we're almost within bite range PlayLiftingScream( flBiteZOffset ); // Figure out when the prey has reached our bite range if ( GetAbsOrigin().z - m_vecTip.Get().z < flBiteZOffset ) { if ( m_hTongueTip ) { m_hTongueTip->m_pSpring->SetSpringConstant( BARNACLE_TONGUE_SPRING_CONSTANT_HANGING ); } // Wait until the physics object stops flailing if ( !WaitForPhysicsObjectToSettle( flBiteZOffset ) ) return; // Necessary for good +use interactions pVictim->RemoveEFlags( EFL_IS_BEING_LIFTED_BY_BARNACLE ); // If we got a physics prop, wait until the thing has settled down m_bLiftingPrey = false; if ( hl2_episodic.GetBool() ) { CBounceBomb *pBounce = dynamic_cast<CBounceBomb *>( pVictim ); if ( pBounce ) { if ( m_bSwallowingBomb == true ) { pBounce->ExplodeThink(); return; } SetActivity( (Activity)ACT_BARNACLE_BITE_SMALL_THINGS ); } else { // Start the bite animation. The anim event in it will finish the job. SetActivity( (Activity)ACT_BARNACLE_TASTE_SPIT ); } } else { // Start the bite animation. The anim event in it will finish the job. SetActivity( (Activity)ACT_BARNACLE_TASTE_SPIT ); } } else { // Necessary for good +use interactions pVictim->AddEFlags( EFL_IS_BEING_LIFTED_BY_BARNACLE ); // Pull the victim towards the mouth PullEnemyTorwardsMouth( false ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Lift the prey stuck to our tongue up towards our mouth //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::LiftPrey( void ) { CBaseEntity *pVictim = GetEnemy(); Assert( GetEnemy() ); // Drop the prey if it's been obscured by something trace_t tr; AI_TraceLine( WorldSpaceCenter(), pVictim->WorldSpaceCenter(), MASK_SOLID, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); if ( !pVictim->IsAlive() || (tr.fraction < 1.0 && tr.m_pEnt != pVictim && tr.m_pEnt != m_hRagdoll) ) { if ( !GetEnemy()->IsPlayer() ) { // ignore the object so we don't get into a loop of trying to pick it up. m_hLastSpitEnemy = GetEnemy(); } LostPrey( false ); return; } // Height from the barnacle's origin to the point at which it bites float flBiteZOffset = 60.0; if ( IsEnemyAPlayer() ) { LiftPlayer(flBiteZOffset); } else if ( IsEnemyARagdoll() ) { LiftRagdoll(flBiteZOffset); } else if ( IsEnemyAnNPC() ) { LiftNPC(flBiteZOffset); } else { LiftPhysicsObject(flBiteZOffset); } if ( m_hRagdoll ) { QAngle newAngles( 0, m_hRagdoll->GetAbsAngles()[YAW], 0 ); Vector centerDelta = m_hRagdoll->WorldSpaceCenter() - GetEnemy()->WorldSpaceCenter(); Vector newOrigin = GetEnemy()->GetAbsOrigin() + centerDelta; GetEnemy()->SetAbsOrigin( newOrigin ); GetEnemy()->SetAbsAngles( newAngles ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Attach a serverside ragdoll prop for the specified entity to our tongue //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRagdollProp *CNPC_Barnacle::AttachRagdollToTongue( CBaseAnimating *pAnimating ) { // Find his head bone m_iGrabbedBoneIndex = -1; Vector vecNeckOffset; if ( m_hTongueTip ) { vecNeckOffset = (pAnimating->EyePosition() - m_hTongueTip->GetAbsOrigin()); } CStudioHdr *pHdr = pAnimating->GetModelPtr(); if ( pHdr ) { int set = pAnimating->GetHitboxSet(); for( int i = 0; i < pHdr->iHitboxCount(set); i++ ) { mstudiobbox_t *pBox = pHdr->pHitbox( i, set ); if ( !pBox ) continue; if ( pBox->group == HITGROUP_HEAD ) { m_iGrabbedBoneIndex = pBox->bone; break; } } } // HACK: Until we have correctly assigned hitgroups on our models, lookup the bones // for the models that we know are in the barnacle maps. //m_iGrabbedBoneIndex = pAnimating->LookupBone( "Bip01 L Foot" ); if ( m_iGrabbedBoneIndex == -1 ) { // Citizens, Conscripts m_iGrabbedBoneIndex = pAnimating->LookupBone( "Bip01 Head" ); } if ( m_iGrabbedBoneIndex == -1 ) { // Metrocops, Combine soldiers m_iGrabbedBoneIndex = pAnimating->LookupBone( "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1" ); } if ( m_iGrabbedBoneIndex == -1 ) { // Vortigaunts m_iGrabbedBoneIndex = pAnimating->LookupBone( "ValveBiped.head" ); } if ( m_iGrabbedBoneIndex == -1 ) { // Bullsquids m_iGrabbedBoneIndex = pAnimating->LookupBone( "Bullsquid.Head_Bone1" ); } if ( m_iGrabbedBoneIndex == -1 ) { // Just use the first bone m_iGrabbedBoneIndex = 0; } // Move the tip to the bone Vector vecBonePos; QAngle vecBoneAngles; pAnimating->GetBonePosition( m_iGrabbedBoneIndex, vecBonePos, vecBoneAngles ); if ( m_hTongueTip ) { m_hTongueTip->Teleport( &vecBonePos, NULL, NULL ); } //NDebugOverlay::Box( vecBonePos, -Vector(5,5,5), Vector(5,5,5), 255,255,255, 0, 10.0 ); // Create the ragdoll attached to tongue IPhysicsObject *pTonguePhysObject = m_hTongueTip->VPhysicsGetObject(); CRagdollProp *pRagdoll = CreateServerRagdollAttached( pAnimating, vec3_origin, -1, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, pTonguePhysObject, m_hTongueTip, 0, vecBonePos, m_iGrabbedBoneIndex, vec3_origin ); if ( pRagdoll ) { pRagdoll->DisableAutoFade(); pRagdoll->SetThink( NULL ); } return pRagdoll; } void CNPC_Barnacle::InputSetDropTongueSpeed( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { m_flBarnaclePullSpeed = inputdata.value.Int(); } void CNPC_Barnacle::InputDropTongue( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { DropTongue(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Grab the specified target with our tongue //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::AttachTongueToTarget( CBaseEntity *pTouchEnt, Vector vecGrabPos ) { // Reset this value each time we attach prey. If it needs to be reduced, code below will do so. m_flBarnaclePullSpeed = BARNACLE_PULL_SPEED; if ( RandomFloat(0,1) > 0.5 ) { EmitSound( "NPC_Barnacle.PullPant" ); } else { EmitSound( "NPC_Barnacle.TongueStretch" ); } SetActivity( (Activity)ACT_BARNACLE_SLURP ); // Get the player out of the vehicle he's in. if ( pTouchEnt->IsPlayer() ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = static_cast<CBasePlayer*>(pTouchEnt); if ( pPlayer->IsInAVehicle() ) { pPlayer->LeaveVehicle( pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin(), pPlayer->GetAbsAngles() ); // The player could have warped through the tongue while on a high-speed vehicle. // Move him back under the barnacle. Vector vecDelta; VectorSubtract( pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin(), vecDelta ); vecDelta.z = 0.0f; float flDist = VectorNormalize( vecDelta ); if ( flDist > 20 ) { Vector vecNewPos; VectorMA( GetAbsOrigin(), 20, vecDelta, vecNewPos ); vecNewPos.z = pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin().z; pPlayer->SetAbsOrigin( vecNewPos ); } } m_bPlayerWasStanding = ( ( pPlayer->GetFlags() & FL_DUCKING ) == 0 ); } SetEnemy( pTouchEnt ); if ( pTouchEnt->IsPlayer() || pTouchEnt->MyNPCPointer() ) { Vector origin = GetAbsOrigin(); origin.z = pTouchEnt->GetAbsOrigin().z; CTraceFilterSkipTwoEntities traceFilter( this, pTouchEnt, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE ); trace_t placementTrace; UTIL_TraceHull( origin, origin, pTouchEnt->WorldAlignMins(), pTouchEnt->WorldAlignMaxs(), MASK_NPCSOLID, &traceFilter, &placementTrace ); if ( placementTrace.startsolid ) { UTIL_TraceHull( origin + Vector(0, 0, 24), origin, pTouchEnt->WorldAlignMins(), pTouchEnt->WorldAlignMaxs(), MASK_NPCSOLID, &traceFilter, &placementTrace ); if ( !placementTrace.startsolid ) pTouchEnt->SetAbsOrigin( placementTrace.endpos ); } else { pTouchEnt->SetAbsOrigin( origin ); } } m_nShakeCount = 6; m_bLiftingPrey = true;// indicate that we should be lifting prey. SetAltitude( (GetAbsOrigin().z - vecGrabPos.z) ); m_bPlayedPullSound = false; CBaseAnimating *pAnimating = dynamic_cast<CBaseAnimating*>(pTouchEnt); if ( IsEnemyAPlayer() || IsEnemyAPhysicsObject() ) { // The player (and phys objects) doesn't ragdoll, so just grab him and pull him up manually IPhysicsObject *pPlayerPhys = pTouchEnt->VPhysicsGetObject(); IPhysicsObject *pTonguePhys = m_hTongueTip->VPhysicsGetObject(); Vector vecGrabPos; if ( pTouchEnt->IsPlayer() ) { vecGrabPos = pTouchEnt->EyePosition(); } else { VectorSubtract( m_vecTip, pTouchEnt->GetAbsOrigin(), vecGrabPos ); VectorNormalize( vecGrabPos ); vecGrabPos = physcollision->CollideGetExtent( pPlayerPhys->GetCollide(), pTouchEnt->GetAbsOrigin(), pTouchEnt->GetAbsAngles(), vecGrabPos ); } m_hTongueTip->Teleport( &vecGrabPos, NULL, NULL ); float flDist = (vecGrabPos - GetAbsOrigin() ).Length(); float flTime = flDist / m_flBarnaclePullSpeed; // If this object would be pulled in too quickly, change the pull speed. if( flTime < BARNACLE_MIN_PULL_TIME ) { m_flBarnaclePullSpeed = flDist / BARNACLE_MIN_PULL_TIME; } constraint_fixedparams_t fixed; fixed.Defaults(); fixed.InitWithCurrentObjectState( pTonguePhys, pPlayerPhys ); fixed.constraint.Defaults(); m_pConstraint = physenv->CreateFixedConstraint( pTonguePhys, pPlayerPhys, NULL, fixed ); // Increase the tongue's spring constant while lifting m_hTongueTip->m_pSpring->SetSpringConstant( BARNACLE_TONGUE_SPRING_CONSTANT_LIFTING ); UpdateTongue(); return; } // NPC case... pAnimating->InvalidateBoneCache(); // Make a ragdoll for the guy, and hide him. pTouchEnt->AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ); m_hRagdoll = AttachRagdollToTongue( pAnimating ); m_hRagdoll->SetDamageEntity( pAnimating ); // Make it try to blend out of ragdoll on the client on deletion // NOTE: This isn't fully implemented, so disable //m_hRagdoll->SetUnragdoll( pAnimating ); // Apply the target's current velocity to each of the ragdoll's bones Vector vecVelocity = pAnimating->GetGroundSpeedVelocity() * 0.5; ragdoll_t *pRagdoll = m_hRagdoll->GetRagdoll(); // barnacle might let go if ragdoll is separated - so increase the separation checking a bit constraint_groupparams_t params; pRagdoll->pGroup->GetErrorParams( ¶ms ); params.minErrorTicks = min( params.minErrorTicks, 5 ); pRagdoll->pGroup->SetErrorParams( params ); for ( int i = 0; i < pRagdoll->listCount; i++ ) { pRagdoll->list[i].pObject->AddVelocity( &vecVelocity, NULL ); } if ( npc_barnacle_swallow.GetBool() ) { m_hRagdoll->SetOverlaySequence( ACT_GESTURE_BARNACLE_STRANGLE ); m_hRagdoll->SetBlendWeight( 1.0f ); } // Now hide the actual enemy pTouchEnt->AddEffects( EF_NODRAW ); // Increase the tongue's spring constant while lifting m_hTongueTip->m_pSpring->SetSpringConstant( BARNACLE_TONGUE_SPRING_CONSTANT_LIFTING ); UpdateTongue(); // Store off the current bone matrix so we have it next frame pAnimating->SetupBones( m_pRagdollBones, BONE_USED_BY_ANYTHING ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Spit out the prey; add physics force! //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::SpitPrey() { if ( GetEnemy() ) { IPhysicsObject *pObject = GetEnemy()->VPhysicsGetObject(); if (pObject) { Vector vecPosition, force; GetAttachment( m_nSpitAttachment, vecPosition, &force ); force *= pObject->GetMass() * 50.0f; pObject->ApplyForceOffset( force, vec3_origin ); } m_hLastSpitEnemy = GetEnemy(); } LostPrey( false ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Prey is in position, bite them and start swallowing them //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::BitePrey( void ) { Assert( GetEnemy() ); CBaseCombatCharacter *pVictim = GetEnemyCombatCharacterPointer(); if ( pVictim == NULL ) { if ( hl2_episodic.GetBool() ) { if ( GetEnemy() ) { CBounceBomb *pBounce = dynamic_cast<CBounceBomb *>( GetEnemy() ); if ( pBounce ) { // Stop the ragdoll moving and start to pull the sucker up into our mouth m_bSwallowingPrey = true; m_bSwallowingBomb = true; IPhysicsObject *pTonguePhys = m_hTongueTip->VPhysicsGetObject(); // Stop the tongue's spring getting in the way of swallowing m_hTongueTip->m_pSpring->SetSpringConstant( 0 ); // Switch the tongue tip to shadow and drag it up pTonguePhys->SetShadow( 1e4, 1e4, false, false ); pTonguePhys->UpdateShadow( m_hTongueTip->GetAbsOrigin(), m_hTongueTip->GetAbsAngles(), false, 0 ); m_hTongueTip->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NOCLIP ); m_hTongueTip->SetAbsVelocity( Vector(0,0,32) ); SetAltitude( (GetAbsOrigin().z - m_hTongueTip->GetAbsOrigin().z) ); return; } } } } Assert( pVictim ); EmitSound( "NPC_Barnacle.FinalBite" ); m_flVictimHeight = GetEnemy()->WorldAlignSize().z; // Kill the victim instantly int iDamageType = DMG_SLASH | DMG_ALWAYSGIB; int nDamage; if ( !pVictim->IsPlayer() ) { iDamageType |= DMG_ALWAYSGIB; nDamage = pVictim->m_iHealth; } else { nDamage = BARNACLE_BITE_DAMAGE_TO_PLAYER; } if ( m_hRagdoll ) { // We've got a ragdoll, so prevent this creating another one iDamageType |= DMG_REMOVENORAGDOLL; m_hRagdoll->SetDamageEntity( NULL ); } // DMG_CRUSH because we don't wan't to impart physics forces pVictim->TakeDamage( CTakeDamageInfo( this, this, nDamage, iDamageType | DMG_CRUSH ) ); m_cGibs = 3; // In episodic, bite the zombie's headcrab off & drop the body if ( hl2_episodic.GetBool() && GetEnemy()->Classify() == CLASS_ZOMBIE ) { if ( m_hRagdoll ) { m_hRagdoll->SetBodygroup( ZOMBIE_BODYGROUP_HEADCRAB, false ); DetachAttachedRagdoll( m_hRagdoll ); m_hLastSpitEnemy = m_hRagdoll.Get(); m_hRagdoll->EmitSound( "NPC_HeadCrab.Die" ); m_hRagdoll = NULL; } // Create some blood to hide the vanishing headcrab Vector vecBloodPos; CollisionProp()->NormalizedToWorldSpace( Vector( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f ), &vecBloodPos ); UTIL_BloodSpray( vecBloodPos, Vector(0,0,-1), GetEnemy()->BloodColor(), 8, FX_BLOODSPRAY_ALL ); m_flDigestFinish = gpGlobals->curtime + 10.0; return; } // Players are never swallowed, nor is anything we don't have a ragdoll for if ( !m_hRagdoll || pVictim->IsPlayer() ) { if ( !pVictim->IsPlayer() || pVictim->GetHealth() <= 0 ) { LostPrey( false ); } return; } // Stop the ragdoll moving and start to pull the sucker up into our mouth m_bSwallowingPrey = true; IPhysicsObject *pTonguePhys = m_hTongueTip->VPhysicsGetObject(); // Make it nonsolid to the world so we can pull it through the roof PhysDisableEntityCollisions( m_hRagdoll->VPhysicsGetObject(), g_PhysWorldObject ); // Stop the tongue's spring getting in the way of swallowing m_hTongueTip->m_pSpring->SetSpringConstant( 0 ); // Switch the tongue tip to shadow and drag it up pTonguePhys->SetShadow( 1e4, 1e4, false, false ); pTonguePhys->UpdateShadow( m_hTongueTip->GetAbsOrigin(), m_hTongueTip->GetAbsAngles(), false, 0 ); m_hTongueTip->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NOCLIP ); m_hTongueTip->SetAbsVelocity( Vector(0,0,32) ); SetAltitude( (GetAbsOrigin().z - m_hTongueTip->GetAbsOrigin().z) ); if ( !npc_barnacle_swallow.GetBool() ) return; // Because the victim is dead, remember the blood color m_flNextBloodTime = 0.0f; // NOTE: This was too confusing to people with the more recognizable blood -- jdw #ifndef _XBOX m_nBloodColor = pVictim->BloodColor(); #endif CollisionProp()->NormalizedToWorldSpace( Vector( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f ), &m_vecBloodPos ); // m_hRagdoll->SetOverlaySequence( ACT_DIE_BARNACLE_SWALLOW ); m_hRagdoll->SetBlendWeight( 0.0f ); SprayBlood(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::SprayBlood() { if ( gpGlobals->curtime < m_flNextBloodTime ) return; m_flNextBloodTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.2f; Vector bloodDir = RandomVector( -1.0f, 1.0f ); bloodDir.z = -fabs( bloodDir.z ); Vector jitterPos = RandomVector( -8, 8 ); jitterPos.z = 0.0f; #ifndef _XBOX UTIL_BloodSpray( m_vecBloodPos + jitterPos, Vector( 0,0,-1), m_nBloodColor, RandomInt( 4, 8 ), RandomInt(0,2) == 0 ? FX_BLOODSPRAY_ALL : FX_BLOODSPRAY_CLOUD ); #else UTIL_BloodSpray( m_vecBloodPos + jitterPos, Vector( 0,0,-1), BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW, RandomInt( 4, 8 ), RandomInt(0,2) == 0 ? FX_BLOODSPRAY_ALL : FX_BLOODSPRAY_CLOUD ); #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Slowly swallow the prey whole. Only used on humanoids. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::SwallowPrey( void ) { if ( IsActivityFinished() ) { if (GetActivity() == ACT_BARNACLE_BITE_HUMAN ) { SetActivity( (Activity)ACT_BARNACLE_CHEW_HUMAN ); } else { SetActivity( (Activity)ACT_BARNACLE_CHEW_SMALL_THINGS ); } } // Move the body up slowly Vector vecSwallowPos = m_hTongueTip->GetAbsOrigin(); vecSwallowPos.z -= m_flVictimHeight; //NDebugOverlay::Box( vecSwallowPos, -Vector(5,5,5), Vector(5,5,5), 255,255,255, 0, 0.1 ); // bite prey every once in a while if ( random->RandomInt(0,25) == 0 ) { EmitSound( "NPC_Barnacle.Digest" ); } // Fully swallowed it? float flDistanceToGo = GetAbsOrigin().z - vecSwallowPos.z; if ( flDistanceToGo <= 0 ) { // He's dead jim m_bSwallowingPrey = false; m_hTongueTip->SetAbsVelocity( vec3_origin ); m_flDigestFinish = gpGlobals->curtime + 10.0; } if ( npc_barnacle_swallow.GetBool() ) { SprayBlood(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Remove the fake ragdoll and bring the actual enemy back in view //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::RemoveRagdoll( bool bDestroyRagdoll ) { // Destroy the tongue tip constraint if ( m_pConstraint ) { physenv->DestroyConstraint( m_pConstraint ); m_pConstraint = NULL; } // Remove the ragdoll if ( m_hRagdoll ) { // Only destroy the ragdoll if told to. We might be just dropping // the ragdoll because the target was killed on the way up. m_hRagdoll->SetDamageEntity( NULL ); if ( npc_barnacle_swallow.GetBool() ) { m_hRagdoll->SetThink( NULL ); m_hRagdoll->SetBlendWeight( 1.0f ); } DetachAttachedRagdoll( m_hRagdoll ); if ( bDestroyRagdoll ) { UTIL_Remove( m_hRagdoll ); } m_hRagdoll = NULL; // Reduce the spring constant while we lower m_hTongueTip->m_pSpring->SetSpringConstant( BARNACLE_TONGUE_SPRING_CONSTANT_LOWERING ); // Unhide the enemy if ( GetEnemy() ) { GetEnemy()->RemoveEffects( EF_NODRAW ); GetEnemy()->RemoveSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: For some reason (he was killed, etc) we lost the prey we were dragging towards our mouth. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::LostPrey( bool bRemoveRagdoll ) { if ( GetEnemy() ) { //No one survives being snatched by a barnacle anymore, so leave // this flag set so that their entity gets removed. //GetEnemy()->RemoveEFlags( EFL_IS_BEING_LIFTED_BY_BARNACLE ); CBaseCombatCharacter *pVictim = GetEnemyCombatCharacterPointer(); if ( pVictim ) { pVictim->DispatchInteraction( g_interactionBarnacleVictimReleased, NULL, this ); pVictim->RemoveEFlags( EFL_IS_BEING_LIFTED_BY_BARNACLE ); if ( m_hRagdoll ) { QAngle newAngles( 0, m_hRagdoll->GetAbsAngles()[ YAW ], 0 ); Vector centerDelta = m_hRagdoll->WorldSpaceCenter() - GetEnemy()->WorldSpaceCenter(); Vector newOrigin = GetEnemy()->GetAbsOrigin() + centerDelta; GetEnemy()->SetAbsOrigin( newOrigin ); pVictim->SetAbsAngles( newAngles ); } pVictim->SetGroundEntity( NULL ); } else if ( IsEnemyAPhysicsObject() ) { // If we're a physics object, then we need to clear this flag GetEnemy()->RemoveEFlags( EFL_IS_BEING_LIFTED_BY_BARNACLE ); } } RemoveRagdoll( bRemoveRagdoll ); m_bLiftingPrey = false; m_bSwallowingPrey = false; SetEnemy( NULL ); if ( m_hTongueTip ) { // Remove our tongue's shadow object, in case we just finished swallowing something IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject = m_hTongueTip->VPhysicsGetObject(); if ( pPhysicsObject && pPhysicsObject->GetShadowController() ) { Vector vecCenter = WorldSpaceCenter(); m_hTongueTip->Teleport( &vecCenter, NULL, &vec3_origin ); // Reduce the spring constant while we lower m_hTongueTip->m_pSpring->SetSpringConstant( BARNACLE_TONGUE_SPRING_CONSTANT_LOWERING ); // Start colliding with the world again pPhysicsObject->RemoveShadowController(); m_hTongueTip->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS ); pPhysicsObject->EnableMotion( true ); pPhysicsObject->EnableGravity( true ); pPhysicsObject->RecheckCollisionFilter(); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The tongue's vphysics updated //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::OnTongueTipUpdated() { // Update the tip's position const Vector &vecNewTip = m_hTongueTip->GetAbsOrigin(); if ( vecNewTip != m_vecTip ) { m_vecTip = vecNewTip; CollisionProp()->MarkSurroundingBoundsDirty(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Update the positions of the tongue points //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::UpdateTongue( void ) { if ( m_hTongueTip == NULL ) return; // Set the spring's length to that of the tongue's extension // Compute the rest length of the tongue based on the spring. // This occurs when mg == kx or x = mg/k float flRestStretch = (BARNACLE_TONGUE_TIP_MASS * sv_gravity.GetFloat()) / BARNACLE_TONGUE_SPRING_CONSTANT_HANGING; // FIXME: HACK!!!! The code above doesn't quite make the tip end up in the right place. // but it should. So, we're gonna hack it the rest of the way. flRestStretch += 4; m_hTongueTip->m_pSpring->SetSpringLength( m_flAltitude - flRestStretch ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::SpawnDeathGibs( void ) { bool bDroppedAny = false; // Drop a random number of gibs for ( int i=0; i < ARRAYSIZE(m_szGibNames); i++ ) { if ( random->RandomInt( 0, 1 ) ) { CGib::SpawnSpecificGibs( this, 1, 32, 1, m_szGibNames[i] ); bDroppedAny = true; } } // Make sure we at least drop something if ( bDroppedAny == false ) { CGib::SpawnSpecificGibs( this, 1, 32, 1, m_szGibNames[0] ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::Event_Killed( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { m_OnDeath.FireOutput( info.GetAttacker(), this ); AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ); m_takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; m_lifeState = LIFE_DYING; // Are we lifting prey? if ( GetEnemy() ) { // Cleanup LostPrey( false ); } else if ( m_bSwallowingPrey && m_hRagdoll ) { // We're swallowing a body. Make it stick inside us. m_hTongueTip->SetAbsVelocity( vec3_origin ); m_hRagdoll->StopFollowingEntity(); m_hRagdoll->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS ); m_hRagdoll->SetAbsOrigin( m_hTongueTip->GetAbsOrigin() ); m_hRagdoll->RemoveSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ); m_hRagdoll->SetCollisionGroup( COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS ); m_hRagdoll->RecheckCollisionFilter(); if ( npc_barnacle_swallow.GetBool() ) { m_hRagdoll->SetThink( NULL ); m_hRagdoll->SetBlendWeight( 1.0f ); } } else { // Destroy the ragdoll->tongue tip constraint if ( m_pConstraint ) { physenv->DestroyConstraint( m_pConstraint ); m_pConstraint = NULL; } LostPrey( true ); } // Puke gibs unless we're told to be cheap bool spawnGibs = ( !HasSpawnFlags( SF_BARNACLE_CHEAP_DEATH ) || random->RandomInt( 0, 1 ) ); if ( spawnGibs ) { SpawnDeathGibs(); } // Puke blood #ifdef _XBOX UTIL_BloodSpray( GetAbsOrigin(), Vector(0,0,-1), BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW, 8, FX_BLOODSPRAY_ALL ); #else UTIL_BloodSpray( GetAbsOrigin(), Vector(0,0,-1), BLOOD_COLOR_RED, 8, FX_BLOODSPRAY_ALL ); #endif // Put blood on the ground if near enough trace_t bloodTrace; AI_TraceLine( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() - Vector( 0, 0, 256 ), MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &bloodTrace); if ( bloodTrace.fraction < 1.0f ) { #ifdef _XBOX UTIL_BloodDecalTrace( &bloodTrace, BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW ); #else UTIL_BloodDecalTrace( &bloodTrace, BLOOD_COLOR_RED ); #endif } EmitSound( "NPC_Barnacle.Die" ); SetActivity( ACT_DIESIMPLE ); StudioFrameAdvance(); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f ); SetThink ( &CNPC_Barnacle::WaitTillDead ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Barnacle::WaitTillDead ( void ) { SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f ); StudioFrameAdvance(); DispatchAnimEvents ( this ); if ( IsActivityFinished() ) { // death anim finished. StopAnimation(); } float goalAltitude = BARNACLE_DEAD_TONGUE_ALTITUDE; trace_t tr; AI_TraceLine( m_vecRoot.Get(), m_vecRoot.Get() - Vector( 0, 0, 256 ), MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); if ( tr.fraction < 1.0 ) { float distToFloor = ( m_vecRoot.Get() - tr.endpos ).Length(); float clearance = distToFloor - goalAltitude; if ( clearance < BARNACLE_MIN_DEAD_TONGUE_CLEARANCE ) { if ( distToFloor - BARNACLE_MIN_DEAD_TONGUE_CLEARANCE > distToFloor * .5 ) { goalAltitude = distToFloor - BARNACLE_MIN_DEAD_TONGUE_CLEARANCE; } else { goalAltitude = distToFloor * .5; } } } // Keep moving the tongue to its dead position // FIXME: This stupid algorithm is necessary because // I can't seem to get reproduceable behavior from springs bool bTongueInPosition = false; float flDist = m_vecRoot.Get().z - m_vecTip.Get().z; if ( fabs(flDist - goalAltitude) > 20.0f ) { float flNewAltitude; float dt = gpGlobals->curtime - GetLastThink(); if ( m_flAltitude >= goalAltitude ) { flNewAltitude = max( goalAltitude, m_flAltitude - m_flBarnaclePullSpeed * dt ); } else { flNewAltitude = min( goalAltitude, m_flAltitude + m_flBarnaclePullSpeed * dt ); } SetAltitude( flNewAltitude ); } else { // Wait for settling... IPhysicsObject *pTipObject = m_hTongueTip->VPhysicsGetObject(); Vector vecVelocity; AngularImpulse angVel; pTipObject->GetVelocity( &vecVelocity, &angVel ); if ( vecVelocity.LengthSqr() < 1.0f ) { // We may need to have a heavier spring constant until we settle // to avoid strange looking rest conditions (when the tongue is really bent from // picking up a barrel, it looks strange to switch to the hanging constant) m_hTongueTip->m_pSpring->SetSpringConstant( BARNACLE_TONGUE_SPRING_CONSTANT_HANGING ); if ( fabs(flDist - goalAltitude) > 1.0f ) { float flSign = ( flDist > goalAltitude ) ? -1.0f : 1.0f; SetAltitude( m_flAltitude + flSign ); } else if ( vecVelocity.LengthSqr() < 0.01f ) { bTongueInPosition = ( fabs(flDist - goalAltitude) <= 1.0f ); } } } if ( IsActivityFinished() && bTongueInPosition ) { // Remove our tongue pieces UTIL_Remove( m_hTongueTip ); UTIL_Remove( m_hTongueRoot ); m_hTongueTip = NULL; m_hTongueRoot = NULL; SetThink ( NULL ); m_lifeState = LIFE_DEAD; } else { UpdateTongue(); } } //========================================================= // Precache - precaches all resources this monster needs //========================================================= void CNPC_Barnacle::Precache() { PrecacheModel("models/barnacle.mdl"); // Precache all gibs for ( int i=0; i < ARRAYSIZE(m_szGibNames); i++ ) { PrecacheModel( m_szGibNames[i] ); } PrecacheScriptSound( "NPC_Barnacle.Digest" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "NPC_Barnacle.Scream" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "NPC_Barnacle.PullPant" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "NPC_Barnacle.TongueStretch" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "NPC_Barnacle.FinalBite" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "NPC_Barnacle.Die" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "NPC_Barnacle.BreakNeck" ); PrecacheModel( "models/props_junk/rock001a.mdl" ); BaseClass::Precache(); } //========================================================= // TongueTouchEnt - does a trace along the barnacle's tongue // to see if any entity is touching it. Also stores the length // of the trace in the int pointer provided. //========================================================= // enumerate entities that match a set of edict flags into a static array class CTongueEntitiesEnum : public IPartitionEnumerator { public: CTongueEntitiesEnum( CBaseEntity **pList, int listMax ); // This gets called by the enumeration methods with each element // that passes the test. virtual IterationRetval_t EnumElement( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity ); int GetCount() { return m_nCount; } bool AddToList( CBaseEntity *pEntity ); private: CBaseEntity **m_pList; int m_nListMax; int m_nCount; }; CTongueEntitiesEnum::CTongueEntitiesEnum( CBaseEntity **pList, int listMax ) { m_pList = pList; m_nListMax = listMax; m_nCount = 0; } bool CTongueEntitiesEnum::AddToList( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { m_pList[m_nCount] = pEntity; ++m_nCount; return ( m_nCount < m_nListMax ); } IterationRetval_t CTongueEntitiesEnum::EnumElement( IHandleEntity *pHandleEntity ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = gEntList.GetBaseEntity( pHandleEntity->GetRefEHandle() ); if ( pEntity ) { if ( !AddToList( pEntity ) ) return ITERATION_STOP; } return ITERATION_CONTINUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Barnacle must trace against only brushes and its last enemy //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CBarnacleTongueFilter : public CTraceFilterSimple { DECLARE_CLASS( CBarnacleTongueFilter, CTraceFilterSimple ); public: CBarnacleTongueFilter( CBaseEntity *pLastEnemy, const IHandleEntity *passedict, int collisionGroup ) : CTraceFilterSimple( passedict, collisionGroup ) { m_pLastEnemy = pLastEnemy; m_pBarnacle = const_cast<CBaseEntity*>( EntityFromEntityHandle( passedict ) ); } virtual bool ShouldHitEntity( IHandleEntity *pServerEntity, int contentsMask ) { if ( pServerEntity == m_pLastEnemy ) return true; #ifdef HL2_EPISODIC CBaseEntity *pEntity = EntityFromEntityHandle( pServerEntity ); if ( pEntity ) { if ( FStrEq( STRING( pEntity->m_iClassname ), "func_brush" ) ) { CFuncBrush *pFuncBrush = assert_cast<CFuncBrush *>(pEntity); if ( pFuncBrush->m_bInvertExclusion ) { if ( pFuncBrush->m_iszExcludedClass == m_pBarnacle->m_iClassname ) return true; else return false; } else { if ( pFuncBrush->m_iszExcludedClass != m_pBarnacle->m_iClassname ) return false; } } if ( pEntity->IsBSPModel() == false && pEntity->IsWorld() == false ) { return false; } } #endif return BaseClass::ShouldHitEntity( pServerEntity, contentsMask ); } private: CBaseEntity *m_pLastEnemy; CBaseEntity *m_pBarnacle; }; #define BARNACLE_CHECK_SPACING 8 CBaseEntity *CNPC_Barnacle::TongueTouchEnt ( float *pflLength ) { trace_t tr; float length; int iMask = MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY; #ifdef HL2_EPISODIC iMask = MASK_NPCSOLID; #endif // trace once to hit architecture and see if the tongue needs to change position. CBarnacleTongueFilter tongueFilter( m_hLastSpitEnemy, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE ); AI_TraceLine ( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() - Vector ( 0 , 0 , 2048 ), iMask, &tongueFilter, &tr ); length = fabs( GetAbsOrigin().z - tr.endpos.z ); // Pull it up a tad length = max(8, length - m_flRestUnitsAboveGround); if ( pflLength ) { *pflLength = length; } Vector delta = Vector( BARNACLE_CHECK_SPACING, BARNACLE_CHECK_SPACING, 0 ); Vector mins = GetAbsOrigin() - delta; Vector maxs = GetAbsOrigin() + delta; maxs.z = GetAbsOrigin().z; mins.z -= length; CBaseEntity *pList[10]; CTongueEntitiesEnum tongueEnum( pList, 10 ); partition->EnumerateElementsInBox( PARTITION_ENGINE_SOLID_EDICTS, mins, maxs, false, &tongueEnum ); int nCount = tongueEnum.GetCount(); if ( !nCount ) return NULL; for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { CBaseEntity *pTest = pList[i]; // Can't lift something that's in the process of being lifted... // Necessary for good +use interactions if ( pTest->IsEFlagSet( EFL_IS_BEING_LIFTED_BY_BARNACLE ) ) continue; // Vehicles can drive so fast that players can warp through the barnacle tongue. // Therefore, we have to do a check to ensure that doesn't happen. if ( pTest->GetServerVehicle() ) { CBaseEntity *pDriver = pTest->GetServerVehicle()->GetPassenger(); if ( pDriver ) { Vector vecPrevDriverPos; pTest->GetVelocity( &vecPrevDriverPos ); VectorMA( pDriver->GetAbsOrigin(), -0.1f, vecPrevDriverPos, vecPrevDriverPos ); Ray_t sweptDriver; sweptDriver.Init( vecPrevDriverPos, pDriver->GetAbsOrigin(), pDriver->WorldAlignMins(), pDriver->WorldAlignMaxs() ); if ( IsBoxIntersectingRay( mins, maxs, sweptDriver ) ) { pTest = pDriver; } } } // Deal with physics objects if ( pTest->GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS ) { IPhysicsObject *pObject = pTest->VPhysicsGetObject(); if ( pObject && pObject->GetMass() <= BARNACLE_TONGUE_MAX_LIFT_MASS ) { // If this is an item, make sure it's near the tongue before lifting it. // Weapons and other items have very large bounding boxes. if( pTest->GetSolidFlags() & FSOLID_TRIGGER ) { if( UTIL_DistApprox2D( WorldSpaceCenter(), pTest->WorldSpaceCenter() ) > 16 ) { continue; } } // Allow the barnacles to grab stuff while their tongue is lowering #ifdef HL2_EPISODIC length = fabs( GetAbsOrigin().z - pTest->WorldSpaceCenter().z ); // Pull it up a tad length = max(8, length - m_flRestUnitsAboveGround); if ( pflLength ) { *pflLength = length; } #endif return pTest; } } // NPCs + players CBaseCombatCharacter *pVictim = ToBaseCombatCharacter( pTest ); if ( !pVictim ) continue; // only clients and monsters if ( pTest != this && IRelationType( pTest ) == D_HT && pVictim->m_lifeState != LIFE_DEAD && pVictim->m_lifeState != LIFE_DYING && !( pVictim->GetFlags() & FL_NOTARGET ) ) { // Allow the barnacles to grab stuff while their tongue is lowering #ifdef HL2_EPISODIC length = fabs( GetAbsOrigin().z - pTest->WorldSpaceCenter().z ); // Pull it up a tad length = max(8, length - m_flRestUnitsAboveGround); if ( pflLength ) { *pflLength = length; } #endif return pTest; } } return NULL; } //=============================================================================================================================== // BARNACLE TONGUE TIP //=============================================================================================================================== // Crane tip LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( npc_barnacle_tongue_tip, CBarnacleTongueTip ); BEGIN_DATADESC( CBarnacleTongueTip ) DEFINE_FIELD( m_hBarnacle, FIELD_EHANDLE ), DEFINE_PHYSPTR( m_pSpring ), END_DATADESC() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: To by usable by vphysics, this needs to have a phys model. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBarnacleTongueTip::Spawn( void ) { Precache(); SetModel( "models/props_junk/rock001a.mdl" ); AddEffects( EF_NODRAW ); // We don't want this to be solid, because we don't want it to collide with the barnacle. SetSolid( SOLID_VPHYSICS ); AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ); BaseClass::Spawn(); m_pSpring = NULL; } int CBarnacleTongueTip::UpdateTransmitState( void ) { return SetTransmitState( FL_EDICT_PVSCHECK ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBarnacleTongueTip::Precache( void ) { BaseClass::Precache(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBarnacleTongueTip::UpdateOnRemove( ) { if ( m_pSpring ) { physenv->DestroySpring( m_pSpring ); m_pSpring = NULL; } BaseClass::UpdateOnRemove(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // If the tip changes, we gotta update the barnacle's notion of his tongue //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBarnacleTongueTip::VPhysicsUpdate( IPhysicsObject *pPhysics ) { BaseClass::VPhysicsUpdate( pPhysics ); if ( m_hBarnacle.Get() ) { m_hBarnacle->OnTongueTipUpdated(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Activate/create the spring //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CBarnacleTongueTip::CreateSpring( CBaseAnimating *pTongueRoot ) { IPhysicsObject *pPhysObject = VPhysicsGetObject(); IPhysicsObject *pRootPhysObject = pTongueRoot->VPhysicsGetObject(); Assert( pRootPhysObject ); Assert( pPhysObject ); // Root has huge mass, tip has little pRootPhysObject->SetMass( VPHYSICS_MAX_MASS ); pPhysObject->SetMass( BARNACLE_TONGUE_TIP_MASS ); float damping = 3; pPhysObject->SetDamping( &damping, &damping ); springparams_t spring; spring.constant = BARNACLE_TONGUE_SPRING_CONSTANT_HANGING; spring.damping = BARNACLE_TONGUE_SPRING_DAMPING; spring.naturalLength = (GetAbsOrigin() - pTongueRoot->GetAbsOrigin()).Length(); spring.relativeDamping = 10; spring.startPosition = GetAbsOrigin(); spring.endPosition = pTongueRoot->GetAbsOrigin(); spring.useLocalPositions = false; m_pSpring = physenv->CreateSpring( pPhysObject, pRootPhysObject, &spring ); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Create a barnacle tongue tip at the bottom of the tongue //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CBarnacleTongueTip *CBarnacleTongueTip::CreateTongueTip( CNPC_Barnacle *pBarnacle, CBaseAnimating *pTongueRoot, const Vector &vecOrigin, const QAngle &vecAngles ) { CBarnacleTongueTip *pTip = (CBarnacleTongueTip *)CBaseEntity::Create( "npc_barnacle_tongue_tip", vecOrigin, vecAngles ); if ( !pTip ) return NULL; pTip->VPhysicsInitNormal( pTip->GetSolid(), pTip->GetSolidFlags(), false ); if ( !pTip->CreateSpring( pTongueRoot ) ) return NULL; // Set the backpointer to the barnacle pTip->m_hBarnacle = pBarnacle; // Don't collide with the world IPhysicsObject *pTipPhys = pTip->VPhysicsGetObject(); // turn off all floating / fluid simulation pTipPhys->SetCallbackFlags( pTipPhys->GetCallbackFlags() & (~CALLBACK_DO_FLUID_SIMULATION) ); return pTip; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Create a barnacle tongue tip at the root (i.e. inside the barnacle) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CBarnacleTongueTip *CBarnacleTongueTip::CreateTongueRoot( const Vector &vecOrigin, const QAngle &vecAngles ) { CBarnacleTongueTip *pTip = (CBarnacleTongueTip *)CBaseEntity::Create( "npc_barnacle_tongue_tip", vecOrigin, vecAngles ); if ( !pTip ) return NULL; pTip->AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ); // Disable movement on the root, we'll move this thing manually. pTip->VPhysicsInitShadow( false, false ); pTip->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE ); return pTip; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Schedules // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AI_BEGIN_CUSTOM_NPC( npc_barnacle, CNPC_Barnacle ) // Register our interactions DECLARE_INTERACTION( g_interactionBarnacleVictimDangle ) DECLARE_INTERACTION( g_interactionBarnacleVictimReleased ) DECLARE_INTERACTION( g_interactionBarnacleVictimGrab ) // Conditions // Tasks // Activities DECLARE_ACTIVITY( ACT_BARNACLE_SLURP ) // Pulling the tongue up with prey on the end DECLARE_ACTIVITY( ACT_BARNACLE_BITE_HUMAN ) // Biting the head of a humanoid DECLARE_ACTIVITY( ACT_BARNACLE_BITE_PLAYER ) // Biting the head of a humanoid DECLARE_ACTIVITY( ACT_BARNACLE_CHEW_HUMAN ) // Slowly swallowing the humanoid DECLARE_ACTIVITY( ACT_BARNACLE_BARF_HUMAN ) // Spitting out human legs & gibs DECLARE_ACTIVITY( ACT_BARNACLE_TONGUE_WRAP ) // Wrapping the tongue around a target DECLARE_ACTIVITY( ACT_BARNACLE_TASTE_SPIT ) // Yuck! Me no like that! DECLARE_ACTIVITY( ACT_BARNACLE_BITE_SMALL_THINGS ) // Biting small things, like a headcrab DECLARE_ACTIVITY( ACT_BARNACLE_CHEW_SMALL_THINGS ) // Chewing small things, like a headcrab //Adrian: events go here DECLARE_ANIMEVENT( AE_BARNACLE_PUKEGIB ) DECLARE_ANIMEVENT( AE_BARNACLE_BITE ) DECLARE_ANIMEVENT( AE_BARNACLE_SPIT ) // Schedules AI_END_CUSTOM_NPC()
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 5821 | Knut Wikstrom |
Added Valve Source code. This is NOT to be commited to other than new code from Valve. |